Content Posted in 2024
Global nursing leadership collaboration: Chinese evidence-based practice immersion program, Linda Costa and Susan Kulik
Global nursing leadership competency framework: Transforming the future of healthcare, Barbara Stilwell
Global nursing leadership framework: Shaping the future of healthcare, Emily McWhirter and Barbara Stilwell
Global nursing professional migration: Addressing the issue of communication and transition through utilization of on-line education and virtual internships, Klaudia J. Lewis and Brandon H. Parkyn
Global nursing service learning for short-term student experiences: Investigating the interpretation of healthcare needs as a predeterminent for site selection, Deborah Lyn Carter
Global outcome patterns of cultural competence for the workforce of nurses: A systematic review, Barbara deRose, Fabiana Dos Santos, and Mary Beth Riner
Global pediatric nursing educator innovations, Zepure Samawi
Global perspectives of childhood obesity: Exploring Thai nurses' knowledge and attitudes, Moudi S. Albargawi, Julia Snethen, Sitah Alshutwi, April Yerges, Wirunpat Sakunsuntiporn, Nuananong Seal, and Sheryl T. Kelber
Global perspectives on leadership: Mentors' experiences, Thora B. Hafsteinsdottir-Houten, Elizabeth Anne Rosser, Debra Jane Anderson, Dorette Sugg Welk, Misae Ito, Mary M. Hays, and Maria Elisa Moreno-Fergusson
Global perspectives on the ministry of parish nursing practice: Frequently used interventions by parish nurses in Swaziland, Africa, United Kingdom and United States, Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell, Helen Wordsworth, and Cynthia Gustafson
Global priorities for home care research, education, practice, and management, Olga F. Jarrin, Elizabeth A. Madigan, and Fatemah Pouladi
Global research and international collaborations in the Pacific Rim, Christine Kennedy
Global research collaborations to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence, Nancy E. Glass
Global scholarship: The challenges for nursing and the value of STTI, Elizabeth Anne Rosser, Janet M. E. Scammell, Ann L. Bevan, and Vanora Hundley
Global Service Learning Aboard the U.S. Navy's Pacific Partnership Mission, Gary Glauberman
Global service learning: Teaching community health in Haiti, Tim J. Bristol
Global Utilization of Fertility Services in Developed Nations, Jamie R. Kanehl
Glycemic control, Angela Delia Costea
Glycemic control in cardiac surgery patients: Revising and educating nurses on an evidence-based insulin infusion protocol, Joelle D. Hargraves
GNLA leadership journey: Community resource group project: A Mississippi (MS) community initiative, Christie J. Robbins
Goal setting using motivational interviewing in a high-risk care-managed patient population, Kerensa F. Vinson, Ingrid H. Forsberg, and Janine H. Blezien
Goals of care conversations: Palliative care practice change, Jeannine M. Haberman
Goal zero: Eliminating mislabeled specimens in the emergency department, Michele Samsa and Tracie Henderson
Going for gold: A bundled approach to improve resuscitation performance, Odette Y. Comeau and Keith Ozenberger
Going global: A regional response to STTI call for action, Julie A. Jones and Meredith Wallace Kazer
Going with the flow: Collaborative throughput initiatives improve quality metrics, Sarah Hassing and Cristina Guzman
Good death as perceived by the critically ill patients' family members, Wanlapa Kunsongkeit
Good for nurses, good for patients: Creating a healthy work environment, Ivette Roldan and Jenna Klareich
Good friends are hard to find: Promoting peer review among doctoral students through critical friends, Deborah E. Tyndall and Shannon B. Powell
Good sleep for good health, Michaela Gronewold, Brooke Killday, and Brook Smith
Good work in nursing: A comparison of BSN graduate perceptions on entry into practice and one year later, Dorette Sugg Welk and M. Christine Alichnie
Good work in nursing and relationship to professional socialization: A comparative analysis of two research studies and implications for nursing education, M. Christine Alichnie and Joan F. Miller
Good work in nursing: A qualitative study of perceptions using interviews of United States BSN graduates upon entry into practice, Dorette Sugg Welk, M. Christine Alichnie, and Margie Eckroth-Bucher
Gorillas stand up for working, Cheryl K. Giefer
Go to bed, sleepyhead! Evaluating sleep in Black children at risk for obesity, Rebecca J. Graves, Sharon Fruh, and Leigh Minchew
Got projects? An innovative use of technology to approve and track nursing projects, Kathleen A. Bradley
Got Stress? A Wellness Neuman Model Approach: Teambuilding between Upper and Underclassmen, Amy Jo Barnes, Whitney Beiswanger, Zoey Dressel, Mariah McMillen-Feasel, Abigail Pfaff, and Allissa Smith
Governance: The role of nursing in sustaining global health, Rita Munley Gallagher
Grading rubrics: What's in it for faculty?, Candice Phillips and Rachel Choudhury
Graduate nurses' perceptions of the refugee crisis: A high-impact practice, Kathleen Tennant and Jennifer Stewart
Graduate nurse's perspective of simulation to address the theory-practice gap in nursing, Joset E. Brown
Graduate nurse's perspective of simulation to address the theory-practice gap in nursing, Joset E. Brown
Graduate nursing education: Reforming perspectives through the lens of transformative learning, Arlene H. Morris and Francine M. Parker
Graduate students meet cinematic leaders: A creative final project for managerial/leadership course, Tova Hendel
Graduate Students Needs and Satisfaction with Wholly Distance Learning, Iwona Ewa Blackledge
Graduate students' perceived genetic knowledge: A preliminary study, Leighsa Sharoff
Graduate students' perceptions of quality of the teaching-learning process on master's nursing programs in Japan, Toshiko Nakayama and Naomi Funashima
Grams vs miligrams: A fatal mistake, Brandon De Horta
Grandparenthood and Intergenerational Relationships: A Review of the Literature, Rogerio Clemente Rodrigues, Isabel Mendes, Zaida Azeredo, and Rosa Cristina Correia Lopes
Grants and Mentorship: A Mutually Beneficial Partnership, Lois Sarah Marshall and Matthew S. Howard
Grants and mentorship: How one affects the other, Matthew S. Howard and Lois Sarah Marshall
Grass roots in community outreach for optimal infant nutrition, Jessica Marie Gordon
Gratitude in Action, Jennifer S. Graber, Jennifer L. Saylor, and Cynthia A. Diefenbeck
Green care as psychosocial intervention for depressive symptoms: What might be the active ingredients?, Rebecca Elizabeth Salomon, Alison Duncan Salomon, and Linda S. Beeber
Grief and personal growth experiences of bereaved spouses and adult child caregivers of individuals with dementia, Melissa M. Romero
Grit and resilience: Facilitating successful outcomes in progression and retention of associate degree nursing students, Deborah Ellen Morgan
Grit, purpose, and identity in nursing students, Kristen G. Barbee, Terese Lund, and Michele Pfaff
Grit: The power of passion and perseverance in nursing, Indra Hershorin
Grooming - it is not activities of daily living!, Leslie Harder
Grounded theory study of family happiness among people who live in urban community in Bangkok, Wilai Napa
Grounded theory study of how women with early stage breast cancer choose contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, Nancy E. Roecklein
Group-based diabetes self-management education program to improve patient health outcomes, Bianca Adrienne Ramiro
Group coursework in the online classroom: Ways to reduce stress for students and faculty, Tracia M. Forman and Ava Miller
Group education programs on self-care behaviors of ongling chemotherapy colorectal cancer patients, Chiao-Wen Chang and Hsiang-Ting Feng
Group exercise to decrease anxiety in African-American women, Pamela Johnson
Groups of family caregivers in Colombia: Profile, caregiving ability, and burden, Lorena Chaparro Diaz and Sonia Carreno-Moreno
Growing and developing behind the red line: Two innovation solutions for perioperative nurses, Susan Finlayson, Lori Robertson, and Stacey Brull
Growing an international palliative care exchange program: An approach that can be replicated, Linda M. Quinlin and Wendy Schmitz
Growing a professional identity: A grounded theory of the educational experience of baccalaureate nursing students, Dawn M. Goodolf
Growing in recovery: A service learning case study, Amanda Eymard and Heidi Rodrigue
Growing leaders at all levels: A transformational framework, Cindy Dawson and Emily K. Ward
Growing our own: Mentoring talented and diverse students toward a career in nursing education and clinical leadership, Felesia Renee Bowen
Growing the flowers: Preparing undergraduate nursing students for a community healthcare placement in a neoliberal economy, Eleanor S. Horton
Growing the next generation of nurse leaders in palliative care: An international case study, Kathryn A. Pfaff, Linda J. Patrick, and Laurie Freeman-Gibb
Growing Your Own APRNs in Rural and Underserved Communities, Ingrid M. Johnson
Grow your membership through nurse leader recruitment, Sabrina Collins-Christie and Larry Z. Slater
Guidance needs of nursing students in Iloilo City, Philippines, Ryan Michael F. Oducado, Pio Reggie Frigillano, Jesli Joy Gunce, Princess Louise Jover, Princess Meliton, and Krisha Pangilinan
Guided imagery for enhancing health and health seeking behaviors of employees in the worksetting, Susan Wanda Vines
Guided imagery intervention for stress and pain in adults with sickle cell disease, Miriam O. Ezenwa
Guided participation to support parental caregiving: Models, processes and outcomes, Karen Pridham, Rana Limbo, and Tondi M. Harrison
Guided reflection and deep breathing to reduce stress and anxiety during clinical: A pilot study, Carolina Baldwin and Heidi Ruth Kosanke
Guided reflective writing and student clinical judgment development: A descriptive study of nursing student and faculty perspectives, Tanya L. Smith
Guideline Adherence among Kenyan Healthcare Providers in Peri-Urban For-Profit Clinic, Brittney Jayne Sullivan
Guidelines for authorship attribution and citation in the dissemination of scholarly work, Chad E. O'Lynn, Robyn A. Rice, Susan Bridgers, Suzanne J. Crouch, and Candice Phillips
Guidelines for Development and Implementation of the DNP Scholarly Project, Jennifer Jeames Coleman, John D. Lundeen, and Gretchen S. McDaniel
Guidelines for the implementation of community service for newly qualified nurses, Paulina Dora Mabusela and Tendani Sara Ramukumba
Guidelines on prescriptive authority for nurses, David Stewart
Guidelines to manage aggression and facilitate the mental health of educators in the workplace, Marie Poggenpoel and Chris P. H. Myburgh
Guiding end-stage renal disease patients to cope with peritoneal dialysis: Context and intervening conditions, Shui-Tao Chen and Fan-Ko Sun
Guiding North America Region 2 members into the 43rd Biennium, Dorothy J. Dunn
Guiding the process of dying: The personal impact on nurses, Dianne Lynn White and Mary Ann Meeker
Haiti National School of Nursing: 100 years of nursing education, Becky M. Baird, Ellen L. Palmer, Mireille Sylvain, and Marie Jocelyne Arnoux
Half the sky: Use of literature to teach undergraduate nursing students about global health equity, Jane Greene-Ryan and Jane Donovan
HALO: Health and Liver Optimization, partners in care, Renee Pozza, Anna Marie Hefner, and Tarek I. Hassanein
Hand hygiene compliance and glove use, Reagan V. Bock
Hand Hygiene Journey, Kim A. Hodgin
Handoff communication among senior nursing students: A phenomenological study, Juanita Hanley-Gumbs
Hands off: Student experiences in objective data collection in virtual clinical simulation, Francisco A. Jimenez, A. J. Kleinheksel, and Aaron Kotranza
Hand washing among nurses and midwives in Rwanda: Is it compliance or adherence?, Philomene Uwimana and Oluyinka Adejumo
Handwashing: What is staff using?, Denise P. Cedeno
"Hanging on in there": A qualitative longitudinal study exploring caring values in undergraduate nurse students, Janet M. E. Scammell, Elizabeth Anne Rosser, Sara White, Karen Cooper, Vanessa Heaslip, and Ian Donaldson
Happy feet in a rural clinic: A diabetic foot education intervention, Carmencita S. Abood
Happy feet in Tomagwa: A diabetic foot education intervention, Carmencita S. Abood
Happy feet in Tomagwa: A diabetic foot education intervention, Carmencita S. Abood
Hardwiring nurse-driven protocols in removing indwelling urinary catheters in the ICU, Clare Cruz
Hardwiring standardized nursing bedside handoff to improve patient safety and satisfaction, Nicole M. Lincoln
Harlem healthy heart: A community outreach initiative with favorable impact on diabetes mellitus and cardiometabolic risks, Renee Murray-Bachmann and Icilma Fergus
Harm reduction in nursing practice: Compassionate care for persons with addiction, Audrey Catherine Killarney and Michelle Esther Neuman
Harm reduction strategy for prevention/reduction of opioid overdose fatalities in the substance use disorder population, Susan M. L'Heureux and Nancy S. Goldstein
Harm, threat, or challenge, nursing students in clinical education settings, Constance Ann Thomas
Harnessing Brain-Based Learning Principles for Academic Success: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Theresa A. Gaffney
Harnessing education with practice change for successful implementation and compliance, Lovely Simon
Harnessing experiences of clinicians and faculty to develop supervisory guide for individualized patient care study, Susanna Aba Abraham, Gifty Osei Berchie, and Kweku Agyei-Ayensu
Harnessing the Power of Public Datasets in Professional Nursing Practice, Katharine S. West
Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age: Best Practices for Chapter Websites, Michelle Coburn
Have you SCAND MMe please? A framework for nurses to prevent harm during acute hospitalisation, Bernice Redley
Having courage: A lived experience of human becoming, Debra A. Bournes
Head impact biomechanics in pediatric patient falls, Nancy A. Ryan-Wenger and Janet S. Dufek
Healing the Healers: Teaching Nurses and Student Nurses Self-Care Practices, Kerry Keyes Young
Healing touch and health-related quality of life in women with breast cancer receiving radiation therapy, Lisa L. Schnepper
Health and social service utilization and postpartum depression among childbearing Chinese new immigrants in Canada, Tsorng-Yeh Lee
Health and the hospital workplace environment of US nurses, Susan M. Priano, Carol Dawson-Rose, and OiSaeng Hong
Health and well-being of the transnet-phelophepa healthcare train community in South Africa, Amme Mardulate Tshabalala and Judith C. Bruce
Health as expanding consciousness: Patterns of clinical reasoning in senior baccalaureate nursing students, Mary W. Stec
Health as expanding consciousness: Patterns of clinical reasoning in senior baccalaureate nursing students, Mary W. Stec
Health as expanding consciousness: Patterns of clinical reasoning in senior baccalaureate nursing students, Mary W. Stec
Health behaviors of Generation Z students in Black sororities and fraternities, Sara K. Kaylor, Jasmine L. Rodgers, and Michael Jr. Callihan
Health behaviors of nursing students, Claudia Pineda Benton
Health Belief Model factors as predictors of parental misclassification of the weight of the preschool child, Tanna M. Woods
Health beliefs and medication adherence among Omani patients with hypertension, Huda Al Noumani, Jia-Rong Wu, Debra Barksdale, George Knafl, Gwen D. Sherwood, and Esra Al-Khasawneh
Health beliefs related to physical activity in patients living with implantable cardioverter defibrillators, Rebecca Susan Crawford
Health break: Preparing nursing students to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities, Tracy J. Perron
Healthcare and immigration vulnerability: A global perspective, Assumpta Ekeh
Healthcare-associated infections: It is a bundle, not a switch, Terri L. Bogue and Robert L. Bogue
Health care in global context: Service learning to increase cultural competency in migrant Latino health, Jean Ann Davison
Healthcare injustice experiences or negative pain coping strategies in patients with sickle cell disease: Which comes first?, Miriam O. Ezenwa
Healthcare literacy and communication with health professionals: Achieving healthy outcomes among diverse populations, Mary Lou De Natale
Healthcare needs among new immigrate spouses in Taiwan, Tzu-Chun Chen, Ching-Len Yu, and Su-Hsien Chang
Healthcare needs and factors related to non-use/underutilization of Veterans Healthcare Administration (VHA) health services entitlements by post 9/11 women veterans, Teresa A. Parsons
Healthcare needs during pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing of Chinese immigrant women in Korea, Geum-Hee Jeong, Kyungwon Kim, and Sunghee Baik
Healthcare needs of 16- to 25-year-old patients with type 1 diabetes: Meta-synthesis, Yueh-Tao Chiang, C. W. Chang, Hsing-Yi Yu, and Fu-Sung Lo
Healthcare professionals' and patients' perceptions of teamwork and collaboration at tertiary hospital in Oman, Fatma Al Jabri, Tarja Kvist, and Hannele Turunen
Healthcare project planning simplified with INQUIRE (innovation, quality improvement, evidence-based practice, research), Alyson Keen, Bethany Radecki, and Tiffany Rader
Healthcare provider attitudes and beliefs toward family-witnessed resuscitation in Saudi Arabia, Tara R. Belcher and Arlene M. Minnock
Healthcare provider barriers to HIV screening among older African Americans: An integrative literature review, Attalah Siedah Dillard
Healthcare providers' and community leaders' knowledge and perceptions of neurocysticercosis in rural Bolivia, Amy J. Alberts
Health care providers and health literacy in rural populations: Bridging the gap or not?, JoAnn S. Oliver
Healthcare providers' challenges during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: A qualitative approach, Michelle M. Ness, Jennifer L. Saylor, Leigh Ann DiFusco, and Kristen Evans
Healthcare reform: Engaging stakeholders and creating continuity of care in a multimorbidity nurse-led clinic, Kathryn Davis
Health-care seeking behaviors of Puerto Ricans with diabetes mellitus who live in South Florida: An exploratory study, Laura N. Gonzalez
Healthcare simulation as a global nursing education strategy, Juli Maxworthy
Healthcare team interventions in ICU for patients with acquired-brain-injury: A pilot study using participant observation, Stefany Ortega-Perez and Maria Consuelo Amaya Rey
Healthcare utilization among North Korean refugees: A mixed-method study, Hae-Ra Han, Jong-Eun Lee, Kyounghae Kim, and Miyong T. Kim
Healthcare workforce and quality outcomes in Chile, Linda H. Aiken
Health coaching with peer support to improve diabetes self-management education, Chondra Butler
Health decision-making and care seeking among village householders in Kibona, Uganda, Olivia Catolico
Health dialogue elements identified during communication between patients and nurses in a South African Municipality, Lesley Talbot, Marianne Reid, and Mariette Nel
Health disparity asthma in African American communities, Enna Edouard Trevathan
Health experiences of traveling Australian Grey Nomads living with chronic conditions: A qualitative descriptive study, Kaara Ray Calma, Elizabeth Jane Halcomb, and Moira Stephens
Health failure self-management support, Anna Dermenchyan and Lynn V. Doering
Health-illness transition of first generation refugees: A review of literature on Afghan refugees, Hafifa S. Shabaik and Eunice Lee
Health information security and privacy: A social science exploration of nurses' knowledge and risk behaviors with security and privacy issues focusing on mobile device usage, Keith Richard Weiner
Health information seeking behaviors among African Americans who have and do not have internet access, Barbara Powe, Charlene Caburnay, Dexter Cooper, and Glen Cameron
Health information technology (IT) to promote patient-centered care, Mei R. Fu
Health literacy and culturally diverse older adults, Sharon B. Cannon, Carol Boswell, Joyce Miller, and Lori E. Hammond
Health literacy and impact factors of the Southeast Asian immigrant women in Taiwan, Shu-Fen Chen, Mei-Hua Wang, and Tzu-I Tsai
Health literacy an educational program for the acute care professional nurse, Laura Marie Owens
Health literacy as a pathway to promoting the health of young adults, Julie M. Shaw, Anthony Joseph Welch, and Moira Jane Williamson
Health literacy assessment of university employees with the newest vital sign (NVS), Joyce I. Karl and Jodi McDaniel
Health literacy-based heart failure self-care intervention (H2Lit), Maan Isabella Cajita, Karen M. Vuckovic, Spyros Kitsiou, Nathan Tintle, and Susan L. Dunn
Health literacy competencies for registered nurses: An E-Delphi study, Coleen E. Toronto
Health literacy decision-making and prostate cancer knowledge of rural African American men in Alabama, Gwendolyn L. Hooper and JoAnn S. Oliver
Health literacy experience and understanding in nurse practitioner students, Denise B. Isibel
Health literacy of diabetics at a free community health clinic, Fay Patsy T. Catacutan, Laura E. Strietelmeier, Katy A. Doumtsop, and Mary Eileen Walsh
Health literacy of older African Americans residing in Georgia when seeking healthcare, Jade Asante
Health literacy preparation of BSN students: A basic qualitative study, Robin E. Squellati
Health literacy: The knowledge and experiences of senior level baccalaureate nursing students, Catherine M. Cormier
Health Locus of Control and Learned Helplessness in Cardiac Pacemaker Recipients, Janice V. Chandler
Health perspectives and lifestyle issues of first-year nursing students: As revealed through a seminar in health self-management, Shu Chun Chien, Fusako Kawabe, Shinobu Saito, Akiko Nagata, Takashi Maeda, Toshie Yamamoto, Yoshiko Wazumi, and Tomoko Katagiri
Health Policy Institute (HPI): Capitol Hill experiential learning to gain political astuteness, Melody K. Eaton and Linda J. Hulton
Health professionals' knowledge, attitudes, experiences, confidence, and behaviors regarding advance directives, Shu-Fen Wu, Hong-Yi Tung, Yu-Hua Lin, Chao-Hsien Lee, Hsiu-Chen Liao, and Ching-Yun Ching
Health professions students' experiences with identity-based patient bias: A cross-sectional study, Kesa Herlihy, Maryellen Potts, and Tristen Claire Rand
Health-promoting behavior as a predictor of Bachelor of Science in Nursing faculty intent to remain in academe, Felisa Haywood Smith
Health promoting behaviors among RN to BSN students at two public universities, Cherie Rector and Kathleen L. Gilchrist
Health-promoting behaviors of the rural well older adult, Shirley May Newberry
Health promoting knowledge and behaviors among African-American girls, Robin Bartlett, Amber Johnson, Imani Randolph, and Thomas P. McCoy
Health promotion and health risk assessment of professional truck drivers in the Southwest, Iris L. Mullins and Trish O'Day
Health promotion and nursing in Cuba, Debra Pettit Whisenant and Alice L. March
Health promotion behaviors and primary care knowledge in nurses, Olivia Gold
Health promotion for rural pregnant and new mothers using social media, Hannah Marie Gortney, Dakota Jane Cornett, and Patterson Elizabeth Jones
Health promotion in the context of workplace bullying, Judith A. MacIntosh
Health promotion lifestyle program in improving health for subjects with high-risk of mental illness, Wei-Fen Ma and Linton Wang
Health-related quality of life among primary family caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia, Chiu-Yueh Hsiao
Health-related quality of life and its related factors in patients with diabetes, Chi-Hsuan Asphodel Yang and Hung-Wen Ting
Health-related quality of life and its relationships with poor exercise capacity and dyspnea in Thais with COPD, Naiyana Noonil
Health-related quality of life and treatment outcomes for individuals with ESRD treated by hemodialysis, Chiung-Yu Huang, Hui-Ling Lai, and Chun-I Chen
Health related quality of life in adolescent and young adult retinoblastoma survivors, Paula Jean Belson
Health-related quality of life in women with hypertension in Korea, Sun Ju Chang
Health-related quality of life of parental caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder, Dawn M. Turnage
Health risks for nurses working night shift, Robie Victoria Hughes
Health sector solutions to address climate change, Debbie Wilson, Kristine Qureshi, and Jessiquita Madrid
Health-seeking behavior and health services use by Latino men in a rural Iowa community, Neil Scot MacNaughton
Health service cost and use associated with advance directive documentation among patients with COPD, Brandon Duck
Health services or debt servicing? SAPs in the Philippines and the healthcare delivery system, Ruel Dupan Caricativo and Erlinda Castro Palaganas
Health services utilization of conditional cash transfer beneficiaries: A module on self-efficacy, Maria Theresa Concepcion Jr. Belcina
Health status and psychological well-being in elderly women: The self-system as mediator, Susan M. Heidrich
Health status, healthy lifestyle, activity, perception of health, and health services: Differences between baby boomer women and elderly women in Korea, Narae Heo and Jiyoung Kim
Health status of postpartum women: Bladder symptoms, postpartum depression, and physical activity, Jeung-Im Kim and Young-Mi Yang
Health status perceptions and literacy among low-income Mexican-Americans in Texas-Mexico border colonias, Eloisa G. Tamez
Health system management of stroke seamless care in District Health System in Thailand, Chenchob Panarat, Phetchara Kongsri, Paobthip Suthporn, Juthamart Phunlawong, Pornpen Pattarakorn, Nonglak Vachirabanjong, and Ladawan Lenthummee
Health team members' perceptions of strategies for patient-centred care in acute care settings, Linda M. Ferguson
Healthy CHAT: The opportunistic advice given to individuals on unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, Karen Missen
Healthy cooking for chronic disease: Nursing students applying nutritional menus for wellness, Mary Lou De Natale
Healthy heart initiative: An APN model of care for reduction in HF readmissions, Judith Ann Kutzleb
Healthy heroes: A school-based health promotion initiative modeling health behaviors and nursing professionalism, Kelly E. Sutch
Healthy lifestyle in elders after discharge, Fang-Wen Hu, Chi-Wen Chiu, and Ching-Huey Chen
Healthy lifestyle of nurses and nursing students, Walter De Caro, Elisabetta Corvo, and Julita Sansoni
Healthy nurses journey: An innovative, evidence-based, peer-driven wellness bundle supporting professional fulfillment and wellness, Carole Marie Kulik
Healthy siblings of children living with chronic diseases: A systematic review, Emily Christensen, Victoria von Sadovszky, Susi Miller, and Bonnie Jennings
"Healthy Skin" program for family caregivers of people with chronic disease, Daniela Sr. Diaz Agudelo
Healthy skin wins: A glowing pressure ulcer prevention program, Donna Martin, Lisa Albensi, Stephanie Van Haute, Lorna Guse, Mary Montgomery, Kendra Gierys, Maria Froese, Mavis Lam, Nataliya Basova, and Rob Lajeunesse
Healthy work environment best practices: Supporting leaders in evidence-based management decision making towards clinical nursing excellence, Irmajean Bajnok, Sara White, and Linda O'Brien Pallas
Healthy work environment: Let's chat about skilled communication, Sherley John
Healthy work environments for retention of hospital nurses in Japan, Sachiko Tanaka, Yasuko Ogata, Midori Nagano, Kimiko Katsuyama, and Yoshie Yumoto
Hearing loss and dementia: Uncharted territory, Melinda Kassandra Lopez
Hearing loss and mortality: To what extent does injury and fall mediate this relationship?, Dongjuan Xu
Hearing Voices: The Experience of Associate Degree Nursing Students to an Auditory Hallucinations Simulation, Sylvia Stevens
Heart Checks: A profile of the college-aged population, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Heart Checks: Preventing cardiovascular disease in young adults, Kate E. Gawlik
HeartCodeâ„¢ room: Interdisciplinary initiative in an academic setting, Karen Maxwell
Heart failure family caregivers: Psychometrics of a new quality of life scale and variables associated with caregiver outcomes, Julie Ann Nauser
Heart failure management in the primary care practice setting, Anna Dermenchyan and Lynn V. Doering
Heart failure patients with cognitive impairment: Understanding their needs to develop a nursing interventions protocol, Sophie Boisvert
Heart failure readmission: From the eyes of a patient, Allison M. Sadowsky
HeartMApp: A self-care mobile telemedicine application to improve heart failure outcomes, Ponrathi R. Athilingam and Miguel A. Labrador
HeartMapp: Theory-based mHealth intervention for self-care and behavior change in heart failure, Ponrathi R. Athilingam
Hear ye, Hear ye! Learn all about the 2016 edition of the INACSL Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM, Jane B. Paige, Barbara J. Sittner, Wendy Thomson, Leslie L. M. Graham, Michelle Aebersold, and Kim Leighton
Heat stress may reduce cognitive performance of surgeons while performing surgery: An integrative review, Jill E. Byrne
Hello! Engaging autonomous learners in online DNP program courses through telecommunication, Marilu Piotrowski
Help for osteoarthritis pain in African American elders (HOPE): Patterns, predictors, and preferences of osteoarthritis and chronic joint pain self-management, Staja Quinae Booker
Helping leaders learn EBP and recognize their EBP potential, Lynn Gallagher-Ford
Helping men rebuild their sense of self following workplace bullying, Judith A. MacIntosh
Helping mothers survive and helping babies breathe: Nurse-midwives bringing high impact interventions to low-resource settings, Sara A. Chace, Jennifer L. Breads, and Cherrie Lynn Evans
Helping nurses cope with stressful workplace events through the use of storytelling, Danna L. Curcio
Helping nursing students develop professional values, morals, and ethics through reflective practices, Elizabeth Ann Fiske
Helping patients and families enrich the quality of their lives during cancer, Ruth McCorkle
Helping relationships intervention enhances health-promoting lifestyle and quality of life, Miaofen Yen and Shu-Mei Chao
Helping students learn how to be part of an interdisciplinary team using simulated patients, Joan E. Niederriter, Cheryl Delgado, and Susan Hazelet
Helping with adherence to low sodium diets for people with heart failure, Melissa Ernesti
Helping your hashtags: Publicity via social media, Kailee Bennett and Michelle Coburn
Helping your hashtags: Strategic social media messaging, Noelle Pickler and Kailee Bennett
Help me I've fallen! Implementing Post-fall huddles in the ED, Maureen Lugod
Help-seeking behavior and social engagement among older adults with hearing impairment, Mary Dioise Ramos
Help-seeking behaviors for counseling and psychological services among Hispanic lesbians and bisexual women, Yoo Mi Jeong
Hemodynamic changes associated with manual and automated lateral rotation in mechanically ventilated intensive care patients, Shannan K. Hamlin
Hemoglobin F impacts physiologic variables and perinatal events, Rebecca Jo Helmreich
