Content Posted in 2024
Learning methods related to the design of learning environments for clinical mentors, as viewed from the perspective of educational supervisors, Yoshiko Doi, Yasuko Hosoda, Mitsuyo Nakahashi, Akiko Nakaoka, and Kaori Ikeuchi
Learning needs of hospitalized heart failure patients in Singapore, Shu Fen Ong
Learning outcomes and perceptions of a global clinical experience for baccalaureate nursing students, Stephen McGhee
Learning Principles' Utilisation in Parent Education Practice: A Scoping Review of the Literature, Deryn Lee Thompson, Esther May, Matthew Leach, Jennifer Fereday, and Colleen P. Smith
Learning psychomotor skills through technology: Findings from a phenomenological study of undergraduate nursing students, Michael D. Aldridge and Faye I. Hummel
Learning science: Physical and life sciences in curricula across U.S. schools of nursing, Valerie C. Sauda
Learning through drama in the field of global nursing, Bjorn-Ove Suserud, Jehad O. Halabi, Maysoon S. Abdalrahim, Sepideh Olausson, and Margret Lepp
Learning to be a professional nurse: Easier said than done: A principle-based concept analysis, Beth Cusatis Phillips and Lynne Marie Kuhl
Learning to do data science healthcare research, Lana Pasek
Learning to educate: A basic qualitative study of the experiences of training from professional nurses, Shanda J. Clark
Learning together while using the intravenous simulator, Lenora McWilliams
Learning to innovate in care: Project-based education, Luz Patricia Diaz Heredia and Luz Stella Bueno Robles
Learning to live with diabetes, Lidia G. Compean-Ortiz, Paulina Aguilera, Jose Rivera, and Diane C. Berry
Learning to live with diabetes: Educative intervention for improving self-management, Lidia G. Compean-Ortiz, Diane C. Berry, Beatriz Del Angel, Jose Rivera-Perez, and Paulina Aguilera
Learning tool to assist with understanding of common statistical tests in quantitative research studies, Sharon M. Jones
Learning to respond to thought-disordered speech - Nursing students' experiences: A mixed methods study, Denise E. McGarry
Learning transfer evidence in baccalaureate senior nursing students using a disaster emergency preparedness tabletop exercise, Cathleen A. Evans
Learn, yes! Serve, yes?: Arab Muslim male student nurses' experiences in learning maternity through simulation, Savithri Raman, Esra Al-Khasawneh, Jansi Rani, Deva Kirubai Jacob, and Michael Leocadio
Leaving Academia: Work Experiences and Career Decisions of Former Nurse Faculty, Carie Denise Hancock
Leaving a legacy: The Omicron Delta presidential stole, Antoinette M. Dziedzic and Marilyn D. Klakovich
Left ventricular assist device driveline infection and the frequency of dressing change in hospitalized patients, Lisa R. Wus
Legacy building: Telling stories that inspire, Doris S. Edwards, Eileen Wilson Richardson, Margret Lepp, Evelyn R. Hayes, Ainslie Nibert, Scott Emory Moore, Katheryn B. Arterberry, Anita Bella Collins, and Rebekah Salt
Legal and ethical accountability for nursing errors: Disclosure and apology, Susan J. Westrick
Legislation addressing minimum registered nurse staffing deficiencies in healthcare settings, Lawrence J. Davis
Lend me a hand: A collaborative nurse leadership mentoring program, Janice E. Hobba-Glose, Deborah H. Merriam, Margarita Coyne, and Jill Kaczor
Lessons from a culturally tailored technology-based intervention study among Asian American breast cancer survivors, Eun-Ok Im, Wonshik Chee, Yun Hu, Sangmi Kim, Hanna Choi, Yuko Hamajima, and Eunice Chee
Lessons from a hospital boardroom, Therese A. Fitzpatrick
Lessons from a university boardroom, Beth A. Brooks
Lessons from the field: Strategies to recruit men in theory-based qualitative research, Ashley Rivera
Lessons from the homeless: Impact of civil and uncivil interactions with nurses in the U.S., Sheryl Henry Jenkins, Wendy M. Woith, Kim Schafer Astroth, and Cindy H. Kerber
Lessons in Leadership, Claire Fagin, Angel Barron McBride, Marla Salmon, Patricia Benner, Peter Buerhaus, Linda Aiken, Martha Hill, Sheila Burke, Jennie Chin Hansen, Shirley S. Chater, Mary Naylor, and Beverly Malone
Lessons in Leadership: Angela Barron McBride, Angela Barron McBride
Lessons in Leadership: Beverly Malone, Beverly Malone
Lessons in Leadership: Claire Fagin, Claire Fagin
Lessons in Leadership: Jennie Chin Hansen, Jennie Chin Hansen
Lessons in Leadership: Linda Aiken, Linda Aiken
Lessons in Leadership: Marla Salmon, Marla Salmon
Lessons in leadership: Martha Norton Hill, Martha Norton Hill
Lessons in Leadership: Mary Naylor, Mary Naylor
Lessons in Leadership: Patricia E. Benner, Patricia E. Benner
Lessons in Leadership: Peter Buerhaus, Peter Buerhaus
Lessons in Leadership: Sheila P. Burke, Sheila P. Burke
Lessons in Leadership: Shirley S. Chater, Shirley S. Chater
Lessons learned and benefits of becoming a chapter at-large, D'Ann Somerall
Lessons learned....Enhancing professional well-being during a pandemic, Marianne E. Hess and Sharon M. Weinstein
Lessons Learned From an Outreach Program for Korean Immigrants, Kyeongra Yang and Inseon Hwang
Lessons Learned From Leadership Intern Programs, Katherine Rogers
Lessons learned from the Sigma Survey, Mirjam Lynam and Julie J. Adams
Lessons Learned From the Utah Nurse Event: Panel Discussion, Debra J. Walker and Carol Williams
Lessons learned: Health reform commissions in Australia, England, USA and Canada, Jill F. White and Mary Chiarella
Lessons learned: Incorporating global health patient experiences into a BSN curriculum, Kathryn Sridaromont, Wendy Renee Thal, and Belinda Gallegos
Lessons learned in creating evidence-based electronic oncology care plans, Meghan Coleman and Karen J. Hammelef
Lessons learned: Nursing school faculty revamp program curriculum to promote student engagement, and systematic, effective validation of student competence throughout the curriculum, Cindy Ford, Victoria Thornley, and Alicia Anger
Lessons learned: Recruiting and retaining a diverse population in research, Elisabeth Z. Klein and Kathi C. Huddleston
Lessons learned: The importance of building partnerships when starting an RN-to-BSN program, Susan E. Beverung
Lessons learned with the disaster escape room experience training, Mary Wood and Denise Abernethy
Let me tell you more about breast cancer!, Elisa Rodriguez
Let's be blunt- legal ≠ safe: Addressing maternal marijuana use while breastfeeding, Courtney Morse, Emily Cecelia Latiolais, and Keleigh Amber Warnke
Let's be practical now, Jordan McKay, Amber Price, and Chloe Turner
Let's check in: Engaging student and faculty in an innovative and collaborative online learning environment, Beth Marquez, Terri Rocafort, and Marianne Olson
Let's Do Nights! Improving Bi-Directional Communication With Nursing Service by Implementing a Tiered Huddle Structure, Melissa Beck, Michele Olszanecki, and Ebony M. Samuel-Bakpessi
Let's Get Engaged! Creating a Culture of Safety, Marlene Porter and Kate J. Williams
Let's get moving: Evidence-based practice project, Domenique Ivone and Brisa Consoletti
Let's Get Started: Building EBP in New Nursing Students, Kady L. Martini and Tracy Taylor
Let's move: Promotion of physical activity in the treatment of depression, Josephine A. Igwacho
Let's talk: Giving caregivers of adolescents tools to facilitate conversations about mental health, Eden M. R. Dodd
Let the circle be unbroken: Health of elderly southern Appalachian widows, Sonya Renae Hardin
Let there be light! Using alternate light sources to detect and improve cutaneous bruise visibility, Lindsey M. Moyer, Nancy R. Downing, Katherine R. Scafide, and Daniel Sheridan
Letting go: How newly-graduated registered nurses in western Canada decide to exit the nursing profession, Kathryn M. Chachula
Let us not forget those who can no longer remember us: The faces of Alzheimer, Luz Johanna Denisse Rivera Collazo
Level 2 and level 3 patients in a 5-level triage system: Factors related to acuity assignment and trajectory of the emergency department experience, Roxanne O. Garbez
Level and predictors of self-care behaviors (SCB) among educated and uneducated patients with heart failure (HF) in Pakistan, Ambreen Amirali Gowani
Level of health literacy and parent/guardian asthma knowledge, Evelyn L. Hoover
Level of self-esteem and contributive factors in Japanese undergraduate nursing students, Takumi Yoshino, Miwako Hoshi, Maki Fujikawa, and Misako Yoshitake
Levels of perceived HIV/AIDS stigma and potential consequences among Indigenous Mexican Indian women, Richard Sowell, Carol Holtz, Lewis VanBrackle, and Virginia Hernandez-Alonso
Leveraging data to drive quality patient care: The value of a unit-specific nursing performance dashboard, Joyce Lo, Susan Beswick, Heather Campbell, Lianne P. Jeffs, and Ella Ferris
Leveraging innovative, strategic teaching approaches to engage clinicians and leaders within a professional governance structure, Jessica Phillips, Anndalos Bindra, and Maria Madden
Leveraging metabolomics to advance nursing assessment, diagnosis, and intervention exemplar: Chronic stress and birth outcomes, Elizabeth J. Corwin and Anne Dunlop
Leveraging shared governance to facilitate recovery from incivility, bullying, and moral injury, Jennifer Fain, Christopher Rompala, and Jane Snar
Leveraging statistical simulations to gain insights from data: A new type of simulation for nurses, Alvin Dean Jeffery
Leveraging technology to promote evidence-based practice and enhance data quality, Rita Wilson
Leveraging technology to support course satisfaction, engagement, and inquiry in the online asynchronous learning environment, Kimberly E. Little and Tracy A. Hudgins
Leveraging the power of design thinking: Innovating change in the undergraduate nursing classroom, Karyn L. Boyar and Emerson Ea
LGBTQ cultural competency for nurses, Tyler Traister
Liaison nurse role development: Intensive care unit discharged patients follow up during the first year of an acute care facility, Laura Alberto, Jose Emilio Baca Niklas, Maria del Carmen Martinez, Haydee Zotarez, and Angel Canete
Liberating the voice of nurse leaders: Improving nurse manager satisfaction, Mary Ann Laufer
Licensed nurse/certified nurse aide collaboration in the nursing home, Cynthia Beynon
Life after prematurity: Special health care needs, working memory, and health-related quality of life among 9- to 11-year-old children born prematurely, Michelle L. Kelly
Life After the Diagnosis: The Quality of Life of Canadian Male Veterans Medicated for PTSD, Debra Lynn Bastien
Life balance in nurse educators: A mixed methods study, Joan M. Owens
Life experiences of a newly graduated nurse working under supervision of a mentor, Nisa Tamarpirat and Areewan Oumtanee
Life experiences of donors in living donor liver transplantation, Mei-Yun Wu
Life experiences of limited English proficiency patients with established cardiovascular diseases living in the US-Mexico border, Cristina Dominguez De Quezada, Crystal Brown, and Enrique Barrientos
"Life in paradox": Experiences of young adult stroke survivors, Rudolf Cymorr Kirby P. Martinez, Migliore Hadeel Macuja, Paul Remson Manzo, Sarah Jane Bujawe, Joben William De Guzman, Jian Marco Dupet, and Jan Joelle Caoagas
Life is fragile: The science of injury, violence, and recovery, Therese S. Richmond
Lifelong leadership: It begins now, Tiffany M. Montgomery
Lifelong leadership: Making an impact through service learning, L. B. Wong and Safiya George Dalmida
Lifelong leadership: Revitalizing your role in academe, Kay E. Hodson-Carlton
Lifelong leadership: Revitalizing your role in the clinical setting, Cynthia D. Adams and Dana Bjarnason
Lifelong learning: Developing professional and personal leadership, Jennifer L. Saylor
Lifelong Learning of Professional Nurses, Bencharat Somgiat and Areewan Oumtanee
Lifelong learning through mobile reflection at the stretcherside, Justin Milici, Sueanne Wright Cantamessa, and Jacqueline Mogusu
Lifelong physical activity as a predictor in exercise beliefs among community-dwelling adult over 55 years of age, Chiung-Fang Ho
Life meaning in patients diagnosed with end-stage liver cancer: An interpretive phenomenological approach, Dinah Hernandez
Life satisfaction and realized expectations post-immigration (using the Reali Scale) among English-speaking immigrants, Cheryl Zlotnick and Laura Dryjanska
Lifesaving partnership with nonprofit organizations: A case study, Jacqueline Cassagnol
Lifestyle Change Assignment to Improve Sleep in College Students, Patricia A. Carter
Lifestyle characteristics correlated with daily life functions of patients with mental disorders, Miyuki Saito, Mariko Kato, Tomomi Azuma, Eiko Suzuki, and Yukiko Sato
Lifestyle counseling for uncontrolled hypertensive patients in an underserved health clinic, Jacqueline Taylor Averette
Lifestyle medicine for the advanced practice nurse, Josie Bidwell
Lifestyle medicine: Person-centered, high-value, evidence-based care, Kelly Freeman
Lifestyle promoting behaviors, spiritual perspective, and perceived stress among baccalaureate nursing students at a HBCU, Juanita A. Garner
Lifting behavior, back pain, and back injury among registered nurses in the hospital setting, Joy E. Wachs
Lifting off with Magnetism: Advancing Air Force nursing excellence, Deedra L. Zabokrtsky
Light in the midst of darkness: Lived experiences of cancer warriors, Mignodel M. Morales
Lights, camera, action: Lessons learned from a nursing and theater collaboration, Debra A. Webster
Light therapy in seasonal affective disorder, Min-Huey Chung
Light therapy on sleep phase-shift in shift workers: A meta-analysis, Min-Huey Chung and Calvin Lam
Like mother, like child: Maternal attitudes and behaviors on weight-related health behaviors in their children, Jyu-Lin Chen
Limitations and promotion of nursing diversity: The motivation to employing a more diverse educational workforce, Nikki LaShay Chen
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) identification in emergency departments, Gena Popken
Limiting the attributable mortality of healthcare-associated infections and multidrug resistance in critically ill patients, Stijn I. Blot
Linking Centralized and Decentralized Nursing Education, Sarah Nagy and Shellie Scribner
Linking midwifery practice to outcomes: A Delphi study, Holly P. Kennedy
Linking the Electronic Health Record and Competency Systems to Improve Patient Outcomes, Kenneth W. Dion
Linking tooth brushing behavior in children and oral microbiota, Susana Calderon and Seon-Yoon Chung
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!, LeAnne S. Prenovost
Lipid profiles and associated symptoms and outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients, Sarah R. Martha, Samuel H. Levy, Emma Federico, Michael R. Levitt, and Melanie Walker
LIQUID GOLD: Improving massive transfusion, Wendy Hyatt
Listen to me: Noncaregiving adult children's needs from healthcare providers, Munira Wells and Connie Rutan Kartoz
Literature review: Combining interface pressure measurements with an air cushion to prevent pressure ulcers, DonnaLee A. Pollack and Marco Brotto
Literature review of modified early warning scoring tools including sepsis screening criteria, Jamie K. Roney, Erin Whitley, Jessica Maples, JoAnn D. Long, and Kimberley A. Stunkard
Literature review of newly graduated nurses' perceptions of preparation to provide palliative care in hospitals, Latrina T. Geyer
Literature review of patient safety culture in the Middle-East Arab countries, Monir M. Almotairy and Gwen K. Wyatt
Literature review: Using time-on-task to enhance teaching effectiveness and student outcomes, Shelley Ann Johnson, Mary Ann Siciliano McLaughlin, Kerrie Downing, and Jaretta L. Day
Little things, Linda K. Collado
Lived Experience After Surgery Among Hispanic Adults, Kimberly Sanchez
Lived experience of being an obese registered nurse: A phenomenological inquiry, Trina Rodgers
Lived experience of emergency service personnel in pediatric resuscitation and unexpected death: A phenomenological study, Judith Elwanda Lindsay
Lived experience of ethnic minority caregivers supporting a family member with dementia: A scoping review, Joanne Brooke and Debra Jackson
Lived experience of Mexican-origin clients with hypertension, Donelle M. Barnes
Lived experience of suffering through the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Diane Gullett
Lived experience of traumatic amputation for Haitian adults, Margarett Alexandre
Lived experience of US faculty teaching online Korean nursing students, Gail K. Baumlein, Mary Beth Kaylor, and Rachel Choudhury
Lived experiences and insight on development of emotional intelligence in professional nursing practice, Jennifer L. Jessen
Lived experiences of a dedicated infection control nurse educator team during the COVID-10 Pandemic, Vera Kunte
Lived experiences of clinical research nurses: Competence and expectations, Janine A. Kampelman
Lived experiences of good death in cancer patients, Wanlapa Kunsongkeit
Lived experiences of internationally educated nurses holding management positions in USA: A descriptive phenomenological study, Lilian A. Allen
Lived experiences of male nursing students with caring, Patricia J. Hedrick Young
Lived experiences of new nurses with lateral violence and their decision to remain in the nursing profession, Lorraine Ann Hover
Lived experiences of nurse leaders, Catherine J. Mohammed
Lived experiences of nursing autonomy: A phenomenological exploration, Rebekah Dubrosky
Lived Experiences of Nursing Educators: A Consensual Qualitative Research, Roland D. Villegas
Lived experiences of OR nurses working off peak hours, Tashma E. Watson
Lived experiences of perioperative nurses dealing with pediatric emergence delirium: A pilot study, Allan Joseph V. Cresencia
Lived experiences of student learning in alternative Master of Science in nursing programs, Mikel W. Hand
Living a lie: The biographical disruption of intensive care unit (ICU) survivors, Beverley Ewens
Living as a dying child: A Gadamerian analysis of the poetry of Mattie J. T. Stepanek, Corinne A. Settecase-Wu
Living legacy across the nursing career spectrum: A qualitative study, Jennifer S. Graber, Jennifer L. Saylor, and Evelyn R. Hayes
Living not dying, Ali Marie Galindo
Living Spiritual Care Praxis, Janice M. Lowden-Stokley
Living with a defibrillator, Tiffanee F. Wazny-Kohl
Living with end-stage renal disease: Perceived impact of treatment in a Mexican hemodialysis clinic, Luxana Reynaga-Ornelas, Christian F. Rodriguez-Perez, Karla Susana Vera-Delgado, Carol M. Baldwin, and Michael Todd
Living with HIV disease: A phenomenological study of a group of older Black/African American women, Judith C. James-Borga
Living with lung cancer: Receptivity and preferences for risk-reducing behavior change among African-American families, Karen Kane McDonnell, DeAnne Karen Hilfinger Messias, Daniela B. Friedman, Sue Heiney, and Otis L. Owens
Living with permanent colostomy: A phenomenological study, Munir N. Jr. Arbison, John Seijin V. Crisolo, Karen Claire Amper, and Charlene Del Rosario
Local to Global: Incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Into Chapter Programming, Rebecca L. Schafer and Jessica R. Wendorf
Logistic regression for predicting early postpartum depressive symptoms in Japanese first-time mothers aged 35 and over, Emi Mori, Harumi Ozawa, Kyoko Aoki, Koji Tamakoshi, Miyako Tsuchiya, Tomoko Maekawa, Kunie Maehara, Yoshimi Mochizuki, Miyuki Makaya, Hiroko Iwata, Akiko Sakajo, Akiko Saeki, and Akiko Morita
Logistic regression of admissions data to identify predictors of success in a BSN program, Mary P. Bennett
Loneliness, quality of life, and health-related hardiness among older HIV+/AIDS farmers in China, Janet F. Wang
Longevity at the bedside: Exploring why nurses stay, Coreena Schroyer
Longitudinal associations between hearing loss, vision loss, and dual sensory loss and cognitive decline, Shaoqing Ge
Longitudinal evaluation of a prenatal mentoring program for decreasing maternal anxiety in a military sample, Karen L. Weis, Regina P. Lederman, Katherine C. Walker, and Wenyaw Chan
Longitudinal evaluation of practice readiness for a rural nurse residency program using an interactive computerized decision tool, Deena Woodall
Longitudinal study of stress and social support in married Arab immigrant women, Karen Aroian, Nizam Uddin, and Hazhar Bibas
Long-term care buyout: Leadership styles through the transition, Traci L. Sicurella
Long term care home residents' experiences with socially assistive technologies and the effectiveness of these technologies: A mixed methods systematic review protocol, Marilyn Macdonald
Long-term effect of the self-management, comprehensive coping strategy program on quality of life in patients with advanced breast cancer treated with high dose chemotherapy, Fannie Gaston-Johansson
Long-term effects of oral contraceptives, Jenna Decker, Rachel Iacobellis, Kayla Roszkiewicz, and Alexandria Scott
Long-term impact of study abroad in undergraduate nursing education on RN nursing practice, Arlene E. Kent-Wilkinson, Marie Dietrich Leurer, Janet Luimes, Linda M. Ferguson, B. Lee Murray, Vicki Squires, and Carmen M. Dell
Long-term opiate cessation: The nurse's role as patient advocate, Sheryl Linn Lambert and Ericka J. Sanner-Stiehr
Look for zebras: Identification of immunotherapy patients in the emergency department, Elizabeth J. Winokur, Enza Esposito Nguyen, and Johnny D. Nguyen
Looking back, moving forward: Lessons learned from a Doctor of Nursing Practice program's first decade, Eileen J. B. Thrower
Look Ma, I Tweeted! Sigma's Digital Transformation Task Force Member Engagement and Social Media Workshop, Julie J. Adams, Carole D. Liske, and Rachel Choudhury
Loss of resources and depressive symptoms after traumatic injury, Elizabeth Van Horn
Lost in gender: A scoping review of parents' acceptance of gender nonconformity in prepubertal children, Mark Wallace Flener, Janet S. Fulton, and Ukamaka Marian Oruche
Lost in translation: Infusing Ignatian Pedagogy in on-line pre-licensure nursing education, Joanne O'Grady Dunderdale, Jorgia Briones Connor, and Patricia Lynch Stapleton
Lounging for student success, LeeAnn Lake, Noelle Limkemann, Callie Luft, and Nicole Stock
Love at first tap: One sign to minimize nurses' time to clinical applications, Kerlene T. Richards and Michelle V. Osborne
Low acuity emergency department visits: Comparing demographics and patient profiles for an accountable care organization, Vicki Lynn Wagner
Low and lower middle-income countries advanced practice nurses: An integrative review, Andrew Scanlon, Janice Smolowitz, Maria Murphy, and Virginia Lewis
Lowering stress, anxiety and distress levels in medical oncology patients actively receiving intravenous treatment with utilization of art therapy, Katarina DeVault and Mary Vanerhoef
Low income African American adolescent girl's eating choices, Sandra Kay Jenkins
Low income housing residents' perceived competency regarding hypertension and diabetes, TiAngela B. Austin
Low-income pregnant women's experiences with prenatal care education, Amy McKeever
Low-income women with genital herpes: Recognizing and managing their fear trajectory, Shirley Countryman Gordon
Low literacy breast cancer educational module: A collaborative project, Amy G. Holley
Low parental health literacy: A pediatric nursing concern, Eileen K. Fry-Bowers
Low SES women's perceptions of health, community needs, and educational engagement, Joellen B. Edwards, Victoria W. Loerzel, and Kimberly Paige Emery
Lung cancer stigma among African American survivors of lung cancer in South Carolina, Lisa A. Webb, Karen Kane McDonnell, Swann Arp Adams, Rachel E. Davis, Sara B. Donevant, and Tisha Felder
Lymphedema symptom science: Precision phenotyping, genotyping, and intervention, Mei R. Fu
Magnesium sulfate effectiveness for ERAS Protocols, Camille Karst
Magnesium sulfate in relation to preeclamptic postpartum mothers, Megan Lihs, Nancy Murray, and Valerie Lynn Anderson