Hemolysis of blood specimens: Increasing time in the emergency department, Sherry Young and Julie Hiles
Hemostasis methods used in cardiac patients post percutaneous coronary intervention, Brittany G. Curry
Herbal supplements: Safety and research support, Rosanne H. Pruitt, Ashley Lemanski, and Adam Carroll
Hey baby...breastfeeding and skin-to-skin is what's in!, Renee A. Maietta, Mary O'Connor, and Carol Klingbeil
High-fidelity simulation education and clinical judgment: New nurses' voices, Martha Kay Lawrence and DeAnne Karen Hilfinger Messias
High-fidelity simulation influences on novice baccalaureate nursing students, Barbara Connelley
High-fidelity simulation in graduate nurse programming, Shannon Marie Moore, Elizabeth A. Richards, Amy Marie Nagle, Karen S. Yehle, and Karla J. Ross
High-fidelity simulation: Methods to decrease stress and anxiety in prelicensure nursing students, Barbara L. Biddle
High-fidelity simulation of critical illness: An evidence-based practice summary, Peter Bennett and Brandy E. Strahan
High-functioning autistic spectrum disorder: A conceptual model of health, Kimberly A. P. Porter and Karen J. Foli
High quality and low cost: Evidence-based nursing workshops in a large health care organization, Rivka Hazoref, Limor Yariv, Dorit Weiss, and Peles Bortz Anat
High risk medication regimens and medication related predictors of hospital readmission in elderly home care patients, Mary T. Dierich
High stakes assessment: Essentials of best practice, Mary Anne Rizzolo and Susan G. Forneris
"Hinabing Ugnayan": Nature of caring among Filipino nurses working with children, Rudolf Cymorr Kirby P. Martinez
HIPAA applied to Jigsaw: A collaborative communication improvement project, Margaret P. Smallwood
Hiring New Graduate Nurses During a Pandemic? Oh My!, Alicia Hernandez and Kathleen Mozell
Hispanics' health care literacy: Language barrier or educational barrier?, Anahi Penelope Munoz and Denia Pedroso
Hit the ground running: Onboarding agency personnel, Michelle Cook, Lisa Matamoros, Carol Risch, Pamela Gehrich, and Amy Spence
HIV/AIDS awareness among first year nursing students in four nursing schools in Guyana, Tabitha Mallampati
HIV care provision: Final year nursing students' readiness at a Western Cape University, South Africa, Regis Rugira Marie Modeste, Pfarelo Mandiwana, and Margot Pretorius
HIV-infected women and intimate partner violence: CD4 counts, opportunistic infections, viral replication, and adherence to antiretroviral medication, Ma de los Angeles Nava, Judith M. McFarlane, and Debra Trimble
HIV informal caregiving: Role responsibilities and the effects of case management, Nancy R. Reynolds
HIV pilot program for Chinese college students: Differences by gender, Teresa D. Serratt
HIV risk reduction behaviors in adolescent females; The influence of mastery and self-esteem, Ellen R. Long-Middleton
HIV risk reduction behaviors in adolescent females: The influence of mastery and self-esteem, Ellen R. Long-Middleton
HIV/STI and intimate partner violence prevention for Latinos, Nilda (Nena) Peragallo Montano, Natalia Villegas, Rosina Cianelli, and Madeline Fernandez
HIV task shifting from physicians to nurses in Nigeria: Correlates of self-efficacy and job satisfaction, Emilia Ngozi Iwu and William L. Holzemer
HIV task shifting from physicians to nurses in Nigeria: Examining the correlates of nurse self-efficacy and job satisfaction, Emilia Ngozi Iwu and William L. Holzemer
Holistic admissions: An evidence-based strategy to diversify global nursing education, Greer L. Glazer, Karen D. Bankston, and Angela K. Clark
Holistic blood pressure management plan in primary care, Marilyn L. King
Holistic nursing care: Provision of spirituality with patients, Joyce Miller, Sharon B. Cannon, Kelly Moseley, and Carol Boswell
Holistic review impacts success of underrepresented minority nursing students: A case study, Joana Velasquez, Carleen Graham, and Sandra Ellen Bell
Home air quality and asthma study: Methodology determining impact of cleaners/disinfectants on adults with asthma, Macie R. Fulton and Barbara Polivka
Home and community-based service utilization patterns for seniors with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, Margaret E. Saari
Home apnea monitoring: Family functioning, concerns, and coping, Betsy Mickey McDowell
Homecare nurses' experiences with telemonitoring systems, Justin Palmer
Home health care nursing application of the Transtheoretical Model of Change to patients with congestive heart failure: A case study, Wyona M. Freysteinson
Home health nurses' knowledge and beliefs regarding suffering, artificial nutrition and hydration in people with late stage dementia, Lenora W. Smith
Home health nurses perception of collaboration with NP in transitions of care management, Anquinette Cray and Ron Billano Ordona
Homeless peoples' description of civil and uncivil healthcare interactions, Sheryl D. Jenkins, Wendy M. Woith, Cindy H. Kerber, and Kim Schafer Astroth
Home visit nurse's thoughts for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Japan, Atsuko Tokushige and Sayuri Tanaka
Hookah smoking among college students: Factors associated with a trendy risk behavior, Susan M. Norris
Hope and health-related quality of life of older women who have had heart attacks, Alice Mary Kelly-Tobin
Hope and learned resourcefulness among parents of disabled children, Ozlem Aslan, Sekmen Kamile, and Mesut Akyol
Hope and symptom interference predicting quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: A pilot study, Yi-Chen Huang and Ya-Jung Wang
Hope and Wellbeing among Belizeans, Tauna Fleming Gulley
Hope beyond the aging lines: Exploring the lived experiences of elderly in the Philippines, Jordan Tovera Salvador
"Hope" for People With Motor Neurone Disease in Japan, Masako Nagase
Hopeful adults with advanced stage cancer: nature, influences, focus, and patterns of hope over time, Mary Anne Hales Reynolds
Hope in the elderly: Exploring the relationship between psychosocial developmental residual and hope, Eileen Deges Curl
Hopelessness and spiritual well-being in persons with HIV infection, Kevin M. Gulliver
Hoping to pass: A multi-site study examines how a one-time intervention affects high-stakes test scores, Alice L. March, Joshua C. Eyer, Monika G. Wedgeworth, Nancy Haugen, Corrie Harris, and David Feldman
Horizontal and workplace violence in healthcare organizations, Dana L. Crowder
Horizontal integration of interprofessional competencies into healthcare and non-healthcare undergraduate curricula: The power of partnerships, J. Dwayne Jr. Hooks, Lynn M. Varagona, Mary Beth Maguire, and Monica Nandan
Horizontal violence among student nurses: It's time we stop eating our young!, Elizabeth Hammond-Ritschard
Horizontal violence in the OR: Does bullying impact intention to leave?, Marie Bashaw
Hospice care, Amanda Brant, Taylor Coley, and Jada Summers
Hospice clinical experience in an undergraduate nursing curriculum, Stephanie M. Jeffers, Teresa Shellenbarger, and David Anthony (Tony) Forrester
Hospice interdisciplinary team processes and effectiveness, Beth A. Hale
Hospital Accreditation in the perception of the nursing team of the surgical center, Hellen Maria de Lima Graf Fernandes, Larissa Bueno Pimentel Sabetta Techio, and Aparecida de Cássia Giani Peniche
Hospital acquired hypo/hyperglycemia: A clinical issue, Lucille Hughes
Hospital-acquired pressure ulcer/injuries as compared to community acquired pressure ulcer/injuries, Holly Kirkland-Kyhn and Joy E. Schank
Hospital-associated functional status decline in older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Amy C. Shay and Janet S. Fulton
Hospital-associated functional status decline in pulmonary patients, Amy C. Shay
Hospital discharge preparation for homeward bound elderly, Diane Storer Brown
Hospital experiences of children with intellectual disabilities: Child, parent and nurse perspectives, Megan Aston, Emily F. MacLeod, and Lynn Breau
Hospitalized patients newly diagnosed with diabetes in rural Eastern North Carolina: Safely establishing diabetes management, Ileen Craven
Hospital nursing organization and outcomes for surgical oncology patients, Christopher R. Friese
Hospital Staff Nurses' Experiences With Having had a Sentinel Event, Misty Stone
Hospital-wide communication to improve quality outcomes of stroke patients, Amy Garner and Angela Rheal
Hot Flash-Related Daily Interference Scale short form, Janet S. Carpenter
"Hot spotters": An interdisciplinary approach to coordinating care in high-risk individuals, Wendy Buenzli
Hotspotting in home health: The impact of interprofessional education on patient outcomes, Jennifer T. Alderman and Meg Zomorodi
Hotspotting in home health: The impact of interprofessional student-team home visits on health outcomes of super-utilizers of the health care system, Jennifer T. Alderman
Hot topics in nurse practitioner clinical education: An evidenced-based review, Julie A. Stanik-Hutt and Benita Walton-Moss
Hourly rounding and fall prevention: A change process, Carine Sanyi
Hourly rounding quality improvement initiative, Chelsea Marie Brouillet
Household emergency preparedness instrument development: A Delphi study, Tara N. Heagele, Charleen C. McNeill, Lavonne M. Adams, and Danita Alfred
How and when can humor be therapeutic?, Gary E. Shelton
How an effective care handoff process can improve ED throughput, Wendy Childress, Jason Upham, and Denise C. Rhew
How baccalaureate student nurses use art therapy to facilitate therapeutic communication, Robyn A. Rice and Joyce Mary Hunter
How can cultural competence impact my patients' health?, Holly R. Farley
How can nurses help prevent the prevalence of polypharmacy to save and improve lives?, Ogochukwu Vera Nnakwe
How caregivers connect and care for the multilingual older adult with dementia, Maria Roche-Dean
How challenged and overwhelmed faculty become supported and empowered in curriculum development, evaluation and revision, Meredith L. Roberts
How communities shape unmet need for modern contraception: An analysis of 44 low-and middle-income countries, Nicholas S. Metheny and Rob Stephenson
How critical hermeneutics can strengthen the science of nursing education: Learning through workplace bullying research, Laura Cox Dzurec
How did advanced pancreatic cancer patients and caregivers communicate their needs?: A pilot study, Chia-Chun Tang, Diane Von Ah, and Cleveland Shields
How do Chinese migrant nurses construct their identities while living in Australia?, Yaping Zhong, Cheryle Moss, Lisa McKenna, and Beverley Copnell
How Do ELL Student Nurses Experience NCLEX Style Questions?, Shawne M. Manies
How does interventions performed in the ICU modify physiological variables in neurocritical patients?, Stefany Ortega-Perez and Maria Consuelo Amaya Rey
How does negotiating a partnership agreement influence relationships in a BSN clinical experience?, Kimberly Dawn Belcik and Shirley Ann Levenson
How does obesity and intentional weight loss impact health related quality of life in adults?, Holly Kirkland-Kyhn
How does self-efficacy impact evidence-based nursing practice?, Carol Boswell, JoAnn D. Long, Alyce S. Ashcraft, Sharon B. Cannon, Pamela DiVito-Thomas, and Terry M. Delaney
How does standard use of a rectal acetaminophen/intravenous (IV) opioid combination compare to IV opioid alone in improved comfort levels and decreased overall opioid use in full-term infants post open heart repair?, Jacqueline M. Ochsenreither
How Does the Role of Corporate Values and Obligation to Care Influence Moral Habitability?, Zoha Adnan Iqbal
How do faculty foster the development of nursing student empathy in the clinical learning environment?, Caroline E. Rae
How do nurse managers implement evidence-based practice?, Anu Nurmeksela, Tarja Kvist, and Juha Kinnunen
How do student nurses in Malawi choose, adapt to career transition, and construct careers?, Zione Dembo and Evelyn Baxter Chilemba
How do work interruptions affect quality of care? A qualitative study with bedside nurses, Nasra Ibraheem Abdelhadi
How do you initiate a weight discussion with your patients?, Alexander Redmann, Rachael Urbaniak, and Jessica Neuman
How effective is intravenous ketamine compared to no medication/placebo in reducing suicidal ideations in adults?, Elena Kirilova Taneva-Cholakova
How has Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor Reduced Postpartum Hemorrhage Occurrence?, Cheyanne Franklin
How high! Decreasing blood pressure in men aged 45-65 in primary care: A quality improvement project, Marla Whitfield and Amanda Townsend
How innovative rural nursing will reduce rural opioid use and transform global nursing scholarship, Tami L. Thomas, Derrick Glymph, and Michelle Caldera
How intensive care unit nurses conceive of personal and professional risk when exercising clinical autonomy, William Albert Randall
How international interchange can bring benefits into professional lives, Fernando Sanches, Priscilla Alfradique, Diana Lynn Woods, and Renee Pozza
How Latinas come to know about AIDS and AIDS prevention, Patricia Walker Caudle
How may motivational interviewing prevent suicide in patients having both substance misuse and mental disorders?, Diane Phimister and Yen Yang
How nurse leaders assess their ethical decision making practice, before and after ethical leadership training, Melissa Cole
How nurse-led clinics improve health care access, Rose Marie Alessandra C. Conos
How nurse practitioners globally have addressed the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 3: An integrative review, Andrew Scanlon, Judy Honig, and Marybeth Duffy
How nurses and engineers may contribute to improved global nutrition, Daniel B. Oerther and Sarah E. Oerther
How nurse work environments relate to the presence of parents in neonatal intensive care, Sunny G. Hallowell and Eileen T. Lake
How nurse work environments relate to the presence of parents in neonatal intensive care, Sunny G. Hallowell, Jeannette Rowgowski, and Eileen T. Lake
How nurse work environments relate to the presence of parents in neonatal intensive care, Sunny G. Hallowell and Eileen T. Lake
How nursing students learn to care for deteriorating patients in debriefing: A mixed-methods study, Patrick Lavoie, Sylvie Cossette, and Jacinthe Pepin
How older adults perceive the terminology "allow natural death": A qualitative dissertation, Jodi A. Erickson
How one organization used evidence to address lateral violence among nurses, Diane S. Salter, Toye Moore, Angela Robinson, Cynthia G. Stermer, Susanlee Wisotzkey, and Barbara L. Buchko
How parents discuss dying with their child with a life-limiting illness who require long-term ventilation, Cheryl Crisp
How perioperative nurses define, attribute causes of, and react to intraoperative nursing errors, Robin R. Chard
How persons with schizophrenia experience connecting with mental health professionals, Susan V. Brammer
How physical activity strategies changed during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Maine and New Hampshire schools, Alexandra Kerith Peary
How politics affect the development and evolvement of a nursing program: Engaging colleagues in the community to improve global health outcomes, Patricia R. Messmer, Amy C. Pettigrew, and Annette Gibson
How self-efficacy and self-regulation influence nutrition and exercise behaviors of a community sample of adults, Carol Shieh, Michael Weaver, Kathleen Newsome, Kathleen Hanna, and Mulubrhan Mogos
How the StrengthsFinder© Assessment Assists Faculty in Building Consensus to Achieve Consistency in Student Evaluation, Jone Tiffany and Barbara A. Hoglund
How the strong survive: Health as expanding consciousness and the life experience of Black Caribbean women, Angelleen R. Peters-Lewis
How to amend your Sigma Chapter to add a college of nursing or practice setting, Jenny Paugh Hoffman and Therese Doan
How to Amend Your Sigma Chapter to Add a School of Nursing or Practice Setting, Jenny Paugh Hoffman
How to amend your Sigma chapter to add a school of nursing or practice setting, Jenny Paugh Hoffman
How to Amend Your STTI Chapter to Add a College of Nursing or Practice Setting, Jenny Paugh Hoffman
How to be a first responder for colleagues after adverse events: Instituting a peer support program in the emergency department, Kerry A. Gold, Melissa Connor, and Ashley Trueblood
How to become a website of the month, Noelle Pickler
How to best educate nursing adjunct clinical faculty, Kim M. Bro
How to build a successful mentoring relationship, Mary M. Wheeler and Michelle Cooper
How to critically appraise systematic reviews in order to inform clinical decision making, Susan Buchholz
How to Embrace (and Love?) Community Engagement, Melissa A. Wholeben and Carla J. Ellis
How to excel at evaluating a new graduate nurse residency evidence-based practice program, Donnya E. Mogensen
How to gamify your course, Sandra Davidson
How-to guides for first time staff RN researchers, from staff RN researcher, published author, Frederick R. Macapagal
How to Improve the Case Report Writing and Review Pass Rates Among Nurses at One Surgical Ward, Wan Yu Chi and Hui-Ju Chugn
How to publish: An author workshop, Nelouise Geyer, Judith C. Bruce, and Deliwe Rene Phetlhu
How to support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) nursing students, Lisa S. Lewis, Brenda C. Morris, and Sandra M. Underwood
How to use emerging technology to predict success in undergraduate nursing programs, Amanda L. Veesart, Kathryn Sridaromont, and Sharon B. Cannon
How to write a literature review, Robyn A. Rice
How to write items for the Next Gen NCLEX®: An interactive workshop, Rhonda Lawes and Becky Oglesby
How transformational leadership is addressing the rural nursing workforce, Amber Proctor Williams
How well do providers screen for depression and suicide in adolescents?, Judi Allyn Godsey
How we stop the bleed: Teaching the next generation - one student at a time, Kayla R. Cehand and Lauren Prouty
HPV: A comparison of awareness between vaccinated versus non-vaccinated persons, Kate Rocklein Kemplin, Bronte Elizabeth Craig, Amanda Janel Eichel, and Colleen Baumer Malone
HPV knowledge and HPV vaccine uptake among U.S. Navy Personnel 18 - 26 years of age, Jennifer Buechel
HPV vaccination intentions in Black young adults: Preliminary data, Kayla Nicole Mathis-Gamble
Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare, Priyadarshini Pennathur
Human flourishing: From notion to reality, Lorna Peelo-Kiloe
Human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis screening and linkage-to-care at an urban treatment center, Nancy S. Goldstein and Jared B. Davis
Humanizing the inhumane: The meaning of the American Indian patient-cancer care nurse relationship, Natalie M. Pool
Human milk feeding and severity of illness in critically ill children with respiratory failure, Lauren R. Sorce
Human papillomavirus (HPV) reduced missed opportunities, Dynasty Stokes, Randee Masciola, Kathleen Drum, Jennifer Kue, and Dianne Morrison-Beedy
Human patient simulation: Bringing the future into the classroom, Jennifer L. Rode, Brenda Barnes, and Mike Callihan
Human patient versus high-fidelity simulation: Which is better to help undergraduate nursing students learn pediatric assessment skills, Laura Kubin, Nikki Fogg, Michele Trinka, Cecilia Elaine Wilson, and Jennifer Wilson
Human trafficking: A call for inclusion in nurse practitioner (NP) education, Rebecca M. Lutz
Human trafficking and the health care provider, Patricia A. Crane
Human trafficking: Educating New Jersey registered nurses in identifying victims to promote positive patient outcomes, Jeanann S. Coppola and E. Renee Cantwell
Human trafficking online educational training to increase emergency nurses' knowledge, self-efficacy, skills in identification, and referral of human trafficking survivors, Patricia A. Normandin
Human trafficking prevention among migrants in transit, Jaime Panton and Higinio Fernadez-Sanchez
Human trafficking: The efficacy of a mandatory training on the competency of emergency department providers, Mark R. Adelung
Human trafficking victims: Identification, assessment, and intervention in South Texas emergency departments, Diana Beckmann-Mendez, Jean Dowling Dols, Michael D. Moon, Katherine C. Walker-Rodriguez, and Jessica McDow
Human trafficking: What do nurse practitioners know?, Mikki Meadows-Oliver and Jessica Peck
Hungry for a change, Victoria Elliott, Natiaya Thompson, and Jack Waddell
Hybrid FNP education in Haiti: A global collaboration, Steven Baumann, Joanna F. Hofmann, and Jacqueline Cassagnol
Hybrid Teaching in Graduate Education: Optimizing Virtual Engagement to Enhance Contextual Learning in Doctoral Students, An'Nita C. Moore-Hebron
Hydration and pH of cord and dorsal hand in high-risk infants for 7 days of life, Youngmee Ahn, Min Sohn, Mijin Lee, and Sangmi Lee
Hygiene bundle compliance: Leveraging transformational leadership and progressive collaboration to successfully improve outcomes, Sheranda Fesler and Mona Clark
Hypertension, and Fruits and Vegetables in Nepal: An Evidence Based Review, Timothy M. Davies
Hypertension Assessment and Education in Carries, Haiti, Solange Wilson and Med-Murielle Pierre
Hypertension education and management to Hispanic adults in the primary care setting, Annelis Sanchez and Esperanza Maya Aguirre
Hypertension in children: Etiology of a health disparity, Bertia Jennings, Marilyn J. Lotas, Faye Gary, and Patricia McDonald
Hypertension therapeutic goal attainment in patients with dual diagnoses of hypertension and diabetes, Susan Marie Harris
Hypertensive diseases in pregnancy: An exploratory study on midwives' experiences in South Africa, T. I. Ramavhoya, M. S. Maputle, and R. T. Lebese
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: Systematic review of midwifery management, Rafiat Ajoke Anokwuru
Hypertonic lower extremities in infants: Correlation to motor function scores at thirteen months of age, Susan Jean Brillhart
Hypoglycemia management in the tnpatient setting: Protocol education for the registered nurse, Sarah Firmin
Hypotension management in patients with pulmonary hypertension, Braden Clark and Nancy Westbrook
"I am a competent nurse": Predicting novice male nurse competence and satisfaction levels, Bitsy Wedin
I am woman: Gender specific issues for Australian women following traumatic brain injury, Kate M. O'Reilly
IA thrombectomy nursing care for acute ischemic stroke in Taiwan, Ching-Wei Lin
Icek Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior: A theoretical framework, Mercy Ngosa Mumba
ICT in integrated care: Transfer of stroke patient care information, Bianca Ivonne Buijck, Geert Kooij, and Jolanda Paardekooper
ICU diaries reduce post traumatic stress disorder after critical illness in patients and family members, Christina Jones
ICU diaries: The journey to psychological recovery for critically ill patient's family members, Carl Gosta Backman
ICU diary: Mind the gap, Judy Martin
ICU diary programs used to decrease PICS symptoms in ICU survivors/families: An integrative research review, Katie Hensley
ICU diary: Supporting the intensive care patients transition from the ICU, Judy Martin
ICU healthy work environments: A concept analysis, Sharon A. Little-Stoetzel
ICU nurse's judgment of the validity of a PICS Assessment Tool, Harumi Ejiri, Emiko Shinozaki, Chiharu Ito, Ryo Hayase, Naomi Yamaguchi, Akira Kondo, and Keiko Umeda
Ideal nursing workflows to support the development of information technology solutions, Jane Englebright
Ideals for nurses: A study of the "American Journal of Nursing" and "RN", 1940-1960, Lembi Saarmann
Identification and referral of women experiencing postpartum depression, Jeannie W. Connolly, Roger Hillary McBride, and Barbara C. Woodring
Identification of best practices for short term medical mission trips and development of practice guidelines, Susan P. Andrews
Identification of developmental risk in infants with medical problems: A program of research, Diane L. Holditch-Davis
Identification of human trafficking victims in the emergency department, Susan G. Blume
Identification of internal risk factors and interventions to prevent exertional heat illnesses in hikers: A systematic review, Sheri D. Erwin
Identification of neuropsychiatric symptoms in chronic pain patients receiving joint and soft tissue corticosteriod injections, Rachel Lise Ciota
Identification of nurse-controlled variables pain In a magnet designated community hospital's surgical orthopedic patient population, Melodie Ruth Daniels and Cynthia D. Connelly
Identification of nurses' stressors during electronic records implementation, Brooke Brantley
Identification of post-abortion syndrome through implementation of a screening protocol in a pregnancy resource center, Rachel Epperson
Identification of staff RN's ability to assess community acquired pressure ulcers among ethnically diverse patients: Hispanics and African-American utilizing simulation, Katherine Ann Ricossa
Identify, describe, and evaluate cardiovascular disease risk factors in college students, Dieu-My T. Tran
Identifying academic risk factors of BSN students using the College Persistence Questionnaire to better understand student attrition, Kelly J. Betts
Identifying academic risk factors of BSN students using the College Persistence Questionnaire to better understand student attrition, Kelly J. Betts and Janet A. Shirley
Identifying acute cardiac deterioration in a critical care setting and establishing a new recognition protocol, Sarah A. Power
Identifying and accommodating education/research barriers of rural nursing staff in the Mississippi River Delta, L. Todd Hammon
Identifying and addressing barriers in type 2 diabetes: A three-step telemedicine approach, Stacy Ann Davis
Identifying and Measuring Nurse Leader Communication Behaviors, Susan G. Hopkinson
Identifying barriers for nephrology nurses in discussing advance care planning (ACP) with CKD patients, Chiu-Chu Lin and Jui-O Chen
Identifying barriers to success for minority undergraduate nursing students, Ashley White and Teresa Maggard Stephens
Identifying bedside staff nurse barriers and facilitators in moving from an RN a BSN degree, Shannon M. Graham
Identifying best practice for healthcare providers caring for autistic children perioperatively, Margaret A. Gettis
Identifying child physical abuse: Who is reporting, and how accurate are their reports?, Grace W. K. Ho, Deborah Gross, and Amie Bettencourt
Identifying contemporary early retirement factors and strategies to enable longer working lives, Donna M. Wilson, Shovana Shrestha, and Rashmi Devkota
Identifying coping mechanisms for veterans suffering moral injury: Using the Roy Adaptation Model, Michael Cox and Vonda Skjolsvik
Identifying delirium in hospitalized patients using Nursing Delirium Screening Scale, Christina S. Arockiam
Identifying depression in primary care: An evidence-based intervention, Mary Alice Peters
Identifying drug-seeking behavior: A nursing duty to act, Ashley K. Apple and Alexis Simpson
Identifying educational needs: Training gap analysis of United States Air Force aeromedical evacuation technicians/nurses, Tiffany A. Losekamp-Roberts and Julie F. Roseboro
Identifying entry-level nursing practice characteristics and emerging trends in the United States through evidence-based research, Ada Woo, Kathy Apple, and Philip Dickison
Identifying Exercise Barriers for Nurses Working in Sedentary Work Roles, Carol M. Patton
Identifying factors associated with horizontal violence among registered nurses, Barbara Brunt and Christine Benson
Identifying factors associated with nursing faculty well-being and resilience during a global pandemic, Tina Antill Keener, Katherine Hall, Tara M. Hulsey, Kesheng Wang, and Ubolrat Piamjariyakul
Identifying factors influencing pediatric professionals' self-reported collaborative practice behaviors, Susan Kilroy
Identifying Japanese staff nurses' perceptions of "Hatarakinikusa" in hospitals; Creating a positive and agreeable workplace, Kasane Kashima, Naomi Funashima, and Toshiko Nakayama
Identifying key components of professional practice models for nursing: A synthesis of the literature, Diane Esma Twigg, Susanne Megan Davis, Linda L. Coventry, and Susan Slatyer
Identifying learning acquired during debriefing, Shelly J. Reed
Identifying malnourishment in geriatric patients with nutritional screenings to improve surgical outcomes, Laura Steadman, LeAnne Livingston Peoples, and Cassandra U. Winston-Griffin
Identifying motivation toward healthy behavior in overweight and obese pregnant women, Heather Watson
Identifying motivation toward healthy behavior in overweight and obese pregnant women, Heather Lynn Watson
Identifying staff nurses' perceptions of "Hatarakinikusa" in hospitals, Kasane Kashima, Naomi Funashima, and Toshiko Nakayama
Identifying staff nurses' perceptions of work environments in Japan, Kasane Kashima, Naomi Funashima, and Toshiko Nakayama
Identifying strategies for addressing perceived barriers to education for pre-licensure male nursing students, Brett T. Morgan, Benjamin A. Smallheer, Margory A. Molloy, and Helen Gordon
Identifying Student Nurses' Barriers to Research Participation, Talaena Marven, Kofi Bonnie, Meagan Lauer, and Simone Snyders
Identifying support needs of patients with esophageal carcinomas prior to surgical intervention: An exploratory study, Sung E. Whang
Identifying teaching strategies to increase cultural competence among undergraduate nursing students, Hsiu-chin Chen
Identifying the Concerns of the Divorced Woman and Impact on Health, Cynthia Blum
Identifying the impact of a DEU experience on critical thinking in associate degree nursing students, Elizabeth C. Campbell, Thomas W. Gunning, and Nancy Phoenix Bittner
Identifying the influence of barriers on research as described by non-tenured nurse faculty, Deborah L. Whittaker
Identifying the perceptions of nurses regarding care and management of central lines, Joy Michelle Selchow
Identifying transfer of care gaps: Electronic health record capture of perioperative handoff communications, Sharon Giarrizzo-Wilson
Identifying unmet mental health and emotional palliative care needs in patients with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Chrystal L. Lewis, Ellen P. Moore, and Candice N. Selwyn
Identifying unmet perioperative support needs of patients with esophageal cancer: An exploratory study, Sung E. Whang
I didn't see it coming: Improving mental health training for nurses in the hospital setting, Brandon Bredimus
"I feel good but data said no!," Misperception among rural diabetic residents in Taiwan: A cross-sectional descriptive study, Mei-Yen Chen, Li-Na Chou, and Min-Li Chen
"If I cry less I can fit in more play dates": Mothers' experiences with time famine, Nancy M. H. Pontes
If the walls could talk: Student perspectives on what makes for a "good" teacher, Theresa M. Valiga and Ashley Munteanu
If you build it, they will use it. Creating task trainers for simulation, Leslie Harder
Igniting a Fire for Patient Safety in the or Using Teamstepps and Simulation Observation, Carlos Archilla and Candace Eden
Igniting and sustaining evidence-based practice to meet the quadruple aim in healthcare, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Igniting an interest in research class with experiential learning, Ronda M. Christman, Cynthia D. Booher, Ron Mitchell, Dionne Felix, Elizabeth J. Scott, and Camilla Espina
Igniting a spirit of inquiry using a Sacred Cow round-up, Rhoda Phillips
Igniting the soul through a global service-learning experience, Mary Hermann and Barbara Jones
I got the money! Key strategies to secure grant funding for research and evidence-based practice, Rebecca Culver Clark and Kimberly Ferren Carter
I have to write a business plan for my simulation program. Help!!!, Thomas Doyle and Kimberly S. Beechler
IHI open school: A catalyst for change for improving diabetes outcomes in an NP clinic, Tarnia Newton
iHuman Project: Implementation and Evaluation of Cloud-Based, Virtual-Patient, Case-Based Simulation, Elaine D. Kauschinger
Illness experiences in middle-aged adults with early-stage knee osteoarthritis, Mei-Hua Kao and Yun-Fang Tsai
Illness perception of Chinese colon/GI cancer patients, Fang-Yu Chou
Illness representations and self-care behavior of patients with heart failure, Jen-Chen Tsai, Pei-Shan Tsai, and Yen-Ting Wang
Illness representations and self-management behaviors of African-American adolescents with asthma, Sharron J. Crowder
Illness script formation in diagnostic reasoning within advanced practice nursing education, Christina Nordick
Illustrating the Theory of the Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship, Cynthia A. Gaudet
Illustration of aims for utilization nursing process data in electronic patient records with the aid of the European Nursing Care Pathways (ENP), Sebastian Kraus
Imagine! Blended learning best practices for novice nurse orientation, Julie Miller
Imagine Flipping the Classroom to Improve Outcomes, Stacey L. Chomic
Imagine New Graduate Nurses in the Ambulatory Setting, Amanda Moorer and Laurie Kirkley
Immersion experience: Impact on cultural competency in undergraduate nursing students, Trudy Ann Laffoon
Immersion in service learning offers a leadership focus for today's nursing student, Kathleen M. Lamaute
Immersive education: evaluating virtual reality in clinical decision-making, Carol Oldroyd and Alison Day
Immersive video technology: Highly engaging, cost-efficient, standardized clinical simulations for remote learning, Bryan Dang, Alice L. Butzlaff, Brandon Kyle Johnson, April Wood, Gregory E. Gilbert, and Suzan Kardong-Edgren
Immigrants' health, acculturation, and the work-retirement continuum, Cheryl Zlotnick and Laura Dryjanska
Immigrant women and their health: An olive paper [Free Book Download], Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Juliene G. Lipson, Marjorie A. Muecke, and Gloria R. Smith
Immune function and infection risk after pediatric cardiac surgery, Kristin Greathouse, Andrew Yates, Tondi M. Harrison, Cindy M. Anderson, Loren Wold, and Mark Hall
Imogene King for New Users, Beverly J. Whelton
Imogene M. King, RN, EdD, FAAN: Nurse theorist and nursing leader, Mary B. Killeen
Impacting congenital abnormalities and infectious complications during pre-conception through pregnancy: The Zika Prevention Program (ZPP), Pamela Allyn Di Vito-Thomas
Impacting global healthcare through the development of the Beta Xi Global Service Initiative, Deborah A. Hassler
Impacting nursing stress: The implementation of a standardized referral process in the outpatient pediatric care setting, Cindy Herrera
Impacting practice through change: Implementing cardiopulmonary resuscitation into a Nebraska school’s curriculum, Samantha Renter
Impacting practice: Using a poverty simulation to develop leadership skills in baccalaureate nursing students, Adelita G. Cantu
Impacting student success: The importance of gender diversity within nursing education, Barbara Ellen Le Blanc
Impact of a clinical peer-mentoring program on nursing student's stress, self-confidence, and clinical judgment, Julia Canipe
Impact of adverse childhood experience education on primary care providers, Kelli Gunn
Impact of a human papilloma virus seminar on students' attitudes, perceptions, knowledge, and record search, Marivic B. Torregosa, Marcus Antonius Ynalvez, Patricia C. Keck, and Claudia Carolina Beltran
Impact of a multidisciplinary shared medical appointment on depression, quality of life, and health promotion, Teresa A. Law, Stacey J. Jones, and Shellye A. Vardaman
Impact of an active learning strategy on learner engagement in a transition to practice program, Janiece Paulat
Impact of an advance care planning simulation on the communication skills of nurse practitioner students, Rose Anne Indelicato
Impact of an educational intervention on knowledge and attitudes concerning maternity care practices consistent with the "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative", Marjorie H. Young
Impact of an educational workshop on a nurse-led intervention in palliative care: A longitudinal analysis, Gianluca Catania, Annamaria Bagnasco, Milko Zanini, Giuseppe Aleo, and Loredana Sasso
Impact of an emergency department sepsis policy, Lynette M. Rayman
Impact of animal facilitated therapy on inpatient outcomes, Hannah Arras, Gretchen Biessman, and Kaitlin Hubbert
Impact of an open access appointment scheduling system on no-show rates in an urban federally qualified health center, Rosemary Ward
Impact of a pandemic on nurse intention to stay or leave nursing, Judi Godsey and Dolores E. White
Impact of a smart phone application on ICU family and provider satisfaction, Florence Schaefer
Impact of a standardized asthma education program for children ages 8-12 years old with moderate to severe persistent asthma on health outcomes: A pilot study, Felesia Renee Bowen
Impact of a student and faculty collaboration on patient satisfaction with pain management, Mary Lynn Parker and Jole' L. Mowry
Impact of a systematic oral care program in post-mechanically ventilated intensive care patients, Esther M. Chipps, Timothy Landers, Michele Weber, Jennifer MacDermott, Tadsaung Tania Von Visger, Kristin Calvitti, Cheryl L. Newton, Brenda K. Vermillion, and Jamie St. Clair
Impact of authentic leadership on team psychological safety as mediated by relationship quality, Mechelle J. Plasse
Impact of a youth theological institute on moral development: Findings from Vocati cohort 2-2, JoAnn D. Long, Steven Bonner, Hope A. Cimino, Aundraea T. Guinn, and Lucy Brown
Impact of brief group sessions on anxiety and coping in primary caregivers of those with rare disorders, Andrea I. Bowling
Impact of BrØset Violence Checklist on safety events in an adult mental health unit, Maritess B. Bernardo
Impact of caring social presence in online graduate nursing education, Catherine Dorothy Flanagan
Impact of category of appraisal on diabetes self-management, Roger D. Carpenter
Impact of chemotherapy on the quality of life and functional status of older adults with non-small cell lung cancer, Linda Patti Sarna
Impact of CNS-led quality improvement initiative on diabetes quality metrics in primary care, Linda E. Thurby-Hay
Impact of comfort management on narcotic use in the cardiopulmonary surgical ICU, Caroline Janga Doe
Impact of communication training on nurses' verbal and nonverbal skills and patient satisfaction, Edna Trepanier
Impact of Community- and Hospital-Based Nurses' Beliefs Regarding Evidence-Based Practice on Mentoring Student Nurses, Joanne Brooke and Catherine Lynch
Impact of community breastfeeding support group on duration rates at 3 months, Olivine Singh, Cheryl Robinson, and Aimee Holland
Impact of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity on Success of the First Attempt of the NCLEX-RN, Ernestine Hunter Cuellar
Impact of daily electrocardiographic electrode changes upon technical related cardiac monitor alarm events, Deborah H. Smith
Impact of Delirium Observation Screening Scale on identifying delirium in hospice patients, Elsie E. Glasu-Atunuwa
Impact of diabetes self-management education on adults with diabetes and mental illness, Brooke Tullis
Impact of different types of oral care on oral mucositis and quality of life for head and neck cancer patients during radiotherapy, Yi-Ying Huang, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Kwan-Hwa Chi, Sheng-Po Hao, and Pei Kwei Tsay
Impact of Early and Intensive Rehabilitation in Preventing the Functional Decline of Stroke Patient, Armenio Guardado Cruz and Daniela Simoes Maia Fonseca
Impact of educational mentorship for managing postpartum hemorrhage on nurses and midwives' knowledge and self-efficacy, Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni, Mickey Kerr, David F. Cechetto, Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould, Manasse Nzayirambaho, and Anaclet Ngabonzima
Impact of electronic medical record (EMR) on collegiality among nurses in the global sphere, Marcia Theresa Caton
Impact of emergency department sepsis policy, Lynette M. Rayman
Impact of end-of-life education on nurses' moral distress, Jenniffer L. Mullen
Impact of equine programs to treat autism on caregiver stress, Jennifer May
Impact of evidence-based educational guidelines to increase nurse educator's physical activity at work and home, Carol M. Patton
Impact of family counselling on nurses facing domestic violence in Indian cities on nursing outcomes, Phalakshi Manjrekar
Impact of family, culture, and the environment on Hispanic children's leisure activity, Sue A. Anderson
Impact of food distribution sites in rural neighborhoods at risk for food insecurity in San Bernardino County, Lydia Garcia-Usry
Impact of gamification on engagement of prelicensure nursing students: Faculty perceptions, Elizabeth A. Lucas
Impact of health literacy on clinical trial enrollment for breast cancer patients, Jessica Keim-Malpass, Christine Kennedy, Shayna Showalter, and Aubrey Doede
Impact of hemoglobin A1c screening program among medicare patients, Mary Jo Quinn and Susan Schaffer
Impact of high-fidelity simulation experiences on nursing students' anxiety and self-confidence: A systematic review, Leodoro Labrague
Impact of high-fidelity simulation on confidence level of nursing students in the care of COVID-19 patients, Faith A. Paine
Impact of High-Fidelity Simulation on Teaching Medical Nursing, Yaohua Gu, Zhijie Zou, and Yangun Liu
Impact of humanized anatomical paedagogy on psychophysiological responses and academic achievement in nursing students, Hui-Ling Lai
Impact of hybrid teaching on prelicensure baccalaureate nursing students, Jennifer Bialk, Georganne Poole, Jean Madden, Leslie S. Radford, and Victoria S. Brioso-Ang
Impact of incorporating learning station in the fundamentals of nursing lab compared to face-to-face lecture, Shahnaz Makhani, Jamie Valentin Cuevas, Evelyn Mathis, Patricia Montero, Heidy Dorta, Angelica C. Hernandez, Mary Ann Garcia, and Maria Milian
Impact of individual and neighborhood factors on cardiovascular risk in white Hispanic women and men compared to white non-Hispanic women and wen, Tanya Marie Cohn
Impact of Intellectual Disability Nurse Specialist in the United Kingdom and Ireland: A Systematic Review, Jennifer Bur
Impact of interdisciplinary rounds on palliative care measures and patient outcomes in non-intensive care settings, Catherine V. Smith and Kathie S. Zimbro
Impact of interprofessional education on nursing student outcomes in an online environment, Laura Fillmore
Impact of interprofessional orientation on new employee attitudes regarding interprofessional teamwork, Julie Rohr
Impact of interprofessional orientation on new employee attitudes regarding interprofessional teamwork, Julie Rohr
Impact of interprofessional week on student perceptions of interprofessional education, Briyana L. M. Morrell, Kara Cecil, Jennifer Nicole Carmack, Kathleen Elizabeth Hetzler, Jessica E. Jochum, Elizabeth S. Moore, Alison M. Nichols, and Jane Toon
Impact of lifestyle and balance of autonomic nerves for patients with myoma of the uterus, Shu Chun Chien, Yoshiko Wazumi, Toshie Yamamoto, Yuka Kanai, and Shinobu Saito
Impact of managed care on health care delivery practices as perceived by health care administrators and practitioners, Mari F. Tietze
Impact of marital coping on body image and sexual relationship among breast cancer survivors, Su-Ying Fang, Tzu-Chun Chen, Yi-Chen Lin, Wan-Chun Tung, and Hsiu-Mei Huang
Impact of maternal childhood adversity on the psycho-neuroendocrine-inflammatory profile during pregnancy, Karen J. Kotz, Dina Tell Cooper, Herbert L. Mathews, and Linda Witek Janusek
Impact of maternal education on pediatric asthma medication compliance and peak expiratory flow rate, Erna Judith Roach and Nalini Bhaskaranand
Impact of Meaningful Recognition on Nurses' Environment: Comparative Exploration of Leaders' and Staff Nurses' Perception, Usha Koshy Cherian
Impact of mentorship on knowledge and self-efficacy for neonatal resuscitation in Rwandan nurses and midwives, Gerard Nyiringango, Mickey Kerr, Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould, David F. Cechetto, Clementine Kanazayire, and Anaclet Ngabonzima
Impact of Mindfulness Training on Stress and Burnout in the First Six Months of Practice, Carol Lamonica-Way, Denise Stage McNulty, and Jo-Anne Senneff
Impact of mother being in school on academic success of her child (ren)-A cross sectional study, Ekta Rathee and Mellisa Hall
Impact of mother being in school on academic success of her children: A cross-sectional study, Ekta Rathee and Mellisa Hall
Impact of motivational workshops on lifestyle modification to increase physical activity, Gagandeep Singh, Manju N. Daniel, and Courtney Crutchfield
Impact of multicontextual teaching/learning on minority BSN student engagement: A qualitative research study, Scott C. Dolan
Impact of multiple in-situ simulations on the nursing team among medical-surgical units: Lessons learned, Caroline Cantrall, Jill Chamberlain, Naomi Fulhorst, Kelly M. Mayer, Yvonne Schmudde, and Leigh Ann Standefer
Impact of music in the operating room: EBP, Samay Ersoff
Impact of NICHE preparation on nursing knowledge of geriatric patient care, Tru Brynes
Impact of nurse-initiated intentional rounding on patient satisfaction scores on a surgical unit, Tina Eslinger-Vaughn
Impact of nurses' sanctification of work on work-related outcomes and patient satisfaction, Hazel Ada, Elizabeth Johnston Taylor, and Ellen D'Errico
Impact of peer-assisted learning with standardized patients in an undergraduate nursing course, Dorie Lynn Weaver, Tracy P. George, and Sarah H. Kershner
Impact of preceptor-based nurse residency program, Lester Pimentel Naval, Maria Theresa M. Donguines, and Baby Mariz P. Mampusti
Impact of preoperative psychological evaluations on bariatric surgery outcomes, Melanie A. Caustrita
Impact of Presidential Succession on Local Chapter Leadership in an International Honor Society, Patricia L. Hockensmith
Impact of prior intensive care unit (ICU) experience on ICU patients' family members' psychological distress, Chrystal L. Lewis and Jessica Z. Taylor
Impact of protocol driven provider order sets on patient mortality and bundle compliance, Nancy J. Fry and Samantha Cotter
Impact of real-time prediction model-enhanced clinical decision support systems on nursing sensitive patient outcomes: A review of the literature, Alvin Dean Jeffery
Impact of Reflective Practice on New Graduate Nurse Satisfaction, Stress, Support, and Retention Rates, Chelsea Waltz
Impact of secondary traumatic stress from COVID-19 on nurses, Marni B. Kellogg and Anna Schierberl Scherr
Impact of smoking on cardiometabolic disturbance among disabled male adults in Taiwan, Mei-Yen Chen
Impact of social support and stress on blood pressure among West African immigrants, Ruth-Alma N. Turkson-Ocran, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, and Ozioma A. Amadi
Impact of standardized skin-to-skin protocol in the operating room on breastfeeding rates, Simone M. James
Impact of Standardized Surgical Checklist on Communication and Teamwork Among Interdisciplinary Surgical Team, Regalado A., Jr. Valerio
Impact of student fatigue on student outcomes at three points in a BSN nursing program, Martha A. Spies and Ellen L. Poole
Impact of study sessions for first semester nursing students, Donna L. Martin
Impact of targeted temperature management on neurological outcomes in post-cardiac arrest patients, Stephanie Dolan
Impact of teaching breathing techniques on patient health outcomes: A systematic review, Kathleen Benjamin Rickard, Jennifer Reich, and Dorothy J. Dunn
Impact of technology on nurse-patient interactions: A skill-based method for improvement, Cynthia H. Mullinax
Impact of telecommuter status, manager leadership style, structural empowerment and job satisfaction on managed care nurses' level of engagement, Jessica Varghese
Impact of the Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) System on medication administration errors, Mary P. Davis
Impact of the Fuld Fellowship Program on patient safety competence and systems thinking, Kelly T. Gleason, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Cheryl R. Dennison Himmelfarb, Jo M. Walrath, Brigit VanGraafeiland, and Roseann Velez
Impact of the geriatric medication game on nursing students empathy and attitudes toward older adults, Karen S. Yehle, Aleda M. H. Chen, Mary E. Kiersma, and Kimberly S. Plake
Impact of the Guatemalan nursing program on treatment abandonment in children with cancer, Sara W. Day, Rita M. Carty, and Leslie McKeon
Impact of transitional care interventions, F. Teena Stevenson-Matthews
Impact of traumatic brain injury on American soldiers' memory with technological cognitive aids: A summative assessment, Tammy R. Smith
Impact of using commercially prepared specialty exams as clinical course final exams, Claudine Dufrene, Kristina L. Leyden, and Christen D. Sadler
Impact of virtual mindfulness education on nurse stress and coping during a pandemic, Ericia L. Howard and Marjorie Vogt
Impact of water, hygiene and sanitation on medication adherence intention among HIV positive women enrolled in Option B+ treatment regimen in Zambia, Jerry John Yao Nutor
Impact of workplace incivility on staff nurses including productivity and financial consequences, Patricia S. Lewis and Ann T. Malecha
Impact of yoga on autonomic nervous system and its clinical implications, Maheswari Murugesan
Impact on nursing students' knowledge through integration of an end-of-life course in the undergraduate curriculum, Laly Joseph
Impacts of antiretroviral therapy and food supplements on life outcomes of adults living with HIV & AIDS in Delta State, Nigeria, Patricia K. Omenogor, Nosa L. Orhue, and Prisca O. Adejumo
Impacts of a tele-education program in dual diagnosis on nursing competency development: A mixed-methods study, Gabrielle Chicoine, Jose Cote, Jacinthe Pepin, Louise Boyer, and Didier Jutras-Aswad
Implanted venous port education sets sail in the ED, Nicole Herbert, Darcy Abbott, and Sherri Sprague
Implementation and development of obstetric rapid response team for labor and delivery staff, Nina D. Williams
Implementation and evaluation of a compact CKD reference guide for primary care providers, Monica Cotton
Implementation and evaluation of a falls reduction pilot, Jennifer L. Kitchens
Implementation and evaluation of a journal club for acuity adaptable units, Jennifer L. Kitchens, Margie A. Hull, and Janet S. Fulton
Implementation and evaluation of a mindfulness-based intervention for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization, Susan Marfoglio and Elizabeth Collins
Implementation and evaluation of an antimicrobial stewardship program in the outpatient setting, Carey Marie Phelan
Implementation and evaluation of a pain assessment tool in a dementia care facility: A quality improvement project, Cynthia A. Carbo
Implementation and evaluation of a plan to support new graduates' entry into practice during COVID-19, Kathleen A. Russell-Babin
Implementation and evaluation of a training program to develop professional competencies in nursing, Rashmi Devkota, Ana Choperena, Miren Idoia Pardavila-Belio, Virginia La Rosa-Salas, Begona Errasti-Ibarrondo, Cristina Oroviogoicoechea, Amparo Zaragoza, and Rosana Goni-Viguria
Implementation and evaluation of a violence screening tool in the psychiatric emergency department, Dave A. Adeleye
Implementation and evaluation of home health simulation to improve pre-licensure bachelor of science nursing students' learning: An action research study, Kathryn Kollowa
Implementation and Evaluation of Staff Debriefing After Seclusion and Restraint Events, Zelda Falck, Renee Franquiz, Ashley Hernandez, and Rosemarie Satyshur
Implementation and evaluation of transitioning newborns at the bedside Maternal-Child Leadership Project, Shakira Lita Ismay Henderson, Sonya L. Clayton, and Katheryn B. Arterberry
Implementation and improvement of stroke systems of care to improve patient outcomes, Casey McCutcheon Stone and Tom Curley
Implementation and sustainability of quality improvement (QI) in home and community-based service (HCBS) settings, Kathleen Abrahamson, Heather Davila, Christine Mueller, and Greg Arling
Implementation & evaluation of safe opioid prescribing guidelines for chronic non-cancer pain in primary care, Nicole Parsons and Patricia Bruckenthal
Implementation experiences of a evidence-based program to reduce sexual risk behavior among Mexican adolescents, Raquel Alicia Benavides-Torres, Morayma Gonzalez Sanmiguel, Bertha Cecilia Salazar, Esther C. Gallegos, and Antonia Villarruel
Implementation interventions for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in public health sexually transmitted infections clinic and related PrEP minority trends, Julie Schexnayder
Implementation of a CAUTI toolkit for hospitalized patients, Barbara Mauger
Implementation of a central line maintenance checklist in the medical intensive care unit, Charles Reynolds
Implementation of a clinical learning assignment to provide delegation opportunities to senior nursing students, Kristy S. Chunta, Riah Leigh Hoffman, and Nicole Custer
Implementation of a Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Management of Adult Obesity, Chelsea Lynn Rust
Implementation of a diabetes self-management intervention for Mexican-American families in the Arizona-Mexico border region, Marylyn M. McEwen
Implementation of a diabetes treatment algorithm in primary care for use in the adult Hispanic population, Heidi Marshall Dillenbeck
Implementation of a faculty peer review program, Ronda S. Landers
Implementation of a formalized nurse manager competency program using AONE competencies, Lisa Bailey and Jenny Caldwell
Implementation of a high fidelity post partum hemmorhage simulation for an acute care multisite, interprofessional women and childrens service line improves patient care outcomes, Laura Wining and Tracy D. McGuire
Implementation of a mentor led physical activity program among disadvantaged youth, Karen M. Martin
Implementation of an adverse childhood experiences (ACE) screening protocol for adults at an outpatient medical psychology practice: A DNP project, Jennifer E. Allain
Implementation of an EBP protocol to reduce use of indwelling urinary catheters in the long-term care environment, Phyllis M. Gaspar and Murthy Gokula
Implementation of an electronic handover tool: Learning from program evaluation, Luanne M. Shaw and Jean M. Barry
Implementation of an employee-family health clinic within a specialty practice, Alena Lester
Implementation of an employee mentorship program to reduce burnout levels in a neuroscience intensive care unit, Ryan Mahoney
Implementation of an evidence-based patient education Stoplight Tool to reduce cancer treatment-induced diarrhea, Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Kristine Bert, Valerie Rinehart, and Melissa Fink
Implementation of an evidence-based practice checklist to reduce 30-day readmission for patients with heart failure, Susan Giscombe, Diana Lyn Baptiste, and Melissa Jones Holley
Implementation of an evidence-based protocol for headache management in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients, Donna M. Mower-Wade
Implementation of an evidence-based protocol for the diagnosis of asthma, Stephanie Edwards, Kristi Lunceford, and Samer Mazahreh
Implementation of an evidence-based suicide prevention program for a primary care network of clinics in rural Appalachia, Christine Mullins and Teresa Carnevale
Implementation of an innovative interprofessional curriculum for community assessment, practice, and research for masters' and doctoral education, Quannetta T. Edwards
Implementation of an innovative interprofessional global health curriculum for doctoral education, Ivy Tuason
Implementation of an innovative machine learning-based triage support tool: Translating technology and research to practice, Madeleine Whalen, Heather Gardner, Diego Martinez, Sophia Henry, Catherine McKenzie, Jeremiah Hinson, and Scot Levin
Implementation of an interprofessional collaboration model in an ambulatory setting, Jean L. Putnam and Norma Hall
Implementation of an interprofessional evidence-based practice council to enhance patient outcomes and empower frontline staff, Donna J. Copeland, Kristina S. Miller, Bridget Moore, and Clista Clanton
Implementation of an intervention to increase number of certified nurses in an emergency medicine department, RaniMaria Toledo, Paula M. Neira, Barbara Maliszewski, Diana Lyn Baptiste, and Kimberly Borries
Implementation of an intra-hospital transport safety checklist in a pediatric emergency department, Cecilia Sotomayor, Paul Mullan, April Venn, Andrea Jennings, Sandip Godambe, and Faiqa Qureshi
Implementation of an intubation checklist, Ashley Klepinger and Maureen Marzano
Implementation of an obstetrical rapid response team, Patricia A. Heale
Implementation of an opiate use disorder (OUD) screening tool to reduce opioid abuse in a pain management clinic, Brian D. Pervis
Implementation of an opioid reduction protocol utilizing alternatives for the treatment of pain in the emergency department of a level 1 trauma center, Rachael Duncan, Nancy J. Fry, and Michelle Maguire
Implementation of an orientation program for student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) and their support persons: A program evaluation, Chelsea F. Murrell
Implementation of an orientation seminar for graduate students in nurse anesthesia and their support persons: A program evaluation, Stephanie Ann Ferguson
Implementation of a nurse-driven foley catheter removal protocol: A patient safety and quality improvement project, Aimee L. Burch
Implementation of a nurse-led interprofessional education intervention to support collaborative practice in home care, Sue Bookey-Bassett, Maureen Markle-Reid, Jenny Ploeg, and Noori Akhtar-Danesh
Implementation of a nurse residency program for long-term care new nurses in NJ, Nancy Bohnarczyk, Edna Cadmus, Susan W. Salmond, Linda Hassler, and Katherine Black
Implementation of a nursing peer review (NPR) process, Kelly Phillips, Berkeley Haney, and Molly Jo Brixey
Implementation of a pandemic protocol in a primary care setting in West Jackson, Mississippi, Trevalla Kaye Eggleston-Lindsey
Implementation of a sepsis program in a dedicated pediatric emergency department - The beginning of a journey, John Viglo, Neal Cho, Caleb Jacobs, Alice Ferguson, Grant Keeney, Robert Kregenow, Melissa Skaugset, Leah Wagner, Lara Wood, and Katherine Long
Implementation of a smoking cessation education program in the emergency department, Juan M. Gonzalez, Lila de Tantillo, Johis Ortega, and Kenya Snowden
Implementation of a Smoking Education Initiative, Sylvia J. Sheffler
Implementation of a standardized handoff during transition of care from the ED to the ICU, Melinda Abbring
Implementation of a transition to practice program for newly licensed registered nurses, Christine Courtney
Implementation of a unique, fully online, asynchronous LPN to RNS program: Successes and barriers, Kathleen Marie-Anne Huun, Andreas Martin Kummerow, and Jessica Renee Nelson
Implementation of a universal screening program to increase identification and treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders among pregnant and postpartum women, Laura Bartlett and Terrie Platt
Implementation of a validated health literacy tool with teach-back education in a super utilizer patient population, Maribeth LeBreton
Implementation of a vertical care area and enhancement of the triage process for patient throughput in a freestanding emergency department, Katharine McLary
Implementation of "creative joint-defense network" to improve nursing quality for endotracheal intubation, Huang-Jen Shih
Implementation of current technology in online learning, Glenda K. Jones, Milena P. Staykova, and David Halpin
Implementation of depression screening to optimize chronic pain management, Aaron B. Castle
Implementation of education to insert PICC at bedside: Insertion attempts, cost, and interventional radiology utilization, Rachael L. Edjou, Heidi Cohen, and Margaret Sharon Harris
Implementation of emergency department nurse triage sepsis screening protocol, Lynne E. Ward, Jennifer M. Heusinkvelt, Lacey J. Huber, Breann N. Miller, Azusa Ronhovde, Susan A. Barnason, and Katie A. Kranau
Implementation of established guidelines to determine the correlation of antipsychotic use and fall rate occurrence amongst inpatient long-term care residents, Cynthia L. Hardy
Implementation of evidence based alternative birth position in a hospital in Tshwane, Maurine Musie, Seipati Padi, and Christa Van der Walt
Implementation of evidence-based hourly rounding to improve fall rates of adult patients on a medical-surgical nursing unit, David W. Smith
Implementation of faculty clinical research mentorship to improve academic clinical partnerships and nurse led projects, Mary G. Heitschmidt, Beth A. Staffileno, and Ruth M. Kleinpell
Implementation of frostbite and opioid overdose response guidelines at a warming center, Kristeljei Baltazar and Rachel Turner
Implementation of infection control bundle in a freestanding inpatient rehabilitation facility, Kim Schober
Implementation of loneliness screening for older adults in primary care, Chava Pollak
Implementation of low cost high impact interventions to improve the health outcomes of preterm babies, Jane W. Kabo
Implementation of mobile mindfulness apps to reduce stress among nurses, Nadine Cesaire
Implementation of nursing peer review within shared governance to improve patient outcomes, Joanne Reich
Implementation of pediatric resuscitation training to improve TEAM performance and patient outcomes, Tammy Tran Nguyen and Therese Doan
Implementation of programs and infrastructures to sustain evidence-based decision making and practice, Penelope F. Gorsuch
Implementation of Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS) in rural and under-served high schools, Lois J. Loescher
Implementation of rheumatoid arthritis assessment tool: A quality improvement project, Christina Mooroian-Pennington and Dorothy J. Dunn
Implementation of specialty nursing education in Guyana, Jessica Jade Van Meter and Sally A. Dye