Magnet facility nurses: Pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing, Elizabeth J. Winokur, Dana N. Rutledge, and Amy D. Hayes
Magnet® tea: The journey of a publication steeped in Magnet values, Margaret Perry, Cynthia W. Ward, Danielle Nightingale, and Donna Goyer
Main factors for creating a nursing curriculum including Oriental medicine and challenges of its implementation: A case study of a Japanese university, Fusako Kawabe, Toshie Yamamoto, Shu Chun Chien, and Akiko Nagata
Main factors for creating a nursing curriculum including Oriental medicine and challenges of its implementation: A case study of a Taiwan university, Toshie Yamamoto, Shu Chun Chien, Fusako Kawabe, and Akiko Nagata
Maintaining emergency room nurse momentum to screen for substance use, Irene Kane, Ann M. Mitchell, Kathryn Puskar, Holly Hagle, Dawn Lindsay, James L. Aiello, and Kimberly Owens
Maintaining peiroperative normothermia with a thermal warming package, Holly C. Taylor
Maintaining yoga practice for diabetes control and prevention, Gina K. Alexander
Maintenance COPD medication to reduce readmissions and improve quality of life, Lisa Ann Minahan
Major US hurricanes: A comparative analysis of victim experiences utilizing transcultural and behavioral models, Jacqueline K. Owens and Sharon See
Make It Real: Workplace Violence Education That Sticks!, Daphne Thomas and Stacie Hunsaker
Making a case for innovations in learning: Overcoming resistance in nursing education, Sandra Davidson
Making a cross-country comparison of health systems: What are the possible study design frameworks?, Cheryl Zlotnick, Sue A. Anderson, and Vanessa Heaslip
Making a difference: Changing nursing students' global beliefs, Christine Ann Argenbright, Julie Sanford, Vesna Hart, Portia Jordan, Mariette Bengtsson, Michiko Moriyama, Maria Jimenez Herrera, Gwen D. Sherwood, Lee Peng Lui, and Yum Iwamoto
Making a difference: Culturally and ethnically appropriate guides for those working with people with dementia, Meredith Troutman-Jordan, Boyd Davis, and Margaret Maclagan
Making a difference with chapter philanthropy, Juli Maxworthy, Sheri P. Palmer, Ann Cullen, Deborah L. Pollard, and Steven Simpkins
Making a life: A grounded theory of living in a nursing home as a working-age adult, Eileen C. Specchio
Making a match: Impact of RN education, certification, and experience on quality outcomes and safety, Martha A. O'Neill
Making a mentoring match: Advancing the profession through technology, Matthew S. Howard and Lois Sarah Marshall
Making a mentoring match: Advancing the profession trough communication, Matthew S. Howard, Margarett Alexandre, Robin Bartlett, Mary Lou Bond, Patricia Mary Davidson, Kathleen Flores Eviza, Geralyn M. Frandsen, Carole Marie Kulik, Claudia Kam Yuk Lai, Lois Sarah Marshall, Karen H. Morin, Larry Z. Slater, and Mary G. Heitschmidt
Making Cent$ Out of Chapter Finances, Jody Dalton and Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko
Making community-based participatory research (CBPR) "real" in undergraduate interdisciplinary nursing education, LaSonya A. Davis-Smith
Making connections: Implementing the national diabetes education program to improve diabetes management in Hispanic patients, Adriana Bentum-Tilus, Carrie Riley Risher, and Beverley E. Blair Brown
Making it work: Information technology and mobile devices in nursing education, Janet Raman
Making key clinical assessment tools accessible for global nursing practice, Lucia Gonzales, Rose Mary Gee, and Anne Floyd Koci
Making senior care a system priority, Ann Marie T. Brooks
"Making the best of a bad situation": Nursing best practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Judith Ann Moran-Peters
Making the hard decisions: Ethical issues encountered by military nurses during wartime, Janice B. Griffin Agazio, Diane Padden, Sami Abdulrahman Al-Hamidi, and Meryia Throop
Making the most out of QSEN's knowledge, attitude and skills (KAS) competencies in an RN to BSN program: A three level education approach, Guillermo Valdes and Roxana Orta
Making the Process of Policy Making Transparent, Teresa A. Brooks
Making the switch: A new multicultural curriculum for improving clinical care and reducing health disparities, Nava Zuaretz
Making your research more robust with implementation science, Linda Costa, Marianne Weiss, Kathleen L. Bobay, Ronda Hughes, Susan A. Nuccio, Sarah J. Bahr, and Danielle M. Siclovan
Male combat veterans in pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs: A phenomenological exploration, Kelly L. Dyar
Male-factor infertility: The process to seeking treatment, Michele Mayes Lawson
Male nurses' experiences of gender stereotyping over the past five decades: A narrative approach, Michael W. Finnegan
Male nursing students in the community college and the struggle to completion, Geri Brewer
Malnutrition in institutionalized older people with swallowing impairment: The weancare modified texture foods program, Milko Zanini, Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Giuseppe Aleo, Stefania Ripamonti, and Loredana Sasso
Malpractice claims naming staff nurses as the primary responsible service, Christopher M. Rhodes
Mama Care: An innovative care model for pregnant women with a prenatally diagnosed birth defect, Jessica Schwarz, Elizabeth Froh, and Billie E. Bitowski
Management and Leadership Competence Toward the Year 2030 in Finnish Hospitals, Vuokko Pihlainen, Tuula Kivinen, and Johanna Lammintakanen
Management of depression in the elderly: A scoping study, Aleesa Kittrell
Management of facilitators and obstacles experienced by Hispanics in their first semester of a baccalaureate nursing program, Diana Couling Martinez Dolan
Management of HIV exposed babies in Montshioa Stat Health Centre at Mafikeng sub-district of North West Province, Yvonne Nkosi, Grieta Dakada, and Deliwe Rene Phetlhu
Management of sickle cell disease in clinical simulation, Deborah Eti and Eme Ukot
Management of uncontrolled hypertension in urgent care setting: A self-management educational program, Fehintola Ogunsakin
Managerial caring, multicultural competence, and organizational commitment in a department of nursing, Eileen A. Sullivan-Kaplan
Managing acute episodic illness in specialist disability homes: A qualitative study of professionals' experiences, Sarah Sami, Bernice Redley, and Ana Hutchinson
Managing agitation and aggression in patients with dementia, Christiana Dennis-Fallah
Managing ambiguity: Nurses caring for the mother of a stillborn baby, Natasha J. Nurse-Clarke
Managing dignity in later life: Global influences, personal strategies, cellular effects, Cynthia S. Jacelon, Rachel Walker, and Jordon Bosse
Managing in a stressful profession, Suzanne Dutton and Matthew S. Howard
Managing migration of human resources for health: The Philippine perspective, Erlinda Castro Palaganas, Marian Caterial Sanchez, and Ruel Dupan Caricativo
Managing mild traumatic brain injury recovery, Ryan L. Dobbs
Managing & mitigating conflict in health-care teams, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Managing my pregnancy: A grounded theory of pregnancy and childbearing beliefs and practices of women of Mexican descent, Lorena Consuelo Guerrero
Managing personal integrity: A grounded theory of elderly people surviving hospitalization, Cynthia S. Jacelon
Managing psychosocial distress and symptoms for cancer survivors and their caregivers, Terry A. Badger
Managing students in crisis: Implementation of a crisis intervention project in a school of nursing, Carleen Graham and Joana Velasquez
Managing susceptibility to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, Cynthia E. Perry
Managing the demands of the preregistration nursing programme: Views of students with mental health conditions, Pras Ramluggun
Managing the panic: High-fidelity simulation prior to the first clinical experience of undergraduate nurses, Jennifer C. Kastello and Sarah Jane Crag
Managing your chapter's image, Michelle Coburn
Mandatory nurse staffing models for patient safety, Linda Silas
Mandatory Tobacco Cessation With Inpatient Psychiatric Patients: Behavioral Consequences, Christine A. Wynd
Manipulation of brainwaves for better sleep: A randomized crossover study of brain entrainment technology, MeLisa A. Gantt
Man's best friend: The role of companion animals in the lives of the homeless, Susan K. Lee and Pamela Willson
Many hands make light work: The history and development of an at-Large Sigma Chapter, Sheryl K. Buckner and Kathlynn Smith
Marco...Polo: Real time location, Mady Hirsch, Emily Kite, Kerigan McDonald, and Abbi Zanger
Marital reciprocal support in the context of cancer, Lillian G. Douglass
Masculinity, health beliefs and implications for health policy among men in Trinidad and Tobago, Oscar N. Ocho
"Masked": The lives of adolescents undergoing chemotherapy, Rudolf Cymorr Kirby P. Martinez
Massive blood transfusion protocol: We need blood NOW!, Sarah Berry
Mastering the art of abstract and grant review: A comprehensive webinar for nursing professionals, Linda Anders and Riley Kimsey
Mastering the content: A systematic evidence-based approach to nursing program success, Laura J. Wallace
Master instruction: A model of mastery for developing faculty, Laura Fillmore, Candice Phillips, Kandyce Richards, and Cecilia Jane Maier
Masters in nursing students' experiences as a member of a virtual classroom on the internet, Carla L. Mueller
Mastery of core mental health concepts through simulation, clinical performance, and interactive practices, Kim Johnson
Mastery of Leadership Competencies: Leader Led learning or Mentorship?, Savathri Peters
Matched Preceptor-Preceptee Learning Styles on Student Self-Efficacy in Midwifery Students, Zofia Rapaport and Cheryl Zlotnick
Matching of the latex fruit syndrome and daily rubber products survey to Japanese nursing students, Emi Kajiwara, Hidechika Iino, and Satoko Ono
Maternal-child health crisis: Building the leadership framework for effective global interventions, Beth Baldwin Tigges, Chun-Mei Li, and Shanda Tichelle Harrison
Maternal child health home visiting in Montana: Effects on LBW and premature births and medicaid costs, Jo Ann Walsh Dotson
Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy, Cynthia Vlasich, Karin C. S. Minnie, and Kay Clevenger
Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy: Using leadership development to improve patient outcomes, Julia Snethen, Katheryn B. Arterberry, and Shakira Lita Ismay Henderson
Maternal child nursing students' experience of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) at KSAU-CONA, Hanan G. Gabry and Amel M. Abouelfettoh
Maternal confidence of first-time mothers during their child's infancy, Kendra Russell
Maternal coordination of care for low-income Latino children at risk for developmental delay, Eileen K. Fry-Bowers
Maternal feeding practices in the border city: A secondary data analysis, Juan Antonio Lira and Victor Ramos
Maternal gut microbiome composition and gestational weight gain in African American women, Sara Mitchell Edwards
Maternal-infant separation during hospitalization after birth, Megan P. Ogren
Maternal mortality and failure to rescue: Implications for Women's health practitioners, Peggy J. Mancuso, Elizabeth B. Restrepo, Fuqin Liu, and Patti Hamilton
Maternal mortality and morbidity among African American women in the United States: An integrative review, Lucinda Canty
Maternal outcomes in English-speaking and non-English-speaking women in New England, Katharine A. Green
Maternal peripartum antibiotic usage and depressive symptoms at one-month postpartum, Jordan R. Murphy and Elizabeth J. Corwin
Maternal-preterm infant interaction subsequent to high-risk pregnancy, Beth P. Black
Maximize on Interprofessional Innovation through Combined Evaluation, Amanda Kay Garey
Maximizing EBP implementation success by integrating RCT recruitment and retention data and lessons learned, Dianne Morrison-Beedy
Maximizing history and circumstance to strengthen interventions to stem workplace bullying, Laura Cox Dzurec, Monica Kennison, Patricia Gillen, Taylor L. Grube, Mary Francis, and Rose R. Schwartz
Maximizing impact: Developing effective board members, Jenny Paugh Hoffman and Rebecca L. Schafer
Maximizing learning occurring during debriefing after simulation, Shelly J. Reed and Cheryl Ann Corbett
Maximizing Resources - Strengthening Community Ties: A Military Civilian Collaboration, Deborah Hartzog Chatham and Joshua W. Baker
Maximizing the impact of your publications in an open access environment, Peter Griffiths
Maximizing the impact: The vital role of medical surplus recovery organizations, Sarah Meffert, Chanelle Pearson, Sharrissa Beckford, Chioma Ezeji, and Amy Simons
Maximizing undergraduate research outcomes through honors education: A win-win for faculty and student development, Jennifer Wilson
Maximizing your abilities as course leader, Robyn A. Rice
Maximizing Your Career Potential: Opportunities on Your Career Path, Lois Sarah Marshall
MCH leadership development: A retrospective, comparative cohort study, Karen H. Morin, Hester C. Klopper, and Christa Van der Walt
Mealtime assistance: A best practice implementation project, Kenneth Walsh and Pamela Sykes
Meaningful factors in nurse transition for newly licensed registered nurses in acute care settings, Beverly Dianne Rowland
Meaningful lifelong learning in nursing education: Barriers, facilitators, and outcomes, Sue Coffey, Hilde Zitzelsberger, Leslie L. M. Graham, Gail M. Lindsay, Charles Anyinam, and Rick Vanderlee
Meaningful recognition: An imperative for nurse manager well-being, Bonnie Barnes, Mark Barnes, and Christine Pabico
Meaningful recognition: Expressing gratitude and what it means to nursing care, Cynthia D. Sweeney and Susan M. Grant
Meaningful Recognition for Those Preparing the Future Frontline, Heather Cole and Kacie Duncan
Meaningful recognition of pediatric nursing science and scholarship through the use of Facebook Groups, Christine LaGrasta, Kendall R. Bauer, Paula Conrad, Kerri Anne Fournier, Jessica Laurendeau, Shannon Olbrot, Colleen O'Shaughnessy, Michele L. DeGrazia, and Patricia A. Hickey
Meaningful use of the EHR-Evaluating the internal and external factors affecting the timeliness of patient referrals, Beverly J. Schacherbauer
Meaning-in-life, depression and suicide in older adults: A comparative survey study, Diane M. Buchanan
Meaning of picture-based health education in diabetes with low health literacy population, Julie A. Zuniga and Jungmin Park
Meanings of pregnancy and motherhood among out-of-home pregnant adolescents, Elizabeth M. Saewyc
Measured noise levels in the hospital with correlating patient perception, Mercy Ngosa Mumba, Deborah F. Behan, and Rachel Marie Lyle
Measurement and regulation of workplace violence in healthcare setting, Rachel Odes
Measurement of moral courage, Georgia A. Dinndorf-Hogenson
Measurement of nursing program outcomes: Moving forward with rubric development in portfolio assessment, Kari Lynne Hickey, Jeanette Rossetti, Nancy Oldenburg, Kathleen Musker, Connie Uhlken, Maryann Abendroth, Bradley Peters, and Patricia Paramore
Measurement of recovery for persons with serious mental illness, Linda E. Jensen
Measuring active clinical decision support influence on nursing research utilization, Susan Cortez
Measuring a healthy work environment in acute care hospital settings, Penny Huddleston
Measuring and influencing noise on an intensive care unit using a visual warning system, Marie-Louise Luiking
Measuring Changes in Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity, and Behaviors Among Online Graduate Nursing Students, Janet A. Levey
Measuring cultural competency: One-year post immersion experience in Costa Rica, Maureen Carroll Roller and Helen C. Ballestas
Measuring endoscopic performance for colorectal cancer prevention quality improvement in a gastroenterology practice, Karen A. Hande
Measuring harm in hospitalized children via a trigger tool, Lya Michele Stroupe
Measuring health in coffee farm workers in rural Nicaragua: What matters?, Jessica Alicea-Planas, Philip A. Greiner, and Lydia H. Greiner
Measuring helping relationships in promoting healthy lifestyle for patients with chronic kidney disease, Miaofen Yen
Measuring high-fidelity simulation instruction: Its effects to knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward patient safety, Sasha Alexis Rarang
Measuring informal clinical leadership: A comparative analysis of two instruments, Darlene M. Rogers
Measuring knowledge and behavior after an educational program on air pollution as a health risk reduction strategy, Mary Eileen Guerin Kloster
Measuring nurses' perceptions of collaborative governance as a method of assessing transformation of organizational culture, Jaynelle F. Stichler, Maria del Carmen Colombo, and Debra Milbert Poeltler
Measuring nursing home staff turnover using date-of-hire from current payroll records, C. Jo Riggs
Measuring polyvictimization among children in fragile families, Kelli J. Jones
Measuring pre-licensure nursing students' perceptions of safety culture, Kristi Miller
Measuring psychological safety, high-reliability (HRO) perception and safety reporting intentions among pediatric nurses, Lauren Pfeifer
Measuring shared governance in acute care hospital settings using the index of professional nursing governance (IPNG), Evette M. Wilson
Measuring student perceptions of quality and safety competencies in baccalaureate education, Jennifer Bryer and Virginia M. Peterson-Graziose
Measuring the direct care nurses' and nurse leaders' perceptions of a healthy work environment, Penny Huddleston
Measuring the effect of a nurse residency program on person-organizational enculturation, Laurie Ecoff, Kim Reina Failla, and Jaynelle F. Stichler
Measuring the efficiency, effectiveness, and experience of teaching-learning family constructs framework, Guarionex J. Salivia, Norma Krumwiede, Cyrus Azarbod, Colleen Royle, Ankit Goel, Flint Million, and Megan Bening
Measuring the prevalence of delirium in hospitalized patients, Kimberly J. Salee, Linda M. Cason, and Abby J. Schmitt
Measuring the quality of nursing worklife, Beth A. Brooks
Measuring what matters: A multi-site study of self-reported and objectively measured nursing EBP knowledge, Darrell R. Jr. Spurlock, Angela McNelis, Amy Hagedorn Wonder, and Pamela Ironside
Mechanism of action underlying serious games for health, John M. Clochesy
Mechanisms of pain following thermal injury, Gretchen J. Summer
Mediating effect on the relationship between professional commitment and intent-to-leave among hospital nurses in Taiwan, Yuan-Ping Chang
Mediating role of resilience in the relationship between depression and perceived psychological health in patients with heart failure, Pei-Shan Tsai, Shan-Ying Wu, and Ling-Yin Chang
Mediator role of memory function on diabetes self-care management in older adults, Youngshin Song, Jeonghwa Cho, Younghee Jun, Kawoun Seo, Keumok Park, and Bohyun Kim
Medical assistance in dying (MAID): "Putting a value on human life and right to die", Nora Ahmad
Medical floor CAM implementation and assessment of risk factors, Michaelynn R. Paul
Medical floor confusion assessment method: Implementation and assessment of risk factors, Michaelynn R. Paul
Medical marijuana in chemotherapy patients, Brooke Job, Lacie Skees, and Rebekah Blair Weisinger
Medical-surgical nurses and a smart watch: Promoting healthier lifestyles, a pilot study, Heather L. Craven and Andrea L. Coyle
Medical-surgical nurses' evidence-based practice beliefs, Linda H. Yoder, Teresa-Lynn Hinkley, Robin Hertel, and Lynn Gallagher-Ford
Medical surgical nurses' perceptions of receiving coaching from first line managers, Karen S. Percell, Terry L. Jones, and Linda H. Yoder
Medical-surgical patients with a secondary diagnosis of mental illness: How are nurses prepared?, Jeanette J. Avery and Ann M. Schreier
Medical/surgical readmissions in patients with co-occurring serious mental illness: A qualitative systematic literature review, Abigail E. Caron, Rachel A. Solomon, Hayley D. Germack, and Nancy P. Hanrahan
Medical/surgical readmissions in patients with co-occurring serious mental illness: A qualitative systematic literature review, Rachel A. Solomon, Hayley D. Germack, Abigail E. Caron, and Nancy P. Hanrahan
Medical tourism: Trends, certification, opportunities, Dale M. Mueller
Medicating patients for pain: How well do we meet their needs?, Toni Tortorella-Genova and Brenda Marshall
Medication adherence and health beliefs among patients with hypertension: A systematic review, Huda Al Noumani, Jia-Rong Wu, Debra Barksdale, Esra Al-Khasawneh, Gwen D. Sherwood, and George Knafl
Medication adherence and health care use in people with diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, Allison Fiona Williams, Elizabeth Manias, and Alexandra Gorelik
Medication administration safety in medical and surgical units of the Gauteng Province, Alwiena J. Blignaut, Siedine Knobloch Coetzee, and Hester C. Klopper
Medication challenges among homecare nurses, Hsiu Yu Ho and Meei-Fang Lou
Medication dosage calculation: A mathematical intervention for nursing students, Theresa D. Cowan
Medication education at your fingertips, Makenzie Blentlinger, Shelby DeMint, Cortney Powell, and Abigail Shaw
Medication error reduction using PDA technology by nursing students at the point of care, Laly J. Joseph
Medication errors: Issues of concern to anesthesia providers, Mary Katherine Riggs and Nancy Westbrook
Medication Errors Reporting: Do Work Environment and Medication Practices Matter?, Amany A. Farag and Yelena Perkhounkova
Medication management for older adults: Bridging learning from US and UK perspectives, Blaise B. Nieve
Medication reconciliation completed by pharmacy on admission from the ED, Lauren Humiston, Rachael Duncan, and Nancy J. Fry
Medication reconciliation in a head and neck cancer clinic, Megan Lee Lucas
Medication reconciliation: It's in the bag, Dawn Becker
Medication safety and education, Cidalina Ferreira Abreu
Medication safety: Bolus from the bag, Patricia Giovannini and Diane Melrose
Medication safety simulation: A comparison of students' knowledge, perceptions and comfort, Bette A. Mariani
Medication systems & safety: What's broke & how can we fix it together?, Nikki S. Polis and Allen Flynn
Medicinal cannabis use and preferred mode of administration: A patient survey, Jane L. Phillips
Meditation and secondary prevention of depression and anxiety in heart disease: A systematic review, Angela Rao, Michelle DiGiacomo, Phillip J. Newton, Jane L. Phillips, and Louise D. Hickman
Meeting challenges of professional communication using live actors: An evidence-based clinical project, Lisette Dorfman and Justine Anne Taddeo
Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response, Anita J. Catlin
Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response, Anita J. Catlin
Meeting the needs of night nurses with a night shift nurse educator, Tanya Carmichael and Sara Cohen
Meeting the needs of women veterans in civilian primary care practices, Alicia Gill Rossiter and Catherine G. Ling
Meleis' Theory of Transition and Readiness of Older People for discharge from hospital to home, Alice Coffey
Member growth and development: Promoting transformational leadership through a new member scholarship program, Lauren A. Loyd
Membership engagement and retention strategy: New member survey, Christine Lagman, Renee Krystle Doll Lazaro, Anna Dermenchyan, Judith A. Sumner, Inese Verzemnieks, and Rosine Der-Tavitian
Memory book interventions with orphaned children in South Africa, Kenya, and India: A global partnership, Barbara J. Braband, Tamara Lynn Faris, and Kaye Wilson-Anderson
Memory-Focused Interventions for People With Cognitive Disorders: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies, Kuei-Ru Chou
Mending minds: Recognizing, responding, and resourcing through the implementation of a novel leadership toolkit during the coronavirus pandemic, Richard T. Morton Jr.
Mending the mother: An exercise based approach in the management of postpartum depression, Melissa Goble and Candace Short
Men in nursing: Internalized sex-role stereotypes and their relationship to role strain and self-esteem, Stanley Melton Harris
Men in nursing: The meaning of our work, Sue A. Anderson
Men nurses in the American Journal of Nursing: The first 100 years, Susan A. LaRocco
Menopausal Dyspareunia and Probiotics: A Future Approach?, Ellen L. Neu
Menopausal stage, current life change, attitude toward women's roles, and perceived health status in middle-aged women, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko
Menopausal symptoms and quality of life in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy-induced menopause, Jin-Hee Park, YuJoung Jo, and Sun Hyoung Bae
Menopause in a Third World context: A transitions theory perspectives, Amynah Salim Lakhani Mevawala and Solina Richter
Mental health and healthy lifestyle behaviors in first-year health sciences graduate students, Jacqueline Hoying
Mental health and resilience for the healthcare professional: A global health advocacy plan, Mechelle J. Plasse and Aimée Horcasitas
Mental health and well-being for nurses amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, Megan C. Skeen
Mental healthcare utilization among school-based adolescents in La Union, Philippines, Jonas Preposi Cruz, Paolo C. Colet, and Mehmet Sinan Iyisoy
Mental health characteristics of pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students, Melissa I. Owen
Mental health diagnoses, locus of control, and chronic health conditions in rural women, Renee Bauer and Jill Moore
Mental health interventions for healthcare providers, Marlene Sampson, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, and Jacqueline Hoying
Mental health issues among adolescent girls related to sexual health: Interpretive descriptive design, Neelam Punjani
Mental health nurses' imagination, power, and empathy: A descriptive study using Rogerian nursing science, Maureen B. Doyle
Mental health of Black children and youths in Canada, Bukola (Oladunni) Salami
Mental health of future healthcare providers: SigmaCast, Episode 8, Jacqueline Hoying, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, and Matthew S. Howard
Mental health of ICU nurses caring for COVID-19 patients, Linda Denke and Victoria England
Mental health problems among migrant workers from Myanmar in Thailand, Sirada Kesornsri
Mental Health Reflections: Learning Through Journaling, Monika G. Wedgeworth, Sheree C. Carter, and Cassandra D. Ford
Mental health standard operating procedure: An educational program for veterans administration nurses, Linda Casale
Mental health status indicators and vision status among adult women respondents to the 2010-2013 National Health Interview Surveys, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko
Mental health stigma and perceived practice competence among nurse practitioners: A cross-sectional descriptive study, Cara C. Young, Susan Calloway, and Courtney Brown
Mental health stigma reduction through simulated professional practice, Abe Oudshoorn and Barbara Sinclair
Mental health stigma theoretical framework: Analysis and evaluation, Krystyna de Jacq, Allison A. Norful, and Elaine L. Larson
Mental health support of minority nursing students in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Shawna L. Curtis and Uloma D. Onubogu
Mental health technician program, Jessica Pauley
Mental health trajectories and related factors among perinatal Taiwanese women, Pei-Chao Lin and Chich-Hsiu Hung
Mental health treatment and media preferences for persons of Mexican heritage, Tanya Renee' Sorrell
Mental injury: Exploring the factors related to abusive behavior among health professionals, Leah Adeline Phillips
Mentor, coach, sponsor, influencer: The journey of lifelong learning as a leader, Gladys Campbell
Mentoring and coaching in nursing: How can you make a difference in the profession?, Matthew S. Howard, Margarett Alexandre, Robin Bartlett, Mary Lou Bond, Patricia Mary Davidson, Kathleen Flores Eviza, Geralyn M. Frandsen, Carole Marie Kulik, Claudia Kam Yuk Lai, Lois Sarah Marshall, Karen H. Morin, and Larry Z. Slater
Mentoring as a Strategy for Enhancing EBP in Clinical Practice, Ngozi C. Eke
Mentoring as it relates to persistence in associate degree and baccalaureate degree nursing students, Caroline M. Peltz and Delbert Martin III Raymond
Mentoring as it relates to persistence in associate degree nursing students, Caroline M. Peltz
Mentoring as it relates to persistence in associate degree nursing students, Caroline M. Peltz
Mentoring experiences of male nursing faculty, Cristina Perla Ortiz
Mentoring future nurse leaders: Collaboration between a Sigma Theta Tau Chapter and a nursing student association, Indra Hershorin, Lauren Schwal, Jevon Olea, Mureen Shaw, Debbie McGregor, Jacquie Marshall, Lolita Ann McCarthy, and Claudette Rose Chin
Mentoring in a nurse anesthesia program: Cultivating wellness and developing leaders, Gloria Chan, Thomas J. Pallaria, and Michael McLaughlin
Mentoring in research doctorate nursing programs and students' perceived career readiness, Paula V. Nersesian, Maan I. Cajita, Laura E. Starbird, Scott Seung W. Choi, Damali Wilson, Christina Fleming, Melissa J. Kurtz, and Sarah L. Szanton
Mentoring millennials, Mary M. Wheeler and Janice Waddell
Mentoring, modeling, and mastery: An innovative mentoring model to support new clinical nursing faculty, Abby Berg, Pamela M. Karagory, Kristen F. Kirby, Becky S. Walters, Joy Pieper, and Diane Hountz
Mentoring Needs of Novice Clinical Facilitators, Izelle Loots and Gisela H. Van Rensburg
Mentoring New PhD Students into the Professorial Role, Marie C. Foley
Mentoring nurses for success: A global view, Susan M. Baxley, Kristina S. Ibitayo, and Mary Lou Bond
Mentoring online students: Developing and testing a mentorship model for the capstone practicum, Marilyn D. Klakovich
Mentoring: Positively Influencing Job Satisfaction and Retention of New Hire Nurse Practitioners, Diane Kostrey Horner
Mentoring practices that predict mentoring benefits in a Magnet hospital, Aris Eliades, Meghan Weese, Louise D. Jakubik, and Jennifer Huth
Mentoring the Culturally Diverse Nursing Student, Barbara B. Blozen
Mentoring the next generation of nurse leaders: Engaging in a transpersonal, caring, mentoring relationship, Grissel Hernandez and Sonya Feng
Mentoring to support ethnic minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged nursing students' well-being and future clinical practice, Angela Opsahl and Carolyn Townsend
Mentoring undergraduate nursing students for evidence-based practice to improve quality and safety in long-term care settings, Elizabeth Roe and Olivia Halabicky
Mentorship and novice nursing faculty: Working together for successful role transitioning, Azizah Sculley, Florence Myrick, and Pauline Paul
Mentorship impact on novice advanced practice provider satisfaction and turnover, Michelle Gillard
Mentorship Matters: Understanding the Impact of Mentorship for Advanced Practice Providers, Deb L. White, Diane Nunez, and Amanda Dean Martin
Mentorship of novice pediatric critical care nurse practitioners to improve role transition, Rachael E. Crowe
Mentorship program to improve nursing knowledge on prevention of hospital-acquired pressure injuries, Terri Lo
Mentorship: The ultimate form of leadership, Pennie Sessler Branden
Mepivacaine and bupivacaine spinal comparisons for motor function return, discharge time, and transient neurologic symptoms: An evidence based practice analysis, Grant M. Backman
Merging education, research, and simulation innovation, Nancy A. Bardugon
Merging innovations in teach and research: Emotional self-awareness impact to therapeutic relationships, Barbara Jayne Beebe
Meta-analyses of epigenetic factors in the prevention of congenital heart defects: MTHFR C677T human gene variations across generations from parents to children, Hsiao-Ling Yang and Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao
Meta-analyses of epigenetics risk factors for cardiovascular health: APOA5 human gene variations across different race-ethnicity groups, Yen-Chiun Lin, Veronica Nunez, and Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao
Meta-analyses of epigenetics risk factors for heart disease prevention: NOS3 human gene variations across different race-ethnicity groups, Nien-Tzu Chang, Lisa Delacruz, and Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao
Meta-analyses of epigenetics risk factors for lung cancer prevention: MPO and GSTM1 human gene variations across different race-ethnicity groups, Po-Jui Yu, Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao, and Maria Suarez
Meta-analyses of epigenetics risk factors for prevention of hypertension: Angiotensinogen human gene variations across different race-ethnicity groups, Guey-Shiun Huang, Kidest Babi, and Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao
Meta-analyses of human genome studies: Epigenetic risk factors and population health issues in the world, Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao
Meta-analysis and systematic review: Mindfulness intervention for informal cancer caregivers, Colleen Kurzawa and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Meta-analysis: Exercise intervention for sleep problems in cancer patients, Yun-Hsiang Lee, Yuan-Yuan Fang, Chia-Tai Hung, Jui-Chun Chan, and Sheng-Miauh Huang
Meta-analysis of the effects of early mobilization on mechanically ventilated patients, Faygah Shibily
Meta-analysis on costing out nursing services, Judith G. Eckhart
Metabolic risk factors, exercise capacity and inflammation in postmenopausal women, Jen-Chen Tsai, Chia-Hui Wang, and Min-Huey Chung
Metabolic syndrome and health-related behaviors associated with pre-oral cancerous lesions among rural adults in Taiwan, Mei-Yen Chen
Metacognition in nurse practitioner students: How nurse educators can best serve students, Kathryn Holliday, Justin Waryold, and Eric Rodriguez
Meta-synthesis of studies on self-stigma in chronic disease, Kawoun Seo, Yoonhee Lee, Bohyun Kim, and Youngshin Song
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the correctional facilities: The need for infection prevention education, Dorothy Uhurebor
Methodological considerations in simulation research: Constructing rigorous investigations to advance practice, Mary Ann Cantrell, Kim Leighton, and Gregory Gilbert
Methodological considerations in simulation research: Constructing rigorous investigations to advance practice, Mary Ann Cantrell, Ashley E. Franklin, Gregory E. Gilbert, and Kim Leighton
Methodologies to capture the impact of fundamental care, Debra Jackson and Lianne P. Jeffs
Methods considerations for conducting research when a language barrier is present, Allison Patricia Squires
Methods for demonstrating high-level impact for practicum experiences in interprofessional education, Deanna Lynne Reising, Derrick M. Garletts, Douglas E. Carr, and Kara Bierbaum
Methods for the development and validation of new assessment instruments, Francisco A. Jimenez and A. J. Kleinheksel
Methods of developing and evaluating an acupressure protocol for managing agitation in dementia, Rick Y. C. Kwan, Mason C. P. Leung, and Claudia Kam Yuk Lai
Methods of evaluating simulation experiences in nursing programs: An integrative review, Michelle Paik Page
Methods of intra-operative airway exchange, Catherine Kinney and Lauren Barnes
Methods of sharing clinical decisions within nursing teams to improve the quality of nursing, Yukari Katayama, Yasuko Hosoda, and Etsuyo Sonoda
Methods to achieve one-lung ventilation, Laura Starr Wagner
Methods to appropriately size pediatric endotracheal tubes, Laura Crump
Methods to evaluate educational material to surgical patients: Integrative review of literature, Ruth Natalia Teresa Turrini, Bruno Castro Paiva, Cristina Silva Sousa, and Vanessa de Brito Poveda
Mexican-American breast cancer survivors' challenges with health care disparities: A mixed method study, Mary M. Lopez
mHealth acceptance and usage among South Asian adults in US, Padmavathy Ramaswamy
mHealth intervention to prevent college students hazardous drinking for college students: A randomized trial, Donna Kazemi
mHealth technology and clinical integration of patient-generated health data (PGHD) for improving patient engagement, Madan Dharmar, Heather M. Young, Sarina Fazio, and Sheridan Miyamoto
Micro-preemie parents' perceptions of new care model and the NICU's readiness to integrate evidence-based practice, Jeannie Couper
Middle class African Americans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus self-care practices related to their spirituality, self-efficacy, and health literacy, Jacqueline G. Moody
Middle Eastern and North African immigrant parents caring for obese children: A phenomenlogical inquiry, Sadeg Aldolaim
Middle Eastern nursing students: Recommendations for recruitment and retention, Brenda Moore
Midlife African American women's maintenance of lifestyle physical activity, Jo Ellen Wilbur, Lynne T. Braun, Susan Buchholz, and Arlene Michaels Miller
Midterm check-up: The experience of "being with" or "isolated from" simulation in the lab, Cynthia Blum and Candice Hickman
Midwifery Paradox in the US: Nurturing Others, But Not Always Each Other, Rhonda R. Johnson and Letitia L. Sullivan
Midwives Exclusive Guideline Development Project, Christel Jordaan and Joanita Dekock
Midwives experience of maternal death: Implication for practice and education, Susanna Aba Abraham, Gifty Osei Berchie, Andrews Adjei Druye, Anna Hayfron-Benjamin, Christiana Okantey, and Kweku Agyei-Ayensu
Midwive's perception of ethical behaviours and professional malpractices in labour units of Tshwane Gauteng Province, Manare M. M. Mashigo and Johanna M. Mathibe-Neke
Midwives' Utilization of Life Saving Skills for Prevention and Management of Haemorrhage in Nigeria, Chigozie Anastacia Nkwonta
Migrant health: Assessing healthcare needs in different European countries, Marie-Louise Luiking, Birgit Heckemann, Parveen Ali, Sumana Ghosh, Angela Kydd, Constance Sobon Sensor, Claudia Chaves, Caroline Dickson, and Harshida Patel
Migrants' healthcare experience: A meta-ethnography review of the literature, Marie-Louise Luiking, Birgit Heckemann, Roger Watson, Angela Kydd, Parveen Ali, Connie Dekker van Doorne, Sumana Ghosh, and Harshida Patel
Migration-related stress and depression among first generation Haitian immigrants in Florida, Dany A. Fanfan
Military veterans transitioning to the student role in civilian nursing programs, Roberta Rolland, Alicia Gill Rossiter, and Dianne Morrison-Beedy
Military veterans transitioning to the student role in civilian nursing programs, Roberta Rolland
Millennial nurse manager perspectives on their leadership roles in the hospital setting: A phenomenological inquiry, Heather P. Saifman
Millennial's Perspective of Clickers as an Active Strategy in Nursing Education, Rebecca D. Toothaker
Million Hearts; An evidence-based method for improving population health, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Million Hearts: A platform for promoting population health, education and partnerships in academia, Kate E. Gawlik, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, and Margaret C. Graham
Mindful eating and weight loss: A systematic review of literature, Carissa B. Alinat and Cecile A. Lengacher
Mindful Moments in the ICU: Evaluating an Asynchronous, Online Mindfulness Program in Critical Care Nurses, Wendy R. Downey and Heidi T. Mock
Mindfulness: Awareness and empowerment in the registered nurse, Karen A. Mansfield
Mindfulness-based educational strategy to increase data analysis self-efficacy of DNP students, Meigan Robb and Kathleen Spadaro
Mindfulness-based intervention for nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Rodenick Navalta Agtarap
Mindfulness-based interventions among adolescents with chronic diseases in clinical settings: A systematic review, Hiba Abujaradeh, Cecilia Therese Kahle, Mary Lou Klem, and Susan M. Cohen
Mindfulness-based interventions and homework interference with cancer patients, Jacquelyn Tracy Krug
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and workplace burnout: A literature review, Tiffany Flatt and Beverly W. Dabney
Mindfulness-based stress reduction in veterans with PTSD, Maria H. Tran, Helen E. Dahlberg, Alyssa Pharn, Kyle S. Harris, Lacy M. A. Graff, Carolina Paredes, Lydia Pan, and Rebecca L. Wheeler
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention on emotional distress and glycemic control in diabetes older adults, Shu-Ming Chen
Mindfulness for stress reduction in the workplace, Betsy Murphy
Mindfulness in nurse leaders: The relationships between mindfulness of nursing leaders and nurse subordinate outcomes, John Lucas IV DiLeo, Demetrius James Porche, and Denise M. Danna
Mindfulness, intentionality, and caring science, Sara Horton-Deutsch
Mindfulness intervention for perinatal grief: A pilot and feasibility study in rural India, Lisa R. Roberts and Susanne Montgomery
Mindfulness Interventions for Nursing Students, Mary Elaine Koren and Manju N. Daniel
Mindfulness interventions versus cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder: A systematic review, Valentina De Los Rios
Mindfulness, sensemaking, and the development of wisdom leadership, Daniel J. Pesut
Mindfulness training: Building a supportive environment, Carol Boswell, Jessica Tully, and Teresa Mills
Minding the gap: Improving mental health access in African-American communities, Catherine Alicia Georges and Kermit Payne
Mind Over Matter: Educating Nursing Students on the Art and Skill of Mindfulness, Michelle Lynne Allen and Miriam Ojaghi
Mindsets and nursing student approaches to learning: The Williams Inventory of Learning Strategies Tool, Cheryl A. Williams and Lisa S. Lewis
Mind the gap: Improving care delivery and patient outcomes, Anna Dermenchyan and Therese Offer
Minimalizing needlestick injuries, Susan Somers
Minimally-invasive methods of examining biological changes in response to chronic stress: A scoping review, Rebecca Elizabeth Salomon, Ashley Vaughan, Kelly R. Tan, and Keely Muscatell
Mini-mindfulness intervention for caregivers of individual with cancer, Colleen Kurzawa and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Minimizing infection in colorectal oncology patients: Advanced Surgical Recovery (ASURE) program, Shanetia S. Avinger and Pamela J. Love
Minimizing strain: How nurses sustain their image as "good nurses", Sherry Dahlke
Minimizing the environmental impact of anesthesia, Ann Marie Gieger
Minimizing transition shock: Preparing graduates for the real world, Judy E. Duchscher
Minorities in nursing: The experience of incivility in nursing education, Tammy Williams
Minority college students' HPV knowledge, awareness, and vaccination history, Kayla Nicole Mathis-Gamble, Patricia R. Messmer, Eric Fenkl, and Sandra "Sande" Gracia Jones
Minority female college students' STD and HIV knowledge, Rosemarie Graczkowski, Patricia R. Messmer, and Sandra "Sande" Gracia Jones
Minority nurse representation in upper level management, Keisha Chaffee
Minority nursing students' perceptions about help-seeking when under stress: A basic qualitative study, Marjorie Attis-Josias
Misconceptions about peripheral intravenous catheter complications rate based on insertion settings: A comprehensive literature review, Ani Kaziu, Liam McNeil, Laura Lee Robishaw, Erica Marie Luke, and Elisha Son
Missed nursing care among hospital nurses: Pilot study, Darja Jarosova, Renata Zelenikova, Eva Janikova, and Ilona Plevova
Missed nursing care and unmet patients' needs: Two sides of the same coin, Milko Zanini, Annamaria Bagnasco, Gloria Varone, Nicoletta Dasso, Silvia Rossi, Carolina Galanti, Gianluca Catania, Giuseppe Aleo, Roger Watson, Mark Hayter, and Loredana Sasso
Missed nursing care in hospitalized patients in two health institutions, Maria Guadalupe Moreno Monsivais, Ma. Guadalupe Interial Guzman, Sofia Cheverria Rivera, and Leticia Vazquez Arreola
Missing ingredient: Spanish-speaking Hispanics from the health literacy studies in the U.S., Bertha Eloisa Flores and Gayle J. Acton
Missing nursing care data that represents disruption to the neutral thermal environment of premature neonates, Lory A. Lewis
Missionary nurse Dorothy Davis Cook, 1940-1972: "Mother of Swazi nurses", Susan E. Elliott
Mission possible: The challenge, Nancy C. Falvo
Mission Possible: Using Kotter's Change Model to Drive Sustainable Change, a Case Study, Beverly A. Bokovitz
Mission Ready: Changing the Dialogue between Veterans and Their Care Teams in the Clinical Setting, Pamela J. Laut and Sheron L. Salyer
Mission Ready: Changing the Physical ED Environment, Donna Diogo and Sheron L. Salyer
Mission Ready: Use of Ambient Lighting in Creating a Healing Environment for an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit, Mekeesha McClure and Sheron L. Salyer
Misunderstanding of pain in sickle cell disease by outpatient infusion nurses, Dorothy Anne Kleinert
Mitigating conflict in acute care: Benefits of utilizing a legal nurse consultant, Kim Rhineheimer
Mitigating nurse-workplace violence: An evidence-based approach, Faye Rivera, Cherry Sioson, and Nicole Tronco
Mitigating procedural pain during venipuncture in the pediatric population: A randomized factorial study, Jessica S. Bahorski and Roxanne P. Hauber
Mitigating Risk in Chapter Fundraising, Jessica R. Wendorf and Nathan Thomas
Mixed messages: Untangling interprofessional communication in health care students - Phase I results, Diana L. Goodwin, Melissa S. Leal, Emily Hinrichs, Jessica Lindemood, Saju Joseph, and Lori E. Hammond
Mixed method - How do medical-surgical nurses provide compassionate care to patients in the face of adversity?, Diane D. Kret
Mixed methods: Ideal for research in the emergency department, Joanne Porter
Mnemonics in health care: Do they really work and can they save a person's life?, Luanne Ruth Linnard-Palmer
Mobile application technology to limit compassion fatigue in acute care nurses, Seth Williams and Whitney Robertson
Mobile app to prevent depression in the Dominican Republic: Sociocultural adaptations and international collaborations, Tariana V. Little, Susan Caplan, Adrian Aguilera, Ester R. Shapiro, Angelina Sosa Lovera, Patricia Reyna, Jenny Ariannly Sanchez Castillo, and Pak Chau
Mobile health technologies and precision health, Ryan Jeffrey Shaw
Mobile Mentoring Application for Use in Nurse Academia and Healthcare Settings, Susan M. Baxley, Mary Lou Bond, and Kristina S. Ibitayo
Mobile platform for assessment, early detection, and management of breast cancer-related lymphedema, Jane M. Armer, Nathan C. Armer, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Mobile technology integration in baccalaureate nursing education to promote technological competency and reduce medication errors, Laly J. Joseph