Implementation of STEADI Toolkit of CDC for preventing falls among community dwelling older adults, Jill Varughese
Implementation of survivorship care plans in an oncology clinic, Sheryl Marckstadt and Michelle Lynn Abraham
Implementation of Tai Chi fall prevention program in a community-based setting, Shabnampreet Kaur
Implementation of the bedside mobility assessment tool in the ambulatory care setting, Racquel Hermosura Ballinger
Implementation of the Family Help protocol: A feasibility project for a West Texas ICU, Rebecca McClay
Implementation of the Massachusetts policy on youth sport-related mild traumatic brain injuries: Perceptions of key personnel at Massachusetts public and charter schools, Gretchen A. Kilbourne
Implementation of the STOP-Bang Questionnaire, Joe V. Casey
Implementation of wound education, Dawn Heapy and Lyndsi Hall
Implementation Science: A Community (Informed) Perspective, Antonia M. Villarruel
Implementation science and nursing: Where are we now?, Claudia K. Y. Lai and Jun-Ah Song
Implementation science for clinicians: Accelerating the uptake of evidence into practice for best outcomes, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Sharon Tucker
Implementation science: Making research findings more powerful for use in clinical practice, Sabina De Geest
Implementation study of innovative maternity care: Outcomes related to the SDGs, Rachel Blankstein Breman
Implementing AACN healthy work environment standards in a critical care unit, Blondelle Ashe-Bazil and Alicia Parachini
Implementing a bereavement risk assessment in a hospital setting, Marilyn K. Parker and Jill Peltzer
Implementing a birth preference protocol for intrapartal women to promote collaboration, autonomy and patient satisfaction, Carrie Sue Halsey
Implementing a brief mindfulness based stress reduction self-care intervention into the nursing curriculum, Sharon Placella
Implementing a Capstone Course as a Means for Assessing Program Outcomes, Nancy C. Falvo and Laurie Bladen
Implementing a clinical practice guideline to reduce antibiotic use in asymptomatic bacteriuria, Connie Sue Clum
Implementing a cognitive rehearsal program to combat nursing incivility, Catherine C. Razzi, Ann L. Bianchi, Kimberly A. Carson, and Kristen Herrin
Implementing a community education campaign to improve prenatal care among Navajo women, Adrien J. Gupton
Implementing a dayroom for acute care patients with dementia, Darcy Copeland and Karla Call
Implementing a dedicated education unit for senior year baccalaureate nursing students in primary care, Sarahi Y. Almonte, Sharon Liann Taylor, Ranbir Bains, and Mary L. Blankson
Implementing a depression screening and referral program in an African American church community, Mary S. Garner
Implementing a diabetic foot care program in a primary care clinic, Jennifer Richardson
Implementing a framework to support nursing competence, Sally E. Lima, Mercy Thomas, Bernadette Twomey, Fiona H. Newall, and Sharon B. Kinney
Implementing age-friendly health systems: A call to action from a geriatric resource nurse champion, Blaise B. Nieve
Implementing a high reliability safety culture cycle to improve patient safety outcomes, Caroline Northrup
Implementing a monitoring and feedback program for major depression, Martin Binyange
Implementing an acuity adaptable care model in an existing academic medical center, Gretchen Brown and Cyndi Parke
Implementing an antibiotic stewardship program using the MITIGATE Toolkit in an urgent care setting, Christina Ross
Implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of interprofessional education in college of health curriculum, Victoria Foster, Grace Nteff, Susan J. Sanner, Lisa Smiley, Elicia Collins, Carmen Harrison, Sharon J. Jones, Lisa Wright Eichelberger, Susan Duley, Gail Barnes, and Michael Scott
Implementing and Sustaining Joy in Work, Jill Kargo, Suzanne Kuhn, Sharon Lacue, and Danielle Peterman
Implementing an early mobility protocol for patients in intensive care unit, Allison Nicole Crane
Implementing an electronic defense for program learning outcome assessment to evaluate evidence-based practice attitudes, LaDonna Dulemba
Implementing an electronic medical record: Creating a request for proposal, Renee L. Kelly
Implementing an Enhanced Care Coordination Model for pregnant women with syphilis, Arianne Jamison and Susan Swider
Implementing an evidence-based fetal monitoring practice using a transformational leadership model, Patti Gardner and Mary E. Stepans
Implementing an evidence-based practice opinion as a statewide practice standard to guide nursing preceptorships, LeAnne S. Prenovost
Implementing an innovative advanced practice preceptor development program: Assuring quality clinical education and practice transitions, Janet Marie Myers and Susan M. Bosworth
Implementing an integrative pre and post-operative educational intervention for older adults undergoing total hip and knee replacement, Carolyn Marie Fox
Implementing an interprofessional hypertension clinic in a rapidly growing community outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Becky M. Baird, Ellen L. Palmer, and Rachel Zimmerman
Implementing an unfolding case study throughout the nursing curriculum to increase opioid addiction education, Tonja M. Padgett, Barbara deRose, Shirley K. Woolf, and Samantha Tielker
Implementing a nurse-led community care team in primary care, Catherine E. Vanderboom and Diane E. Holland
Implementing a nursing research, education, and practice program: A participatory action research, Jascinth L. M. Lindo, Rosain N. Stennett, and Veronica H. Waugh-Brown
Implementing a perinatal depression screening and treatment program in an obstetric health department setting, Sarah Pratico
Implementing a pressure injury prevention bundle to decrease hospital acquired pressure injuries in critical care, Mary J. Deady-Rooney, Julie A. Rivera, and Maxine Douglas
Implementing a relationship-based care model on a critical care unit to reduce compassion fatigue, Sylette N. DeBois
Implementing a restorative yoga therapy to reduce anxiety and improve quality of life among patients with breast cancer, Alyssa Kurjan
Implementing a reverse case study interactive design in the classroom setting, Benjamin A. Smallheer
Implementing a school-based health education program to combat trending health disparities in the rural community, Linda M. Gibson-Young, Molly Fortner, and Ann Lambert
Implementing a smoking cessation protocol in type 2 diabetics in a podiatry clinic using the Five A's Model, Guerlyne Henson
Implementing a standardized nutrition protocol to enhance the nutritional health of pediatric oncology patients in the ambulatory care setting, Jacqueline N. Arrison
Implementing a structured nurse-to-nurse communication strategy: A practice change pilot, Kathleen A. Morris and Wendy M. Woith
Implementing a systems-level change model to increase capacity of one VA spinal cord injury center, Christine M. Nicholas, Seth D. Chandler, Nancy Cuevas-Soto, and Frank Puga
Implementing a Tai Chi exercise program to prevent falls in long-term care, Angela F. Miles
Implementing a vaginal self-swab protocol at a teen sexual health clinic, Kaylee Meilahn and Maria Ruud
Implementing a veteran-to-BSN pathway: Supporting and advocating for veterans seeking a BSN, Jene' M. Hurlbut and Imelda R. Revuelto
Implementing Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music to complement care provided in cancer homes, Varshika Manilal Bhana
Implementing care coordination and transition management in a critical care telemetry unit, Linda Wilson and Helen S. Kane
Implementing CAUTI prevention evidence-based practices to improve nurses' knowledge gain and documentation practices, Kerlene T. Richards
Implementing change: Social justice as a platform for nursing education, Katrina Einhellig, Faye I. Hummel, and Courtney E. Gryskiewicz
Implementing Change to Organize and Engage Members, Suzanne E. Zentz and Christine P. Kurtz
Implementing clinical accommodations for students with physical disabilities in nursing education, Erin Horkey
Implementing clinical practice guideline to impact postpartum hemorrhage among immediate postpartum mothers, Teresa C. Okolo
Implementing collaborative testing across a prelicensure program, Kathleen Marie Mullen, Latisha Hanson, Karol DiBello, Heidi B. Hahn-Schroeder, and Ana Maria Kelly
Implementing collaborative testing with exam wrappers to improve metacognition, Kathleen Marie Mullen
Implementing compassionate care interventions in an urban primary care setting, Susan L. Nierenberg and Rose Bell
Implementing CPR training in schools, Kyleen Schmoker
Implementing crucial conversations in a fast-paced, high-stress environment, Miranda S. Cassity and Matthew S. Howard
Implementing culturally competent care into nursing practice: How do we do it?, Bonita Adrienne Knuckles
Implementing EBP in the hospice setting a critical step toward improving end-of-life care, Linda M. Quinlin and Mary Murphy
Implementing & Evaluating Wright's Competency Model in 7 Professions, Greg Durkin
Implementing evidence-based practice in real world practice settings: Key strategies for publishing EBP change projects in nursing journals, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Lynn Gallagher-Ford
Implementing evidence-based workplace wellness strategies to increase employee participation, Cynthia D. Linkes
Implementing evidence to improve chronic insomnia treatment for older adults in primary care: A quality improvement project, Mariama Bayoh
Implementing health coaching on a rural college campus, Cheryl Crisp
Implementing health promotion for people with disabilities: Process evaluation of a pilot HealthMatters Program©, Jo Ann Abbott
Implementing high-flow nasal cannula therapy in the emergency department, Maureen Lugod, Ruth Karales, and Lisa Keller
Implementing hospital-acquired pressure injury (HAPI) prevention program, Marisa C. Raynaldo
Implementing individualized sedentary behavior reduction education to improve HbA1c, Kristina Mitchell
Implementing international hypertension guidelines into a local Vietnamese context: A mixed-method study, Lori A. Spies and Mai Thi Lan Anh
Implementing interprofessional alcohol SBIRT in the emergency department, Vicki Bacidore
Implementing Interprofessional Education:How Appropriate Is the Learning Experience for Nursing Students?, Antoinette Du Preez, Ronel Pretorius, and Belinda Scrooby
Implementing kangaroo mother care in the preterm infant unit of Potchefstroom Hospital, Madile Mmoloke, Joyce Mfuni, and Welma Lubbe
Implementing moral distress and burnout in nursing education: A preliminary study, Annika Daphne Bilog
Implementing obesity management in primary care: Linking evidence based guidelines with a nurse practitioner model of care, Lisa Cogswell, Nancy A. O'Connor, Diane Burgermeister, and Susan M. Hasenau
Implementing palliative care across the life span, Leisha Buller
Implementing Peer Evaluation of Clinical Teaching, Rita Ann Laske
Implementing profiling to boost vaccination uptake among nurses and nursing students: A machine learning approach, nursing IMPACT project, Marco Tomietto, Giancarlo Cicolini, Kristina Mikkonen, and Michelle Croston
Implementing Project ECHO: Complex care management, using technology to support primary care nurses, Mary L. Blankson, Sarahi Y. Almonte, and Katie Ann Lainas
Implementing protocols in the emergency department to improve care for sexual assault patients, Kelly Eddington Ciccone
Implementing recommended perioperative pain practice guidelines by incorporating intravenous acetaminophen, Sarah Ann Torabi
Implementing Rowley's Aseptic Technique on wound care in a home health setting, Kelechi E. Ogu
Implementing SBAR communication tool in a tertiary nursing school in Nigeria, Brownson O. Irondi
Implementing screening to assess readiness to change in overweight and obese patients at a patient-centered medical home, Jarrod Edward Gant
Implementing simulation courseware in a pediatric nursing practicum, Hyunsook Shin, Dahae Lim, Kaka Shim, Hyunhee Ma, Hyojin Kim, and Yuna Lee
Implementing strategies to improve patient perception of nursing communication, Ghada Dunbar and Stacey Nagar
Implementing supervised injection services, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Implementing team huddles on an acute psychiatric unit: Evidence-based practice project, Kathleen Nguyen and Kelly Coughlan
Implementing the '6th Vital Sign' into primary care, Alexandria Watkins
Implementing the clinical nurse leader (CNL) role in Japan, Asako T. Katsumata, Shannon K. Lizer, and Gordana Dermody
Implementing the PHQ-2 Depression Scale for depression on the mobile diabetes unit, Allyson Fortenberry
Implementing the promotion of ambulation and upright positioning during the first stage of labor, Shelley F. Conroy and Laura H. Curtis
Implementing universal depression screening for underserved adult patients in a primary care setting, Rauf B. Emiola, Maureen Biggs, and Connie Heard
Implementing universal intimate partner violence (IPV) screening utilizing a patient-centered, shared decision-making approach, Bobbi L. Bennett-Wolcott
Implementing Whiteboard use to eliminate unintended retained foreign objects, Kelley Rae Trump
Implications of the sepsis-3 definition on nursing research and practice, Brian C. Peach
Implications of varying levels of social support and peer involvement on the success of baccalaureate level nursing students, Jeana R. Wilcox
Importance of increasing mental health awareness, screening, and support for college students and their families, Laura Loewens
Importance of palliative care in end-stage liver disease: A rising global issue, Renee Pozza, Bonita Huiskes, and Anna Marie Hefner
Importance of patient education on hemoglobin A1C and dietary modifications, Joseph Giramata
Importance of social support for adolescents with asthma, Elizabeth Sloand, Arlene Manns Butz, Hyekyun Rhee, Leanne Walters, Christina Barnes, Kathleen Breuninger, and R. Alejandra Pozzo
Important factors associated with the research utilization competency of nurses in Japan, Tomomi Kameoka, Naomi Funashima, Yuriko Nomoto, and Toshiko Nakayama
I'm pregnant, now what?: Acceptability and efficacy of an expressive writing intervention to promote coping and adaptation, Rachel W. Steil
Impressions of uses for visual thinking strategies among doctorate of nursing practice leadership students, Meg Moorman and Desiree Hensel
Improper disinfection of stethoscopes, Jordan M. Lyerly and Justin L. Alexander
Improve competency with evidence-based immunization practice education, Pamela K. Strohfus
Improved adherence status in patients with hypertension: A community-based intervention, Thitipong Tankumpuan, Sakuntala Anuruang, Debra Jackson, Louise D. Hickman, Michelle DiGiacomo, and Patricia Mary Davidson
Improved coping in post-traumatic stress disorder vulnerable sexual assault victims, Kara M. Harvey
Improved HCAHP Scores and a DEU Culture of Excellence, Susan A. Seibert, Angela Stroud, Lillybeth Cassel, and Cara Huebner
Improved Interprofessional Continuing Education Process Implementation, Tamara Eis and Stephanie Von Bacho
Improved Student Outcomes and Faculty Workload Allocations Through Gateway Course Redesign, Kimberly D. Allen and Mary DiBartolo
Improve exclusive breastfeeding rates through early breastfeeding initiation, Camille Chua
Improvement in student satisfaction and confidence levels through simulation activities, Cynthia L. Cummings and Linda K. Connelly
Improvement of interpersonal relations and job satisfaction of nurses of specialized care through knowledge and use of relational skills, Yolanda Raquel Lapena-Monux, Pablo Salas-Medina, Victor Manuel Gonzalez-Chorda, Maria Loreto Macia-Soler, Desiree Mena-Tudela, Cibanal Juan Luis, and Maria Isabel Orts-Cortes
Improvement of maternal-child health (MCH) through a community-oriented MCH project in Ethiopia, Kyung-Sook Bang, Insook Lee, and Sun-Mi Chae
Improvement of record keeping of maternity case reports at Kgabo CHC, Tebogo Ramahlo, Lekwetji Komane, and Mmajapi (Tshidi) Chokwe
Improvement project for dental medical instrument management in oral surgical ward, Sheng-Lan Hsieh and Yueh-Li Yu
Improvements to the hospital wide BCMA process through the collaborative efforts of the nursing and pharmacy departments, Theresa Farrell
Improve the ability of NPGY to treat symptoms of cases after transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), Jin-Hua Pan, Yi-Ching Jen, Yi Shan Wang, Hui-Tzu Chen, and FangHua Hsu
Improving access for Northeast Indiana to quality healthcare, Lauren Michelle Fulk
Improving access to psychiatric health care through the use of telepsychiatry, Russell Franklin
Improving acute care med/surg staff perception of the hospital's workplace violence program, Valerie T. Hertneck
Improving adjunct nursing instructors' knowledge of student assessment in clinical courses, Kelly Vowell Johnson
Improving advanced directive completion rates: Utilizing technology with a virtual platform, Megan E. Gibbons
Improving alcohol use screening and brief intervention: A multidisciplinary mobile app randomized control trial, Alexa Colgove Curtis
Improving assessment competency of telephonic care managers for postpartum depression through educational intervention, Lynda Nolan, Kimberly C. Hite, and Katheryn B. Arterberry
Improving asthma compliance in 3rd & 4th grade students, Mary Eve Rice
Improving asthma outcomes with a community-based asthma specialty clinic, Felesia Renee Bowen
Improving attitudes and perceived competence in caring for dying patients: An end-of-life simulation, Megan E. Pfitzinger Lippe
Improving awareness of recommended preconception health behaviors to improve birth outcomes, Colleen Hobbs
Improving baccalaureate nursing students' critical thinking ability through the initiation of patient safety simulations, Deborah R. Chilcote
Improving bedside nurse accuracy in rhythm interpretation using different teaching strategies, Rosemary Pine, Mary Margaret Evans, Aurora Greene, and Kimberly York
Improving bedside nurses' resilience for a less stressful work environment, Ronda D. Mintz-Binder and Laura Sweatt
Improving bi-directional communication within nursing service by implementing a tiered huddle structure, Kathy Bermo, Lisa Oldham, Nicole Sewell, and Margaret Laggner
Improving breastfeeding outcomes: A pilot randomized controlled trial of a self-efficacy intervention with primiparous mothers, Karen A. McQueen
Improving care coordination: Impact of a doctorate of nursing practice prepared clinical nurse specialist, Deborah Francis
Improving care for psychiatric patients in the emergency center, Sarah Berry, Naomi Ishioka, and Bradley Sommers
Improving care for the veteran population through respectful interprofessional collaboration: One college's experience, Susan B. Connor and Paula Byrne
Improving care in nursing homes: A mixed-methods interdisciplinary study, Patricia W. Stone
Improving care of high-risk obstetrics patients by creating an evidence-based nurse-driven process, Holly A. Barbella, Grant C. Walter, and Ann F. McFadden
Improving chronic pain outcomes with integrative nursing interventions, Angela R. Starkweather
Improving clinical alarm fatigue and alarm management competency among critical care nurses by implementing a unit based alarm management bundle, Stephanie Bosma
Improving clinical competence and skills acquisition by student nurses: Bridging the preparation to practice gap, Llynne C. Kiernan
Improving clinical decision-making to build fail-safe systems and enhance patient outcomes, Tracey K. Bucknall
Improving clinical outcomes and physical activity in older adults with comorbidity: A randomized controlled trial, Elizabeth A. Schlenk, Susan M. Sereika, Joan Rogers, G. Kelley Fitzgerald, and C. Kent Kwoh
Improving clinical outcomes: A study of the impact of audit and feedback on nurse performance, Rebecca Culver Clark and Kimberly Ferren Carter
Improving clinical outcomes by evolving mindset and creating a culture of hope and recovery, Aubrey Suzanne Williams
Improving clinician behaviors and patient safety outcomes through standardization of a pediatric vaccine administration process, Monica Joan Gingell, Marianne L. Durham, and Susan Corbridge
Improving comfort care through evidence-based practice in the hospital, Taylor Russell
Improving communication in the perioperative waiting area, Jennifer Lynn Cook
Improving compliance with antipsychotic monitoring in the psychiatric population, Melissa M. Horner
Improving confidence and perceptions among nurses using a clinical decision tool for wound care management, Candice Schnoor and Valerie Anderson
Improving continuity of care/interconception planning for women during the post-natal period via telephonic case management, Meghan R. Moroz, Amy Gettings, and Sarah Rhoads
Improving cord care of neonates in an acute care unit at a Ugandan referral hospital, Margaret Berocan Adokorach, Tom Denis Ngabirano, and Scovia Nalugo Mbalinda
Improving Culturally Competent Care for International Students, Jean Penrose Arlotti
Improving delirium care in hospitalized older adults: Impact of education on hospital aides as sitters, Sandra S. Kakiuchi, Kathleen Burger, and Serena Lo
Improving depression screening in rural transitional care facility, Stephanie Macon-Moore
Improving developmental care provided by patient care assistants to prevent developmental regression during acute hospital admission, Ashley N. Davis
Improving door to CT times for stroke patients using EMS pre-notification, Erika Setzer, Christopher Davison, and Sheryl Feldheim
Improving door-to-ECG time for patients presenting with chest pain in the adult emergency department, Diana Lyn Baptiste, Barbara Maliszewski, Heather Gardner, and Cathleen Lindauer
Improving dual diagnosis care in acute psychiatric inpatient settings through education, Kofi Bonnie
Improving education in stroke patients by implementing one-on-one education, Estefani Jacobo
Improving effectiveness of student learning during clinical rotations at a teaching hospital in Rwanda, Nanyombi Lubimbi and Josette Niyokindi
Improving emergency department management of diabetic ketoacidosis in children, Nicole Dumas and Katherine Leaming-Van Zandt
Improving end of life care: Symptom assessment and education for informal hospice caregivers (a quality improvement project), Erika Buchholz
Improving exclusive breastfeeding by changing hospital practices, Brittney M. Baird, Gwendolen Wheeler, and Carla Elaine Rider
Improving family centered care in the NICU, Poppy Kekana, Carin Maree, and Christa Van der Walt
Improving global health outcomes for teenage pregnancy prevention: Intervention programs in the United States, Canada, China and the Philippines, Kathleen A. Sternas, RoseMarie Peterkin, Mary Ann Scharf, and Janet Summerly
Improving glycemic control among incarcerated men: A health promotion model, Paula Kelly Ranson
Improving glycemic control for post-operative cardiac surgery patients: An NP-led project, Linda Sue Kerr, Peggy Kalowes, Kim R. West, Barbara Lynn Easterbrook, and Darice Hawkins
Improving hand hygiene compliance using evidence-based practice, Yvonne Jones
Improving HCAHPS in a challenging patient population: Trauma and burns, Meredith Palmer
Improving health and achieving optimal outcomes for veterans with insomnia and sleep disturbances, Libba McMillan and Joy DeBellis
Improving health and wellness for persons with chronic and disabling conditions: Evidence for practice, Alexa Stuifbergen
Improving healthcare gender non-conforming people: Impact of education on nurses' knowledge and awareness, Jennifer Marie Baumstark and Kathleen Burger
Improving healthcare quality for patients undergoing hemodialysis by analyzing vascular access methods, Hsiu-Lan Li, Pei-Hui Tai, Shih-Wei Lin, and Yi-Ting Hwang
Improving health of medical staff with plant-based, olive oil meals: A pilot study, Laura Butterfield, Mary Flynn, and Fred Jay Schiffman
Improving health outcomes for surgical patient in Nicaragua: Empowering nurses participating in a multidisciplinary cleft lip and palate team implementing evidence-based practice solutions, Teresa A. Pfaff, Maria Julia Perez, Anina Terry, and Carmen Maria Urruita Gomez
Improving Health Outcomes in Haiti Through Nursing Education, Louise Aurelien
Improving health outcomes of military children through research and policy initiatives, Alicia Gill Rossiter and Margaret C. Wilmoth
Improving healthy work environments through specialty nursing professional development, Jennifer M. Manning and Nicole Jones
Improving heart failure management utilizing a chronic disease clinic model, Regina Sawyer
Improving HIV prevention in the urgent care setting: Outcomes of a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) protocol, Jack J. Mayeux and Yeow Chye Ng
Improving HIV treatment program adherence in an ethnically diverse urban clinic, Nadine A. Brown Farr
Improving hope in hopeless patients with ischemic heart disease, Susan L. Dunn, Holli A. DeVon, and Nathan L. Tintle
Improving hypertension management through computer-based staff education, simulation, and incentivization: One organization's quality improvement journey, Nancy J. Slizewski, Caroline H. Fender, Patti E. Reinagle, and Krissy L. Flick
Improving immunization rates: The impact of evidence and personal practice, Rebecca Culver Clark
Improving inpatient hospice care, Kristen Nall
Improving inpatient satisfaction with better medication communication using the transforming care at the bedside framework, Donna Koestler
Improving interdisciplinary relationships in primary care with the implementation of TeamSTEPPS, Nicole M. Siddons
Improving International Educated Nurse's NCLEX-RN First-Attempt Pass Rates, Confidence, and Clinical Judgment, Michele Steinbeck
Improving interventions on cardiovascular disease and diet: A policy incentive analysis, Sandra Hurst
Improving intimate partner violence screening in the emergency department setting, Laura M. Karnitschnig
Improving job enjoyment of operating room nurses: An academic and clinical collaboration, Cynthia D. Sweeney, Cathaleen Ley, and Rita F. D'Aoust
Improving knowledge, skills, and attitudes about breastfeeding, Vaidehi Patel
Improving learning outcomes with podcasting, Joanne McDermott
Improving length of stay: Transitioning care from the emergency department to a clinical decision unit, Griselle Pastor, Justo Jr. Ruiz, Van Cronkhite, Natalie Mancuso, and Emilia Villoch
Improving mammography rates of African American women: Sisters educated in emergency departments, Jennifer Hatcher, Nancy E. Schoenberg, Mary Kay Rayens, and Brenda Combs
Improving Managers' Ability to Manage Relationships, Joan M. Mitchell
Improving maternal and infant outcomes: A community-based, culturally aware, social support intervention approach, Zenobia Harris and Sarah Rhoads
Improving maternal child health using mhealth technology in a middle-income country with community health care workers, Susan M. Bonnell
Improving maternal outcomes by implementing a maternal warning tool for early recognition of OB hemorrhage, Ashley L. Rainey, Elizabeth A. McIntire, and Margaret Sharon Harris
Improving medication adherence in psychiatric patients with a medication adherence program, Whitney Peterson
Improving medication adherence in the geriatric population with hypertension by using a teamlet model with a systematic program of medication reconciliation in a primary setting, Leticia Ann Ramirez
Improving medication administration safety in the clinical environment, Janet Tompkins McMahon
Improving medication education for patients applying "SAID the MED", Beata Dziedzic and Sabrina Laskowski
Improving medication reconciliation through an older adult education initiative, Elizabeth L. Fiscella
Improving medication safety through medication reconciliation in amulatory care, Mayu Yamamoto
Improving medication safety through simulation, Bette A. Mariani, Susan F. Paparella, and Jennifer Gunberg Ross
Improving minority patient outcomes through the diversification of the nursing profession, Cherisse Erika Watts
Improving NCLEX-RN© success: A systematic review of the literature, Brenna Quinn, Megan Smolinski, and Anya Bostian Peters
Improving neonatal outcomes: Multidisciplinary treatment approach to caring for pregnant persons with opioid use disorder, Nancy S. Goldstein, Erica Nichole Ramirez, Lauren Elizabeth Greenwood, Kodiak Ray Sung Soled, and Laura Stinnette Lucas
Improving neurological outcomes in post cardiac arrest adults using therapeutic hypothermia, Bianca C. Mair and Yolexis Gonzalez
Improving neurologic outcomes of cardiac arrest patients through therapeutic hypothermia, Alfie Jay C. Ignacio
Improving new faculty onboarding through implementation of a faculty mentoring program, Melissa M. Skelly
Improving newly licensed nurses' knowledge and skills related to bullying and incivility: A mixed-methods study, Matthew S. Howard and Jennifer L. Embree
Improving Nurse Engagement with Dedicated Education Units, Angela D. Heckman
Improving nurse leaders' ability to support staff through moral distress, Lindsay R. Semler
Improving nurse mentor retention through the use of nurse residency programs, Morgan Newman
Improving nurse-patient communication to impact patient satisfaction, Wendy Winston-Brister
Improving nurse retention in acute care setting, Brittney Armstrong, Shellye A. Vardaman, and Stephanie L. Lewis
Improving nurse's documentation in the emergency department, Jacqueline N. Wright-Cole
Improving nurses' identification of sepsis in the hospitalized elderly, Aldrin U. Nieves
Improving nursing assessment and treatment of respiratory distress using the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale, Tamara Dochelle Otey and Caryn Lee Rosen
Improving nursing care for children admitted in high dependency area in acute care unit Mulago Hospital, Uganda, Mary Grace Akao, Elizabeth Ayebare, and Scovia Nalugo Mbalinda
Improving nursing care in infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome, Laura Ruth Watson
Improving nursing documentation of family presence policy with implementation of new electronic health record system, Katrina Marianne Bates, M. Cynthia Logsdon, Heather N. Baer, Linda G. Ritter, and Reetta Stikes
Improving nursing practices related to the peripheral venous catheterization of oncology patients: an action research study in Portugal, Paulo Santos-Costa, Anabela de Sousa Salgueiro Oliveira, Pedro Parreira, Margarida Vieira, and Joao Manuel Graveto
Improving nursing quality of use of physical restraints in ICU through shared decision making, Ya Ling Huang and Li Fen Chung
Improving nursing student empathy with experiential learning, Jessica Delano Holden
Improving nursing students' attitude towards research course: Incorporating immediate feedback assessment technique, Joanne McDermott
Improving nursing students' knowledge and attitudes toward mental illness using standardized patients, Debra A. Webster, Amanda J. Willey, and Lisa A. Seldomridge
Improving Nursing Students Knowledge and Skills in Caring for Patients Experiencing IPV, Marina Iturralde