Mobilizing the power of global collaboration to improve critical care outreach, Holly Lynn Losurdo, Heather Joy Cook, Brittany Wells, Shonda Morrow, and Marisa A. Stratelak
Mock competencies: An intervention to improve student outcomes, Jackie H. Jones, Marcella Ziegler, Diana M. Baughman, and Camille Payne
Model development of depression prevention for adolescents: Participatory action research, Kwaunpanomporn Thummathai
Modelling body-mind-spirit health and risk of relapse in adults who have substance use histories, Fan-Ko Sun
Modelling medical-surgical nurse workload and care quality during COVID-19: Implications for building healthy work environments, Sue Bookey-Bassett, Michael Greig, Helen Kelly, W. Patrick Neumann, Nancy Purdy, and Sadeem M. Qureshi
Model of safe sexual behavior in adolescents from an indigenous community in Mexico, Raquel Alicia Benavides-Torres, MarÃÂa de los Angeles Meneses-Titado, and Dora Julia Onofre-RodrÃÂguez
Moderate-intensity risk reduction counseling and acquisition of sexually transmitted infection, Cindy M. Farina
Moderating effects of cognitive adaptability on expressive writing outcomes among persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, Lois J. Wagner
Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in the early adolescent period, Julia A. Greenawalt
Modified early warning score tool kit: Multi-disciplinary implications for practice, Kelli Gilliland
Modified Fresno Test - Acute care nursing, Margo A. Halm
Modified pectoral nerve block for unilateral mastectomy, Jessica Randall
Mom-to-mom: A program to mentor and support pregnant women whose spouses are deployed to the combat zone, Teresa W. Ryan and Karen L. Weis
Monitored anesthesia care for transcatheter aortic valve replacements, Marlee Murphree and David Sanford
Monitoring and Assessment of Critically Ill Patients' Nutritional Support By Nurses in East London Hospitals, Nomaxabiso Mildred Mooi
Monitoring, meals, and medications: A pilot study to improve the coordination of inpatient diabetes care, Gwen E. Klinkner
Monitoring of magnesium sulphate to improve quality: A case study at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital Gogo Chatinkha maternity wing, high dependence unit, Blantyre, Malawi, Naomi Novahiwa Sangaya, Maria Chifuniro Chikalipo, and Ellen Chirwa
Monk volunteer health advocacy project: A multidisciplinary collaboration for training and capacity-building for Buddhist monks, Benjamas Suksatit, Phraratsittivetee Vasasiri, Chompunut Singmanee, Warodom Samerchua, Purida Wientong, Somboon Jeenapongsa, and Nipawan Waisayanand
Moral decision making by neonatal intensive care nurses, Pamela Sue Chally
Moral development and moral distress through the baccalaureate healthcare student lens, Kathleen Harnden
Moral development and public health nursing, Margaret Avila
Moral Distress: Contributing Factors, Outcomes and Interventions. an Overview of the Nursing Literature, Adam S. Burston and Anthony G. Tuckett
Moral distress experienced by Level One Trauma Nurses: A phenomenological study, Mary Nelvina Hanna
Moral distress in neonatal intensive care nurses who care for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome, Mary S. Webb, Denise Passmore, Denise J. Poirier Maguire, and Genieveve J. Cline
Moral distress in perinatal nurses, Esra Bukecik, Ilknur Atasever, and Gulten Koc
Moral Distress in South African Professional Nurses: Instrument Development, Richelle Van Waltsleven
Moral distress to moral success: Improving moral distress and ethical confidence in critical care nurses, Lindsay R. Semler
Moral regret - The experience of breaches of a nursing ideal, Mary Ellen Wurzbach
Moral sensitivity, patient safety attitudes, and open disclosure of patient safety incidents among nursing students, Yujeong Kim and Eunmi Lee
Moral stress in health care professionals, Maria Teresa de Jesus Alonso Castillo, Maria Magdalena Alonso-Castillo, Bertha Alicia Alonso Castillo, Nora Nelly Oliva Rodriguez, Karla Selene Lopez Garcia, and Isidro Artemio Gamboa Cazares
More bang for your buck: Engaging graduate students in curriculum development, Robin Jill Dewald, Andrew D. Palm, Lori A. Gofter, Maureen Walls Sileo, and Marie Anne Mancuso
More than a toolkit: A collaborative partnership with global reach, Susan McNeill, Tricia Swartz, Yonda Lai, and Michael H. Cass
More than vital signs: Reframing nurses' recognition and response to clinical deterioration, Sonya R. Osborne
Mortality: Characteristics of potential preventable cases, Anna Dermenchyan and Wendy Simon
Mother-child relationship, adolescent daily hassles, and adolescent behavior problems in Arab Muslims: A latent growth curve approach, Karen Aroian, Thomas Templin, and Edythe Hough
Mother-daughter sexual communication: How WHNPs can help!, Randee Masciola
Mothering from the inside out: A mentalization-based intervention for mothers enrolled in mental health services, Monica Roosa Ordway, Lourdes De Las Heras Kuhn, Thomas McMahon, and Nancy E. Suchman
Mother's anxieties before the proton beam therapy of child, Noriko Ozawa and Kayuri Furuya
Mother's breast milk, heartbeat sounds, and non-nutritive sucking on preterm infants' behavioral stress during venipuncture, Hsiang-Ping Wu, Jen-Jiuan Liaw, and Luke Yang
Mothers caring for technology dependent neonates, Valerie Boebel Toly, Julia Blanchette, Carol M. Musil, and Arwa Al Hamed
Mothers' experiences parenting the young child with type 1 diabetes, Susan Sullivan-Bolyai
Mothers' interpretations of their children's behavior during mother-child interaction, Robin Remsburg
Mothers in their teenage years: A phenomenological study, Jordan Tovera Salvador
Mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders: Oral histories of inner strength, Jennifer Steinberg
Mothers' resourcefulness, postpartum depression, perception of child vulnerability, and perceived stress after preterm infant's discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit, Christine A. Grippi
Mothers with chronic illness and their spouse/partner: Uncertainty, family hardiness, and psychological wellbeing, Margaret Cordell Noreuil
Motivated strategies for learning in accelerated second degree bachelor of science in nursing students, Malinda Lee Whitlow, Majeda M. El-Banna, Billinda Tebbenhoff, and Karen Fraser Wyche
Motivating nursing students to intervene with their psychiatric clients who use tobacco, Rhonda Garrett Schwindt
Motivating older adults through immersive virtual exercise (MOTIVE): A randomized pilot study, Brittany Drazich, Debora Anokye, Shijun Zhu, Jejomar Teleb, Elizabeth Galik, Luana Colloca, and Barbara Resnick
Motivational factors and preferences regarding research participation among HIV+ adults in an urban setting, Victoria B. Mitrani, Brian E. McCabe, and Lisa R. Metsch
Motivational interviewing among school adolescents for physical and psychological indicators, Ohood Shunnar
Motivational interviewing and diabetes, Mary E. Beaudry
Motivational interviewing and pain management: Improving patient satisfaction, Beena Roby Joseph
Motivation and persistence among BSN students in Northeast Ohio: A correlational study, Christine Lynn Heid
Motivations and barriers for Saudi nurses to pursue a doctoral degree, Stephen J. Cavanagh and Abdualrahman Alshehry
Motivation through sports related physical activity and alcohol consumption, Maria Magdalena Alonso-Castillo, Bertha Alicia Alonso Castillo, Maria Teresa de Jesus Alonso Castillo, Arodi Tizoc Marquez, Nora Angelica Armendariz Garcia, and Nora Nelly Oliva Rodriguez
Motivation to learn, learner independence, intellectual curiosity and self-directed learning readiness of prelicensure sophomore baccalaureate nursing students, Maria Grandinetti
Motivators and barriers of healthy lifestyle behaviors: Revision and refinement, Loureen Downes
Motives and barriers to lifestyle physical activity in midlife South Asian Indian immigrant women, Manju N. Daniel, Maryann Abendroth, and Judith A. Erlen
Mouth matters, Nancy Delnay
Move and mingle: A postpartum depression intervention, Lisa Peterson Stevens and Kari Wade
Moving beyond holistic admission to implementing success strategies for culturally diverse, second-degree BSN students, Terry Kirk and Patricia K. Schrader
Moving beyond written reinforcement: Using video clips to reinforce patient education and increase caregiver confidence, Mary A. Grady
Moving disaster education from the classroom to the community, Crystal C. Shannon
Moving from cultural competency to cultural humility in practice and education, Sharon K. Byrne
Moving from joy stealing to scholarly caring: A method for transforming an uncivil work environment, Marla Erbin-Roesemann and Kimberly Dawn Belcik
Moving from place-to-place for end-of-life care: A mixed-methods investigation, Donna M. Wilson and Stephen Birch
Moving from the means to the standard deviations in symptom management research, Christine Miaskowski
Moving from transactional to transformational leadership with help from the Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy, Angela Opsahl and Sara Horton-Deutsch
Moving interprofessional simulation online: A lactation telehealth virtual simulation pilot, Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Thayanthini Tharmaratnam, Nicole Bernardes, Marianne Brophy, and Melanie Willson
Moving "Ninos Obesos" Project: Reducing obesity in Hispanic and non-Hispanic children, Patricia R. Messmer, Giannina Santos, Yolanda Nitti, Nora Hernandez-Pupo, Yamina Alvarez, Kathleen Muniz, Guillermo Valdes, Roxana Orta, Marie O. Etienne, Maria Cary Rodriguez, Elisa Rodriguez, and Ann Graziotti
Moving patient care quality forward by benchmarking nursing care performance, Huey-Shys Chen and Yue Zhang
Moving towards best simulation debriefing practices: The simulation debriefing study, Annette Waznonis
Moving towards universal health coverage: Advanced practice nursing competencies in Latin American and Caribbean countries, Ana Maria Kelly, Jennifer Dohrn, Judy Honig, and Susan Doyle-Lindrud
Moving Up the Leadership Ladder: Using a Career Coach, Paul T. Skiem
Moving Up the Leadership Ladder: Using a Career Coach, Paul T. Skiem
"Mozwane" or "party in motion": A driver for HIV infection among adolescents in Botswana, Mabel Magowe, Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole, and Esther Salang Seloilwe
MRI Outcomes of Emotional Regulation: A Feasibility Study, Brenda Marshall
Muevete NAHN Miami Chapter Project: Reducing obesity in Hispanic children, Patricia R. Messmer, Yamina Alvarez, Yolanda Nitti, Roxana Orta, Guillermo Valdes, Ann Graziotti, Marie O. Etienne, Giannina Santos, Nora Hernandez-Pupo, Elisa Rodriguez, and Maria Cary Rodriguez
Multi-Cultural and Multi-Professional Work in the STD's Mobile Clinic for People in Prostitution, Inbal Faran Farah
Multi-dimensional culture of mentoring for nurse proteges, Myrna Young, Ashley R. Mickiewicz, and Patricia Andrews
Multidimensional factors that impact nurses' sense of engagement, resilience and intent to stay employed, Mary Laly Chacko, Kimberly Arnold, Alicia Goldberg, Kim Nugent, Rosario Tarriman Suico, Theresa Wilson, and Kenn M. Kirksey
Multi-disciplinary approach: IAD improvement project, I-Chun Chen and Shiao-Pei Wang
Multidisciplinary approach to managing difficult airways in emergency departments, John Varghese, Vinciya Pandian, Dang Truong, and Mustapha Saheed
Multidisciplinary care: Using a simple approach to promote team-based learning and patient safety, Carol Ann Amann and Valerie O'Toole-Baker
Multidisciplinary communication in acute care pediatrics, Invest Joy B. Cocjin, Patricia A. Radovich, and Cindy McKernan
Multidisciplinary Leadership Development for All Hazards Preparedness: Building Capacity While Improving Health, Kimberly Jill Elenberg
Multidisciplinary team promotes health equality and access to health services for the LGTBQ community, Patricia C. DeMellopine
Multidisciplinary team response to support survivors of mass casualty disasters, Lavonne M. Adams, Susan Mace Weeks, and Lisa Smith
Multidisciplinary treatment for pregnant persons with opioid use disorder, Kodiak Ray Sung Soled, Lauren Elizabeth Greenwood, Erica Ramirez-Kuykendall, Laura Stinnette Lucas, and Nancy S. Goldstein
Multidrug-resistant pneumonia: A clinical pathway from diagnosis to resolution, Linda Reynolds
Multifaceted plan supporting sexual health in young adults at university, Zachary C. Byfield and Leah East
Multifaculty Participation in Redesign of a Doctor of Nursing Practice Curriculum, Donna L. Hamby
Multi-level peer-to-peer engagement: Using simulation to facilitate intercultural development in undergraduate nursing students, Gina Fieler, Jitana Benton-Lee, Shawn Nordheim, Traci Freeman, and Lisa Cuntz
Multi-Method Critical Care Orientation Improves Critical Thinking, Skills and Confidence, Marie Elizabeth Wolfer, Corinne Lee, and Sharon L. Smith
Multi-modal education program to improve nurses' knowledge and confidence on delirium recognition, Regina M. DeGennaro, Min Choi, and Cheri S. Blevins
Multimodal pain management in the emergency department, Heather Rodrigues and Erica Granados
Multinational Research Collaboratives, Interaction Costs, and Time to Productivity: An Empirical Model to Support Success, Betty A. Rambur
Multipatient interprofessional collaborative practice simulation: Beneficial for improved practice, Sonia K. Wrate, Ronda M. Christman, Jill M. Buchholz, Barbara R. James, Joelle N. Wolf, Caroline T. McArthur, Laura Racovita, Kerry C. Allen, and Christina A. Shrode
Multiple chronic conditions and general health in transgender individuals in the US, Suha Ballout and Philimon Gona
Multiple patient simulation: The development of a template, Sabrina Beroz, Vanessa C. Kramasz, Patricia V. Morgan, and Nancy Sullivan
Multiple ways of knowing and multiculturalism in psychiatric nursing: A case study in nursing college,Thailand, Somporn Sitthisongkram and Waraporn Wanchaitanawong
Multipronged approach to improve diabetes care management in the home health setting, Julianna S. Sellett
Multipronged approach to improve hand hygiene in acute care nurses, Karen Britt
Multi-site research playbook: A practical guide to support multi-site research studies for greater impact, Maria Shirey, Jen Bonamer, Sean Clarke, Sheila Haas, Catherine Ivory, Simon Kitto, David Price, Marianne Weiss, Olga Yakusheva, Kathy Chappell, and Meg Johantgen
Multi-site study comparing attitudes and comfort of nursing students interacting with patients with a disability, Bette A. Mariani, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Trisha Leann Horsley, Jennifer Gunberg Ross, and Colleen Meakim
Multi-Tasking and Technology Use: A Help or a Hindrance?, Sheryl K. Buckner
Munchausen By Internet: A Netnographical Case Study, Cynthia A. Witney, Vicki Cope, and Joyce Hendricks
Mural of excellence: From trash to treasure, Melinda Hamilton and Kimberly Williams
Muscle relaxation training to reduce stress of medical nurses at Siriraj Hospital, Thailand, Pawilai Pitakwong
Muscular skeletal disorders amongst staff in a referral hospital in Uganda., Beatrice Amuge, Sylvia Namirimu, and Nabachwa Oliver Norah
Musculoskeletal pain in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics in Taiwan, Lee-Wen Pai, Li-Li Chen, Shu-Chuan Chang, Chin-Tun Hung, and Chen Wei
Music and anxiety in chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer patients, Chyn-Yng Yang and Kuei-Ru Chou
Music does soothe the soul, Candy Bruton and Deborah F. Behan
Music listening: An evidence-based approach to help manage postoperative pain, Tammie Ferguson
Music therapy and its application within an autistic population, William J. Holt
Music therapy for Alzheimer’s disease, Hallie Altheide, Elizabeth Bimson, and Hannah Cottrell
Music therapy in the inpatient setting, Lindsey Baugh and Chandler Waelder
Music therapy to improve collateral damage in breast cancer survivors, Debbie Anglade and Marlen Rodriguez-Wolfe
Music therapy to reduce staff annoyance related to construction specific noise: A quality improvement project, Kimberly K. Norton
Mwende kabotu: Going with cultural humility for international nursing student experiences, Wanda Elizabeth Thuma-McDermond
My experience in the Nightingale Challenge, Jenna Blind
My Health Companion©: A low-tech personal health record, Clarann Weinert
My HIV diagnosis was a blessing: It saved my life, Richard Sowell, Barbara J. Blake, and Gloria Ann Jones Taylor
My journey as an emerging nursing education leader - One scholar's journey through the Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy, Jennifer L. Taylor
My journey in the Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy (NFLA), Cynthia M. Bemis, Donna B. Konradi, and Gwen D. Sherwood
My leadership journey, Karen O'Connell
My leadership journey, M'Lyn Spinks
My leadership journey, Emily Haynes
My leadership journey, Camila Biazus Dalcin
My leadership journey, Lindsey Horrell Camp
My patient died: A national study of nursing students' perceptions after experiencing a patient death, Barbara A. Heise, Renea Beckstrand, and Debra Wing
My research is what?, Cynthia W. Ward
"My Wish Is Not Big, I Just Want to Pass": Clinical Learning for International Students, Cathy Dickson
Naloxone distribution in the emergency department: An evidence based harm reduction strategy, Stephanie C. Mullennix, Jackeline Iseler, Nicholas Kuhl, Gregory M. Kwiatkowski, Eric VanDePol, Cara Anne Poland, and Jeffrey V. Skinner
Narcan kits dispensed in the emergency department, Sarah Shipley, Frankie Wallis, Michael R. Lovelace, Tamicka S. Jones, and Sherichia Hardy
Narratives of the ICU nurses caring for patients and families during the dying process in Taiwan, Fang-Yu Hsu and Nai-Ying Ko
Narrative Writing in Nursing Education, Jeanne Churchill
Narrowing the digital divide: Best practices in group work, Ryann D. Fierro and Diane B. Monsivais
National Early Warning Scores (NEWS): A Quality Improvement Project, Sreedevi Sunil Warrier
National Faculty and Staff Nurse Survey on Collaboration in the Clinical Learning Environment, Katie Hooven
National institutes of health stroke scale certification improved assessment and care of veterans: A quality improvement project, Joshua W. Baker
National network study of operational failures in frontline nursing: Scaling up for policy, Kathleen R. Stevens, Frank Puga, Robert Ferrer, and Darpan I. Patel
National standardize specialty exams improve predictive exit exam scores and NCLEX-RN® success, Elizabeth Zweighaft and Pamela Willson
National Survey Indicates Low Levels of Readiness for EBP Among Nurses at Finnish University Hospitals, Hannele Saunders
National Survey of Opinions and Preferences About the Required Culminating Project of DNP Programs, Ellen Beth Daroszewski
National Trends for Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and Cesarean Births in Sub-Saharan African Countries, Rebecca C. Robert and Amira Roess
Native Hawaiian caregivers' cultural perspectives of pediatric asthma management, Donna-Marie Palakiko
Native Hawaiian women and breast cancer: Stories of transformation and transcendence, Phyllis JoAnne Eide
Natural fertility, Adrianna DelPazzo
Nature bathing therapy in coping with workplace stress of nurses in a selected tertiary hospital, Ma. Kathrina Lou C. Perez and Mila Delia M. Llanes
Navigating a disaster: A capstone simulation integrating leadership skills, ethical principles, and clinical reasoning, Lynn L. Wiles and Denise B. Isibel
Navigating affirming healthcare for LGBTQIA+ migrants: Lessons learner and future research, Roya Haghiri-Vijeh
Navigating an uncertain journey of pregnancy after perinatal loss, Sarah Moore and Denise Cote-Arsenault
Navigating a program of research through the ever-changing labyrinth of nutritional recommendations, Terry A. Lennie
Navigating Cultural Waters: Experience of Western Patients Being Cared for by Chinese Nurses in Beijing, Chanell Jan C. Concepcion
Navigating healthcare transition: Adolescents with special healthcare needs utilizing a transitional care service, Jane E. Tobias
Navigating the change of life: The menopausal transition of Thai immigrant women, Bulaporn Natipagon-Shah
Navigating the DNP Project in the Clinical Environment, Teresa Wood
Navigating the Impostor Phenomenon: The Lived Experience of Nurse Leaders, Arzu Adiguzel
Navigating the world of abstract and grant reviews: A beginner's guide for nurses, Linda Anders and Riley Kimsey
Navigating through uncertainty: Breastfeeding the high-risk infant, Susan Golembeski
Navigating troubled waters: Chronic illness experience in a health care crisis, Sally Thorne
Navigating uncharted territory: Experiences of families when a child has a neurodegenerative life threatening illness, Rose G. Steele
Navigating undergraduate education: Future proofing the profession, Colleen Maykut
"Navigational leadership" through our multi-generational healthcare workforce, Katherine Ralph
NCLEX-RNmyths vs reality what you need to know [August 2021 Supplemental Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [April 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [April 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [August 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [August 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [August 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [August 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [December 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [December 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [December 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [February 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [February 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [February 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [January 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [January 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [January 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [July 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [July 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [July 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [June 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [June 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [June 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [June 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall and Jessica Marcus
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [June 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [March 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [March 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [March 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [March 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [May 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [May 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [May 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [May 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [November 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [November 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [October 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [October 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [October 2023 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [October 2024 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [September 2020 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [September 2021 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