Improving nursing students' therapeutic communication via low-cost interventions, Lynn M. Varagona and Rachel E. Myers
Improving nursing undergraduate oral communication skills: A little goes a long way, Kathleen M. Lamute
Improving nutrition for mechanically ventilated patients, Corinne Schultz Ellis
Improving occupational skin disease knowledge and prevention for cosmetology students, Kara Haughtigan, Eve Main, Tonya Bragg-Underwood, and Cecilia Watkins
Improving operating room first case on-time starts using the Epic© Snapboard Shared Calendar System, Jennifer Rowland, Danita Batiste, and Mona Cockerham
Improving operating room turnover time through process redesign, Kevan Wright
Improving oral health in critically ill adults, Cindy L. Munro
Improving organizational culture of accountability through "just culture" and TeamSTEPPS© to improve obstetric sepsis outcomes, Jamie K. Roney, Angela Hancock, Craig D. Rhyne, Karen Baggerly, and Melissa Ann Leiker
Improving outcomes of patient-caregiver dyads in chronic illness, Misook L. Chung
Improving outcomes through patient empowerment at transition of care: A fall prevention program for stroke survivors, Tiffany M. Hoke
Improving oxygen management in very low birth weight neonates, Vania Blanc, Colleen Rodriguez, and Sharon Harris
Improving pain medication delivery for fractures in the emergency department, Jim Sullivan and Fonda Green
Improving patient care outcomes through better delegation-communication among nurses and assistive personnel, Elissa A. Wagner, Nancy A. O'Connor, and Susan M. Hasenau
Improving patient care through effective nurse delegation to assistive personnel, Toni Hamilton
Improving patient-centered diabetes care in a nurse practitioner-led clinic: A QI project, Tarnia Newton
Improving patient education to increase nurses’ confidence, Aisha N. Washington
Improving patient flow process from the PACU to the Inpatient Unit Post-surgical Procedure, Helen Lynn Kane, Christina Murphy, and Linda Wilson
Improving patient outcomes and healthcare systems of care for individuals with sickle cell disease, Paula Tanabe
Improving patient outcomes in nurse-placed vascular access devices, Cheryl L. Campos
Improving patient outcomes through increased patient activation and self-management ability in the adult surgical population, Randy Morris
Improving patient outcomes through understanding belonging, Wendy Morgan and Maggie Hubbell
Improving patient safety with the Stanley and Brown Suicide Safety Template, Amber Larson
Improving patient satisfaction at an inpatient rehabilitation facility, Ahmed Hariri
Improving patient satisfaction in the medical-surgical setting, Victoria A. Ogundeko
Improving patient satisfaction through implementing AIDET, Annamma S. Varghese
Improving patient satisfaction with nursing communication in an acute care setting, Rani Mohan
Improving patient self-efficacy by incorporating patient teaching by registered nursing students in primary care, Patti A. Sparling
Improving patients' health literacy level and ability to take their medication as prescribed, Wanda Chukwu
Improving patients` quality of life through nurse-led combined physical and cognitive rehabilitation program, Omaimah A. Qadhi
Improving pediatric influenza vaccination through a quality improvement initiative in the ED, Ashley Servi and Abigail Kleinschmidt
Improving pediatric nurses knowledge about palliative care services, Marilia M. Rivera
Improving pediatric transitions of care between an interfacility transport team and inpatient units, Danielle Wood
Improving people's outcomes through evidence-based practice: A social movement agenda, Doris Grinspun
Improving performance and confidence with defibrillators for resuscitation, Odette Y. Comeau and Dora M. Kuntz
Improving population health through interprofessional leadership: The case for a professional practice model, Melanie Brewer, Maria W. O'Rourke, and Jeffrey Francis
Improving post-operative infection rates using my five moments for hand hygiene, Reginald Mark R. Dimailig
Improving professional communication techniques in nurses to promote healthy work environments, Melissa Culp
Improving provider confidence and knowledge of sexual assault treatment through education and guideline implementation, Tera Sabatino
Improving quality in long-term care: A collaborative evidence-based practice project, Elizabeth Roe
Improving quality of care during gynecological examinations by reducing anxiety and discomfort, Kristen Ransone
Improving quality of care for neonates with birth asphyxia through helping babies breath program at Chiradzulu District Hospital, Malawi, Chismo Bande, Colette Phiri, and Ellen Chirwa
Improving quality of life: Efficacy of pregabalin and gabapentin in the fibromyalgia patient, Jeanette Kennedy
Improving rapid response team utilization in an academic medical center, Sara E. Niebuhr and Odette Y. Comeau
Improving recognition of depression among the adult patients in psychiatric settings, Jane A. Ferraris
Improving recognition of depression among the older adult population, Keirstin E. Uomoto
Improving Recruitment and Retention: Embracing Technology, Wanda Lawrence and Cecil A. Holland
Improving Resiliency and Patient Satisfaction in a Rural Community Hospital, Melinda Taylor
Improving resource access and implementation for informal cancer caregivers in a clinic at an outpatient cancer center, Marie Milton
Improving responsiveness of hospital staff to drive HCAHPS Scores, Suzanne McDaniels
Improving safe skin behaviors in high school freshman, Kelsie Sue Scheer
Improving Safety Attitudes in New Graduate Registered Nurses, Park Balevre
Improving ScannED medications, Amanda Cothran, Nicholas Harmon, and Kevin Jr. Smith
Improving screening and referral for hereditary cancers in new breast cancer patients, Lisa J. Henczel
Improving screening for child physical abuse in the emergency department, Sheri Carson
Improving self-confidence of nursing students through implementation of a workplace violence virtual simulation, Tara B. Mosher
Improving self-management in a complex population through patient-centered education and interdisciplinary communication, Kathryn Hiner
Improving self-management practices among patients with chronic conditions: 'we've got an app for that!', Shannon Cronin Patel and Pamela Walch
Improving sepsis bundle compliance by utilizing technology and addressing operational workflow, Chelsey Lupica, Rebecca Basso, and Patrick Dwyer
Improving smoking cessation education and referral in the ambulatory surgical setting, Clare Moran and Paul G. D'Amico
Improving spiritual health through intentional screening and targeted interventions in primary care, Erika Benfield
Improving stress test procedural outcomes through effective communication tools, Betty Merveil-Ceneus
Improving stroke transitions of care through APN-Led shared medical appointments, Kathleen A. Burns
Improving student learning outcomes by utilizing an end-of-life nursing simulation scenario, Carol B. Murch
Improving student learning outcomes through a collaborative, experiential learning, interdisciplinary, nursing and education international partnership, Mureen Shaw and Courtney Berrien
Improving student outcomes and NCLEX-RN success utilizing a mentoring program, Tonia L. Mailow, Dina Byers, Dana Todd, Nancy Armstrong, Janice Thurmond, Lori A. Ballard, and Anna Fowler
Improving student outcomes through rubric redesign, Roberta Raymond, Muder Alkrisat, and Toni Hebda
Improving suicide risk screening in a pediatric outpatient clinic, Annie Bowman
Improving the charge nurse's leadership role: A collaborative learning forum, Felicia K. Pryby
Improving the confidence of health professionals searching for best evidence using PICO, Denise L. Blanchard and Kim A. Van Wissen
Improving the cultural competency of registered nurses in a bachelor's completion program, Christal L. Saffee
Improving the diagnosis and management of generalized anxiety disorder through the implementation of the GAD-7, Dana Laurae Roloff
Improving the ED admission process, Benjamin Thelen and Stephanie Harlow
Improving the effectiveness of the informed consent process in elective aesthetic procedures, Chelsea Olivia Hagopian, Teresa B. Ades, Thomas Martin Hagopian, Erik Wolfswinkel, and Grant Stevens
Improving the emergency department handoff to facilitate inpatient throughput, Amy Garner and Veronica Sorenson
Improving the experience of culturally diverse nursing students: A qualitative study, Miriam L. Griffin
Improving the experiences of night shift nurses in Australian regional public hospitals: An action research project, Idona N. Powell and Greg Fairbrother
Improving the healthcare experience for the transgender population, Amy Daly
Improving the health of populations through an academic-community partnership, Susan Grinslade, Loralee Sessanna, Priti Bangia, Penelope W. McDonald, Alexander Salinas, and Jada Douglas
Improving the implementation of the CDC guidelines of the HPV immunization, Destiny Ibrom
Improving the management of tardive dyskinesia on an inpatient mental health unit, Jennifer Krebsbach
Improving the Mental Health of Immigrant and Refugee Children in Canada, Nazish Nazish, Olga Petrovskaya, and Bukola Oladunni Salami
Improving the new graduate and undergraduate student nurses' critical thinking ability through the use of simulation in nursing: A systematic review of literature, Amanda L. Sansom
Improving the odds of natural disaster survival in Haiti with first responder training, Jacqueline Cassagnol
Improving the oral communication skills of undergraduate nursing students with language support: A 6-month follow-up, Lucie M. Ramjan, Paul J. Glew, Bronwyn Everett, Joel M. Woodmass, Joan Lynch, and Yenna Salamonson
Improving the quality of care for persons with disabilities, Suzanne C. Smeltzer
Improving the quality of care for the sick newborn: Focusing on kangaroo mother care and breastfeeding, Mariam Namutebi, Joyce Nankumbi, and Gorrette Nalwadda
Improving the quality of refugee health: A community speaks, Maria Theresa P. Panizales
Improving the timeliness of retinal exams, Laura Edwards and Andrew Nydegger
Improving the use of advance care planning in assisted living facilities, JohnPaul King
Improving timeliness of sepsis care through RN screening and protocol, Tatiana Burkholder, Beth A. Staffileno, Edward Gutierrez, and Paul Cobb
Improving time to discharge for patients going home, Roberta Schultz Tremper, Vanessa Martinez, and Negar Johnson
Improving time-to-disposition for outpatient, staff and visitor medical emergencies in a pediatric hospital, Tim J. Holtzclaw, Susette Porazik, and RoseAnn Scheller
Improving tobacco cessation processes for behavioral health professionals in primary care, Iesha R. Floyd
Improving toileting ability among elders living in long-term care facilities in Taiwan, Shih-Ling Kuo, Su-Hsien Chang, and Ching-Len Yu
Improving transitional care in rural health using a standardized discharge time-out process, Lori Koethe
Improving transitions of care with bedside report, Joshua S. Lehmer
Improving transition-to-practice by strengthening community partnerships: A Delphi approach, Brian Holland and Jeanette Lancaster
Improving workplace incivility utilizing the AACN healthy work environment standards, Amy L. Scott
IMRaD Structure in Qualitative Research Reporting, Rudolf Cymorr Kirby P. Martinez
IMRT-induced acute fatigue in patients with head and neck cancer: A prospective study, Canhua Xiao, Kristin Higgins, Deborah Bruner, Jonathan Beitler, Luke Ong, and Andrew H. Miller
Incentivize and energize: How to offer continuing nursing education credits, Matthew S. Howard
INCHES: Creating the International Nursing Consortium of Honors Educators and Scholars, Larry Z. Slater, Jennifer Wilson, and Ellen B. Buckner
Incidence and prevalence of alcohol and tobacco consumption in the village of Carbuna, Moldova, Jonathan Lopez-Fernandez and Chester Chow
Incidence of pressure injury in critical care, in Angola: Identification of risk factors, Susana Pinto, Marta Assunção, Paulo Alves, and Helena José
Incivility and xenophobia among nurse educators in Botswana, Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae and Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole
Incivility between nursing students in the classroom: A review of the literature, Abby Grammer Horton and Norma Graciela Cuellar
Incivility in academic environments: If you see something, say something, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko
Incivility in Nursing Classrooms, Sheri L. Wainscott, Carie L. Strauch, and Angela D. Martindale
Incivility in nursing education, Shirley May Newberry and Ana M. Schaper
Incivility in the workplace: Implications for nursing education, Kimberly Ann Balko
Incivility: Nursing's dirty little secret and cognitive rehearsal as an intervention, Laura Marie Schwarz and Nancyruth Leibold
Including human resources professionals and practices to improve nursing worklife, Paul T. Skiem
Including human resources professionals and practices to improve nursing worklife, Paul T. Skiem
Inclusion of children under 3 years in sickle cell clinical trials: Implications for nurse scientists, Katherine Young and Jessica Keim-Malpass
Inclusive nursing leadership in the twenty-first century, Philip Esterhuizen
Inclusive teaching strategies and student outcomes in 4th-year baccalaureate nursing students: A mixed methods study, Maureen Metzger and Jessica Taggart
Incontinence Associated Dermatitis Assessment Scale: Study of inter-observer compliance, Gulsun Ozedemir Aydin and Hatice Kaya
Incorporating a collaborative perioperative training program in undergraduate nursing education, Linda Wilson, Rosalyn McGrath, Marianne Saunders, Colleen Mattioni, Donna Trinkaus, and Deanna Lynn Schaffer
Incorporating an information technology teaching assistant (IT-TA) into an undergraduate nursing curriculum, Nicholas Aaron Cress and Teresa Villaran
Incorporating best practice strategies for managing students with unsafe behaviors: A toolkit for clinical faculty, Kristy S. Chunta
Incorporating dexamethasone with local anesthetics in single-shot nerve blocks: An integrative review, Kyle G. Hilsabeck
Incorporating Flipped Classroom Strategies Into a Nursing Research Course, Patricia Keresztes
Incorporating Future Planning Into the Medical Plan of Care for Adults With Down Syndrome, Patricia Sciscione
Incorporating global perspectives to achieve patient-centered psychiatric care, Andrea Leigh McDade and Gabrielle Ranger-Murdock
Incorporating global perspectives to achieve patient-centered psychiatric care, Andrea Leigh McDade
Incorporating hourly rounding to increase emergency department patient satisfaction, Carmen M. Brosinski and Autumn J. Riddell
Incorporating iPad clinical site visits in a family nurse practitioner program in a regional university located in a rural community, Cheryl K. Giefer
Incorporating military and veteran culture in nursing curricula: Where is nursing education?, Barbara J. Patterson and Brenda S. Elliott
Incorporating moral resilience into an undergraduate nursing curriculum, Cynthia L. Cummings and Julie A. Baker-Townsend
Incorporating moral resilience projects into an undergraduate nursing curriculum, Cynthia L. Cummings
Incorporating online education modules with community clinical experiences to enhance cultural competency among student nurses, Uletha Marie Jones and Khlood Salman
Incorporating Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies into clinical education, Susan A. LaRocco
Incorporating safety challenges in undergraduate nursing simulation experiences, Linda Wilson, Carol Okupniak, and John Cornele
Incorporating social determinants of health in associate degree nursing education, Lisa J. Bagdan
Incorporating telehealth in advanced practice registered nurse curriculum to impact rural and frontier population health, Robin Arends, Sheryl Marckstadt, and Nicole Gibson
Incorporating the Chronic Care Model to improve health outcomes and satisfaction, Marcia A. Potter and Jill S. Walsh
Incorporating the senior experience, Margarett Alexandre
Incorporating the use of Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks following Cesarean Sections to decrease opioid consumption, Devin Blakely Burroughs
Incorporating virtual reality in nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing students' perspectives, Mohamad M. Saab, Josephine Hegarty, David Murphy, and Margaret Landers
Incorporating wellness into nursing education, Kate E. Gawlik
Incorporation of Community Health Virtual Simulation Into a Capstone Population Focused Project: A Pilot Study, Karen Camargo
Increase colorectal cancer screening rates in a federally qualified health center in Alabama, Janice Parker, Mary Burgess-Parker, and Cherie Keahey
Increase of HIV prevalence among Asian American adolescents and young adults, Sang A. Lee and Hae-Ok Lee
Increasing access to non-dairy beverages and commercial thickeners, Kathleen Carr
Increasing access to primary care by huddling, Denise M. Willard
Increasing awareness: Does early childhood drug education provide diversion from using drugs and/or alcohol?, Megan Bailey, Shelby Wasson, Brilynn Roberts, Toni Morris, and Deborah Sue Judge
Increasing awareness of multidimensional incivility in nursing, Karina Favela and Veronica Vital
Increasing BRCA screening in eligible Orthodox Jewish women, Blima Marcus
Increasing breast cancer screenings of African American black women, Marlene A. Griggs-Warner
Increasing breastfeeding support among neonatal nurses, Lawanda Bailey-Guess
Increasing Certification: A Certified Emergency Nurse Campaign, Annie Leisenheimer and Amie Ness
Increasing civility in the workplace, Michelle Y. Pinckney
Increasing client engagement in people who inject drugs: Implementing best-practice for syringe service programs, Tasha Turner-Bicknell
Increasing clinical judgment by using simulation in Associate of Science in nursing prepared students, Christina M. Schilling and Samantha L. Smeltzer
Increasing confidence using a cross-cultural, collaborative simulation with undergraduate nursing students during study abroad experiences, Theresa A. Kessler
Increasing consumption of mother's breastmilk in the NICU, Yesenia Sandino, Amber Clayton, and Julia Snethen
Increasing emotional intelligence in nursing leaders through a dedicated training program, Kathryn Evans Kreider
Increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates following delivery, Lisa Spencer, Julia Snethen, and Tammy L. Cupit
Increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates in a predominantly African-American patient population, Michelle L. Harrison, Diane L. Spatz, and Florence Jones
Increasing experiential learning in healthcare policy within a BSN prelicensure curriculum, Gretchen LaCivita
Increasing folic acid self-efficacy in college-age women of childbearing age, Kristie Buchanan
Increasing food insecurity in adult cancer patients, So-Hyun Park
Increasing healthy behaviors with employer-sponsored health coaching, Lisa Bridwell Robinson
Increasing human papillomavirus vaccine rates in young women, Brianna Noel Acosta
Increasing initiation and exclusivity of breastfeeding in the hospitalized postpartum dyad, Candace L. Rouse
Increasing knowledge and awareness about dating violence among college students through a smartphone application, Sarah Michelle Willis and Ann L. Bianchi
Increasing knowledge and improving collaboration between nurses and doulas, Laura Stinnette Lucas
Increasing long term care employee influenza compliance through an educational approach, ShyAndrea Hester Brazil
Increasing Lower Division Nursing Student Engagement in Professional Socialization, Mason Aldridge, Michael Callihan, Sara K. Kaylor, and Haley F. Townsend
Increasing muscle strength, self-efficacy, and quality of life in people with tetraplegic spinal cord injuries: A nurse-coached intervention, Susan B. Sheehy
Increasing neuro knowledge through neuroscience nursing academy, Rachelle Bulan, Kathryn Bernal, and Angela Benavides
Increasing nurses' compliance with bedside shift report, Leigh Anne Puckett
Increasing nursing scholarship through dedicated human resources, Madeleine Whalen, Barbara Maliszewski, Michelle Patch, Cathleen Lindauer, and Diana Lyn Baptiste
Increasing nursing students cultural awareness through technology, Sandra C. Restaino
Increasing parental competency by demonstration of newborn behavioral characteristics, Mary Jane Hamilton
Increasing parental self-efficacy through education to impact child health behavior, Calvin J. French
Increasing patient engagement in the pre-operative patient population, Toni Morris
Increasing patient enrollment in the MOVE Program at the VA Medical Center: An evidence-based practice project, Mandy Spiers
Increasing patient safety and staff satisfaction when floating, Julie Kelly, Debra M. Derickson, and Craig Woodside
Increasing patient safety using positive patient identification and bedside specimen scanning, Lisa Czaplinski
Increasing perceived levels of disaster preparedness among emergency department staff, Taryn Amberson, Christine Wells, Rose Colangelo, and Skyler D. Gossman
Increasing physical activity in post liver transplant patients, Jennifer Serotta
Increasing physical activity in the 65 and older population, Misti M. Hollingsworth
Increasing pneumococcal vaccinations for patients with lung cancer, Katie L. Kulesa-Fanslau
Increasing prostate cancer knowledge and screening among US Black men, Sabrina L. Dickey, Aurellia Whitmore, and Ellen S. Campbell
Increasing provider awareness to detect, treat, and reduce sexually transmitted infections in male service members, Vincent E. Krause
Increasing providers' education of patients in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Ruby A. Akuffo
Increasing readiness to complete an advance directive in the community, Marcella Sorrell and Hilary Applequist
Increasing referrals for PrEP among persons with SUD in the outpatient setting, Katherine C. McNabb and Nancy S. Goldstein
Increasing resilience in adolescent nursing students, Teresa Maggard Stephens
Increasing staff retention and employee engagement through pediatric boot camp, Kelly Ann Atkinson and Lauren M. Lay
Increasing student competence and clinical confidence using a multimodal approach poster, Cynthia Denise Bain, Nancy McMenamy, Deborah A. Tapler, and Nola Schrum
Increasing students' self-confidence in patient interaction through standardized patient simulations, Flor A. Culpa-Bondal and Carol Dean Baker
Increasing student success through in-class resilience education, Marianne Moore, Laura K. Montgomery, and Tonia D. Cobbs
Increasing teamwork and collaboration through an asynchronous educational activity, Matthew S. Howard and Jennifer L. Embree
Increasing testicular self-examination practices in male college students, Christopher McCoy
Increasing the Compliance of Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation Assessment in the Emergency Center, Dorothy Alford
Increasing the HPV vaccination rate in a family practice: A quality improvement project, Jacqueline Stroud
Increasing the reach of the NPD practitioner: Using a specialized team, Lesley Worsley-Hynd
Increasing the uptake of the human papillomavirus vaccine in adolescents, Melinda Hamlin
Increasing the usage of MyChart bedside by nurses and patients in the acute care setting: An integrative review, Laura Darnell
Increasing the use of intraoperative IV acetaminophen among pediatric dental, adenoidectomy and circumcision surgical patients, Amanda Ann Warmoth
Increasing trauma informed awareness in higher education, Kristen H. Doughty
Inculcating evidence-based practice in a facility, Anne Burnett and Raquel K. Alvarado
Indicators of burden in conversations between family caregivers, Jia Ning Liu and Jacqueline Eaton
Indices of attachment in elderly women who are not mentally compromised residing in nursing homes, Kay Lynn Foland
Indigenous Knowledge of Traditional Health Practitioners in the Management of Rigoni: A Grounded Theory Approach, Steppies Richard Rikhotso
Indigenous mental health and addictions in Canada with comparisons to Australia and globally, Arlene E. Kent-Wilkinson
Individual perceptions related to fall risk among older adults in acute care setting in a Saudi Arabian hospital, Zuhar S. Altaymani
Indonesian palliative care nurses knowledge, Dame Elysabeth Tarihoran
Inducements and discouragements for students transitioning from associate degree to baccalaureate degree in nursing: A national study, Karen L. Gorton and Kathleen B. LaSala
Inductions made easy, Karin L. Lightfoot
Indwelling catheter care: Areas for improvement, Monina Gesmundo
Indwelling catheter challenge, Monina Hernandez
Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion: Construct validation using Rasch Analysis, Rita de Cassia Gengo e Silva, Erika de Souza Guedes, and Dina de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz
Infant feeding decision: What new mothers have told us, Margaret-Rose Agostino
Infant massage and rates of maternal postpartum depression in mothers of preterm infants, Diane E. McClure
Infection control practice on vital signs equipment: A survey among senior nursing students in Iloilo City, Philippines, Zea Maize Suarez, Ryan Michael F. Oducado, Eric Lorenz Josue, Treesha Llen Gayoso, Christy Anne Ocate, and Janelene Joy Lujan
Infection rates in traditional vaginal birth vs. water birth, Sasha Sinkevich, Natalee J. Snyder, Stephanie A. Palmer, and Nicollette Singleton
Infection reduction during the second stage of labour: Improving the practice of aseptic technique by midwives in a national referral hospital, Mandlenkosi Vilakati, Sakhile Masuku, and Oslinah Buru Tagutanazvo
Infliximab and the effect on immunity to hepatitis B in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Sarybeth Tirado Martinez, Audrey P. Miller, and Deana Goldin
Influence and Implementation, Gwen D. Sherwood
Influence and Implementation: Leadership in the Global Arena, Gwen D. Sherwood
Influence of a cultural immersion experience on healthcare students' spirituality, Ann Michelle Hartman and Linda R. Rickabaugh
Influence of an Innovative Teaching Design on BSN Students' Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance, Laurie Singel
Influence of Asian and non-Asian nursing home residents' nutritional intake patterns on pressure ulcer/injury outcomes, Tracey L. Yap, Susan M. Kennerly, Melissa K. Batchelor-Murphy, Susan D. Horn, Lisa Boss, Nancy Bergstrom, and Ryan Barrett
Influence of belief system on adherence to diabetes self-care management: Pilot study, Moudi S. Albargawi, Julia Snethen, Abdulaziz Al Gannass, and Sheryl T. Kelber
Influence of comorbidities on symptom severity in cancer patients, Eric A. Vachon and Barbara A. Given
Influence of cues on cervical cancer screening intention of women living with HIV in Ghana, Nancy Innocentia Ebu Enyan and Susanna Aba Abraham
Influence of different climates on the replacement time of peripheral intravenous catheters: A meta-analysis, Chia-Chi Kuo
Influence of early language exposure on children's cognitive and language development, Lauren M. Head and Ashley Darcy Mahoney
Influence of healthy work environments on PICU patient and nurse outcomes, Nancy Theresa Blake
Influence of HIV mode of transmission on nurses' willingness to care, Jill E. Bormann
Influence of initial nursing educational preparation on patient assessment, Carolyn J. Yocom
Influence of international service learning on cultural competence, Tracey Long
Influence of intrapersonal characteristics on nurses' work performance, Nelouise Geyer and Siedine Knobloch Coetzee
Influence of leadership styles on expatriate nurses' professional integration in the UAE, Emmah Ncube
Influence of learning style and learning flexibility on clinical judgment of prelicensure nursing students within a human patient computer simulation environment, Elizabeth Sharon Robison
Influence of maternal childhood adversity on the psycho-neuroendocrine-inflammatory profile during pregnancy, Karen J. Kotz, Herbert L. Mathews, and Linda Witek Janusek
Influence of Military Experience on Nursing Education Leaders, Heather L. Zonts
Influence of negative behaviors on patient safety culture and mortality within acute care, Diana M. Layne, Lynne S. Nemeth, Martina Mueller, and Mary Martin
Influence of nurse social networks on evidence-based practice (EBP): Results of an exploratory study, Nan M. Solomons, Judith A. Spross, and Gerri Lamb
Influence of perceived parental alcoholism, stimuli, coping, and adaptation on children's alcohol consumption, Angelica Susana López Arellano, Karla Selene López García, Frederickson Keville, and Rosa María Díaz Hurtado
Influence of personal and contextual factors and cognitive appraisal on quality of life over time in persons newly diagnosed with cancer, Theresa A. Kessler
Influence of rape myth acceptance on responsibility to rape action, and degree of rape trauma: Student nurses' perception, Adesola Adenike Ogunfowokan, Francisca Eghonghon Gbenu, and Aanu Oluwapo Olajubu
Influence of Scent and Music on Concentration, Yuka Saeki
Influence of self-esteem, psychological empowerment, and empowering leader behaviors on assertive behaviors of staff nurses, Ryan Michael F. Oducado
Influence of servant leadership on employee satisfaction, quality of care, and patient satisfaction, Angie Rangel and Pamela J. Love
Influence of shared governance on the level of engagement, satisfaction, and turnover intention among nurses, Nouf Aldhafeeri and Sitah Alshutwi
Influence of social capital on community-based health care programs in rural Paupa New Guinea: An ethnographic study, Carol J. Bett
Influence of social determinants of health on emergency department visits among individuals with cardiovascular disease, Diana Lyn Baptiste, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Ruth-Alma N. Turkson-Ocran, Cheryl R. Dennison Himmelfarb, and Hae-Ra Han
Influence of social media on mothers' decision-making regarding vaccinations, Wendy M. Patterson
Influence of sociocultural factors on the attitudes toward intimate partner violence among college students in Costa Rica, Derby Munoz-Rojas
Influence of stress, cognitive appraisal, resilience, and social support on coping of older women whose spouses have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery, Suzanne K. Marnocha
Influence of stressful life events on the development of type 2 diabetes, Joshua T. Minks
Influence of the economy on teen and adult birth patterns in Oklahoma 1980 through 1995: A time series analysis, Sandra Kay Cesario
Influence of the Scent of Peppermint on Concentration, Yuka Saeki
Influence of treatment of depression and utilization of a self-management intervention, Bonnie M. Hagerty and Melissa A. Bathish
Influence of work environment conditions on the ability of critical care nurses to provide efficacious nursing care in Puerto Rico, Yolanda M. Torres
Influence of work environment on the ability of critical care nurses to provide efficacious care, Yolanda M. Torres
Influences of 12-hour shifts on unhealthy eating habits of acute care nurses, Ruth Sawdy