NCLEX test taking strategies and practice questions [September 2022 Installment], Lois Sarah Marshall
Near misses in health care: Nurses perceptions and experiences associated with omissions, commissions, scheduling misperceptions and complications with adherence through the investigation of power distance and recovery, Luanne Ruth Linnard-Palmer
Near tech experiences, James Cypert
Nebraska chapter collaboration enhances continuing nursing education, Judi Dunn
Need for mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada and globally, Arlene E. Kent-Wilkinson, Leigh Blaney, Marlee Groening, Elaine E. Santa Mina, Carmen Rodrigue, and Carmen Hust
Needing help and waiting: Symbolic threats to independence in the nursing home, Evelyn Jane Driver
Needs assessment and mentor program development for a Midwestern university, Mindy Thompson
Needs assessment and mentor program development for Sinclair School of Nursing, Mindy Thompson
Needs assessment for establishing the first Master of Nursing program in Sri Lanka: Survey findings, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara, Rasika Sirilal Jayasekara, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, Surangi Gayaneetha Yasawardene, and Bimalka Samanthi Seneviratne
Needs assessment for using a stroke scale in urban and rural Kenyan hospital settings, Ishmail Abass Sillah, Donna Behler McArthur, Berhards R. Ogutu, Leslie S. Ritter, and Mathew Gallek
Needs assessment/gap analysis for newly created PhD nursing program, Azza H. Ahmed
Needs' assessment of self-management with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Kang-Hua Chen and Nien-Chen Yao
Negating opioids and pain actively through intervention: A multidisciplinary approach, Patricia A. Radovich and Huy Le
Negative attitude and anxiety toward aging in students from a nursing school in Saltillo, Mexico, Irving Arnoldo Sr. Viera-Villanueva, Ana Laura Sr. Carrillo-Cervantes, Maria de los Angeles Villarreal-Reyna, Daniel Sifuentes-Leura, Maria Magdalena Delabra-Salinas, and Raul Adrian Castillo Vargas
Negotiating emotional order: A grounded theory of the survivorship process in women who have completed treatment for breast cancer, Jennifer A. Klimek Yingling
Negotiating practices among nurse practitioners: Is there a gender component and does it affect salary?, Christy M. Lenahan and Donna M. Gauthier
Neonatal abstinence syndrome, increasing surveillance in newborns, Lindsey N. Clark
Neonatal autonomic function and outcomes at 12-months in infants with congenital heart disease, Tondi M. Harrison and Roger Brown
Neonatal diet type and associations with adverse feeding outcomes and gut microbiome composition in neonates with critical congenital heart defects, Jessica A. Davis
Neonatal epinephrine: Reducing calculation errors, Gaye Rotramel
Neonatal intensive care nurses' perceptions of nurse leader behaviors and their impact on the workplace environment, Meggan R. McCulley
Neonatal intensive care unit to home transition for families of preterm infants, Rita H. Pickler, Neera Goyal, Heather Tubbs Cooley, Margo Moore, Stephanie Sealschott, and Karin Tepe
Neonatal nursing care disruptions to the thermal environment of premature neonates, Lory A. Lewis
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition Validation after Change in Instruction Method, Donna M. Fletcher
NEPA takes the light., Immaculata Ogechi Obi
Networking improves care for women and infants, Rita Allen Brennan, Dawn E. Reimann, Patricia M. Prentice, and Angela C. Rodriguez
Network like it's your job because it is: 15 tips for personal and professional growth in 15 minutes, Scott Emory Moore and Benson C. Wright
Neuraxial anesthesia’s role in external cephalic version: An integrative review, Jessica L. Kuhr
Neuraxial ultrasound for lumbar spinal anesthesia in obese patients, Kendall Carlis and Terri Cahoon
Neuro-alert: Hemorrhagic stroke expedited transfer process from ED to NCCU, Kaci Rainey
Neurobiology of sexual assault, Erin Misch and Denise Saint Arnault
Neuroimaging in headache patients: The sensitivity of computerized tomography (CT) in missed stroke diagnosis, Elizabeth C. Heetderks-Fong
Neuropathic pain and related factors in patients after lumbar spine surgery: A prospective study, Feng-Ling Chen, Hsiao Fen Chang, and Su-Ying Fang
Never-ending parenting: Challenges experienced by caregivers of adults with severe autism, Andrea Palerino
Never too late to refresh! Qualitative and quantitative research for academic nurse educators, Barbara J. Patterson and Darrell R. Jr. Spurlock
New careers in nursing (NCIN) data results: Application of research findings, E. Renee Cantwell and Margaret A. Avallone
New careers in nursing: Pre-entry immersion programs and relationship to graduation from accelerated nursing programs, E. Renee Cantwell and Margaret A. Avallone
New competencies for graduate nursing education in primary palliative care: G-CARES, Polly M. Mazanec, Betty Rolling Ferrell, Pamela Malloy, and Rose Virani
New evidence-based practice competencies for practicing nurses and advanced practice nurses: From development to real world implementation, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
New evidence in the implementation and evaluation of clinical supervision, Edward White
New graduate nurse perception of competence compared to nurse leadership, Nancy S. Goldstein, Michelle D'Alessandro, Alexandra Sussman, and Jeremy Brown
New graduate nurses' described experiences of coping with stress in the clinical setting, Leticia D. Acevedo
New graduate nurses' experiences with stress, anxiety, depression, and resilience, Patricia Allard, Daisha J. Cipher, Tamara L. Eades, Marlene T. Porter, Meagan R. Rogers, and Regina Wilder Urban
New graduate post-licensure BSN Korean nurses' self-efficacy in genetics/genomics competencies: A phenomenological study, Rachel Choudhury
New graduate registered nurse delegation attitudes and preparedness after shadowing experience, Jordin Rex and Amanda Estrada
New graduate registered nurse well-being program to improve patient outcomes, Heather Richardson and Carrie Flora
New graduate RN building blocks to success Adventist Health + Rideout, Brianna White and Theresa Hyer
New hospital, new training needs, Catina Eyres and Sally E. Lima
New Jersey-Bermuda Perianesthesia Nursing Collaborative, Linda Wilson and Helen S. Kane
Newly Graduated Registered Nurses' Perception of Psychiatric Nursing, Avni Cirpili, Jennifer K. Barut, Jana M. Briggs, and Nichole M. Taylor
Newly graduated registered nurses' perceptions about and use of principles of palliative care in acute care settings: An interpretive phenomenology study, Latrina T. Geyer
Newly licensed nurses' experiences with end-of-life in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), Maureen Hillier
Newly Licensed Registered Nurses' Experiences With Clinical Simulation, Carrie A. Bailey
New male contraception: College students' attitudes and perceived behaviors related to non-hormonal injectable gel, Kirstin A. Buck and Jessica L. Stadick
New nurses' experiences caring for patients and their families at the end-of-life, Bethany A. Nasser, Kelly Fisher, Richard Ochberg, and Jeanne Earle
New nurses' experiences in the lateral violence zone: A grounded theory, Mary Lillian Hanks
New nurses' hopes and expectations transitioning into practice phase two, Linda Gwinn, Angie Marks, and Renee Hoeksel
New nurses in a residency program uncover evidence that changes practice, Ellen Vuong and Patricia Kelly
New nurses in a SNAP: The student nurse apprenticeship program, Brittany Leigh Burke
News (2) bundle: Enhancing the identification of patient decline in trauma PCU, Grace Q. Nasi and Trisha Weers
New start: A family-based educational program for a predominantly Hispanic pediatric practice, Traci R. Bramlett
New technology for contactless heart rate, respiratory rate, and tidal volume monitoring, Noriyoshi Tanaka, Yumi Tanaka, Syozo Hayashi, Satomi Takeda, Megumi Hori, Hiroshi Nakayama, and Takahiro Kakeda
New technology to prevent patient falls, John V. Renzi and Mary Beth Edger
Next generation NLCEX: Ready or not here it comes!, Christine A. Boev and Alison Simpson
Next gen NCLEX and virtual simulation, Susan T. Sanders and David Schultze
Next-level learning: Integrating concept-based curriculum in MSN education programs, Susan K. Lee and Pamela Willson
Nice girls finish last: Acquiescent assertiveness attributed to workplace violence exposure and uncivil nursing encounters, Karina I. Kraevsky-Phillips, Kate Rocklein Kemplin, Julie Stoll, Kaitlyn Notto, Caroline Smith, Shannen Perry, and Katy Hinds
NICU culture of care for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome: A focused ethnography, Monica M. Nelson
NICU emergency management, Carrie E. Gorski-Murphy, Leigh Small, and Sharon Cochran
NICU nurses and families partnering to provide family-centered care, Candy Bruton, Jennifer Meckley, and Lori A. Nelson
NICU nurses and families partnering to provide family-centered developmental care, Candy Bruton, Jennifer Meckley, and Lori A. Nelson
Night shift nurses' perceptions on fatigue management approaches: A qualitative case study, Consuelo Nelson
Ninos obesos: "Moving On" Project reduced obesity in Hispanic and non-Hispanic children, Patricia R. Messmer, Yolanda Nitti, Nora Hernandez-Pupo, Giannina Santos, Yamina Alvarez, Kathleen Muniz, Guillermo Valdes, and Marie O. Etienne
NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory and its application in the simulation based learning experiences, Pamela Davis
No books, just bytes: The Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository!, Kimberly S. Thompson
No hablo Ingles: Emergency department lived experiences of Spanish-speaking patients, Arleen N. Steckel, Danielle Bellucci, Julie Mount, Dawn Hueber, Eileen M. Dowdy, Erin Zazzera, Mary Feiler, and Susan Masciello
Noise Pollution in the Workplace, Juanita Ormilon
Non-academic factors and outcomes on the NCLEX® for RNs among non-traditional learners, Angela Cristina Gaud
Non-communicable disease in Buddhist monks: An integrative review, Thanakrit Jeamjitvibool, Thitipong Tankumpuan, Nada Lukkahatai, and Patricia Mary Davidson
Non-compliance treatment plan and related factors in oral cavity cancer patients, Ya-Lan Chang
Non-comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy with a focus on mindfulness and skill training, Yasuko Koyano
Non-delayed access: Establishing a same day walk-in contraception clinic for active duty women and military spouses, Ludrena C. Rodriguez, Callie M. Cheese, and Luiz F. Correa
Non-licensure nursing internship program for recruiting high school students in nursing, Janet M. Holbrook and Ann Christy Seckman
Non-nutritive sucking, oral breast milk, and facilitated tucking relieve preterm infant pain during heel-stick procedures, Jen-Jiuan Liaw
Non-pharmacological option for self-administered nausea relief in the pediatric ED: Essential oil blend aromatic inhaler, Sonya McBryde, Denise Langley, and Melinda Hartenstein
Non-pharmacologic interventions for the treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome, Connie M. Teal
Non-pharmacologic pain management for pediatric lower extremity trauma: Decreasing opioid use and length of stay, Jennifer L. Weiner, Kristine K. Browning, Susan E. Thrane, and Rosie Zeno
Nontraditional community college students in nursing: Perceptions personified, Helene P. Seibert
Non-traditional community partnerships for recruiting Hispanic research participants, DeAnne Karen Hilfinger Messias
Non-urgent emergency department use in an urban pediatric primary care population, Mei Lin Chen-Lim
Norepinephrine, Adrenaline, and Cortisol: Pilots, Nurses, and Unstoppable Rush, Dianne McAdams-Jones and Randall Johnson
Normalization and family functioning in families with a child who is technology dependent, Valerie Boebel Toly
Normalization discourse in the practice of provider-initiated counseling and testing for HIV in Kenya, Eunice Wambui Ndirangu, Catrin M. Evans, and Kristian Pollock
Normative cultural values and the experiences of Mexican-American mothers in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Lisa M. Cleveland and Sharon D. Horner
Not Just an Invitation: Guidelines for Planning an Induction, Katherine Rogers
Nourishing the valuing of leadership behaviors, Debbie R. Faulk and Arlene H. Morris
Novel barriers to exercise for patients with chronic kidney disease, Mary F. Hannan and Ulf G. Bronas
Novel online DNP manuscript review: Evaluation of a national pool of adjunct faculty process, Pamela J. Love, Ruth S. Burk, and Ryan Masterson
Novel Strategies for Nursing Student Clinical Exposure During Pandemic Closures, Isadora Caffe
Novice nurse mentorship programs to transform professional development, Bernadette M. Longo and Alicia Glassco
Now what? Need-to-know tips for the newly elected, Jessica R. Wendorf and DeShawn Easley
Now you see me, Milena P. Staykova
NPD Forecast: Combating clinician burnout: NPD implications and strategies, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Tabitha Kinlaw, and Katrina Kelley
NPD Forecast: Getting involved- ANPD affiliates, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Chris Wilson, Mary Holtschneider, and Hilary Brown
NPD Forecast: Journaling for NPD practitioners, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Amy Mora
NPD Forecast: NPD role- advocate for NPD specialty, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Dale Callicutt
NPD Forecast: NPD role - champion for scientific inquiry, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Cathleen Opperman
NPD Forecast: NPD role - learning facilitator, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Mandi Walker
NPD Forecast: NPD role- Partner for practice transitions, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Rachael Frija
NPD Forecast: Super ghoul NPD jobs, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Sheila St. Cyr, Lisa A. Purdy, and Zoe Youl
NPD Forecast: Tech tools, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Caroline Baughman
NPD Forecast: The role of the change agent, Jenn Bodine and Jillian Russell
NPD Forecast: Thinking outside the box - leveraging expertise from other industries, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Thomas Bodine, Jimi Russell, Ande Leslie, Erin Espy, and Jaime Janiszewski
NPD Forecast: Transgender care and LGBTQ health disparities, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, DelRay Zimmerman, and Kelly Houske
NPD Forecast: Virtual debriefing, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Elizabeth Horsley
NPD practitioner role in an interprofessional safe patient handling culture, Sarah Lesniak, Colleen Neary, and Erin Sugarman
NPD Transformers Engage: Achieving Optimal and Prime Education Outcome, Elena Cappannelli and Stacie Walsh
NP-led medical house call in transition of care reduces polypharmacy, Ron Billano Ordona
NP-led transitional care medical house call visits reduce ER/hospital unplanned readmissions of homebound seniors, Ron Billano Ordona
NPO guidelines, Nicholas Martelli, Becca Martin, and Benjamin Rachilla
NPO length prior to surgery, Lynley Ellis, Christy Huckstep, Kayce Smith, and Andrea Tangerose
NPWH position statement: Access to safe abortion, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH Position Statement: Brain Health is Women's Health, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Cervical cancer screening, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Cervical cancer screening [June 2021 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Climate change, women's health, and environmental justice, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Eliminating preventable maternal deaths, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Eliminating preventable maternal deaths [October 2023 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Expanding access to hormonal contraception, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Human Papillomavirus vaccination, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Human Papillomavirus vaccination [October 2021 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Human sex trafficking, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Human sex trafficking [June 2021 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Intimate partner violence, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Male sexual and reproductive health: The role of WHNPs, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Marijuana use during pregnancy and lactation, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Menstrual equity and menstrual health, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Men with breast conditions: The role of the WHNP specializing in breast care, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH Position Statement on HBOC Risk Assessment, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement on healthcare for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Prepregnancy genetic carrier screening, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Prevention and management of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among women across the lifespan, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Prevention and management of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among women across the lifespan [September 2020 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Prevention of alcohol-exposed pregnancies, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Prevention of alcohol exposed pregnancies [April 2021 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in women, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Role of WHNPs in the scholarship of discovery, practice, and teaching, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Systemic racism and implicit bias in women's healthcare, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH Position statement: The doctor of nursing practice for women's health nurse practitioners, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: The doctor of nursing practice for women's health nurse practitioners [June 2020 Update], National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: Trauma informed care, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
NPWH position statement: WHNPs as partners in addressing the maternal health crisis, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
Nuclear Radiation: An Educational Resource for Healthcare Providers, Cristina Klimasz Spina
Nudge Theory use to decrease obesity and prevent stroke, Mary Poyner Reed
Nurse and patient perceptions of the Pre-Admission Nursing Practice Model: Linking theory to practice, Jane M. Flanagan
Nurse and patient spiritual care perspectives compared: A cross-national collaboration, Pamela H. Cone and Tove Giske
Nurse Angie: Interactive voice recognition with artificial intelligence, Angie Ross
Nurse as patient: Individual and system implications, Karen J. Foli
Nurse attitudes toward patient advocacy in the long-term acute care hospital setting, Carole D. Liske
Nurse burnout: A chance for leaders to support the mental health of nurses, Ashley R. McGovern
Nurse burnout and patient outcomes, Apiradee Nantsupawat
Nurse care coordination of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A critical appraisal of the process of care, Tricia L. Strombom
Nurse caregiving activities' influence on preterm infant physiologic status and length of bundled care events, Debra H. Brandon, Ashlee Vance, Angel Barnes, Jane Ralphe, Daniel Hatch, and Christian Douglas
Nurse caring enhancements of The Caring Model (TCM):Education modules improve nurse communication and patient satisfaction, Sharon Kay Dingman
Nurse coaching and power as knowing participation in change in the process of health patterning, Shirley J. Conrad
Nurse delegation decision making: Impact on nurse job satisfaction, Lynn Carol Parsons
Nurse editor survey findings inform a white paper on student publication: Faculty and student resources, Jacqueline K. Owens, Julia Muennich Cowell, Maureen Shawn Kennedy, Charon Ann Pierson, and Jamesetta A. Newland
Nurse education: Improving quality of care for intellectually disabled adults in the acute care setting, Donna Harmon
Nurse educator leadership competencies: Instrument development and testing, Barbara J. Patterson, Anne Marie Krouse, Karen H. Morin, and Mohammed Almaskari
Nurse educator perceptions on learning for practice among BSN graduates in Malawi, Evelyn Baxter Chilemba
Nurse educator retention: A progressive toolkit to promote career empowerment, Stephanie Knox and Mellisa Hall
Nurse educators' and preceptors' ability to facilitate students' development of skills for paediatric pain management, Philomene Uwimana, Donatilla Mukamana, Oluyinka Adejumo, and Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould
Nurse educators' consensus opinion on using an academic electronic health record: A Delphi study, Darlene S. Hanson
Nurse educator self-assessed technology competence and online teaching efficacy: A pilot study, Sally L. Richter and Laurie J. Ware
Nurse educators experience and perspectives of incivility among nursing students in a South African college of nursing, Hildeguard Jo-Anne Vink and Oluyinka Adejumo
Nurse educators' experience of compassion fatigue, Kelly A. Kuhns and Lisa A. Ruth-Sahd
Nurse educators' experiences of incivility among nursing students in Calabar, Nigeria, Patience E. Samson-Akpan, Mildred E. John, Victoria Kalu Uka, and Easter Chukwudi Osuchukwu
Nurse Educators' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Horizontal Violence Measured Through Dimensions of Oppression, Brenda Petersen
Nurse educators' lived experiences of student-centered teaching in practice settings: A proposed interpretive phenomenology, Olabisi Oyelana
Nurse educators' lived experiences with student incivility, Myrna M. Williamson
Nurse educators, nursing students, and licensed nurses knowledge and attitudes regarding complementary and alternative medicine, Cynthia M. Pipkins and Victoria H. Cornell
Nurse educators' perceptions about the culture of nursing and how they bring students into that culture: A focused ethnography, Susan M. Strouse
Nurse Educators' Perceptions of Using High-Fidelity Simulation in Teaching, Marline Whigham
Nurse educators' perceptions regarding faculty participation in university governance, Janet J. Gross
Nurse Educators' Perspectives on Challenges and Strategies of Nursing Education and Practice, Guyana and India, Tabitha Mallampati
Nurse educators' practices in the measurement of student achievement using multiple-choice tests, Susan Birkhead and Linnea Jatulis
Nurse educator's role in transforming education systems for the future, Diane McGovern Billings and Judith A. Halstead
Nurse educators' self-efficacy in addressing demonstrated unprofessional student behavior: A phenomenological study, Bette Ann Davis Bogdan
Nurse Entrepreneurship: Where Nursing Research Meets Opportunity, Kenneth W. Dion
Nurse executives and leaders: A customized advanced nursing leader model for professional development, Roberta P. Pawlak and Barbara J. Pinekenstein
Nurse Executives' Perceptions of the Barriers and Facilitators Associated with Reaching an 80% Baccalaureate Prepared Nursing Workforce in Rural Kansas, Marlene R. Pietrocola
Nurse Externships Promote Interprofessional Collaboration, Enhance Resiliency, and Foster Nurse Self-Advocacy, Emma R. Cawood, Madeline R. Mann, and Lisa A. Ruth-Sahd
Nurse Faculty Enhancing Best Practices in the Clinical Setting, Phygenia Nimoh
Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy: Advancing the future of nursing education, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Tamatha Arms, Elizabeth Peter, Cynthia M. Bemis, and Charlotte E. Swint
Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy: Mentored leadership development in three domains, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Carolyn Hart, Laura Cox Dzurec, Steven J. Palazzo, and Jodie C. Gary
Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy: Outcomes in three domains, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Meg Zomorodi, Carolyn Hart, Lenora M. Marcellus, and David Anthony (Tony) Forrester
Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy sustainable advancements in nursing education, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Jodie C. Gary, Larry Z. Slater, Carolyn Hart, Jackie L. Michael, and Barbara J. Patterson
Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy sustainable advancements in nursing education - Part 2: Leadership mentoring, outcomes & impact, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Jodie C. Gary, Larry Z. Slater, Carolyn Hart, Jackie L. Michael, and Barbara J. Patterson
Nurse faculty leadership development: Prospects, progress, and perspectives, Fidelindo Lim, Larry Z. Slater, and Karla G. Rodriguez
Nurse faculty mentoring: Job satisfaction and mentoring of nurse educators in a baccalaureate nursing program, Debra Bohlender Walker
Nurse faculty perceptions of role stress and faculty-to-faculty incivility, Anne K. Kleinhesselink
Nurse Faculty Professional Development and Retention Needs, Malena Jones
Nurse family member perceptions of patient death and nursing care after withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, Deena M. Drake
Nurse family presence beliefs and decisions in adult intensive care unit, Beverly Jones
Nurse fellowships: Facilitating the transition to specialty practice, Brenda Diaz, Anne Corbett, and April Camiling
Nurse first a new process in one community hospital, Anne Marie Tomaski and Colleen Bouyea-Essency
Nurse home visits promoted maternal-infant interaction and decreased depression symptom severity for mothers with postpartum depression, June Andrews Horowitz, Joanne Doller Wojcik, Joyce Pulcini, Lori Solon, Christine Murphy, and Katherine E. Gregory
Nurse-initiated protocols save lives: The QASC Trial, Sandy Middleton
Nurse integrated rounds, Miranda Marie Schmidt
Nurse job satisfaction research: A literature review, 2006-2011, John W. Nelson, Mary Ann Hozak, Alice Albu, and Linda Thiel
Nurse leader compassion fatigue and burnout impact on staff satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and turnover, Rachel F. Wilson
Nurse leader mentoring to fuel co-creation, Karen White-Trevino
Nurse leader perceptions of appropriate nurse staffing: An Omani perspective, J. Dwayne Jr. Hooks, Christie Emerson, and Laura Caramanica
Nurse-leader rounds, Angela Babaev
Nurse leaders are the key to our looming workforce dilemma, Catriona Anne Booker
Nurse leaders as problem solvers in addressing lateral and horizontal violence: A grounded theory study, Michelle R. Anthony and Anne L. Brett
Nurse leaders collaborate to improve hypertension prevention, detection, and management, Diane R. Lauver, Jennifer Jill Orshak, and Margaret Schmelzer
Nurse leaders create structural empowerment for the Electronic Age, Stephanie S. Poe
Nurse leadership competency self-assessment study: Identifying leadership development needs for a healthcare system, Jaynelle F. Stichler and Laurie Ecoff
Nurse leadership in non-traditional settings, Elizabeth Weathers and Nicola Cornally
Nurse Leaders' Perceptions of the Preparedness of Novice Registered Nurses in the Workforce, Mary Helen Ruffin
Nurse Leader Virtual Summit, Mary DeGrote Goering
Nurse Leader Virtual Summit, Michele McMahon
Nurse-led at home management of patients with COVID-19, Sherry Clement, Barbara Hayes, Erica Sullivan, and Kathleen Craig
Nurse-led cognitive training in chronic illness: An integrative review, Heather E. Cuevas
Nurse-led interprofessional bedside rounds: Impact on patient experience, Denise K. Gormley, Amy J. Costanzo, Jessica N. Hill, Jahmeel Israel, Jane Goetz, Katherine Staubach, and Myrna K. Little
Nurse-led interventions for hypertension management in general practice: A systematic review, Elizabeth Jane Halcomb, Catherine M. Stephen, Susan McInnes, and Nick Zwar
Nurse-led interventions to improve hypertension outcomes in Uganda: A mixed-method study, Lori A. Spies and Rose Clarke Nanyonga
Nurse-led patient-centered advance care planning: A pilot study, Diane E. Holland, Catherine E. Vanderboom, Ann Marie Dose, and Cory J. Ingram
Nurse-led peer review committee promotes external recognition of nurses, Maggie Finke, Pamela Petto, Renee Roberts-Turner, and Cheryl Reggio
Nurse-led quality improvement in children with kidney disease, Betsie G. I. Van Gaal, Theo van Achterberg, Jacqueline L. Knoll, and Marlies E. A. M. Cornelissen
Nurse-led quality improvement presentation of advance directives in an outpatient oncology setting, Cecilia Bermudez
Nurse Likelihood to Report a Medication Error, Francine K. Kingston
Nurse manager leadership behavior and staff nurse job satisfaction, Lorraine B. Bormann
Nurse manager perspectives on internationally educated nurses (IENs) and hiring practices in long-term care, Katrina Haynes, Barbara Astle, and Margery Hawkins
Nurse managers' leadership model and its connection to nurses' job satisfaction: A pilot study, Tarja Kvist, Jaana Peltokoski, and Anu Nurmeksela
Nurse managers' perceptions of their work environments and the perceived impact on nurses and patients, Caroline Mma Ogashi
Nurse managers' roles in leading a culturally diverse nursing workforce, Louise Racine, Linda M. Ferguson, Sonia Udod, Sithokozile Maposa, and Susan Eva Fowler-Kerry
Nurse managers' views and expectations of new graduates transitioning into professional nursing practice, Teresa Shellenbarger and Kristy S. Chunta
Nurse-midwives perceived client related barriers influencing intentions to use cervical cancer screening services among women aged 42 and older in Blantyre, Malawi, Valerie Janet Ehlers, Dirk M. van der Wal, and Melanie Hami
Nurse migration and distribution: A global determinant to achieving 2030 sustainable development goals, Veronica Wathome and Esther Park
Nurse motivation, engagement and well-being before an electronic medical record system implementation: A mixed methods study, Rebecca M. Jedwab, Alison M. Hutchinson, Elizabeth Manias, Rafael A. Calvo, Naomi Dobroff, Nicholas Glozier, and Bernice Redley
Nurse-nurse collaboration: A reliable scale to describe collaboration among clinical nurses, Cynthia Ann Leaver, Roxann Rosendale, and Sarah Harne-Britner
Nurse Opinion Helps Shape Peer Review, Patricia C. DeMellopine
Nurse-patient assignments: Moving beyond nurse-patient ratios for better patient, staff and organizational outcomes, Stephanie B. Allen
Nurse-patient rapport and videoconferencing telenursing visits: An integrative literature review, Paula Dianne Koppel and Jennie Chang De Gagne
Nurse perception of technology integration, Adrian D. Hordon
Nurse perceptions of facilitators for and barriers to neonatal resuscitation in rural Zimbabwe, Valerie Ann Clary-Muronda
Nurse perceptions of facility influences on older adult acute care falls, Patricia Brock
Nurse perceptions of healthcare professions' conflict management skills, Nancy Dunton and Danielle Olds
Nurse-Physician Collaboration for Better Patient Safety: Qualitative Research, Majda Pajnkihar, Nino Fijacko, Vida Gonc, Petra Klanjsek, and Dominika Vrbnjak
Nurse physician disruptive behavior: A chief nurse in South Africa's perspective, Sharon Vasuthevan
Nurse physician disruptive behavior: Building a culture of safety and quality, Ann Marie T. Brooks
Nurse policy entrepreneurship: A multiple streams approach to influence traffic safety in a rural community, Judy Lynn Gregg, Julie E. Miller, and Kathleen Tennant
Nurse-policymaker process improvements: Legislative action interest group participation in policymaking, Brooke Newman
Nurse practice environment and burnout as predictors of safety climate, teamwork climate, and job satisfaction, Edineis de Brito Guirardello, Daniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves, and Gisele Hespanhol Dorigan
Nurse practice environment, job satisfaction, safety climate, and missed nursing care, Carla Klava dos Reis Dutra and Edineis de Brito Guirardello
Nurse practitioner adherence to national guidelines on the management of persistent pain in older adults, George Byron Peraza-Smith and Evelyn Duffy
Nurse practitioner knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding lung cancer screening in the United States, Karen Kane McDonnell, Amy C. Dievendorf, Jan M. Eberth, Erica Sercy, Deborah Warden, and Lauren Blew
Nurse practitioner-led diabetes prevention program, Maureen E. Newton
Nurse practitioner led low-calorie ketogenic diet for weight loss in overweight and obese adults, Kaneez Rehmanji Odgers
Nurse practitioner non-billable activities, Thomas Kippenbrock
Nurse practitioners' barriers and facilitators to providing lesbian, gay and bisexual inclusive care, Caroline Dorsen
Nurse practitioners bode better than other providers on a national survey, Thomas Kippenbrock, DeAnna Jan Emory, and Peggy Lee
Nurse practitioners' non-billable activities, Thomas Kippenbrock, Bill M. Buron, and Ellen Odell
Nurse Practitioners Reshaping Health Care: From Roots to Shoots, Karen Anne Wolf
Nurse practitioner work environment in US states with different scope of practice regulations, Lusine Poghosyan, Affan Ghaffari, and Jianfang Liu
Nurse preceptors' perceptions of benefits, rewards, support and commitment to their preceptor role, Alida Hettie Viljoen
Nurse preceptor support, Heidi Kosanke
Nurse religiosity and the provision of spiritual care, Iris Mamier, Carla Gober, Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, and Elizabeth Johnston Taylor
Nurse residency and interprofessional collaboration: Inspiring novice nurses in professional development, Kimberley Ann Bertha and Lya Michele Stroupe
Nurse residency program: A concept analysis, Christina Kiger
Nurse residency Program pilot, Barbara Barnes and Lori Dewey
Nurse residency program use in Alabama hospitals: Exploring the decision-making strategies of hospital administrators, Miranda M. Smith
Nurse residents as change agents for wellness in the workplce, Lya M. Stroupe and Nancy Casdorph
Nurse resilience: Implications on critical care nurse shortage and proposed intervention, Barbara Diane Ward
Nurse retention, Hailey King, Shantel McGinn, and Miya See
Nurse retention: Impact from workplace environment assessments, Rebecca Lucia Moore
Nurse retention strategy - Utilization of stay interviews, Laura Leahey and Laura Samuel
Nurses' ability to identify victims of human trafficking, Rani Sangha
Nurses’ lived experiences of caring in palliative care - A phenomenological study, Vitor Parola, Adriana Coelho, Olga Fernandes, and Joao Luis Alves Apostolo
Nurses and midwives: Leave no one behind, Naeema Hasan Al Gasseer
Nurses and spiritual care: A willingness to go there, Brandon Michael Varilek, Shannon O'Connell-Persaud, Jessica Lee Stadick, Mary J. Isaacson, and Mary Elizabeth Minton
Nurses and tobacco control: An intersection of research and health care policy, Linda Patti Sarna
Nurses apply translational research skills to implement EBP solutions for detection of blood transfusion reactions, Jamie K. Roney, Lauren M. Johnston, Michella Deleon, Elizabeth R. Cason, Christi Robnett, Joyce Elaine Emery, Emelia C. Garcia, and Karen Baggerly
Nurses as Leaders: Connecting Through Board Service, Cynthia B. Dunlap
Nurses as leaders in disaster preparedness and response: A call to action, Tener Goodwin Veenema, Anne R. Griffin, Alicia R. Gable, Linda M. MacIntyre, Elaine L. Larson, Roberta Proffitt Lavin, Mary Pat Couig, John J. Walsh, Nadine Simons, and Aram Dobalian
Nurses as role models for healthy lifestyle, Karen Gabel Speroni
Nurses at the forefront of integration, Jill Case-Wirth and Elizabeth Spiva
Nurses' attitudes and perceptions regarding their role in incorporating prayer in practice, Sonia H. Wisdom
Nurses' attitudes toward assisting patients/families with end-of-life decision-making, Susan M. Wise
Nurses' attitudes toward restraint use in Japanese hospitals, Miho Matsui
Nurses' attitudes towards continuing formal education: A comparison by level of education and geography, Tanya K. Altmann
Nurses' Attitudes to Working with Older People in Acute Care, Anne-Marie Mahoney and David Beckett
Nurses' caring behaviors in Swaziland: The impact of professional values, compassion fatigue, and emotional intelligence, Bongani T. Sibandze
Nurses caring for birth tourism families in neonatal intensive care units: A phenomenological inquiry, Tamara LaCroix
Nurse's comfort in palliative care: A national survey, Amisha Parekh de Campos and Kyounghae Kim
Nurses' commitment and motivation to improved personal health: The role of hospital administration, Carey Marie Phelan
Nurses' compliance with bar-code medication administration technology: Results of direct observation of Jordanian nurses' practice, Elham H. Othman and Muhammad Waleed Darawad
Nurses crossing disciplines and borders: A participatory research approach to global water challenges, Vicki L. Simpson
Nurses' decision-making process in cases of physical restraint in intensive care units, Yi Hung Yang
Nurses drawdown: A new nursing community for climate solutions, Katie Huffling and Cara Cook
Nurses eat their young: Bullying in the critical care setting, Allison Combs
"Nurses eat their young" Moves to academia: Expert nurse researchers treatment of novice nurse researchers, Cindy Ford
Nurse-sensitive indicators and patient transition safety in outpatient hemodialysis units, Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins
Nurses' experience of compassion, Lindsay Lake Morgan
Nurses' experience of family-centered rounds in the intensive care unit, Kaitlyn King
Nurses' experiences caring for patients with opioid use disorder, Pamella M. Campbell
Nurses' experiences in assessing decision-making capacity of older patients, Peggy N. Flannigan
Nurses experiences' of end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies, Emmanuel Kwame Korsah and Shelley Schmollgruber
Nurses' experiences of resilience in the workplace: A scoping review of the literature, Rachel G. Baskin and Heather Brom
Nurses' experiences of the traditional clinical learning environment for nursing students, April Rowe Neal
Nurses' extended work hours and patient, nurse, and organizational outcomes in general hospitals, Thailand, Orn-Anong Wichaikhum
Nurses' faith and its impact on the provision of the spiritual component of holistic care to patients in oncology, Sarah M. Miller
Nurses for Tomorrow Fellowship Program: Developing nursing leaders for the future, Carolyn Plummer and Debra A. Bournes
Nurses have to "run the gauntlet": Achieving healthy eating while working in hospitals, Cynthia E. Horton Dias
Nurses' health and professional quality of life, Deborah H. Amason
Nurses, healthcare processes, partnerships and patient outcomes, Yutao Xiang and Robin P. Newhouse
Nurses' Healthy Work Environment, Collaborative Care, Stress Biomarker Telomere Length, Holly Wei
Nurses' influence on nutrition-based recovery in substance use disorders, Chelsea Lee Noble and Tyler William Earl-Capehart
Nurses' information processing related to surveillance as an intervention in the care of stroke patients, Lori Rhudy
Nurses' Intention to Leave During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Workplace Support, Brian Ayotte, Marni B. Kellogg, and Anna Schierberl Scherr
Nurses' involvement in HIV policy formulation in Nigerian health care system, Ekaete Francis Asuquo and Josephine Bassey Etowa
Nurses' job satisfaction in acute settings, Mirko Prosen, Igor Karnjus, and Sabina Licen
Nurses' knowledge and attitudes toward compounded disasters in the nursing home, Yi-Shan Cheng
Nurses' Knowledge and Attitude Toward Antimicrobial Stewardship, Hyeonmi Cho, Kihye Han, Jieun Ju, and Jae Geum Ryu
Nurses' knowledge and beliefs related to depression and screening in heart failure patients, Patricia A. Lea
Nurses' knowledge of alcohol-interactive medications, Kyle Serafico and Carolyn M. Jarvis
Nurses' knowledge of deformational plagiocephaly and discharge instructions for its prevention, Kanlaya Ditthakasem, Morley Herbert, Jennifer Hill, and Zepure Samawi
Nurses' knowledge, use, and ratings of EBP implementation strategies, Sharon J. Tucker, Lynn Gallagher-Ford, and Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Nurses leading the fight against chronic diseases: Are you ready?, Letha M. Joseph
Nurses leading the way: Intersectoral collaboration and best practices in youth engagement, Valerie Grdisa, Heather McConnell, and Sabrina Merali
Nurses' lived experience of caring for COVID-19, Kathy Prue-Owens, Karen Sublett, Kelly Wild, Yuki Asakura, and Dana Justus
Nurses' meaning of life and integrative attitude of families in care, Mónica Ferreira and Teresa Kraus
Nurses Modeling Health: Give Me a Break, Hours Worked Suggest Nurse Wellness, Susan M. Priano
Nurses Narrative Examples of Moral and Ethical Drift in Response to Health Information Technology Protocols, Jennifer A. Browne
Nurses' needs to competently care for transitioning pediatric-sized adult patients, Lauren Hyatt
Nurses' negotiation processes in facilitating ethical decision-making in patient care, Teresa A. Savage
Nurses night out: A successful strategy for chapter revitalization and nursing community engagement, Pat Farmer and Kim Perris
Nurses' organizational trust and intention to continue working at hospitals in Turkey, Sergul Duygulu and Gulden Basit
Nurses' patient safety competencies in Korea, Haena Jang and Nam-Ju Lee
Nurses' perception of antecedents to interprofessional conflicts among health professionals in a Nigerian teaching hospital, Joel Adeleke Afolayan, Olayinka Abolore Onasoga, and Fatima Abubakar
Nurses' perception of caring using a Relationship-Based Care Model, Annette Peacock-Johnson
Nurses' perception of practice change, Elise N. Arsenault Knudsen and Linsey M. Steege
Nurses' perceptions about culture of safety in Omani hospitals, Zaina Mubarak Al Harmali
Nurses' perceptions of caring for dying patients in critical care: A phenomenologic study, Bruce Dale Garwood
Nurses' perceptions of clinical ladder system, A-Ri Min
Nurses' perceptions of collaborative nurse-physician transfer decision-making as a predictor of patient outcomes in a medical intensive care unit, Linda W. Higgins
Nurses' perceptions of effective delegation in the acute care setting, Brittany Hill
Nurses' perceptions of ethical issues in an academic hospital setting, Linda E. Jensen and Christine Swanson
Nurses' perceptions of facilitating a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship in private general hospitals in South Africa, Annalie E. Van den Heever
Nurse's perceptions of family dynamics in caring for children with anorexia nervosa: Reports of care experiences, Lucy Camarena
Nurses' Perceptions of High-Alert Medication Safety: A Qualitative Descriptive Study, Laura C. Sessions, Lynne S. Nemeth, Teresa Kelechi, and Kenneth Catchpole
Nurses' perceptions of machine learning clinical decision support: A descriptive aualitative study, Ann Wieben, Linsey M. Steege, and Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi
Nurses' perceptions of patient safety culture and the transformational leadership practices of unit charge nurses, Sergul Duygulu and Aysegul Yilmaz
Nurses' perceptions of the image of the profession of nursing, Lorraine E. Emeghebo
Nurses' perceptions of the work environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jacqueline M. Gordon, Linda H. Yoder, and Terry Magbee
Nurses perceptions on influences of cultural communication, power distance, and negotiation in pediatric treatment decisions, Luanne Ruth Linnard-Palmer
Nurses' perspectives on flexible visitation in adult and neonatal critical care units, Alina Pedchenko and Joanne Eckert
Nurses perspectives on implementing Cerner EHR system, Said K. Abusalem, Sheila Rickert, Megan Burke, David J. Morrison, Timothy N. Crawford, M. Cynthia Logsdon, and Brittney Brown
Nurses, philanthropies, and governments: The public mission of Chilean nursing 1900-1945, Jeannine M. Uribe
Nurses' potential exposure to airborne particles through inhalation during medication crushing, Barbara Sattler and Azita Amiri
Nurses' practices for patients' alcohol problems, Yu Ling Chou, Yun-Fang Tsai, Pei Kwei Tsay, and Jeo Chen Teresa Yin
Nurses' practices with blood transfusions in medical-surgical acute care the U.S, Rebecca K. Aulbach
Nurses practices' with blood transfusions: Web-based instrument development, Rebecca K. Aulbach
Nurses' reactions of an emergent pediatric educational simulation, Kenneth L. Hoffman and Victoria von Sadovszky
Nurses' reports of working conditions and nursing care left undone in Thailand, Apiradee Nantsupawat
Nurses responding to patient symptoms improving outcome trajectory for headache patients treated with IV-DHE, Lori A. Lazdowsky
Nurses' role in early child development: Exploring the views of global leaders, Muneerah Amin Vastani and Vera Caine
Nurse's self-confidence of family presence during resuscitation in Japanese pediatric emergency and critical care field, Emi Masuda and Kayuri Furuya
Nurses' self-efficacy and academic degree advancement, Susan A. Winslow
Nurses' spiritual care practices: Assessment type, frequency, and correlates, Iris Mamier
Nurses' stress and coping: In the midst of work and back to school, Joyce A. Brill, Paulette Dorney, and Robert T. Brill
Nurses suffering in silence: Addressing the stigma of mental health in nursing and healthcare, Cynda Hylton Rushton and Katie Boston-Leary