Influences of nutritional food label understanding on African American women with obesity, Cynthia Jean Hickman
Influences of perceived environment, partner support, and attitudinal familism on physical activity among Mexican American women, Neomie C. Congello
Influences of social relationships, illness characteristics, and personality on chronic pain and depression, Julia Faucett
Influences of women's childbirth experiences related to husband's supports for during childbirth and attitudes toward husband's childbirth presence, Yu-Jin Lee and Sun-Hee Kim
Influence through clinical research mentoring: Willing, but am I able?, Kathleen A. Schell
Influence through lifelong learning: Membership engagement advances the nursing profession, Jennifer L. Saylor and Jennifer S. Graber
Influence through philanthropy: Engaging members and serving the local and global community, Jennifer S. Graber and Jennifer L. Saylor
Influence to advance global health and nursing, Cathy D. Catrambone
Influence to advance global health & nursing, Cathy D. Catrambone
Influencing advancements in nursing education through intentional leadership development, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Asma Ali Taha, Steven J. Palazzo, Gwen D. Sherwood, Sara K. Kaylor, and Angela Opsahl
Influencing change in developing countries through mentoring leaders: A nursing-led quality improvement project in Peru, Patrick Albert Palmieri, Joan Elaine Edwards, and Juan M. Leyva-Moral
Influencing factors of cultural competence among South Korean clinical nurses, Yunhee Park and Duckhee Chae
Influencing factors of NCLEX-RN© pass rates among nursing students, Teresa Nikstaitis, Hyunjeong Park, and Hayley D. Mark
Influencing frontline nurses through an academic-practice partnership to drive a PCU quality improvement initiative, Chrystal L. Lewis, Lisa G. Mestas, Elizabeth L. Doll, Kortni Crook-Kennell, Victoria M. Maynard, and Rosanna R. Johnson
Influencing global health: Creating an interprofessional global and rural health certificate program, Wendy Renee Thal, Emily S. Merrill, and Rosalinda Jimenez
Influencing global health through cultural nursing education assignments: Results of a mixed-methods study, Amanda L. Veesart
Influencing health through IPE: Perspectives on RN-to-BSN education, Susan M. Strouse, Geraldine J. Terry, and Janet E. Winter
Influencing health through policy: The dynamic role of nurses in the boardroom, Cynthia Vlasich and Kimberly Harper
Influencing health through policy: The dynamic role of nurses in the boardroom, Kimberly Harper and Cynthia Vlasich
Influencing learning activities by transforming from a semi-flipped to fully flipped nursing classroom model, Franchesca E. Nunez
Influencing Nursing Leadership Excellence: Pedagogy Enrichment Within an Undergraduate Nursing Leadership Modality, Tanya L. Johnson
Influencing nursing practice: Engaging new graduate nurses in evidence-based practice, Janet Kay Hosking and Katie B. Knox
Influencing online nursing faculty presence through the use of a self-introductory video, Karim C. Singh
Influencing policy through generation of research, application of knowledge and the use of social networks, David C. Benton
Influencing pre-nursing student well-being through a five-week online intervention. A pilot study, Regina W. Urban and Leslie A. Jennings
Influencing quality improvement in the nurse educator role using the STTI faculty knowledge/skills development program, Diane B. Monsivais and Leslie K. Robbins
Influencing the culture of care: The nursing role, Brenda L. Baney, Gwen McGhan, and Janice Penrod
Influencing through action in the European Region and beyond, Joy Merrell, Marie-Louise Luiking, and Janet M. E. Scammell
Influencing today's nursing students for practice tomorrow: Integrating simulated electronic documentation, Stephanie T. Wynn
Influencing today's psychiatric mental health nursing students for practice tomorrow, Stephanie T. Wynn
Influencing undergraduate nursing student attitudes on older adults, Monica L. Tenhunen
Influenza education to improve vaccination rates among college students, Shelley Vaughn
Influenza virus: The evolution of a deadly virus in our world, Cathy M. St. Pierre
Informal advance care planning with family in Blacks on dialysis, Marlena C. Fisher
Informatics competencies: Transition from classroom to bedside, Katherine A. Kelly and Kathleen M. Guiney
Informatics for nurse leaders: Technology impacting the care of the older adult, Johnanna L. Hernandez and Julie Millenbruch
Informatics/health IT implementation in DNP education: Faculty, organizational, and program characteristics for diverse professional roles, Cathy R. Fulton and Patricia Hinton Walker
Informatics: Integrating the essentials into education and practice, Melissa A. Stec
Information literacy: A prerequisite to evidence-based nursing, Kimberly Dawn Belcik
Information literacy competencies of registered nurses at magnet hospitals, Kimberly Dawn Belcik
Information literacy: Correlation of self-efficacy and proficiency, Camille M. Wendekier
Information literacy: Correlation of self-efficacy and proficiency, Camille M. Wendekier
Information needs of neonatal intensive care parents: A scoping review, Kadeen N. Briscoe and Mina D. Singh
Information retrieval of self-care and dependent-care agents using NetWellness, a consumer health information network, Linda C. Rieg
Informed consent practice in cancer clinical trials in Taiwan, Chi-Yin Kao and Mei-Chih Huang
Informed provision of fundamental care, Alison Kitson and Debra Jackson
Informing andragogy: Voices of graduates from accelerated, second-degree programs in nursing concerning faculty teaching practices, Mary E. Hanson-Zalot
Informing an mhealth intervention to improve the HIV care continuum in South Africa, Lisa Michelle DiAndreth, Nandita Krishnan, Jessica L. Elf, Sarah Cox, Carla Tilchin, Munei Nthulana, Nadine Kronis, Elisa Dupuis, Katlego Motlhaoleng, and Jonathan Golub
Informing effective simulation pedagogy in nursing simulation, Sherry L. Barnard
Infused telemental health home monitoring: Right care, right time, right place, Deborah A. Harris-Cobbinah
Infuse Joy: A call to action in healthcare, Richard Ricciardi
Infusing caring for abnormal prenatal ultrasound findings, Jeanne Gottlieb
Infusing emerging technologies into graduate-level pathophysiology, Nancy Winters and Kirsty Digger
Infusing quality and safety education for nurses into your curriculum: A workshop funded by a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Gerry Altmiller, Gail Armstrong, Carol F. Durham, and Carole Kenner
In-home internet use increases as the number of internet users in the household increases, Mark B. Lockwood
In-hospital newborn falls: How big is the problem?, Rachel Abraham Joseph
Initial user testing of decision aids for multiple sclerosis disease modifying therapies, Hasna Hakim, Brant Oliver, and Pamela Newland
Initiating a mobile wayfinding application at a verterans affairs medical center: A current state assessment & needs analysis, James Machauf
Initiating an undergraduate public health nursing leadership program for underrepresented students, Caroline Varner Coburn and Angela Frederick Amar
Initiating birthing partner support in a low risk maternity unit, Nabachwa Oliver Norah, Elizabeth Ayebare, and Gorrette Nalwadda
Initiating the process of professional identity formation in the leadership course, Judith Ann Young, Elizabeth A. Ferguson, and Debra Sipes-Fears
Initiating weight discussions in primary care, Alexander Redmann, Rachael Urbaniak, and Jessica Neuman
Initiation of a HIV screening protocol and pathway in the emergency department: A quality improvement initiative, Kristina Anne Davis
Initiation of a standardized substance use screening tool among pregnant women at a community clinic, Danielle Grimm, Rachel M. Preiss, and Cathyjo Catalano
Initiative to improve osteoporosis management by adapting the fracture liaison service for outpatient use, Tiffany Messerall, Callie M. Cheese, and Sarah King
Injury factors and medical conditions of motorcycle riders were analyzed by trauma database in Taiwan, Pei-Ling Lee, Chao-Wen Chen, and Wen-Hui Hsiao
Injury incidence trends vary by age, sex, and race among older Americans, 2004-2017, Dongjuan Xu and Julia Drew
Inner resources (sense of coherence, hope, and spiritual perspective) as predictors of psychological well-being in African American breast cancer survivors, Lynette M. Richardson Gibson
Innovate restraints by continuous quality improvement strategy, Qi-Jia Wang, Shu-Chen Liao, and Shih-Hsin Hung
Innovate to advocate: Helping DNP students discover their voice through health policy education, Melissa A. Stec and Nicole Garritano
Innovating Required Education with Gaming and Collaboration, Kara Mangold
Innovation in action: How to design a new graduate float pool, Kristen Jean Brown
Innovation in Doctoral Nursing Education: One University's Response to the IOM Recommendation, Carie Denise Hancock
Innovation in graduate nursing education: Teaching health policy using an evidence-informed health policy model, Jacqueline M. Loversidge
Innovation in practice: A QSEN framework for redesigning a clinical advancement program for nurses, Kathleen A. Bradley
Innovation in public-health nursing education: A survey of student acquisition of core knowledge and competencies, Agnes M. Burkhard and Eileen F. Sarsfield
Innovation in teaching: Clinical reasoning through cooperative gaming, Kathleen M. Williamson, Robin Lockhart, and Melody Chandler
Innovation is hot: Use of a skin patch device to obtain temperature measurements, Neil L. McNinch, Aris Eliades, Samantha J. Formica, and Kathryn H. Stoner
Innovation: Reconstruction for Discovery, Sarah Barker and Jonathan Rachac
Innovations in cancer recovery care: Neurofeedback protocol feasible and improved self-reported cognition and fatigue symptoms, Marian Luctkar-Flude, Jane Tyerman, Dianne Groll, and Janet Giroux
Innovations in fatigue risk management systems, Barbara J. Pinekenstein and Linsey M. Steege
Innovations in Leadership Development: Improving Organizational Safety Culture, Gwen D. Sherwood
Innovations in nursing education: Virtual simulation games versus traditional case studies for presimulation preparation, Marian Luctkar-Flude, Jane Tyerman, Laurie Peachey, Michelle Lalonde, and Tammie McParland
Innovations in the care of cancer survivors and their families, Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell and Gayle M. Roux
Innovative Academic-Retail Partnership for Carbon Monoxide Intervention Funding, Amber Proctor Williams
Innovative approaches to clinical nutrition education within nursing curriculum, Kelly J. Freeman
Innovative approaches to clinical teaching and learning: Caring for clients undergoing perioperative surgical experiences by nursing students, Dora Maria Carbonu
Innovative classroom upgrade: Bringing the critical care unit to the academic classroom, Susan Bartos and Cynthia A. Bautista
Innovative collaboration in the investigation of psychological distress and personality characteristics in nursing students, Suzanne Marie Keep, Katherine Moran, and Daniel R. Cruikshanks
Innovative collaborative nurse educator team: Scaffolding for successful student outcomes, Belinda Gallegos, Lea Keesee, Rebecca Clark, Venisa R. Morgan, Erin Gibson, Priscilla Stansell, David Baba, Christy T. Howard, Marnette Winner, Donna Paris, Deborah Casaus, Nancy Ochs, Hollis Franco, Heather Guest, Stacie Alvarez, and Amy L. Boothe
Innovative community placements: Enhancing students experiences with diverse population, Ruth Trudgeon, Ivy Tuason, and Stephanie Cornett
Innovative educational strategies for culturally competent care, Rebecca Lee Meyer, Lisa K. Bursch, and Dayna Herrera
Innovative educational strategies to achieve health literacy competencies for advanced practice nurses and interprofessional students, Joyce I. Karl
Innovative evidence-based practice education: Battling Dr. Google and Nurse Jackie, Melanie C. Neumeier and Leah Adeline Phillips
Innovative Ideas for Generating Chapter Funds, Robin Bartlett, Belinda Deal, Vicki Lynne Teribury, and Denise MacDonald
Innovative, international, and interprofessional: Nursing and engineering technology students creating new patient safety technology, Pamela M. Karagory, Diane Hountz, Jane M. Kirkpatrick, and Sara A. McComb
Innovative leadership in nursing education for Maryland Healthcare Systems: Supporting professional advancement in nursing, Tener Goodwin Veenema
Innovative methods for engaging online chapter members, Rebecca Norman-Eck
Innovative nursing education pathways and racial/ethnic diversity, Kupiri Ackerman-Barger, Patricia Farmer, and Bryan M. Hoffman
Innovative nursing education pedagogy connecting population health, policy, and finance, Carolyn Kleman, Lisa Anne Bove, and Yvonne M. Smith
Innovative pedagogical approaches to undergraduate nursing research: Avoiding the cursory critique, Jamela M. Martin
Innovative population health curriculum: Integrating Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Leadership and Organizing for Change Tools, Janice L. Albers
Innovative process of evaluating student performance using smart glass technology while providing family-focused nursing care, Cyrus Azarbod, Norma Krumwiede, David Clisbee, and Aditya Dharoor Kamsali
Innovative research: NARCAN virtual reality an interprofessional healthcare experience, Sherleena Ann Buchman, Char Miller, Deborah Ellen Henderson, and Eric Williams
Innovative residency strategies for transitioning to practice new graduate nurses, Barbara Patterson
Innovative response to the opioid crisis, Cindy K. Delaughter
Innovative strategies for integrating an electronic health record (EHR) into nursing education, Joyce I. Karl and Carolyn Schubert
Innovative suicide screening: Implementation of an electronic tool, Tara Peloza, Kristin Kuharske, Ashley Servi, Michelle Pickett, Frances Kaczor, and Amy Ciriacks
Innovative Teaching/Learning Strategies for Healthcare Education, Gayle Taylor
Innovative teaching pedagogies: Intersections of art and health education, Siobhan Aaron and Joachim G. Voss
Innovative teaching strategies for genomic content integration into nursing curriculum, Leighsa Sharoff
Innovative teaching strategies for the community clinical student: Engaging students where they live, Bilinda L. Norman
Innovative use of brief interventions in emergency department attendees: The incidence of mental health disorders and alcohol consumption, Petra Lawrence, Paul Fulbrook, and Jane Fischer
Innovative use of electronic tablets for newly diagnosed cancer patient education, Patricia L. Cameron
Innovative use of video telerounding to improve patient satisfaction and to expedite discharge, Ginger S. Pierson and Joseph F. Burhard
Inpatient falls prevention: Closing the gap between research and clinical practice, Angela D. Oien
Inpatient mental health: What helps people transition into communities, Jennifer Marie Anderson
In patients with type 2 diabetes, what impact does the American Diabetes Association foot care guidelines have in preventing lower extremity complications?, Kniaka R. Bethel
In pursuit of patient partnerships to improve quality and safety in cancer care: An ambulatory evidenced informed medication project initiative, Cassandra Ann Vonnes
In safe hands: CPR education for adolescents, Megan Moore
InSHAPE: An exercise and nutrition wellness program for individuals with serious mental illness, Marsha L. Lesley
Insight into faculty perspectives transitioning to concept-based curriculum in nursing education, Tammy Martineau
Insights from nursing students about patient teaching: Are we getting a passing grade?, Liz Richard, Teresa Evans, and Beverly A. Williams
Insights into unspoken fears of pregnant Black women, Jodie C. Gary, Sharon L. Dormire, Jamil M. Norman, and Idethia Shevon Harvey
Insights the emergenetics profile provides to leadership development in a hospital setting: A pilot study, Paula A. Kensler, Todd Tartvoulle, and Jennifer B. Martin
Insight to Obese Female Pelvic Examination via Special Device, Christine Okpomeshine and Chidumam G. Ike-Chinaka
In-situ simulation, Marie Elizabeth Wolfer and Suzanne Knight
Insitu simulation of obstetrical emergencies: An interprofessional approach, Shanda Tichelle Harrison, Marissa Kiefer, and Karen White-Trevino
Insomnia and health-related quality of life in adults with type 2 diabetes, Susan M. Sereika, Eileen R. Chasens, and Letitia Y. Graves
Inspired to excel!, Irmajean Bajnok, Scott Emory Moore, and Sujatha Shanmugasundaram
Inspiring an Evidence-Based Methodology Through a Practice Change Checklist, Anita S. Girard and Janette Moreno
Inspiring a shared vision: A case study of a nursing department chair, Phillip M. Timcheck and Benjamin Martin
Inspiring a Shared Vision for Interprofessional Education, Karma Cassidy, Laura Cox Dzurec, and Carolyn A. Williams
Inspiring Leadership: A Job Resource That Effects Perceptions of Nurse Work Well-Being, Federica Maria Pia Ferramosca, Lucia Filomeno, Raffaella Gualandi, Dhurata Ivziku, and Daniela Tartaglini
Institute for Global Healthcare Leadership, Cynthia Vlasich
Institutional commitment for cancer pain management by hospice nurses, Catherine M. Beattie
Institutional competency assessment and other factors influencing the nurse licensure examination, Ryan Michael F. Oducado, Dexter P. Cendaña, and Rosana Grace Belo-Delariarte
Institutional model to reduce anxiety and promote flourishing in an associate degree nursing program, Anne Devaney and Melissa Chase
Instruct APNS to deliver bad news to patients and families in this millennial generation, Cheryl Mele
Instructional design consideration: Taking the learner and lab beyond virtual, Jackie L. Michael
Instructional gaming: Using Kahoot! for review, Indra Hershorin
Instruction and empowerment of nursing students in participatory action research: The heart healthy photovoice project, Karen Dawn, Sandra L. Davis, and Adriana D. Glenn
Instructor characteristics that increase self-efficacy in nursing students, Kaycee J. Jacobson
Instructor's guide for population-based public health clinical manual: The Henry Street Model for nurses (3rd ed.), Marjorie A. Schaffer, Patricia M. Schoon, and Carolyn M. Porta
Instrument for the identification of stressful factors perceived for patients in the intensive care unit, Karen Tatiana Roa Lizcano and Renata Virginia Gonzalez Consuegra
Insulin resistance in young adults with impaired sleep, Ashley W. Helvig, Eileen R. Chasens, Megan McCrory, Patricia Clark, Nannan Zhang, and Matthew Hayat
Integrated application process for nursing student clinical practicum, Nancy S. Goldstein, Diana Lyn Baptiste, and Sibyl Snow
Integrated care in nurse practitioner education programs, Beatrice Gaynor, Carolyn Haines, and Jennifer S. Graber
Integrated community education model: Breast health awareness to impact late stage breast cancer, P. Renee Williams, LaDonna Kaye Northington, Tina M. Martin, and Jean T. Walker
Integrated community mental health services (ICMHS): Quality of life and patient satisfaction, Vico C. L. Chiang, W. M. Wong, M. Y. Chan, W. L. Lin, W. S. Wong, and H. C. Li
Integrated literature review of communication methods of patients with dementia, Hui-Ling Wang
Integrated literature review of delirium in elderly patients, Shu-Ming Chen
Integrated literature review of depression in elderly people, Li-Yu Chuang
Integrated nursing program improves symptom distress, depression, and heart rate variability in patients with heart failure, Hui Ling Hsieh and Chi-Wen Kao
Integrating active learning and innovative teaching strategies in a BSN program to support success for students and graduates, Mary Judith Yoho, Desirae Freeze, Stephanie Dean Black, Kacie A. Spencer, Pamela L. Keys, Janelle R. Sokolowich, and Bonnie J. Beardsley
Integrating a cystic fibrosis scenario to enhance pre-licensure educational genomic understanding, Leighsa Sharoff
Integrating a diverse group of students into the Affinity Research Group Model, Abigail Matos-Pagan
Integrating a Haiti service learning component into a nursing school curriculum, Margarett Alexandre and Jacqueline Cassagnol
Integrating alcohol-use-related content in nursing curricula, Deborah S. Finnell
Integrating an ED nurse residency orientation model with NPD principles, Christine Foote-Lucero and Amanda Miller
Integrating a psychospiritual approach of holistic wellness in treating those with mental health disorders, Anka Roberto
Integrating Chinese medicine into the realm of general nursing education, Susan Ka Yee Chow and Rose Yuk Pui Chan
Integrating clinical nursing education on nursing students-preliminary, Hsiang-Hsun Wu, Pei-Ching Wu, Mei Tzu Chi, and Hui-Fang Yeh
Integrating collaborative learning in nursing education, Nancy C. Falvo
Integrating cultural humility within the core competencies of the global nurse consultant: An exemplar from Botswana, Marcee Radakovich and Michele J. Upvall
Integrating disaster preparedness and response training into the BSN curriculum, Glenn A. Barnes, Martin Mufich, and Debra A. Danforth
Integrating ELNEC undergraduate into a singular nursing course, Nanci McLeskey, Toni L. Glover, and Megan E. Pfitzinger Lippe
Integrating environmental sustainability content into an RN-to-BSN program: A pilot study, Mary E. Linton, Kristi Jo Wilson, and Beverly W. Dabney
Integrating evidence-based practice as a way of thinking in an undergraduate curriculum, Wendy Sue Bowles
Integrating evidence-based practice in a Lebanese nursing baccalaureate program: Challenges and successes, Ola Sukkarieh-Haraty and Nancy Hoffart
Integrating evidence-based practice in a nursing curriculum based on the RNAO Guidelines using action research, Christa Van der Walt, Sharon Vasuthevan, Johanna Catharina (Irene) Lubbe, and P. J. Smith
Integrating evidence into clinical practice utilizing simulation, Natalya Pasklinsky, Sandy Cayo, Gina Robertiello, Chenjuan Ma, and Jordan Genee
Integrating genomics into nursing education, Ann H. Maradiegue and Quannetta T. Edwards
Integrating geriatric content into traditional undergraduate baccalaureate nursing curriculum, Gina B. Diaz
Integrating Healthy People 2020 into a Health Assessment Course, Patricia Keresztes
Integrating increasingly complex simulation into a junior level II course in a BSN program to provide students with an active learning strategy to reinforce learning, Tina M. Dorau, Barbara Gawron, and Karen O'Brien
Integrating Information Literacy Across a BSN Curriculum, Nanci K. Gasiewicz
Integrating LGBTQIA2S+ cultural care concepts within nursing curriculum, Laura Smith and Jessica Huber
Integrating mental health nursing in the undergraduate nursing curriculum, Ann Michelle Hartman and Beth Cusatis Phillips
Integrating nursing and bioengineering expertise in research: Use of optical imaging to uncover neural correlates of adult risk decisions, Mary A. Cazzell, Hanli Liu, Lin Li, and Sonal Patel
Integrating nursing peer review and a restorative just culture for a healthy work environment, Jane Braaten and Cynthia A. Oster
Integrating nursing peer review into a unit shared governance model, Mary Jane Brann
Integrating palliative care services with heart failure management, Lauren Renee Ellicott
Integrating palliative oncology care into doctor of nursing practice programs, Polly M. Mazanec, Betty Rolling Ferrell, Pamela Malloy, and Rose Virani
Integrating patient safety in nursing education: An analysis of pre-registration nursing curricula in Kenya, Nickcy Nyaruai Mbuthia
Integrating Research and Collaborative Learning Across the BSN Curriculum, Mary Terwilliger and Robin Bilan
Integrating revision of self-control in alcohol consumption, Alejandra Leija Mendoza, Alicia Alvarez Aguirre, and Kerena Hernandez
Integrating simulation-based education into the healthcare setting: Newly licensed nurses learn to transition, Kelly L. Rossler, Katherine Hardin, and Marygrace Leveille
Integrating smoking cessation into daily nursing practice, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Integrating substance abuse screening brief intervention and referral to treatment into nursing curriculum, Julie A. Fitzgerald
Integrating TeamSTEPPS in Nursing Education Using Peer Teaching, Michael C. Thomas
Integrating the AACN standards for establishing and sustaining healthy work environments into the academic setting, Andrea Johnson, Diane Allen Young, Tracey Hodges, Sherry Seibenhener, Amanda Innes, and Robin McCormick
Integrating the doctor of nursing practice in practice settings: Implications for clinical outcomes and scholarship, Mary G. Nash and Esther M. Chipps
Integrating theory in an alternative community health nursing clinical experience, Brandy E. Strahan and Crystal G. Bennett
Integrating tobacco interventions into daily practice (3rd ed.), Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Integrating unfolding case studies and lab curriculum, Liza Willis
Integrating virtual patient simulations into the classroom: The SRM Model, A. J. Kleinheksel
Integrating Virtual Simulation into the Curriculum: An Exploratory Study, Susan G. Forneris
Integrating volunteer peers into the emergency care of substance use disorder, Brittany Punches, Colleen E. Laurence, Kiran A. Faryar, Rachel M. Ancona, Robert S. Braun, Natalie M. Qualkenbush-Frye, Daniel P. Ritchie, and Michael S. Lyons
Integration and leveling of nutritional principles in traditional ASN nursing curricula, Candace Pierce and Robyn Caldwell
Integration of AACN's healthy work environment standards: Essential principles of shared governance, Tamula S. Bennett, Theone Fee, Jennifer Johnson, and Angela Tyson
Integration of a mobile mindfulness app on employee health processes in a virtual environment, Kimberly Richards and Ruth Ellen Yeager
Integration of behavioral health into adult primary care, Kim Elaine Backman, Katherine Reddy, Elizabeth Wehrli, and Joan Killeen
Integration of breast health and palliative care in the nursing curriculum in Haiti, Mary Ellen Tresgallo, Marie Carmel Garcon, Jennifer Dohrn, and Adena Bargad
Integration of caring science research across settings and implications for practice, Jayne Felgen and John W. Nelson
Integration of different sensory interventions from mother's breast milk for preterm infant pain during venipunctures, Jen-Jiuan Liaw and Hsiang-Ping Wu
Integration of EBP Competencies Exemplar: The Interdisciplinary Policy and Procedure Committee Experience, Cheryl L. Boyd
Integration of evidence-based practice in undergraduate nursing education across Australian universities: A grounded theory study, Gulzar Malik, Lisa McKenna, and Debra Griffiths
Integration of evidence for genetic risk of abnormal neurodevelopment in preterm infants, Lisa M. Blair, Rita H. Pickler, and Cindy M. Anderson
Integration of high impact practices in nursing education: Translating evidence to strengthen learning, Maria A. Marconi
Integration of infection management in physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST), Aluem Tark
Integration of Intentional Research Assignments into Select Nursing Courses, Kimberly D. Brown and Cynthia A. Goodrich
Integration of palliative care in the management of multiple chronic conditions, Kim K. Kuebler
Integration of palliative care practices in an emergency department: A standardized palliative care referral process, Andrea Brown
Integration of simulation in nursing education in the Middle Eastern world, Jansirani Natarajan
Integration of simulation into the nursing curriculum: What does it actually mean?, Catherine Hilary Thurling
Integration of Teepa Snow's Positive Approach® to Care into multidisciplinary health professions courses, Pamela Thomas, Katie Ehlman, and Jennifer Nunning
Integration of the Sacred Vocation Program in the Bachelor of Science of Nursing Curriculum, Lucindra Campbell-Law, Michael E. Sullivan, and Loan Nguyen
Integration of the sustainable development goals in baccalaureate nursing education, Dana R. Martin
Integration of veteran-centric content into undergraduate nursing simulation learning activities, Sherrill L. Hooke, Anastasia Y. Rose, and Calvin J. Miller
Integrative research review: Comparison of vascular closure devices to manual compression in decreasing postoperative complications, Nichole T. Janca
Integrative Research Review: Factors for Successful Clinical Decision Support Tools and Systems, Andres Carina Perez
Integrative review: Attitude of the nurses towards evidence-based practice, Pablo Salas-Medina, Yolanda Raquel Lapena-Monux, Maria Loreto Macia-Soler, Desiree Mena-Tudela, Maria Isabel Orts-Cortes, and Victor Manuel Gonzalez-Chorda
Integrative review of cyber dating abuse in college students, Linden Wu, Elizabeth A. Schlenk, Jocelyn Anderson, Elizabeth Miller, and Mary Lou Klem
Integrative review of literature: Salutogénesis, an approach to health promotion, Natalia Esquivel Garzon and Luz Patricia Diaz Heredia
Integrative review of self-care measurement in diabetes nephropathy, Younghee Jun, Jeonghwa Cho, Keumok Park, and Youngshin Song
Integrative review of the transitions of emerging young adults with type 1 diabetes, Jennifer L. Saylor
Integrative review of virtual simulation in nursing, Hyunsook Shin, Hyojin Kim, Da Hae Rim, and Sojeong Park
Integrative reviews part 1: A method of synthesizing diverse nursing education literature, Lisa Doreen Brodersen
Integrative reviews part 2: Critiquing integrative reviews of nursing education literature, Lisa Doreen Brodersen
Integrative strategies to help students lower their anxiety, G. Jean Klein
Intensifying monitoring and care of preterm and low birth weight babies at Thyolo District Hospital, Malawi, Tabitha Mikeka, Edith Tewesa, and Ellen Chirwa
Intensive care adverse events: An action research project from a Malaysian nursing perspectives, Kim Lam Soh, Patricia Mary Davidson, Gavin Leslie, and Kim Geok Soh
Intensive care nurse managers' perspectives of nurse-patient communication in Botswana, Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole
Intensive care nurses' knowledge on quality of care and patient safety, Peter Vermeir, Dominique Vandijck, Stijn I. Blot, Johan Hellings, Sonia Labeau, Celine Neirynck, Jochen Bergs, and Annemie Vlayen
Intent, behavioral control and drug use in adolescents, Jesica Guadalupe Ahumada
Intentional centering through nurse practitioner-led diabetic group visits at a free clinic, Stephanie S. Bennett
Intentional consciousness: Empowering nurses through evidence-based practice, Maria Sochima N. Mgbokwere
Intentionality: The matrix of healing, Rothlyn P. Zahourek
Intentional nurse leader rounding on patients daily, Jeffery Hudson
Intentional touch for healing mind body spirit, Beverly K. Byers
Intention of regular exercise among pregnant women: Theory of Planned Behavior, Ching-Fang Lee, Fang-Ming Hwang, Fan-Hao Chou, and I-Chyun Chiang
Intent of Hispanic/Latino adolescents toward tissue and organ donation: A pilot study of a culturally sensitive educational intervention, Sharon A. Castellanos
Interactions in the patient room system – A spatial sociological analysis, Alexander Meßner
Interactive classroom education versus simulation-based teaching: A comparative study of nursing students in palliative care, Matthew M. Earnest