Nurse staffing, Alexis Giffin, Chloe Turner, and Krista White
Nurse staffing and quality care in long-term care nursing facilities: Differences in rural and urban settings, Dorcas E. Kunkel
Nurse staffing to workload in a multi-specialty clinic setting, Kristin Lee Thooft
Nurses take the lead: Creating gender responsive global health, Hoi Shan Fokeladeh, Annette Kennedy, Elizabeth A. Madigan, Wanda Montalvo, Bongi Cristabel Sibanda, and Cecilia Sironi
Nurse Stories of Meaning and Joy: A Qualitative Study, Lee A. Galuska and Judith Hahn
Nurses' Turnover and Its Related Factors in a Medical Center, Li Hua Huang
Nurse's turnover in acute clinical setting, Shoshy Goldberg and Hana Kerzman
Nurse suicide and prevention, Rachael Accardi, Judy E. Davidson, Courtney Sanchez, Sidney Zisook, and Matthew S. Howard
Nurse suicide: The worst thing that can happen, LeAnne S. Prenovost and Joy A. Whitlatch
Nurses' voice: The meaning of voice to experienced registered nurses employed in a Magnet Hospital workplace, Julie A. Beck
Nurses' willingness to care for patients with opioid-use problems: Exploring background, personal, and professional predictors', Khadejah F. Mahmoud, Susan M. Sereika, Deborah S. Finnell, Karen M. Schmitt, Janet A. Cipkala-Gaffin, Dawn Lindsay, Kathryn Puskar, and Ann M. Mitchell
Nurses with activity limitations: Implications for an aging nurse workforce, Barbara L. Wilson
Nurses work engagement in medical-surgical services in Portugal, Aida Cruz Mendes
Nurses' work motivation and the Magnet journey, Reem Abobakor Baljoon
Nurses' work-related fatigue and related factors, Chi-Hui Chuang and Yi Liu
Nurse Teachers' Accounts of Their Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback, Raisa Gul and Sajid Iqbal
Nurse-technology vs. nurse-patient relationships: Implications for education, practice and nursing's future, Patricia A. O'Malley
Nurse-to-nurse handoff communication using the TeamSTEPPS approach, JoLynn Deal
Nurse turnover, patient, nurse, and system outcomes, Michael A. Roche and Christine M. Duffield
Nurse Work Engagement and Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence: A Developmental Intervention, Cathleen A. Wheatley
Nursing academic leaders: A tale of two journeys, Omar Ali, Steven J. Palazzo, and Jeffrey A. Willey
Nursing academic leadership, learning from the past, planning for the future: A systematic review, Shelley Johnson, E. Renee Cantwell, and Patricia Wagner
Nursing Accuracy Improves with Embedded Clinical Decision Support Tools, Andrea Lee-Riggins
Nursing administrators perspective of the nurse faculty shortage in their schools: A "bird's eye view", Judith M. Jarosinski, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Tina P. Brown Reid, and Jeffrey A. Willey
Nursing and medical staff perceptions of a hospital-based medical emergency response team, Catriona Anne Booker, Clint Douglas, Sonya R. Osborne, Robyn L. Fox, Kathleen Patrica Richter, and Thea-Grace Collier
Nursing and Midwifery Links [April 2015 Issue], at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development. Global Network. Secretariat
Nursing and Midwifery Links [December 2018 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [December 2019 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [December 2020 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [July 2016 Issue], at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development. Global Network. Secretariat
Nursing and Midwifery Links [June 2019 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [June 2020 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [June 2021 Issue], Secretariat at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
Nursing and Midwifery Links [May 2017 Issue], at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development. Global Network. Secretariat
Nursing and Midwifery Links [October 2015 Issue], at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Development. Global Network. Secretariat
Nursing and midwifery students' self-medication practices in Victoria, Australia, Allison Fiona Williams, Kimberley Crawford, and Katherina Puy
Nursing and physical therapy students learning and collaborating together, Mary Francis, Robert Wellmon, Kristin Lefebvre, and Ellen Erdman
Nursing and radiography student collaboration: Increasing patient satisfaction on a dedicated education unit, Nancy N. Reese
Nursing: A pathway of empowerment for women, Richard Ricciardi, Lisa Little, Elizabeth A. Madigan, Pamela Frances Cipriano, Aisha Faal, and Ana Quiroga
Nursing approach for decreasing critical care time in the ED, Heather Lechner
Nursing as a Manifestation of Love, Marlienne Goldin
Nursing a sense of humor, Pamela B. Minden
Nursing awareness of health issues of agricultural workers, Elizabeth Ann Fiske
Nursing barriers to implementation of daily sedation interruption, Loni E. Tyndall and Penny A. Sauer
Nursing by another name: Nursing science impact on special forces clinicians in prolonged evacuation situations, Kate Rocklein Kemplin
Nursing: Calling for a shared vision, Nelda S. Godfrey, Tom Hayes, Kary Weybrew, Judi Wheatley Godsey, and Matthew S. Howard
Nursing candidates' perceptions of the greatest challenges to becoming a professional nurse, Lee Ann Williams
Nursing care guidelines for adults with near death experiences, Diane K. Corcoran
Nursing care in peripheral intravenous catheter: Impact on microbiological profile, Joao Manuel Graveto, Daniela Vidal Santos, Anabela de Sousa Salgueiro Oliveira, and Nadia Osorio
Nursing care of dyspnea: The 6th vital sign in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Nursing care of the pregnant woman with cystic fibrosis: A case report, Debra Stayer and Elisabeth Culver
Nursing care practices and workplace relations in a Thai surgical ward: An exploration of clinical decision-making, Khomapak Maneewat
Nursing care system development for patients with cleft lip-palate and craniofacial deformities at Srinagarind Hospital, Sririporn Mongkonthawornchai
Nursing care technology and patient safety, Turkinaz Asti, Nuray Turan, Gulsun Ozedemir Aydin, and Hatice Kaya
Nursing clinical practicum: Integrated application process, Nancy S. Goldstein, Diana Lyn Baptiste, and Sibyl Snow
Nursing clinical supervision in integrated continuous care unit, Regina Maria Pires and Filipe Miguel Soares Pereira
Nursing-Communication Partnership to Evaluate the Interviewer-Participant Relationship in Motivational Interviewing, Cheryl Witt, Elizabeth Troutman-Adams, and Frances D. Hardin-Fanning
Nursing curriculum trends, Claire J. Byrne
Nursing diversity: The knowledge of cultural diversity and its impact on the interaction level within the nursing workforce, Wadea H. Beheri
Nursing doctoral students perceptions of faculty support, Heidi M. Johnston, Delene Volkert, and Lisa Bridwell Robinson
Nursing documentation environment in the hospital setting, Alice E. Cavin
Nursing education and nursing practice in the United States, Susan A. LaRocco
Nursing education and redesigned discharge process: Effects on congestive heart failure patient outcomes, Mary L. Gish, Mary F. Rodts, and Judy Crouch
Nursing education approaches to enhance the inter- and intra-cultural competence of nurses serving in Africa, Linda Govere
Nursing education: Building gerontological capacity and capability by improving perceptions of older adults by nursing students, Barbara A. Heise and Vickie Johnsen
Nursing education drives employee engagement to improve organizational outcomes, Karen Buckley and Mary Anne McNamee
Nursing Education in a Virtual World, Cynthia L. Foronda
Nursing education in Jordan: A Fulbright Scholar's perspective, Susan A. LaRocco
Nursing Education Research Conference 2018 Conference Proceedings, Sigma Theta Tau International
Nursing education research: Global impact through an open access platform, Kimberly S. Thompson
Nursing education research: Learning from the past to envision the future, Jean Giddens
Nursing education research: Why students do and do not participate, Lisa Doreen Brodersen and Kelley Humphrey
Nursing educator retention: The relationship between job embeddedness and intent to stay among nursing educators, Amy S. Hamlin
Nursing Effectiveness of Four Portuguese Hospitals, Fernando Amaral
Nursing effects in policy-making, Alexis A. Wilson
Nursing Empowered Leaders: A Study Describing Who We Are and Who We Want To Be, Judi Allyn Godsey and Tom Hayes
Nursing entrepreneurship, Brenda L. Smith
Nursing Excellence [Complete issue], Sigma Theta Tau International
Nursing Excellence [Complete issue - photocopy], Sigma Theta Tau International
Nursing facility staff education to decrease hospital readmissions due to sepsis: A pilot test, Abigail Lee Eby
Nursing faculty and nursing students experiences of participating in international exchange programmes, Margret Lepp
Nursing faculty and student perspectives of teaching effectiveness in the online environment, Yvonne M. Smith, Yea-Jyh Chen, and Andrea Warner Stidham
Nursing faculty assessment of the integration of forensic nursing concepts in undergraduate nursing curricula, Patti McFadden
Nursing faculty care expressions, patterns, and practices related to teaching culture care, Sandra J. Mixer
Nursing faculty caring behaviors: Perceptions of students and faculty, Jeannie Scruggs Garber, Denise Foti, Rhoda R. Murray, Deidra S. Pennington, Cynthia Marcum, and Sonia Vishneski
Nursing faculty development: A system change to foster mentoring and training, Nicole M. Giancaterino
Nursing faculty experiences with interactive learning in the associate degree nursing classroom, Katheryn M. Csonka
Nursing faculty experience with current retention strategies and interventions: A qualitative study, Monique McCurvin
Nursing faculty knowledge regarding genetics, genomics, and pharmacogenomics, Laura Curr Beamer and Angelica Rosinski
Nursing faculty members' intentional use of strategies that promote civility in the BSN classroom, Linda-jo Pallotto-Russo
Nursing faculty perception of student transition to practice: An exploratory case study, Lisa M. McAllister-Gardner
Nursing faculty perceptions about peers with physical and sensory disabilities, Tammy C. Killough
Nursing faculty perceptions of student evaluations, grading practices, and administrative performance reviews, Debbie Marie Beck
Nursing faculty perceptions on teaching critical thinking, Doris A. Clark
Nursing faculty preferences on technology use based on experience, Suhasini P. Kotcherlakota, Patrick Rejda, and Kevin Kupzyk
Nursing faculty's competency to teach patient safety to their students, Susan Mellott
Nursing faculty's cultural competency of LGBT population, Meriam Caboral-Stevens, Laila Sedhom, Keisha Lovence, and Maria Rosario-Sim
Nursing faculty shortages: Perspectives from deans and directors of BSN programs, Diane Porretta Fox
Nursing gerontology course, student empathy, and interest in working with older adults: A phased study, Lisa Kay Murphree and Shelley P. Caswell Moore
Nursing graduate perceptions of clinical simulation experiences, Cynthia L. Cummings and Linda K. Connelly
Nursing graduate perceptions of clinical simulation experiences, Cynthia L. Cummings and Linda K. Connelly
Nursing Graduates on Quality of Education and Readiness for Clinical Practice, Virginia L. Jones
Nursing grand rounds for patient teaching: An innovative clinical education strategy, Margie A. Hull and Jennifer L. Kitchens
Nursing health promotion interventions needed to reduce oral health disparities: The situation in Israel, Cheryl Zlotnick, Shlomo Zusman, Lital Keinan-Boker, and Orna Baron Epel
Nursing history: An honors elective nursing course, William T. Campbell
Nursing Huddle in Academia Improving Teamwork and Communication, Anne McGrorty and Rita Ann Laske
Nursing implications and findings from a portal activation study of a large healthcare system, Mary Anne Theiss, Mary Ann Friesen, Amber W. Trickey, Kimberly M. Krakowski, Patricia J. Mook, Season M. Majors, Catherine C. Fant, and M. Kay Cresci
Nursing in a changing climate: A call to action, Katie Huffling, Fiona Armstrong, and Barbara Sattler
Nursing incivility and the culture of safety in an acute care facility, Gina M. Galosi
Nursing in correctional environments: An integrative review on workplace stressors, Samantha Boch, Beverly Hittle, and Elizabeth Keller
Nursing informatics and hospital decision-making: The use of information generated by an automated patient classification system, Mary L. Botter
Nursing informatics boot camp, Susan K. Newbold
Nursing informatics pioneers continue to influence the profession, Susan K. Newbold
Nursing informatics research leadership: International successes and opportunities, Karen A. Monsen and Connie White Delaney
Nursing Initiative Promoting Immunization Training (NIP-IT) Modules: Discovering gaps in student nurse knowledge, Gaye L. Ray, Karlen E. Luthy, Lacey M. Eden, Janelle L. B. Macintosh, Camry Shawcroft, and Katie Bates
Nursing in Sendafa, Ethiopia: A collaboration of mission, mentoring, and medicine, Dawn Becker
Nursing inter-shift handover process: Enhancing a traditional ritual through evidence-based practice, Rajni Parasuram and Chee Lien Poh
Nursing intervention based on Tai Chi for the improvement of equilibrium, stability and quality of gait in older adults, Luis Cortez-Gonzalez, Angeles Villarreal-Reyna, Martha Alicia Magallanes-Monrreal, Daniel Sifuentes-Leura, and Diana Berenice Cortes-Montelongo
Nursing interventions to manage and prevent type 2 diabetes and its complications, Gail D'Eramo Melkus
Nursing interventions to reduce unilateral neglect in right hemisphere stroke patients, Sawsan M. Majali
Nursing in the Global Context, Frances Hughes
Nursing is a Team Sport: Sideline Coaching to Achieve NCLEX-RN Success, Tricia O'Hara
Nursing, kinesiology, and psychology collaboration in HIV research: interprofessional perspectives, Elizabeth F. Sefcik, Inge B. Corless, Mary Jane Hamilton, Liana R. Webster, Misty R. Kesterson, and Richard J. Ricard
Nursing knowledge and palliative care, Kathryn Miller
Nursing leaders as early adopters of evidence-based practice: Outcomes of the plan, Keri Jean Wagner
Nursing leadership: a journey, Crystal Wiley Kramlich
Nursing leadership and HIV/AIDS in Botswana, Nthabiseng A. Phaladze
Nursing leadership and the relation with management models adopted in healthcare, Andrea Bernardes, Daniele Allen Grivol, Carmen Silvia Gabriel, Gisleangela Lima Rodrigues Carrara, and Priscila Lapaz Baldo
Nursing leadership characteristics: Effect on nursing job satisfaction and retention of Baby Boomer and Generation X nurses, Sandra L. Swearingen
Nursing leadership development in the cultural context of Malta, Robie Victoria Hughes, Rebecca Wright, and Maria Cassar
Nursing Leadership (Directorate's) Key to Nursing Excellence, Jothi Clara Micheal
Nursing leadership in a Greenfield hospital: Strategies for success, Dawn M. Gubanc-Anderson and Julia Mason
Nursing leadership: Influence in moral courage, Georgia A. Dinndorf-Hogenson
Nursing leadership influence on male graduate nurses retention experiences explored in the professional practice environment, Dianne T. Juliff
Nursing leadership in Native American health, Jennifer L. Allis Vazquez
Nursing leadership in rural settings: Challenges and strategies, Carol Boswell, Minerva Gonzales, and Jessica Marquez
Nursing leadership role: Development and implementation of a new nursing faculty clinical workload policy, Grace Moodt and Jeanette Lancaster
Nursing leadership through the time of COVID-19, Howard Catton, Hung-Da (David) Dai, Andre Gitembagara, Elizabeth Iro, Charlotte Jakab-Hall, Iris James, Rachel Kenna, T. Dileep Kumar, Ana Julia Leme, Elizabeth A. Madigan, Martie Moore, Mary Nandili, Barbara Stilwell, and C. Joannah Waterman
Nursing management of head nurses receiving the outstanding award, Jiraporn Rattikarnsuka and Areewan Oumtanee
Nursing management of hypertension, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Nursing Management partners with ANCC's Pathway to Excellence® Program, Jeffrey Doucette and Christine Pabico
Nursing Mentorship: Clinical Coaching and Shared Leadership, Vincenza Coughlin
Nursing narratives with beginning students in non-nursing courses: Innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative teaching strategies, Anna M. Waterman and Dale M. Hilty
Nursing outcomes related to self-care, Maria Joana Campos and Abel Paiva Silva
Nursing out of the parish: A history of the Baltimore Lutheran Deaconesses 1893-1911, Lisa M. Zerull
Nursing paradigms and theories: A primer, Jennifer Irene Jackson
Nursing partnership to enhance oncology nurse expertise and capacity in Kampala, Uganda, Arlyce Jo Coumar and Kathleen K. Shannon Dorcy
Nursing patterns of knowing in assessment of newborn sepsis, Lorraine B. Rubarth
Nursing perspectives of an advanced psychiatric mental health nursing curriculum: Findings of a qualitative research study, Jeanette Rossetti, Kelly Bryant, Patricia Jones-Bendel, and Faith Stauserboll
Nursing philosophy supporting clinical judgment of visiting nurses for terminal cancer patients, Mami Kurita and Kumiko Kotake
Nursing practice environment and care quality in nursing homes: A case study of the Pathway to Excellence in Long-Term Care® model, Elizabeth White, Erin Woodford, Julie Britton, Lynn W. Newberry, and Christine Pabico
Nursing practice for patients with lost the oral cavity function: The perspective of home nursing, Kumiko Kotake, Masako Yamada, Kazuyo Iwanaga, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Ichiro Kai, Kaori Haba, Aya Takahashi, and Yoko Ishibashi
Nursing practice model, Tracy L. Kasten
Nursing practice on smoking cessation for hospitalized patients with cardiovascular diseases in Japan, Ayako Okada and Kazuyo Okumura
Nursing practice: The importance of creativity, Dalit Wilhelm
Nursing practice, working environment, and educational needs of nurses in Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Ayako Okada and Keiko Tanida
Nursing preceptors' perceived stress and support, and their commitment: A repeated measures study, Wei-Fang Wang and Chich-Hsiu Hung
Nursing preparation of the caregiver by continuous care teams: Quality indicators, Joana Isabel Vieira, Maria Margarida Reis dos Santos Ferreira, and Regina Maria Pires
Nursing professional development organizational value demonstration project, Mary G. Harper, Julia Aucoin, and Joan Insalaco Warren
Nursing professional development: You belong, Jenn Bodine and Jillian A. Russell
Nursing profession in Sri Lanka: Issues, challenges, and vision for the future, Rasika Sirilal Jayasekara and Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara
Nursing program dashboard as strategic planning tool to communicate outcomes: An NFLA experience, Angela Opsahl, Sara Horton-Deutsch, and Barbara Manz Friesth
Nursing program leaders' perceptions of interprofessional education and curriculum practices within pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing education, Michelle R. Gierach
Nursing programs and supportive housing sites: Mutual benefits of multigenerational engagement through innovative academic-practice partnerships, Maureen F. O'Shea, Mary McCarthy, Barbara J. Pinchera, and Margaret Sullivan
Nursing research and responsible partnership in the global setting, Katherine Grace Miller and Adejoke B. Ayoola
Nursing research informing the SDGs: Contributions and challenges for the future, Allison Patricia Squires
Nursing, respiratory care, and social work undergraduate students' practices, attitudes, and knowledge/skills with evidence-based practice, Kathleen M. Williamson
Nursing rituals in an adult acute care hospital: An ethnography, Zane Robinson Wolf
Nursing rounds: A best practice implementation, Juli Daniels
Nursing scholarship: Disseminating your voice, Kimberly S. Thompson
Nursing self-care: Current evidence and implementation strategies for improving patient outcomes and nurse well-being, Steffanie Schweitzer, Kady L. Martini, Jessica Wood, Christine Mayer, Shana Straka, Olivia Bonnano, and Corryn Christy
Nursing Senior Clinical Experiences and Practice Readiness, Ruth Rosenblum and Mojgan Haririfar
Nursing simulation: It's not just for skills anymore, William T. Campbell
Nursing skills video selfies: An instructional exercise to master clinical skills, Cynthia Sterling-Box
Nursing specialty and primary ambulatory care education, Kirsten S. Garza, Elizabeth A. Sieber, Wing Man Eva Chau, Samantha Elise Noblejas, and Sarah Hope Kagan
Nursing staff approaches to providing oral hygiene in stroke survivors with dysphagia: A grounded theory study, Willard Brewer
Nursing staffing and technology: A relationship formed in the electronic environment benefiting patients and nurses, Gayle Luker
Nursing staff's perceptions of resident safety culture in long-term care facilities: A Taiwan's survey, Shu-Yuan Lin
Nursing strategies to decrease the global burden of cardiovascular disease, Deborah Chyun
Nursing student and faculty perceptions of the characteristics of effective instructors in the simulated clinical experience, Bridget K. Parsh
Nursing student and instructor preference for clinical models: Evidence to support curriculum development, Noelle K. Rohatinsky, Kathryn Chachula, Madeline M. Press, and Brenda J. Lane
Nursing student attitudes toward mental illness: A quantitative quasi-experimental study, Todd B. Hastings
Nursing Student Experiences of Clinical Data Use in Clinical Rotations, Marcia R. Straughn
Nursing student outcomes of distance education: What is the evidence?, Barbara J. Patterson, Linda R. Roy, and Anne Marie Krouse
Nursing student perceptions of presence in a virtual learning environment: A qualitative description study, Jason R. Thrift
Nursing students abroad: Understanding global health through partnership in Australia, Amy Nagorski Johnson
Nursing students' academic incivility, Jansirani Natarajan
Nursing students and faculty perceptions of incivility in an urban Jamaican university, Ferneka C. Deleveaux
Nursing Students and NCLEX-RN Success: Impact of a Standardized Review Course on Outcomes, Rosemary Pine and Barb Schreiner
Nursing students and their professional identity in nursing formation: How can we foster it?, Joann Klaassen, Rhoda A. Owens, and Kristen D. Priddy
Nursing students' attitudes, perceived barriers, and implementation of evidence-based practices after completing an EBP course, Chia-Hsin Cheng
Nursing students' attitudes toward complementary and alternative therapies for stress relief, Elizabeth V. Kinchen and Victoria W. Loerzel
Nursing students' attitudes toward nursing education research questionnaire: Development and psychometric evaluation, Sherry A. Burrell and Jennifer Gunberg Ross
Nursing students' attitudes toward sexual minority populations and intentions to provide healthcare to the populations, Ya-Ching Wang, Nae-Fang Miao, and Yi-Jhen Hsieh
Nursing students attitudes' toward the homeless, Patricia MacWilliams Bowe and Andrew B. Phillips