Interactive Instructional Design Strategies for Online Nursing Education, Nicholas Charles Gogno
Interactive modules or lecture recording? Learning about HIV/AIDS care for BSN students, Faith A. Strunk
Intercultural health certificate designed to increase linguistic and cultural competence in undergraduate health field majors, Barbara deRose, Rosa Tezanos-Pinto, and Silvia M. Bigatti
Interculturally sensitive nursing care: Measuring the relationship between intercultural development and patient satisfaction, Jitana P. Benton-Lee
Interdepartmental collaboration to develop online graduate nursing students' writing skills and decrease faculty stress, Kathleen Ann Muglia and Danielle Clapham
Interdependence of spirituality and well-being among Korean elders and family caregivers, Suk-Sun Kim
Interdisciplinary development of electronic palliative care decision support, Ruth A. Bush, Cynthia D. Connelly, Caroline Etland, Tanja Baum, and Jane M. Georges
Interdisciplinary education: 5 A's Model for effective weight management counseling, Kathleen Drum and Denise G. Link
Interdisciplinary education curriculum revision: Application of a change leading model, Mary Lou Kopp and Pegge Bell
Interdisciplinary rounding and its effect on communication and quality, Elizabeth Dasher and Ashlee Loewen
Intergenerational health promotion in African-Americans, Donna Behler McArthur
Intergenerational learning for transforming nursing students' perspectives of older adults, Marleen Thornton, Kathryn Burns, and Lara Street
Intergrating simulation into TeamSTEPPS: A tool to promote collaborative practice in a clinic setting, Patricia G. Francis-Johnson, Sandra Caballero, Sharon Decker, Melissa S. Leal, and Kathryn Whitcomb
International academic partnership in Vietnam to promote evidence-based practice and nursing education, Deborah Reneé Jones and Karen Cotter
International capstone experience: Bridging transcultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes among prelicensure nursing students, Gina B. Diaz
International collaboration and partnership: A pilot program developing roles of advanced practice nurses in Israel, Caryn Andrews, Julie Vosit-Steller, Dorit Goldman, Barbara M. Cohen, and Judy A. Beal
International collaboration: Creation of a global clinical immersion to improve healthcare for at-risk communities, Michelle Pardee, April Bigelow, and Naruemol Singha-Dong
International collaboration: Promoting global citizenship, cultural competence, and leadership skills among baccalaureate nursing students, Tauna Fleming Gulley
International collaboration: Use of a student-led educational intervention to decrease stroke risk in rural Thailand, April Bigelow, Naruemol Singha-Dong, and Michelle Pardee
International collaboration: Using Skype to facilitate research for a doctor of nursing practice capstone project, Linda Costa and Zeenat Khan
International Collaborative Research Guidelines, Sigma Theta Tau International
International faculty exchange program: A unique transcultural nursing experience, Gina B. Diaz, Janus Villaruel, and Lester Pimentel Naval
International humanitarian law, human rights, and ethics: The medical mission, Andrea Harrison
International immersion experience impact on nurse practitioner and medical students readiness for interprofessional education, Debra A. Kosko
International Leadership Opportunities, Gwen D. Sherwood, Jennie Chang De Gagne, Kuei-Ru Chou, and Benjamin A. Smallheer
International Leadership Opportunities, Gwen D. Sherwood
Internationally educated nurses' experiences of holding management positions in United States healthcare organizations, Lilian A. Allen
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing - ANDER Journal [Complete issue - February 2017, Vol 6, No 1], Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, M. Louise Fitzpatrick, Pamela Aselton, Jean Demartinis, and Raeann Genevieve LeBlanc
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing - ANDER Journal [Complete issue October 2016, Vol 5, No 2], Munikumar Ramasamy Venkatasalu and Grace W. K. Ho
International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing - Newsletter [Complete issue: December 2012, Vol 10, No 6], Hae-Ra Han, Jiayun Xu, Brendan G. McCormack, Caroline Williams, Famke Van Lieshout, Haiou Zou, Zheng Li, and Siedine Knobloch Coetzee
International Network of Doctoral Education in Nursing: Advancing quality doctoral nursing education globally, Sonja McIlfatrick
International Nurse Migration [Position Statement], Sigma Theta Tau International
International nursing education partnership for care of an aging population: Simulation and clinical judgment development, Elizabeth Johnson, Kay E. Hodson-Carlton, Kathie Lasater, Linda Siktberg, Nancy L. Dillard, Stephanie Sideras, and Ronnie Meechan
International nursing leadership development: A shared service learning partnership, Sharon Elizabeth Metcalfe
International nursing service: At home and abroad, Safiya George Dalmida, Shannon E. Perry, Patrice Kenneally Nicholas, Jennifer Foster, Benson C. Wright, Karen M. Pehrson, and Roxanne Amerson
International operating room nurses' lived experiences in organ procurement surgery: A phenomenological study, Weili Gao, Virginia Plummer, and Lisa McKenna
International Perspective, International Collaborations: Logistic Considerations for Survey Research in Nursing Study Abroad and Exchange, Helen Aveyard, Kathleen Greenway, Sarah Hope Kagan, and Elissa A. Acevedo
International service learning experience in Ghana:Â Student and faculty global health leadership, Valerie L. King
Internet-based intervention for self-management in fibromyalgia syndrome, Nada Lukkahatai
Interoception: A self-regulatory mechanism for self-management, Ana Laura Solano Lopez
Interpersonal communication competence and attachment styles in pre-licensure nurses: A descriptive pilot study, Christina Kiger
Interpersonal functioning of the people with schizophrenia: Associations with theory of mind and working memory, Mio Sato and Chizuru Mori
Interpersonal Verbal and Physical Abuse Against Female Nurses and Doctors in Karachi, Pakistan, Azmat Jehan Khan
Interplay between academia and practice: Contextual factors influencing the integration of EBP in nurse education, Gulzar Malik
Interpreting the changed me in the mirror: Viewing self after a mastectomy, Wyona M. Freysteinson
Interprofessional Case Conferences in Undergraduate Nursing Education, Ashley D. Roach
Interprofessional Coaches: Facilitating Transformational Learning, Jennifer Evans, Jody Delp, and Mary Rock
Interprofessional collaboration: A healthcare professional's duty, Dorothy Williams
Interprofessional collaboration: A leadership imperative to value-based care, Susan Thurman
Interprofessional collaboration and the new graduate nurse: Are we expecting too much?, Kathryn A. Pfaff
Interprofessional Collaboration: A Rural Self-Managment Program, Kathleen Farrell
Interprofessional collaboration between a U.S. university and community partners in Haiti to improve health outcomes, Mureen Shaw
Interprofessional collaboration: Developing students safeguarding skills, Llewellyn David Morgan
Inter-professional collaboration develops educational pathway for community paramedicine and health administration, Mary L. Ahlers and Josephine Kershaw
Interprofessional Collaboration in Management of Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies in Rwanda, Assumpta Yamuragiye
Inter-professional collaboration: Making a difference locally and globally, Rebecca Lee Meyer
Interprofessional collaboration: Nurses and physicians continue to view collaboration differently, Tanna Thomason and Belinda M. Toole
Interprofessional collaboration on an aging simulation, Tamatha Arms
Interprofessional Collaboration to Advance Nursing Education and Research, Laurie Badzek
Interprofessional collaboration to optimize intrathecal chemotherapy administration, Gayle McGlory, Donna Scott, Antonio Munoz, Maria Bustamante, and Kenn M. Kirksey
Interprofessional collaboration to support food literacy and mental health resilience in adolescents, Gina K. Alexander
Interprofessional collaborative approaches to reduce risk, decrease financial loss, and improve patient care outcomes in acute care and skilled nursing facilities, Mayumi Shoi Parker
Interprofessional collaborative approach for improving situation awareness using simulation in a nursing residency program, Jill Van Der Like, Steven Kass, Christopher O. Jr. Downing, Kahla Davis, Cynthia Smith-Peters, and Steve Vodanovich
Interprofessional collaborative care: An evidence-based approach to healthcare education, Nancy L. McMahon, Rebecca L. Allen, Siti A. Arshad-Snyder, Joan M. Blum, Sarah M. Flanagan, Andreia D. Nebel, Renee M. Ruhkamp, Julie C. Taylor-Costello, Kate K. Tworek, Ricardo Varguez, and Patricia R. Weber
Interprofessional collaborative music therapy program as adjuvant to pain control to reduce pharmacological interventions, Lydia Alicia Cristobal, Christina Bochicchio, and Rayza Batista
Interprofessional collaborative partnerships to create healthy environments: understanding fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Irene Kane, Ann M. Mitchell, Kathryn Puskar, Holly Hagle, and Dawn Lindsay
Interprofessional collaborative practice for cardiovascular risk reduction in chronic disease, Maria Christina R. Esperat, Huaxin Song, Linda McMurry, Charles F. Seifert, and Brian K. Irons
Interprofessional collaborative practice model, Ryan A. Butler and Gina L. Schaar
Interprofessional continuing education panel: Lessons from the real world, Kim V. Cheramie, Sally Morgan, Katherine Czyzewski, Lisa Walker-Vischer, Heather Gunn, Ashley Wechsler, Gina Reid Tinio, and Cathleen Hedges
Interprofessional educational collaboration between graduate outpatient pharmacy and BSN community health nursing students, Valerie C. Sauda and Frank McGrady
Interprofessional educational simulation across universities and professions, Kerri Busteed
Interprofessional education and collaboration from the students' points of view, Pennie Sessler Branden
Interprofessional education and collaboration in the graduate nursing mental health courses, Judy Haefner, Marilyn Filter, and Marilyn R. McFarland
Interprofessional education and collaboration in the graduate nursing mental health courses, Judy Haefner, Barbara J. Kupferschmid, Marilyn R. McFarland, and Marilyn Filter
Interprofessional education and research in a collaborative simulation center, Jessica Louise Doolen
Interprofessional education and team-based learning in a research methods course, Vicki Schug
Interprofessional education enhances nursing and pharmacy students' confidence in end-of-life care through simulation, Phyllis A. King and Mariette Sourial
Interprofessional education for undergraduate health science, Amy J. McClune, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, and Anne Thomas
Interprofessional education in nursing education: A new way of knowing, Marian J. George
Interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum innovation using academic and practice partners, Gloria A. Brummer and Mary Barnes
Interprofessional education through community service, Denise B. Isibel and Linda K. Bennington
Interprofessional education through service learning, Amy Mersiovsky
Interprofessional education to enhance health-related outcomes for LGBT clients: How one academic medical center is leading the way, Tanya R. Friese, Paul Kent, Jay Behel, Jamie Cvengros, Edward Ward, Cecilia Hardacker, and Antonio Logan
Interprofessional education: Using simulation to teach error disclosure, Ann Popkess, Christine Durbin, Therese I. Poirier, Katie E. Ronald, Toni Roucka, and Miranda Wilhelm
Interprofessional eductation innovation: A palliative care interview project implementing photovoice and narrative reflection, Barbara J. Braband, Anissa Rogers, and Rebecca Gaudino
Interprofessional evidence-based care of hospitalized patients with and at risk for sleep apnea improves care quality, Lisa A. Kuhen
Interprofessional evidence-based solution for alcohol screening using technology, Kathryn Puskar
Interprofessional faculty teams: Building an effective team to create and implement an interprofessional simulation, Briyana L. M. Morrell, Jennifer Nicole Carmack, Rebecca Ann Cartledge, Kathleen Elizabeth Hetzler, Stephanie R. Kemery, Shannon Marie Moore, Alison M. Nichols, Jane Toon, and Craig A. Jr. Voll
Interprofessional healthcare provider education on neonatal abstinence syndrome, Mary Puchalski
Interprofessional healthcare team knowledge of post-adoption depression in adoptive mothers, Valerie F. Burris
Interprofessional health education: Preparing for collaborative practice, Michele S. Bednarzyk and Kathaleen C. Bloom
Interprofessional mentoring: Innovative strategies for developing and sustaining effective clinical faculty, Elizabeth A. Fitzgerald and Carolyn Schubert
Interprofessional nursing education for technological advancement in cardiac arrest documentation, Margaret Gray, Stefan C. Christov, Barbara C. Glynn, and Eileen Hermann
Interprofessional nursing education to prepare baccalaureate nursing students for transition to practice, Patricia White
Interprofessional oral-systemic health standardized patient and case study experience, Erin Hartnett and Judith Haber
Interprofessional role clarification among licensed health care practitioners in rural and smaller community hospitals, Dianne E. Allen
Interprofessional Simulation from the Patient's Point of View, Mary Holtschneider and Chan Park
Interprofessional simulation: TeamSTEPPS and cardiac arrest simulation, Pamela Thomas, Tracy Kinner, Marilyn Ostendorf, Mary Kay Arvin, Heather Schmuck, Jody Delp, Jennifer Titzer, Wes Phy, and Kathy Peak
Interprofessional socialization in mixed discipline and nursing student only cohorts, Kara Groom
Interprofessional teaching and learning in health and social care professions: An evidence-based proposal for interprofessional education, Lee Franklin Koch and Helga Horn
Interprofessional team-based approach to patients with chronic hepatitis C and psychiatric co-morbidity, Donald Gardenier, Angela Woody, and Catherine Amory
Interprofessional teams integrate spirituality into patient care: Lessons learned, Joanne K. Olson, Suzette Bremault-Phillips, Pamela Brett-MacLean, Doreen Oneschuk, and Shane Sinclair
Interprofessional trauma simulation workshop: From planning to implementation, Ruth Bargainer, April Beckling, Robyn G. Faz, Terran Keidl, Bill J. Davis, and Kathryn Whitcomb
Intersectionality of intimate partner violence among Chinese women: Analysis of online forums on domestic violence, Jiepin Cao and Rosa M. Gonzalez-Guarda
Intersectoral collaboration to promote interprofessional education, Sue Coffey, Hilde Zitzelsberger, and Leslie L. M. Graham
Interteaching: Enhancing the classroom experience for baccaleaureate nursing students, Karen Estridge and Jacqueline K. Owens
Intervention effects of a cognitive behavioral skills building program on newly licensed registered nurses, Marlene Sampson
Intervention fidelity in research with homeless youths, Lynn Rew, Natasha Slesnick, Karen Johnson, and Adem Cengiz
Intervention fidelity monitoring of multi-component complementary therapy: Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) for persons with pulmonary hypertension, Tania Von Visger, Susan E. Thrane, Maryanna Klatt, Annette DeVito Dabbs, Linda Chlan, and Mary Beth Happ
Intervention for African American adults with type 2 diabetes, Annette Caple
Intervention for attitude toward care in family caregivers of elderly adults with dementia, Norma Velazquez-Morales, Maria de los Angeles Villarreal-Reyna, and Ana Laura Sr. Carrillo-Cervantes
Intervention for skills training and anxiety in family caregiver of patients with dementia, Norma Velazquez-Morales, Maria de los Angeles Villarreal-Reyna, and Ana Laura Sr. Carrillo-Cervantes
Interventions for postpartum depression, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Interventions for postpartum depression, Hanna Folkenroth, Mackenzie Ogle, Lauren Van Tress, and Hannah Warnecke
Interventions for preventing and solve bullying in nursing: A scoping review, Corina Elena Luca, Alessia Sartorio, Loris Bonetti, and Monica Bianchi
Interventions to improve nursing student attitudes about people with mental illness, Todd B. Hastings
Interventions to improve physical functioning and psychological adjustment in advanced heart disease, Cynthia M. Dougherty
Interventions to reduce medication errors, Tawana Tucker
Interventions to support staff caring for pediatric behavioral health patients in the emergency department, Jennifer L. Mattei, Denise Bach, and Rebecca Neichter
Intervention study on program development of the exercise adherence for the elderly of musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex, Keiko Fukuroku
In the acute care setting what is the effect of bedside nursing report on patient safety when compared with traditional reporting methods: An evidence-based project, Heather Rolling, Jessica Pauley, and Jaclyn Hoyt
'In the family way:' Linking dynamics from family of origin with subsequent workplace bullying experiences, Monica Kennison
In their own voices: Ethiopian immigrant women in the United States, Beth Desaretz Chiatti
In Their Shoes: A Poverty Simulation, Jacqueline Paik and Dolores J. Wright
In the know with Kaplan, Emrielle Griesbaum, Alyssa Baltimore, Carson Churchwell, Lindsay Parker, and Dimple Patel
Intimate partner and sexual violence through school-based sex education programs: A review of evidence, Crystal G. Bennett and Patricia E. Worth
Intimate partner violence and failure to thrive in children: A literature review, Pamela C. Kimeto
Intimate partner violence: Two case studies of divided loyalties of Muslim women, Linda Carman Copel
Intimate partner violence victimization, interpersonal dependency, and anger among women in South Korea, Jeongmin Ha
Intractable peripheral edema in hospice: A clinical aromatherapy case study and review of the literature, Dawn L. Langley-Brady
Intradisciplinary collaboration: Doctorally educated nurses partnering for patient outcomes, Jennifer R. Day, Judith Ascenzi, and Karen Frank
Intraoperative and postoperative analgesia in Nuss bar procedure, Carlie Copeland
Intraoperative echocardiography for pediatric cardiac surgery, Linsley Lloyd and Lisa Herbinger
Intraoperative hypotension management for microvascular reconstruction surgery using free tissue transfer: An integrative review, Lyndsie LaFleur
Intraoperative lidocaine infusion for multimodal pain management in gastrointestinal surgeries: An evidence-based practice analysis, Shelby Sullivan
Intraoperative methadone for postoperative pain in spine surgery, Nathaniel Cline
Intraoperative tranexamic acid for pediatric posterior spinal fusions, Hannah Coblentz and David Sanford
Intra-organizational communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among nurses, Peter Vermeir, Dominique Vandijck, Els Tobback, Liesbeth Delesie, An Mariman, Rik Verhaeghe, and Dirk Vogelaers
Intraosseous and venous blood lactate levels correlate; PT/INR do not, Diana F. Montez, Tatiana Puga, Larry Miller, Mireya Garcia, Chris Davlantes, Juliette Saussy, and Thomas Philbeck
Intrapreneurial Nurse Managers: Transforming Workplaces, Karen Georgina Clark-Burg
Intra-professional collaborative practice among nurses, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Introducing a “brain†to anxious novice nursing students to obtain essential patient information, Akiko Kobayashi
Introducing a global leadership mentoring STTI online community, Ellen B. Buckner and Claudia Kam Yuk Lai
Introducing a pediatric respiratory assessment tool in a pediatric ED, Teresa Bontrager and Mary Brooker
Introducing APRN students in the armed forces to the power of transdisciplinary integrative methodologies, Jill Schramm, Laura A. Taylor, Tiffany Uranga, Amber Birkle, and Regina Thorp
Introducing delirium and sedation assessment tools in one ICU in Botswana, Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole and Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae
Introducing global health nursing to university-bound students: A case study, Helen Frances Baker and Blake Tyler McGee
Introducing nursing students to handoff report: An SBAR activity, Abby Shipley
Introducing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) therapy for populations experiencing homelessness, Angela Caires, Yeow Chye Ng, and Jack J. Mayeux
Introducing simulation to BSN students and faculty situated in a rural setting in North India, Jill B. Derstine, Marylou K. McHugh, and Leland J. Rockstraw
Introducing the 2020 Pathway to Excellence® manual: Building positive practice environments around the globe, Melissa Bates, Jennifer Hargreaves, Maggie McCright, Christine Pabico, and Leigh Hume
Introducing the nursing process through e-learning and serial virtual and manikin simulations, Kathleen Marie Mullen
Introducing the Sigma Theta Tau International and Chamberlain College of Nursing Center for Excellence in Nursing Education, Thomas M. Whitehead
Introducing trauma-informed care in an urgent care center: A quality improvement project, Marco Belluardo-Crosby
Introduction of an advanced practice nurse program in Kenya: A new era in nursing education, Sheila Shaibu, Eunice Wambui Ndirangu, Eunice Siaity, Gladys M. Mbuthia, Rachel Kimani, and Isabel Kambo
Introduction of a transformational leadership style in a Swiss multi-site hospital, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale [Cantonal Hospital Authority], Shaila Cavatorti, Sara Piattini, Annette Biegger, Yvonne Willems, Monica Bianchi, and Giovanna Pezzoli
Introduction of care dependency scale: A pressure ulcer risk assessment tool in a long term facility, Nkeiruka Archinihu
Introduction of e-learning into the post RN baccalaureate program in a developing country, Jacqueline Maria Dias, Basnama Ayaz, and Nasreen S. Lalani
Introduction to Next Generation NCLEX®(NGN), Lois Sarah Marshall and Jessica Marcus
Introduction to the INACSL Research Instrument Repository, Tonya Schneidereith and Susan Prion
Invasive Cardiology BLS/ACLS Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI), Linda M. Turner
Investigating chemobrain onset: A pilot study exploring the severity and onset of cognitive impairment, Kelly Moore
Investigating physical activity and exercise motivation in women with systemic lupus erythematosus, Mei-Ling Wu and Jen-Chen Tsai
Investigating the efficacy of prelicensure clinical interprofessional education, Brenda K. Wheeler
Investigating the efficacy of resources for behavioral healthcare professionals around commonly seen health conditions, Melissa T. Hinds, Nancy Covell, and Carrie Lones
Investigating the impact of a video response discussion on student engagement in an online course, Jackie Murphy and Kay Swartzwelder
Investigating the knowledge and teaching practices of novice clinical nursing educators, Stacy Wheat Huber
Investigating vulnerability for developing eating disorders in a multi-confessional Lebanese sample, Rita Doumit, Georges Khazen, Ioanna Katsounari, Chant Kazandjian, JoAnn D. Long, and Nadine Zeeni
Investigation into the relationship between critical thinking skills and clinical judgment in the nurse practitioner student, Karen L. Gorton
Investigation of a checklist to reduce medication errors among pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students, Mary Agoglia
Investigation of cultural, social, and religious aspects of Saudi Arabia and neighboring states and implications for best practice in health education and promotion, Sami Abdulrahman Al-Hamidi
Investigation of factors affecting personal development and well-being of hospital nurses in Japan, Miwako Hoshi
Investigation of factors related to nursing care for patients with dementia at acute hospitals in Japan, Chieko Greiner, Tokiko Isowa, Tomoko Oishi, Motoko Kita, and Hiroshi Higashiura
Investigation of the effect of IVI with three modes of instruction on learning and attitude towards the instructional media, Antoinette B. Calderone
Investigation of the stress level and potential contributive factors for Japanese college nursing students during the period of clinical practicum, Miwako Hoshi, Izumi Nakashima, Eri Mizoguchi, and Hitomi Moriki
Investigations into economic class and retention rates of nursing students, Angela D. Martindale
Investing in leadership, Vicki Lunkdmark and Jennifer Hargreaves
Invisible influence: Exploring nurses' interactions with industry in clinical practice, Quinn H. Grundy
Invisible nature of self-care: Clinical issues raised by people with multiple long-term conditions, Denise L. Blanchard and Kim A. Van Wissen
Invited to repeat the NCLEX-RN: How faculty can help improve student outcomes, Susan T. Sanders
Involving relatives in ICU patient care: The barriers and enablers, Bridget Anne McConnell
Involving students in an interprofessional community engaged learning approach to population health and primary prevention, Tracy J. Perron and Tami L. Jakubowski
IPE disaster course and simulation development, Teresa N. Gore, Rita F. D'Aoust, Davina M. Devries, Dawn M. Schocken, Amy Schwartz, Erini Serag-Bolos, and Oma B. Singh
Iranian-American older adults' attitudes and proactive actions toward planning ahead for end-of-life care, Zahra Rahemi
Irritable bowel syndrome and probiotics: Effective or not?, Andrea L. Morris
Irritable infants: Their childhood characteristics, Madalynn M. Neu
Is a flipped classroom an effective educational method to meet nursing students' learning needs?, Daniel Keith Best and Jessica L. Naber
Is cancer-related fatigue related to levels of physical activity and body weights in HNC survivors?, Yuan-Yuan Fang and Yeur-Hur Lai
Ischemic stroke: A case study, Rudolf Cymorr Kirby P. Martinez
Is chronic cannabis use associated with a risk that monitored anesthesia care for endoscopic procedures?, Julie Ann Gregg
Is emotional intelligence an important concept in nursing education?, Jennifer Lynn Kolker
I serve 2: Identifying and caring for military-connected children in civilian primary care practices, Alicia Gill Rossiter, Margaret C. Wilmoth, and Catherine G. Ling
I serve 2: Improving health outcomes of military-connected children through development of policy, Alicia Gill Rossiter, Margaret C. Wilmoth, and Catherine G. Ling
"I should have come sooner": A qualitative study describing care preferences of elders with HF, Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Saul Blecker, Corita Grudzen, Stuart Katz, Billy A. Caceres, Melissa Martelly, Tina Sadarangani, and Caroline Blaum
Is it getting better? A program of research evaluating health equity for LGBTQ youth in Western Canada, Elizabeth M. Saewyc
Is it pain or too much pain medication?, Leslie Bauerle
Is it really cool to JUUL: Cross-sectional study of cotinine levels and nicotine dependence, Kylie Kelleher Dougherty
Is leadership in STTI in your future? A dialogue with the Leadership Succession Committee, Safiya George Dalmida, John J. Whitcomb, Suzanne S. Prevost, and Patrice Kenneally Nicholas
Is less more? Pediatric intractable migraine and onabotulinumtoxinA treatment, Tara Ayn Pezzuto
Is melatonin a viable alternative to a benzodiazepine perioperatively?, Graham Herndon, Maria Ledbetter, and Terri Cahoon
Is motherhood affecting the quality of life of female adolescents: A systematic review, Yasmin P. Parpio, Hina Pyar Ali, and Salima M. Farooq
ISNCC Cancer Nursing Education Position Statement, International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
ISNCC Palliative Care Position Statement, International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
ISNCC Tobacco Position Statement, International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
Is one size fits all effective and safe if applied in management of uncontrolled dyslipidemia?, Gulenia Rikabi and Kamal Rikabi
Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) defaulting: Who are responsible?, Lizeth Roets and Emmanuel Ikechukwu Okoli
Is perceived racism a barrier to career advancement in nursing? Black nurses' perspectives, Kechi Iheduru-Anderson
Is problem-based learning beneficial for undergraduate nursing students?: A South African perspective, Judith C. Bruce, Norma Mtshali-Qamata, and Melanie Lack
Is sitting time associated with increased health risks in nurses?, Lizbeth P. Sturgeon, Dawn Garrett-Wright, Eve Main, Susan Jones, and Donna S. Blackburn
Issues influencing medication adherence in Black women with hypertension, Willie M. Abel
Issues leading to the recent outbreaks of hepatitis A, Jean M. O'Neil
Is Tai Chi acceptable for improving health outcomes in opioid-use-disordered patients receiving outpatient medication-assisted treatment?, Pao-Feng Tsai, Jason Y. Chang, Michael J. Mancino, Reid D. Landes, and Alison H. Oliveto
Is technological competency considered caring?, Michelle E. Dykes and Teresa Teasley
Is That Really What an RN Does? Analysis of Students Perceptions and Career Aspirations, Kathleen Miller and Leanne Topola
Is the annual gynecological exam necessary?, Joyce Cappiello
Is the Braden Mobility Subscale alone as predictive as the Braden Scale?, Siti Zubaidah Mordiffi, Nicole M. Phillips, Bridie Kent, and Choon Huat Koh
Is there a relationship between parenting styles and sibling relationships in families raising a child with a disability?, Barbara L. Mandleco, Corinne Jackman, Susanne Olsen Roper, Tina Dyches, and Donna Freeborn
Is there gender difference in maintenance of peritoneal dialysis: Analysis using competing risk model, Hsiao-Ling Chen and Jin-Lain Ming
Is this the profession for me? Pre-nursing students simulated hospital day observations, Sarah Yvonne Jimenez and Melissa A. Wholeben
Is your organization ready for simulation? The Simulation Culture Organizational Readiness Survey (SCORS), Kim Leighton and Colette R. Foisy-Doll
It All Starts With 'HELLO', Sabrina Collins-Christie
It’s all about that bass NO treble: Writing a dynamic research abstract, Mary Ann Cantrell and Bette A. Mariani
It is always the monkey on my back: The diagnosis of cirrhosis, Mary Tiberg
It is what it is...Enduring the never-ending: The lived experiences of parenting adult children with developmental/intellectual disabilities, Siri Gurunam Kaur Khalsa
It's a matter of time: Formative feedback in online learning environments, Deborah L. Sikes
It's Big, and it's Not Easy: Implementing a Transition to Practice Program, William Parrish and Valerie Stalsbroten
It's Fat Tuesday! Get the skinny on Lean and the NPD Scope and Standards, Greta Price
It's good to be blue: A nursing study abroad Blue Zone experience in Sardinia, Italy, Jessica L. Naber
It's good to be blue: Nursing study abroad Blue Zone experiences in Italy and Greece, Jessica L. Naber
It's more than nursing: The experience of psychological safety of pre-licensure nursing students who identify as Black, indigenous, and people of color, Melissa M. Anozie
It's nerve racking: The lived experiences of new graduate clinical care nurses using simulation as part of an orientation program, Robert L. Kerner Jr.
It's ok to not be ok: Mental health is health!, Sara Fung and Amie Varley
It's time for a solution! Overcoming incivility in our workplace, Matthew S. Howard and Jennifer L. Embree
It's time for results! Preventing bullying in our workplace, Matthew S. Howard and Jennifer L. Embree
It takes a village: Addressing health inequities via nurse practitioner education, Felesia Renee Bowen
It takes a village and a plan: Leadership development of novice faculty through a team project, Alison H. Edie
It takes a village…One leader's journey of developing confidence through enhanced team building, Amber J. Pyatt, Laura Cox Dzurec, and Denise K. Gormley
It Takes a village: Collaborating to facilitate youth client/family recovery, Brenda Marshall
It takes a village! Collaborative team research, Ellen D'Errico
It takes a village to put food in the bank: Changing food insecurity in our community one patient at a time, Ebony M. Samuel-Bakpessi, Beth Post, Nicole Dugan, Christopher Costello, Dionne Johnson, Tanya Camacho, Sadhana Subramanian, Nicole Sewell, Sharon Geidel, Magon Moncrieffe, and Shelly Massimilla
It takes a village: Transitional care, an interprofessional collaborative effort, Ashley Brooke Barquin, Racquel Vera-McLean, and Donna Small
"It was a light coming through": African-American nurses' perceptions of a collaborative nursing leadership program, Allyssa L. Harris, Gaurdia E. Banister, Carmela Townsend, Nadia Raymond, and Patricia R. Mason
"It was a season..." postpartum depression in American Indian/Alaska native women, Jennifer Leigh Heck
IV ketamine infusions for the treatment of depression: An evidence based practice analysis, Sergio A. Quinones
I want my mommy: Sibling's experience with childhood cancer, Yuan-Ju Liao
"I was working in the hospital as an orderly" the oral histories of the Alexian Brothers Hospital School of Nursing graduates, Susan A. LaRocco
"I will be here for you": Nursing students' perceptions of being present for their patients, Carol Toliuszis Kostovich, Jeanne Van Denack, and Patricia Bachmeier
"I won't dance, don't ask me": Concerning why workplace bullying bystanders simply stand by, Laura Cox Dzurec and Monica Kennison
"I would like to be heard." Communicating with Chinese patients with dementia: A focused ethnography, Yong-Shian Goh
Japanese Disaster Nursing Readiness Evaluation Index (JDNREI), Carol Ann Huebner, Maeda Takayo, Kotera Sayaka, and Matsuda Nobuko
Jehovah's Witnesses and perioperative blood management strategies, Anne Owusu and Lauren Barnes
Job demand, work-family conflict and nurses' intention to leave, Li-Chung Pien
Job outcomes and dissatisfaction in nursing, Gisele Hespanhol Dorigan, Daniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves, and Edineis de Brito Guirardello
Job satisfaction among family nurse practitioners in Mississippi, Danielle Raye Saxon
Job satisfaction and subjective well-being among Czech and Slovak nurses, Elena Gurkova
Job satisfaction and the impact of immediate recognition: Pilot testing the effectiveness of a KUDOS program, Crystal Pellam and JoAnn D. Long
Job satisfaction as experienced by Generation Y nurses: A phenomenological study, Sonia Anselmo-Witzel
Job satisfaction in relation to communication in healthcare among nurses: Practical recommendations, Peter Vermeir, Sophie Degroote, Dominique Vandijck, Rik Verhaeghe, Dirk Vogelaers, and An Mariman
Job satisfaction of registered nurses in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Asma S. Al Yahyaei
Job stress, and burn out in relation to physical and mental health of nurses in Southern Taiwan, Yueh-Li Yu and Yao-Mei Chen
Job stress, mentoring, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction among nursing faculty, Catherine Chung
Joining Forces: Improving Behavioral Health in the Emergency Department, Judith Moran
Joining forces to provide diabetes screening and education in rural Alabama, Lynn Greenleaf Brown
Joining the academic community: The lived experiences of new teachers in nursing education, Patricia K. Young
Jointly appointed nurse scientists: Bridging the gap between academic and practice settings, Bevin Cohen, Carolyn Sun, Amanda Hessels, Eileen Carter, Kenrick Cato, Irene Bick, and Elaine L. Larson
Jordanian male nurses perceptions of nursing as a career: A qualitative study, Susan A. LaRocco, Mohammad Y. N. Saleh, and Safa A. AlAshram
Journey to elevate professionalism: Leveraging staff engagement to design and deliver education, Sarah J. Kwan, Mika L. Lagman, and Rhea Trinidad
Journey to knowledge and self-esteem: Implementation of biopsychosocial model of care through psoriasis support group, Jessy Augustine
Juggling the needs of two communities of practice nursing clinical mentors teaching baccalaureate students, Cheryl Zlotnick and Dalit Wilhelm
"Jump start" a baccalaureate degree by increasing self-efficacy in associate degree nursing students, Janis J. Schiefelbein and Gena Coomes
Junk food, Rita Lakhani, Namrata Patil, Juby Jincy, Merlin Beulah, Savita Kambayat, and Pankaj Bhadarge
Just because the hood raised you, doesn't mean you have to raise the hood: A content analysis of urban lit, Patience Marks
Just BREATHE: Second victim program planning, Christine M. Moraca
Just culture, trust, and the impact to patient safety, Linda Ann Paradiso
Just-in-time teaching and technology to enhance student learning in lab, Katilya Ware and Sarah O. Watts
Just in time training: Utilizing simulation for nursing staff development, Tracey Robilotto and Lygia L. Arcaro
"Just One": Applying Leadership Principles in Hospital Settings, Amy M. Owen, Tammie Coffman, Aaron Duebner, and Mary Mwaura
Kangaroo care and postpartum depression: The role of oxytocin, Hanan A. Badr and Jaclene A. Zauszniewski
Kangaroo care: Creating a video teaching tool for parents and neonatal nurses, Melissa K. Robinson
Kangaroo mother care effect on crying time during clustered painful procedures in full term neonates, Raouth R. Kostandy
KATTS framework and Kaplan resources remain effective for NCLEX-RN® success after 2013 passing standard increase, Maria Flores-Harris
Keeping girls in school during menses: Partnerships to enhance local and global health outcomes, Mary Moran
Keeping heart failure patients in the "Loop": Creating a sustainable program, Rachel E. Phelps
Keeping mothers safe: Strategic planning for the transition of maternity services to a pediatric hospital, Erin M. Kirby, Catherine H. Ivory, and Karen White-Trevino
Keeping nurses in nursing: Service-learning as a means to enhance grit, Caitlin M. Lofton
Keeping nurses safe: Creation of a safe patient handling and mobility program, Rebekah Powers and Christina Ramdeo
Keeping nurses up-to-date with cardiovascular care at a safety-net facility, Jennifer L. Kitchens, Helen Sercer, and Janet S. Fulton
Keeping nursing faculty healthy, Cynthia D. Strobach
Keeping nursing student stress in check: Strategies from clinical nursing faculty, Catherine A. Stubin
Keeping self-care relevant: Creative work-life integration for early career nurses, Tim Cunningham, Dorrie K. Fontaine, and Natalie May
Keeping skin in the game: Bringing awareness to neonatal skin injuries, Media S. Esser, Christine A. Schindler, and Patricia Clinton
Keeping the child with food allergies safe at school, Scarlet R. Spain
Keeping women and their infants together during the recovery phase following cesarean section, Leeann Clegg, Jaclyn Madsen, and Julia Snethen
Kenyan women living with HIV/AIDS: A mixed method study, Rosemary Mwangi
Ketamine as a general anesthesia adjunct, Michaela Wilcox, Nancy Ann Westbrook, and Terri Cahoon
Ketamine's effect on postoperative remifentanil-induced hyperalgesia, Madeline Tisdale
Keto prescribed, Audra Hanners
Ketorolac use in the pediatric surgical patient: An evidence-based practice analysis, Jason Beach
Key elements in developing a poster for national presentation, Cynthia W. Ward
Key Elements Necessary for Building Lifelong Skills in a Flipped Learning Environment, Julie Hanson
Key factors for nurse leaders: What issues should be taken into account when developing nurses' rewarding, Jaana Seitovirta, Tarja Kvist, Katri Vehvilainen-Julkunen, and Lasse Mitronen
Key principles for action, Liliana Mota
Key strategies for preparing your students for the Next Gen NCLEX®, Rhonda Lawes
Kick the bucket: Reduce HAI exposure with easier bedside toileting, Molly Delaney
Killeen Theory of Patient Satisfaction with nursing care, Mary B. Killeen
King's Theory of Goal Attainment improves students' performance with academic difficulties in a nursing program, Guillermo Valdes and Patricia R. Messmer
Knowing about and caring for persons receiving hospice care: The lived experiences of nurses working in hospice agencies, Rita W. Ferguson
Knowing nursing error: Understanding nursing error through nurses' error experiences, Suzanne Edgett Collins
Knowing the patient as a person: Social media listening and Gadamerian analysis of nurses' expressions shared during the COVID-19 Global Health Pandemic, Janusz A. Kaleta
Knowledge acquisition through simulation in nursing education: A meta-analysis, Hao Bin Yuan, Jin Bo Fang, and Beverly A. Williams
Knowledge and application of human rights principles in nursing practice, Pat M. Mayers
Knowledge and attitude of Omani healthcare students toward HIV/AIDS patients: A national survey, Amina Alrawahi, Omar M. Al-Rawajfah, Ibtisam Al Kalbani, Mizna Almanai, and Athari Alrasheedi
Knowledge and attitudes of pediatric pain in Mongolian nurses, Lisa Joy Matasovsky
Knowledge and attitudes of senior nursing students in a cardiac code simulation, Laura Skoronski and Catherine Lovecchio
Knowledge and attitudes towards HPV vaccination among Latina mothers in an urban, low-income area, Rula M. Btoush, Frances Munet-Vilaro, Diane R. Brown, and Jennifer Bucalo
Knowledge and behaviors related to willingness to report an impaired nurse, Susan Mitchell
Knowledge and compliance of staff in using the Clostridium difficile bundle, Marissa Marie Lovely
Knowledge and Educational Experiences of Nurse Managers in Acute Care Settings Related to Cost Management, Teresa Welch
Knowledge and health beliefs about breast cancer screening among rural Palestinian women: Pilot study, Hanan Saca-Hazboun
Knowledge and practice for prevention of hepatitis B among practicing midwives in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria, Regina Etita Ella
Knowledge and practice of self-management among patients with type 2 diabetes in Benin City, Nigeria, Juliana Ayafegbeh Afemikhe, Jennifer A. Chipps, and Karien Jooste
Knowledge and use of personal protective equipment among nurses in teaching hospital wards, Enugu, Nigeria, Chika Grace Ugochukwu and Nkiru Perpetua Onyejinaka
Knowledge, attitude, and intention to obtain HPV vaccination among undergraduate college students in St. Lucia, Esther Shirley Daniel, Tisha Nelson, and Gloria Ramdeen Mootoo
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Lebanese women towards breast cancer, breast self-examination and mammography, Myrna Abi Abdallah Doumit, Mary Arevian, and Souha Fares
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of men towards colorectal cancer (CRC) and its prevention in Tobago, Gloria Ramdeen Mootoo, Esther Shirley Daniel, and Annette Dick
Knowledge, attitude, and practice toward metabolic syndrome prevention among Buddhist monks in Nan Province, Thailand, Warodom Samerchua, Kiettisak Suklueang, Phrakhupalad Watcharapong Plongkhun, Phra Chayanantamunee Thamawat Na Nan, Chompunut Singmanee, Benjamas Suksatit, and Nipawan Waisayanand
Knowledge, attitude, and rejecting use behavior of trans-fatty acid among children, Shu Yu and Chun-Hsia Huang
Knowledge, attitudes, and competency about providing perinatal care to women with disabilities, Lorraine Byrnes
Knowledge, attitudes, and experiences with advance directives among prelicensure nursing students, Tracy P. George, Claire DeCristofaro, Pamela F. Murphy, and R. Corey Remle
Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of preeclampsia among first-generation Nigerian women in the United States, Christine Okpomeshine
Knowledge, attitudes, and practice of nurses toward intimate partner violence: A meta-synthesis, Quanlei Li and Nancy E. Glass
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Nurses on Pain Assessment and Management in Manila, Philippines, Florence Roselle B. Adalin, Josefina A. Tuazon, Misha Louise A. Delariarte, Fabbette Laire B. Lagas, Sarah Emanuelle S. Mejia, Lika P. Mizukoshi, Irish Paullen E. Palomeno, Danica Pauline G. Ramos, and Gibrianne Alistaire C. Ramos
Knowledge deficit on diet and footcare for diabetics in Trinidad, Parbatee Siewdass, Shenelle Ragbir, Nalini Ramsood, Shauna-Marie Blake, and Esther Shirley Daniel
Knowledge for STI/HIV and risky sexual behaviors for HIV/AIDS, Silvia Margarita Arellano-Porras, Liliana del Rocio Ceron Lara, Dulce Maria Tafolla-Sotelo, Lucia Caudillo-Ortega, and Luisa Flores-Arias
Knowledge gaps in practice-based problems and research-based interventions among online graduate nursing students, Patricia A. Riccio, Carol M. Patton, and Joan Rosen Bloch
Knowledge management process of nursing students in nursing administration practice, Benjawan Pittard and Chutima Malai
Knowledge mobilization of methods and findings of intimate partner violence research in Canada's North, Pertice M. Moffitt and Heather Fikowski
Knowledge of and attitude toward holistic medicine practices among pre-nursing and graduate nursing students, Arianna E. Turello, Leia M. Holland, and Peter R. Reuter
Knowledge of breast cancer and the practice of breast self-examination among female student nurses, Christiana Okantey, Gifty Osei Berchie, Susanna Aba Abraham, and Dorcas Frempomaa Agyare
Knowledge of chronic renal disease in adults with hemodyalisis, Juana Mercedes Gutierrez Valverde, Esther C. Gallegos, Deycer Gomez Hernandez, Jose Alfredo Pimentel Jaimes, and Milton Carlos Guevara-Valtier
Knowledge of environmental health concerns and its influence on RN-BSN nursing practice, Debra Hrelic
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among women in rural Ugandan villages, Linda S. Johanson
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes toward condom use among African American men 18 to 35, Doris Ezomo, Catherine Jirak Monetti, and Beverley E. Blair Brown
Knowledge of metabolic risk and its relationship to psychiatric practice in the United States, Margaret M. Knight, Paula Bolton, and Lynne Kopeski
Knowledge of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk among people with mental health problems, Margaret M. Knight, Paula Bolton, and Lynne Kopeski
Knowledge of private hospital midwives on the use of the partogram, Mariatha Yazbek
Knowledge of screen time recommendations among women, infants, and children (WIC) clients and caregivers, Theresa Rose Marie Neff and Layna Himmelberg
Knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and HIV among college students on an HBCU campus, Folasade Kanimodo, Yeow Chye Ng, and Louise C. O'Keefe
Knowledge of stroke warning symptoms and risk factors: Variations by rural and urban categories, Kathleen Ann Ennen
Knowledge, perceptions, and practices of the healthcare team involved in stem cell transplantation, Barennise Sr. Arries
Knowledge, risk perception and practice of health care associated infections (HAIs) prevention and control among primary health care workers in Cross River State, Nigeria, Olaide Bamidele Edet, Comfort E. Ekanem, Margaret Akpan, and Iquo Okon
Knowledge, skills, and attitudes of pre-licensure nurses regarding dementia care: A systematic literature review, Modupe F. Adewuyi
Knowledge, skills, competencies, and psychological capacities of nurses for disaster preparedness: A future direction, Nizar B. Said, Vico C. L. Chiang, and Alice Yuen Loke
Knowledge surveys in nursing education: Nursing students' perceptions of their knowledge and clinical skill abilities, Mary DeGrote Goering
"Know what battle to fight and how to fight it": Navigating the cultural terrain of healthcare, Josephine Bassey Etowa
Know your tools: Improving nurses' use of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) to detect delirium, Julie Plagenhoef
Korean Informal Caregivers' Experience for Family With Dementia: Difficulties and Strategies, Sohyun Kim
Labor and delivery nurses' experiences of trauma in the workplace, Catherine Crawford
Laboring down: A pretest-posttest educational study, Kristen Eberlein
Labor pain as a new nursing diagnosis: Conceptual and content validation, Emilia Campos Carvalho and Simone Roque Mazoni
Labor progressive environment: An evidence-based approach to primary vaginal delivery, Jessica Saint Clair and Kenya Snowden
Lactation support in pediatric primary care, Krista Tucker
Ladder to success for EBP, Kathaleen C. Bloom
Laidback Leadership: Technologies to Make Your Life Easier, Julie A. Jones
Lane Regional Medical Center Pathway to Excellence™ gap analysis and recommendations, Susan T. Sanders
Language concordance in diabetes self-management care: From observation to intervention, Glenn Martinez
LANTERN Leadership Pathways, Grace Kistner, Brittany Wall, Eeshika Dadheech, Glen Kleinschmidt, Sarah Krell, Diana Palao, Michael J. Polacek, and Connie Hardy Tabet
Last request, Sarah Bone Schroyer
Latent class analysis of lymphedema symptoms and phenotypic characterization, Mei R. Fu
Latent heterogeneity in short-term trajectories of sleep disturbance in family caregivers, Hui-Ling Lai and Chiung-Yu Huang
Lateral Violence: Lived Experiences of the Psychiatric Nurse, Margaret M. Touw
Late Ultrasound (Greater Than 20 weeks) vs. Last Menstrual Period to Date Pregnancy in Hispanic Women, Melissa Hatter
Latinas in the pipeline to baccalaureate-prepared nursing: Challenges and supports in persistence to degree and professional licensure, Cheryl A. Sheils
Launching policy to protect students from bullying in an urban population, Amanda Tobias
Launch of an Interdisciplinary Poverty Simulation, Terry Delpier, Karen H. Morin, and Karen L. Carlson
Lavender essential oil to promote sleep for people with mood disorders: A qualitative study, Kimberly Ann Moner
Laying the foundation: Partnering to build research infrastructure in the clinical setting, Danielle Altares Sarik, Renee Kathleen Schweitzer, and Jennifer Marie Hayakawa
Lead: Empowering clinical leaders at the bedside, Jennifer Van Dyk, Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Kelly Hancock, and Mary Beth Modic
Leader co-mentorship: A journey toward purpose and excellence, Kimberly T. Hodges and Belinda Frazee
Leaders among us: Leadership appraisal of baccalaureate nursing students, Sara K. Kaylor
Leaders and patient safety: Leader-member exchange and structural empowerment influencing patient safety climate, Adam J. Morse and Carol A. Wong
Leadership 2.0: Summer bridge programming to address the recruitment, retention, and success of underrepresented students, Greer L. Glazer, Karen D. Bankston, and Kimberly D. McGinnis
Leadership Academy at Baptist Health, Corbin, KY, Sandra Lynn Myers
Leadership and its effects on RN recruitment and retention: A case study, Tanya Marie Benjamin-Wilson
Leadership and Mentorship, a Likely Pair, Omar Ali and Rebecca Lee
Leadership and person-centredness: Time for change!, Brendan G. McCormack
Leadership and political skill preparedness of the doctoral prepared nurse, Wanda Montalvo
Leadership as influence: Reflective models to create work environments focused on quality and safety, Gwen D. Sherwood
Leadership: Based on relationships, Michele Rumsey
Leadership Behavior Change in Conflict Resolution: Insights From Online RN-BSN Students, Lorraine C. Igo
Leadership by design, Kathleen M. Williamson
Leadership challenges: Capitalizing on distance and diversity, Marilyn D. Klakovich, Mary Stewart, Sharon K. Broscious, Kristin Hittle, Mansour Olawale Jumaa, Maria Roche-Dean, Elizabeth A. Carlson, and Sandra J. Delack
Leadership collaboration to enhance dissemination of evidence-based nursing and research across community organization boundaries, Marjory D. Williams, Bryan W. Sisk, Sharon S. Souter, Janice L. Walker, and Linda F. Wolf
Leadership communication development: A model to enhance a healthy work environment, Carol Elizabeth Rogers, Emma J. Kientz, Kammie Monarch, and Janice Lynann Newton
Leadership Connection 2016 Conference Proceedings, Sigma Theta Tau International
Leadership: Critical in the accreditation process, Caroline M. Peltz, Jeffrey A. Willey, and Karen H. Morin
Leadership development as a strategy to enhance inter-professional collaboration, Carin Maree
Leadership development: Building a nursing legacy, Evelyn R. Hayes
Leadership development during the Covid-19 pandemic, Melissa Hatter
Leadership development: Empowering future nurse leaders to catalyze positive change, Charlotte E. Swint
Leadership development for clinical staff nurses: Program design, Elizabeth Cambier
Leadership development: Post-partum haemorrhage in non-obstetrical wards, Miemie van Jaarsveld, Francina Boer, and Karin C. S. Minnie
Leadership Development Programs: Benefits, Outcomes, and Personal Transformations, Susan C. Winters, Janet E. Jackson, and Catherine J. Mohammed
Leadership development through journal editing, JoAnn S. Oliver, Sandra M. Underwood, and Pamela R. Jeffries
Leadership development through the Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy (NFLA) and a nurse practitioner (NP) education project, Amita Avadhani, RuthAnne Kuiper, and Barbara J. Patterson
Leadership Education for Staff Nurses: Shortcomings, Barriers, and Future Directions, Briana Lynn Snyder
Leadership engagement and retention toolkit: Stay interviews and reverse mentoring, Denise Brennan, Nancy M. Robin, Robert III Boss, Christopher Amore, James Corbett, and Joanne Kane
Leadership for implementing evidence-based pain management: A pilot study, Leilei Yu
Leadership, growth, and relationship, Donna-Marie Palakiko
Leadership in academia during a pandemic, Joan M. Creed, Ann Scott, Leigh Blackmon Pate, Shelli Gibbs, Victoria Davis, Joynelle Jackson, April R. Cone, Eboni T. Harris, Lori Lynn Vick, Sabra S. Custer, and Heather S. Miles
Leadership initiatives: Challenges and implications for a remote nursing education program, Dora Maria Carbonu, Nancy A. Edgecombe, Amanda R. Parrott, and Elissa Sakariassen
Leadership initiatives in promoting patient-centered transgender care, Denise S. Rowe and Yeow Chye Ng
Leadership insights of senior nurse executives, Robie Victoria Hughes
Leadership is key to high-performance amidst inevitable trends of diversity, Rita K. Adeniran
Leadership lessons on embracing a national nursing licensing examination in Saudi Arabia, Mustafa Morris E. Bodrick and Mutlaq B. Almutairi
Leadership literacy: Strategies for leadership to support bringing evidence to the bedside, Shunta' D. Fletcher
Leadership mentoring in nursing research program, development, and first evaluation: A mixed-methods study, Thora B. Hafsteinsdottir-Houten
Leadership of the pioneers of nursing informatics: A multiple care study analysis, Ann Z. Branchini
"Leadership on Steroids" Inpatient nurse managers' experiences and roles during COVID-19, Sue Bookey-Bassett and Nancy Purdy
Leadership reflections on patients, partnerships, and people, Robin P. Newhouse
Leadership, scholarship, and service: Doctoral nursing faculty establishing collaborative relationships to serve vulnerable populations, Charlene DeNyse Whitaker-Brown, Judith Bacchus Cornelius, and Florence Okoro
Leadership, scholarship, and service: Examining historical vision as a path to future Nursing excellence, Sara Beth Adams and Karen Bertram
Leadership, scholarship, and service: Living our values through humanitarian aid, Gwen D. Sherwood and Jean Ann Davison
Leadership strategies for the at-large chapter, Wendy B. Hansbrough
Leadership successes continue to advance nursing excellence across the globe, Caroline M. Peltz, Diane Porretta Fox, and Vicki Lynn Washington
Leadership Succession and Mentoring Plan for Undergraduate Nursing Students in the ABSN Option at Winston-Salem State University, Cecil A. Holland and Wanda Lawrence
Leadership training creating healthy work environments by enhancing knowledge regarding CliftonStrengths and emotional intelligence, Ronda M. Christman, Robert Overstreet, Cynthia F. M. Gettys, Laura Racovita, Polina Kadatska, Lucas Patterson, and Michael Weismeyer
Leadership within an international community of practice for PhD students: Person-Centred practice research, Janet Dewing
Leadership with intention and impact, Heidi K. Holmes, Veronique Boscart, and Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey
Leaders in nursing education competencies, Barbara J. Patterson and Anne Marie Krouse
Leaders in patient education: Health literacy knowledge and experience unlocks the door to effective patient education, Deborah K. Kennard
Leading an initiative to addressing gender associated incivility in nursing education, Brett T. Morgan, Benjamin A. Smallheer, Margory A. Molloy, and Helen Gordon
Leading an Innovative, Creative Enhancement to Preceptor Role Development, Stephanie Clubbs and Teresa Westerheide-Haller
Leading change: Generating cultural responsiveness and competence in nursing, Kerstin G. Hudgins
Leading change in admission and progression requirements to promote retention in a pre-licensure BSN program, Deborah A. Greenawald, Zane Robinson Wolf, and Suzanne S. Prevost
Leading change: The power of vision and collaborative-partnership, Rita K. Adeniran, Sarah Hexem, and Elizabeth W. Gonzalez
Leading change with action research: Improving quality of life in residential aged care, Wendy Penney, Louise Ann Martin, and Lisa M. Clinnick
Leading collaborative research with a person-centred academic culture project, Brendan G. McCormack
Leading environmental health awareness to transform nursing practice, Bernadette M. Longo
Leading faculty to develop rapid curricular enhancements using the LEAN process, Julie Meek, Judith Ann Young, and Jennifer L. Embree
Leading From the Margin: Nurses' Power and Influence, Berthilde Dufrene
Leading Global Health Research: Gift, Skill, or Choice?, Hester C. Klopper
Leading in academia and practice: Modeling the way, Judy L. Ponder, Martha M. Scheckel, and Barbara J. Patterson
Leading in a crisis: Understanding interprofessional first line healthcare leader experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sue Bookey-Bassett, Nancy Purdy, Donald N. Rose, Karen Spalding, and Melanie Woodside
Leading in education, practice and research: DNP and PhD teams, Elizabeth A. Carlson
Leading interprofessional practice advancements: Critical components of influence, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Kathy D. Wright, and Pearl Ed G. Cuevas
Leading practice change: Recognizing life-long risk of those born preterm, Michelle M. Kelly, Andrea O. Hollingsworth, and Theresa M. Valiga
Leading practices in geriatric care: Building a dermal defense team makes a difference!, DeSales Foster
Leading the Adoption of Choosing Wisely Recommendations into Practice: Drawing on Principles from EBP, Kathleen R. Stevens
Leading the Change Process: Designing an Innovative Upper Division BSN Curriculum, Muriel M. Shore
Leading the development of nursing practice and policy through successful publication, Ian J. Norman
Leading the profession: The centrality of scholarship and community within academe, Lanell M. Bellury, Carol E. Winters, and Kathleen K. Shannon Dorcy
Leading the Technology Charge: Incorporating in the Academic Setting, Nan Howland and Paul Collins
Leading the technology charge: Incorporating in the clinical setting, Elizabeth J. Cerbie and Jennifer Dwyer
Leading the Technology Charge: Student Perspective, Julie Meek
Leading the Technology Charge: Telehealth Systems, Kimberly Radant and David Yanez
Leading the Transformation to an EBP Organization with Planned, Strategic Integration of 3 Critical Resources; People, Processes and Technology, Michelle R. Troseth
Leading the way: Creating a healthy work environment in nursing academia, Susan P. Andrews and Tamika Hudson
Leading the way for change: Engaging nurses in family-centred adult critical care practice, Jananee Rasiah and Virginia Vandall-Walker
Leading the way for nurses to work with autistic patients, Cynthia M. Thomas, Constance E. McIntosh, and Roberta Allen
Leading the way, influencing policy, implementing evidence-based practices: Best brains exchange to eliminate poverty, Gulrose Jiwani and Patricia C. Charlton
Leading the way: Reflections from emerging educational administrator institute leadership journeys, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara, John McFadden, Rita F. D'Aoust, Jackeline Iseler, Gayle Lourens, and Debra Hagler
Leading through evidence: Strategies to implement interprofessional education (IPE) in nursing, Louise Racine and Hope Bilinski
Leading through loss, Robie Victoria Hughes
Leading transformational change: An innovative preceptor education program, Susan A. Seibert and Sheila Hauck A free web-based resource to develop nurse faculty and address the national shortage, Kaynabess R. Freda, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Judith M. Jarosinski, and Abigail Johnson A one-stop web resource to address the nursing faculty shortage, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Judith M. Jarosinski, Kaynabess R. Freda, and Abigail Johnson Development of a web resource to address the nursing faculty shortage, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Judith M. Jarosinski, and Kaynabess R. Freda
Lean Healthcare from the institutional, professional, and patient perspectives, Hellen Maria de Lima Graf Fernandes, Mariana Véo Nery de Jesus, Dirceu da Silva, and Edineis de Brito Guirardello
Lean-in stroke care: Reducing waste to increase efficiency, Bianca Ivonne Buijck, Anneke Guyt, and Emanuela Borges Dias
Lean on Me: The Influence of Leadership on Healthcare Transformation Initiatives, Judy E. Duchscher and Sonia Udod
Learned hopelessness factor for depression and functional death in elderly, Azenet Martin-Fabela, Jose Gonzalez Tovar, Jesus Acevedo-Aleman, and Daniel Sifuentes-Leura
Learned resourcefulness and transtheoretical model integration to guide caregivers for older adults: A narrative review, Meng-Chun Chen, Mary H. Palmer, and Shu-Yuan Lin
Learned resourcefulness, cognitive processes, and adaptive functioning in depressed adults, Chien Yu Lai
Learning about rurality: From classroom to community, Ruth T. Mielke and Sue Robertson
Learning environment and learning opportunity associated with research utilization for nurses in Japanese hospitals, Tomomi Kameoka, Naomi Funashima, Kyoko Yokoyama, and Yuriko Nomoto
Learning for practice: A key to quality BSN curriculum benchmarks, Evelyn Baxter Chilemba
Learning from culturally diverse nursing students with physical disabilities, Geraldine C. Fike and Dawn I. Blue
Learning how to interview for a professional role, Cynthia M. Thomas, Constance E. McIntosh, Ruthie Lamar, and Roberta Allen
Learning How to Learn: Nurses' Experiences With Failure and Success, Rebecca B. Parnell
Learning how to teach: Using simulations to prepare new clinical faculty, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Judith M. Jarosinski, and Tina P. Brown Reid