Nursing students behind bars: An innovative pilot project, Terri Moore and Heather Anderson
Nursing students' caring behavior as an outcome of instructors' caring: First results from an international study, Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte
Nursing students' Caring Behavior Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation, Mary Gergis
Nursing students' clinical judgment for a patient in respiratory distress, Anne Marie Simmons and Mary Gay Tesoro
Nursing students' clinical training experiences that motivated them to study, Hisako Kobayashi
Nursing students communication skills training in the face of incivility or bullying, Penny A. Sauer, Margaret M. Verzella, and C. Elise Thompson
Nursing students' evaluation of support offered by preceptors, Lizemari Hugo
Nursing students' experiences of patient safety incidents and reporting: A scoping review, Alyssa Indar, Sherry Espin, Nancy Sears, Lenora Duhn, Karen LeGrow, and Binita Thapa
Nursing students experiences with interdisciplinary service learning in Belize, Dawn Garrett-Wright and Eve Main
Nursing Students Experience With Virtual Clinical Excursions, Alham Abuatiq
Nursing students for nursing students: Creative teaching for one's peers, Dalit Wilhelm
Nursing students GoPro: Enhancing clinical judgment with cameras in simulation, Dawn Mabry Parker, Amanda Benz, Carol Greulich, and Jennifer Richard
Nursing student simulation: A three-tiered model approach, Kristina L. Leyden, Nakisha S. Paul, and Katherine D. Simpson
Nursing students in a global learning environment: Creative teaching strategies on culture, emotion and communication, Dalit Wilhelm and Cheryl Zlotnick
Nursing students' intention to work with the elderly after graduation: A qualitative study, Terri Murabito
Nursing students' knowledge, attitudes, and application of evidence-based practice at the University of Rwanda, Favorite Iradukunda and Pat M. Mayers
Nursing students learning to provide end-of-life care through simulation, Rita W. Ferguson and Patricia Cosby
Nursing students' perception about clinical instructors' core characteristics, Majed Alamri
Nursing students' perception of the clinical learning environment in Macao, Wai Sha Poon
Nursing students perception on the effects of relaxation methods to decrease test anxiety, Laraine Amoia-Watters and Catherine C. Razzi
Nursing students' perceptions and attitudes towards evidence-based practice, research and graduate education in nursing, Adejoke B. Ayoola
Nursing Students' Perceptions and Beliefs About Immunizations, Kathryn Lucette Wilson and Jennifer Sjostedt Avery
Nursing students' perceptions and satisfaction of their clinical learning environment during community health nursing placements at dispensaries, Lina G. Nouwayhed
Nursing students perceptions of an extended undergraduate curriculum programme at a higher education institution, Chantal Julius
Nursing students' perceptions of briefing in simulation, Beena Maret
Nursing students' perceptions of caring for patients with substance use disorders, Nancy Susan Elkins and Bobbie Taylor
Nursing students' perceptions of faculty trustworthiness: Thematic analysis of a longitudinal study, Lynn M. Varagona and Judith L. Hold
Nursing students' perceptions of knowledge and training during the medication administration process, Kelly J. Betts
Nursing students' perceptions of learning needs toward end-of-life care: A focus group exploration, Patricia Anne Poirier
Nursing students' perceptions of satisfaction and self-confidence with high fidelity simulation, Geraldine M. Berkvam
Nursing students' perceptions of spiritual well-being, academic persistence and academic success, Mindy Barna
Nursing students' perceptions of student-to-faculty and faculty-to-student incivility in the online learning environment, Rachel E. Lull
Nursing students' perceptions of substance abuse screening training in a BSN nursing program, Nancy Susan Elkins
Nursing students perceptions of their role in the learning process, Tracy Linn Booth
Nursing students' perceptions of trust in the student-faculty relationship, Lynn M. Varagona and Judith L. Hold
Nursing students' perceptions regarding faculty feedback, Deborah Hartzog Chatham
Nursing students response to alarms: Does alarm fatigue start in nursing school?, Karen Weeks, Laureen Donovan, and Joan Timalonis
Nursing Students' Self Assessment of Clinical Experiences, Chika Grace Ugochukwu and Anthonia I. Nnabuenyi
Nursing students' self-efficacy to care for older adults in acute care settings in Ghana: A mixed method study, Diana Abudu-Birresborn
Nursing students serving, transforming, and leading within 5 miles to 3000 miles, Sheri P. Palmer and Karen H. de la Cruz
Nursing students strengthening resiliency through educator relationships: A basic qualitative study, Sandra McDade
Nursing student's stress treatment study: A cluster randomized trial, Linda Summers, Conni DeBlieck, Elizabeth G. Kuchler, and Stephanie Lynch
Nursing students' technological equipment usage status and individual innovation levels, Turkinaz Asti, Hatice Kaya, Nuray Turan, and Hanife Durgun
Nursing students' views of using virtual reality in healthcare: A qualitative study, Mohamad M. Saab, Margaret Landers, David Murphy, Billy O'Mahony, Eoghan Cooke, Michelle O'Driscoll, and Josephine Hegarty
Nursing students' views regarding their first clinical placement, Fatos Korkmaz, Gul Hatice Tarakcioglu Celik, Gulhan Erkus, Sevda Arslan, and Senay Gul
Nursing students' views regarding the use of virtual reality: A qualitative exploration, Mohamad M. Saab, Margaret Landers, David Murphy, and Josephine Hegarty
Nursing students who fail after successful admission to an associate degree program, Amber F. Young-Brice and Kristina Thomas Dreifuerst
Nursing students with disabilities in the clinical setting: Nursing education leaders' perceptions of accommodations, Julie M. Symes
Nursing subject matter experts to care for emerging infectious diseases, Paula Justice and Jennifer Andonian
Nursing support workers and tasks performed, delayed or not completed, Michael A. Roche and Christine M. Duffield
Nursing surveillance in an obstetric setting, Maria del Carmen Colombo
Nursing teamwork in health system hospitals: A multisite longitudinal study, Karen J. Vander Laan, Judith B. Westers, Matthew A. Culver, and Katelynn M. Wohlfert
Nursing + technology = awesome career choices!, Michelle E. Dykes and Joy S. Humphrey
Nursing tool: As a quality indicator of patient care outcome, Hema Roslin Samson
Nursing tutorials for student success, Theresa Bucco
Nursing unit design and layout: Implications for musculoskeletal health and the nursing practice environment, Esther M. Chipps, Jing Li, and Carolyn Sommerich
Nursing workforce development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A global advocacy action plan, Brittany Wall, Grace Kistner, Vicki Brzoza, Talia Coveleski, Beth Harkness, Rubi Hickson, Kristen Priddy, and Kerry Keyes Young
Nursing workforce issues: Nursing student enrollment and faculty trends in the state of Maryland, Virginia S. Pichler
Nursing workforce well-being and quality of life: Predictions and recommendations, Lin Perry, Robyn Gallagher, Christine M. Duffield, David W. Sibbritt, and Xiaoyue Xu
Nursing workload and its relationship to patient care error in the paediatric critical care setting, Ruth M. Trinier
Nursology-Specific Theories of Power and Their Integration in Teaching: Theory of Work Team/Group Empowerment - Application Within Education, Christina Leibold Sieloff
Nurturing a culture of resilience: A nursing leadership initiative, Deirdre O'Flaherty, Mary Joy Garcia-Dia, Tatiana Arreglado, and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Nurturing a resilient team in turbulent times: A leadership initiative to sustain and strengthen care, Deirdre O'Flaherty, Mary Joy Garcia-Dia, Tatiana Arreglado, and Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Nurturing caring values in pre-registration nurse education: A qualitative longitudinal study, Janet M. E. Scammell, Elizabeth Anne Rosser, Vanessa Heaslip, Sara White, Ian Donaldson, and Karen Cooper
Nurturing Our Young, Tanya L. Smith
Nutritional intervention effectiveness in oncology patients receiving active anti-cancer treatment: A systematic review, Amanda M. Adams
Nutritional knowledge, lifestyle influences, and the impact on overweight and obesity rates among Druze children, Ymame Whaby-Kamal and Cheryl Zlotnick
Nutritional needs of diverse students on a university campus, Sarah Marshall
Nutrition education and physical activity program for food pantry patrons, Manju N. Daniel and Priyanka Ghosh Roy
Nutrition education content in nurse practitioner curricula: What are Michigan NP's learning about nutrition?, Caroline Trapp, Nancy A. O'Connor, Susan M. Hasenau, and Karen Schmitz
Nutrition education program impact on health behaviors and biometrics in a university wellness program, Loureen S. Downes
Nutrition for nurses: In times of stress and quarantine, Kimberly Anette Lewis
Nutrition literacy as perceived by Thai adolescents: A qualitative study, Suhong Deesamer and Noppawan Piaseu
Nuts and Bolts of Nursing Study Abroad: Logistics and Funding, Sondra Heaston and Gaye L. Ray
Obesity and overweight among black American adolescent females: The role of social influences in everyday dietary practices, Megan R. Winkler
Obesity and the university environment, Tina L. Ortiz
Obesity and the university environment: Assessment of the campus and intervention in the student health services, Tina L. Ortiz
Obesity in America, Ihsane Boualaoui
Obesity indicators, accuracy of body weight perception, and chronic illness among Chinese-Americans, Mei R. Fu
Obesity management: A pilot test of an electronic health record prompt, Tanya M. Tillman
Obesity-related behaviors of Korean female adolescents in their classroom-based peer networks, Sophia Chung
Obesity stigma and women's health: Challenges of decreasing healthcare provider bias to improve outcomes, Mary Ellen A. Burke
Objective physical activity and sleep characteristics measurements using a triaxial accelerometer in eight year olds, Susan A. Harrington
Observation assistants: Sitter effectiveness and industry measures, Andrew D. Harding
Observers learn the same as participants throughout simulation, debriefing, and over time: The evidence, Brandon Kyle Johnson
Obstetrical Healthcare Providers' Knowledge of the 2009 IOM Guidelines for Weight Gain in Pregnancy; Clinical Integration and Implications, Beth Steinfeld
Obstetrical nursing clinical experiences at an all male nursing school in the 1950s, Susan A. LaRocco
Obstetrical student-driven simulation: Empowering nursing students to advocate for optimal patient outcomes, Michelle McEwen-Campbell and Kellie M. Griggs
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening in Preoperative Military Personnel, Steven S. Kertes
Obtaining patient information and anxiety in novice nursing students during the first clinical rotation, Akiko Kobayashi
Obtaining required childhood vaccinations: The Latino immigrant experience, Barbara deRose
Occupational and personal factors related to burnout in acute care, Janice E. Hawkins and Sadie Thurman
Offering a path to success for everyone: Creating an inclusive environment in nursing education, Christie Cavallo
Of kangaroos, koalas, and platypi, Debra Thoms
Older adult caregiving in an Amish community, Helen Mavis Farrar
Older adults' implementation of discharge instructions following an acute care hospital stay, Brenda Miller
Older African Americans perceptions of living with asthma and satisfaction with care, Judith L. Martin-Holland
Older Hispanic women with health care provider diagnosed osteoarthritis: Experience and perceptions of culturally competent care, Claudia A. Oglivie
Omani healthcare professional students' knowledge and precautionary practices of COVID-19, Omar M. Al-Rawajfah, Khalid A. Al-Mugeed, Fawwaz Alaloul, and Hajar Mohammed Al-Rajaibi
On a Path to Success: Endeavouring to Contextualise Curricula Within an EBP Framework, Gulzar Malik
On-boarding adjunct faculty in nursing programs, Kathyann Marsh
Oncology missed care, Sabrina Orique, Cassie Rodriguez, Ashley Davis, Tim Carrasco, and Pa Lee
Oncology nurses' knowledge and perceptions regarding music therapy effectiveness for cancer treatment-related symptoms in adults, Hannah M. Samley, Jane M. Fall-Dickson, and Eshetu Tefera
Oncology professional perspectives on curriculum for a distance-learning prelicensure oncology nursing elective course, Naomi Cazeau and Tresa Kaur
Ondansetron administration prior to subarachnoid block in cesarean section: An evidence based practice analysis, Jeremy Bustamante
One and done? How much exposure to experiential learning strategies is enough?, Keondra Rustan
One chapter's journey to bringing students to the board, Kady L. Martini and Morgan K. Ciehanski
One emergency department's throughput collaborative journey, Michelle Tracy
One healthcare facility + two graduate nurse orientation programs = successful transition to practice, Janice Hodges and Joy Washburn
One million+ nurses become second victims annually: Nursing education's role in prevention?, Jackie H. Jones and Linda A. Treiber
One School's Journey through High Fidelity Simulation Curriculum Integration, Ludy Llasus
Ongoing nasogastric tube verification: The evidence, Roxy Lee Decker and Andrea Elizabeth Black
Online clinical post-conference, face-to-face clinical post-conference: Effects on critical thinking in associate degree nursing students, Kristie A. Berkstresser
Online continuing nursing education: A study of factors related to nurse practitioner participation, Elizabeth A. Friedlander
Online Course Development Success: The Samoan Experience, Jeanine E. Gangeness
Online education: Engaging a global community, Debra Gay Anderson
Online faculty mentoring and transition balance in family nurse practitioner students, Cathlin B. Poronsky
Online support for informal caregivers: Psychosocial outcomes, Evelyn R. Hayes, Cynthia A. Diefenbeck, and Paula Klemm
Online survey of open lab participation guides student access and showcases student success, Susan T. Jepsen
Online teaching of undergraduate student nurses: An integrated review, Elsie Sophia Janse van Rensburg
Online undergraduate and graduate education: Are faculty making the grade?, Marie-Elena Barry
On pills and needles: Students' and clinical nursing faculty's lived experience of a nursing students' first med pass in the clinical setting, Cindy K. Paradiso
Onsite integrative clinics: Acupuncture, positive patient outcomes, frequency of provider visits, Sherry I. Shoemaker
On the dimensions of managerial readiness among middle-level academic managers in Philippine colleges of nursing: An exploratory sequential design, Blaise B. Nieve
On-the-Job Training Through Case Conferences: Nursing Leadership and Impact on Work Environment, Mina Ishimaru and Taichi Sato
On the use of Count Model to predict falls in community-dwelling elderly: Using Klosa (Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing) data, Sehoon Hong, Jihea Choi, and Heun Keung Yoon
Open access: Myths and misconceptions in scholarship and publishing, Kimberly S. Thompson and Renee M. Wilmeth
Open distance and e-Learning: Students' experiences of online portfolios for assessment, Gisela H. Van Rensburg and Memme Girly Makua
Open Doors: Improving access to medical care for underserved and/or unhoused asylum seekers, Amy Staley and Victoria Averill
Open education resources: What are they? How do we use them in nursing education?, Karen H. Morin
Opening a new nursing education program: Lessons learned, Betsy Mickey McDowell
Opening plenary: Leadership in action: Uncovering the next generation of leaders, Cathy D. Catrambone
Operating room on-time starts, Jennifer C. Collins
Operating room traffic and surgical site infections: A quality improvement project, Marc Parent
Operationalizing nursing education research, Susan G. Forneris
Operationalizing population health: Translating best practice into curriculum, Tanya Haas and Rebecca Sutter
Operation-Open Your Eyes to Education: Development and implementation of a virtual ophthalmic, surgical education program, Kaitlyn Burke
Opinions about smoking policies, exposure to secondhand smoke, and smoking behaviors of freshman college students, Haley E. DeYoung and Megan M. Eggert
Opioid Alternative Medications: CRNA Beliefs, Opinions, and Practices, David M. Velasco
Opioid crisis in the adolescent population: A global health advocacy action plan- “Leave no one behind”, Kateryna Metersky and Debbilynn Murray
Opioid-free anesthesia: Examining postoperative pain control, Casey Snell
Opioid-free anesthesia in bariatric surgery, Lindsay Horn
Opioid overdose harm reduction in the substance use disorder population, Susan M. L'Heureux and Nancy S. Goldstein
Opioid-sparing anesthesia in adult orthopedic surgery, Janki R. Patel and Nancy Ann Westbrook
Opioid-sparing measures for laparoscopic-assisted segmental colectomy, Aleen Joy McGowan
Opioid use and misuse: Pain management, drug dependence, and implications for nurses worldwide in 2022, Jonathan H. Aebischer and Janane E. Hanna
Opioid use disorder and harm reduction: An educational initiative, Nancy S. Goldstein
Opioid use disorder education for student nurse practitioner, Priscilla L. Hussain
Opportunities and Barriers to Building EBP Skills in the Clinical Setting via Mobile Technology, Christina K. Lam, Carolyn F. Schubert, and Catherine A. Brown
Opportunities for international interdisciplinary research collaborations to improve health outcomes for intimate partner strangulation survivors, Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Dominic Robert Reed, and Michelle Patch
Opportunities for inter-professional education in neonatal healthcare: An integrative review, Mariana Scheepers
Opportunities from the pandemic: Transforming maternity clinical education to hybrid hospital and remote education model, Marianne Allen and Geraldine M. Maurer
Opposites attract: A unique partnership between nursing and construction management students, Abby Berg, Deborah Spoerner, Rebecca Johnson, and M. Erin Hoying
Optimal effective oxytocin dosing in cesarean section deliveries, James A., III Brown and Terri Cahoon
Optimism and emotional well-being in women with breast cancer: The role of mediators, Ellyn E. Matthews
Optimizing access to pediatric specialty care, Ricardo Perez
Optimizing communication between professional nurses and physicians-in-training to promote a healthy work environment, Candelaria J. Frankoff, Ana Elisabeth Armijos, Sidney Lauren Brown, Ardis Bush, Vanessa Garcia, Jocelyn Marabiles, and Kenn M. Kirksey
Optimizing diabetes self-management outcomes in low-income ethnic minority patients in the United States, Diane C. Berry and Wanda M. Williams
Optimizing electronic health record use for management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care, Nancy J. L'Heureux
Optimizing emergency department throughput with improved triage processes, Tammy Bimber
Optimizing hospital RN role competency leads to improved patient outcomes, Lynn Forsey and Maria W. O'Rourke
Optimizing intra-professional collaboration with the introduction of registered practical nurses (RPNs), Kinza Malik and Ronald Ordinario
Optimizing patient outcomes: An innovative curriculum for a time of uncertainties, Anne Marie Jean-Baptiste
Optimizing patient outcomes: Assessing skin integrity issues in persons with darker skin pigmentation, Gayle McGlory, Kathryn Boschen, Barbara Manning, Dawn Purvis, Ani Reji, and Kenn M. Kirksey
Optimizing patient outcomes by motivating staff through an initiative called B+, Shannon M. McDonough and Tabitha Sibel
Optimizing patient outcomes through interprofessional disaster training, Sarah O. Watts, Michael Jr. Callihan, Jeremy White, and Adam Fralich
Optimizing professional well-being and patient outcomes through the use of mentorship in rural workplaces, Noelle K. Rohatinsky, Sonia Udod, June Anonson, and Donna Rennie
Optimizing simulation as meaningful learning experiences for postgraduate pediatric nursing students, Cynthia Spies and Yvonne Botma
Optimizing simulation to assess nurse practitioner competencies during the COVID-19 Disease Pandemic using educational pedagogies, Leslie S. Arceneaux
Optimizing skin integrity: One simple change for hospitalized children, Laura C. Welch, Kara A. Johnson, Pam A. Allen, Leia Hayes, Nora K. Kramer, Sarah M. Hamilton, and Bridget Bissell
Optimizing the management of emergency department patients with atrial fibrillation, Heather Tuttle, Zack Deyo, Terra Beek, Leah Hatfield, Philip Mendys, Kevin Biese, and Anil Gehi
Optimizing Usability of Electronic Medical Records to Meet and Measure Quality Initiatives, Sarah E. Shultz and Mikel W. Hand
Opt-out HIV testing in an academic emergency department, Carol Hill, Timothy Reeder, Brenda Syers, Ciarra Dortche, and Nada Fadul
Oral anticancer agents: Presenting new challenges for family caregivers of patients with cancer, Victoria K. Marshall, Paula Cairns, Cecile A. Lengacher, and Andrew Bugajski
Oral breast milk combined with sensory interventions relieve preterm infant pain during short painful procedures, Jen-Jiuan Liaw, Hsiang-Ping Wu, Hsueh-Fang Peng, Hsiang-Yun Lan, and Yin Ti
Oral care for head and neck cancer symptom management, Laura Cullen, Sharon Baumler, Michele Marie Farrington, Cindy Dawson, Peggy Folkmann, and Loraine Brenner
Oral care practice guidelines for the care-dependent hospitalized adult outside of the intensive care unit setting, Cynthia S. Drapal
Oral chemotherapy adherence, Judy Lynn Phillips
Oral health literacy and related factors of mid-aged and older adults in the community, Mu-Hsing Ho, Chia-Chi Chang, and Megan Fang Liu
Oral health: Nursing assessment and interventions, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Oral health: Supporting adults who require assistance, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Oral medication adherence, attitude, and quality of life in older adults with cancer: The impact of motivational interviewing, Janelle Tipton
Oral sexual activity and the associated health disparities in college aged females in the United States: A systematic review, Peggy Bergeron
Organ donation: Promoting second chances, Haley Haugh, Shelby Kite, and Katelyn Obert
Organic buildup and residual blood on clean infant stethoscopes used in maternal-infant areas, Jan Marie Nick
Organizational agents as epistemic agents: Re-examining nurse executives' agency in homecare organizations, Lisa Ashley
Organizational characteristics and adverse patient outcomes in provincial hospital, Thailand, Kulwadee Abhicharttibutra
Organizational climate, role ambiguity, role conflict and nurse faculty work balance: Influence on organizational commitment and turnover intention, Denise K. Gormley
Organizational context, shared governance structure, and outcomes in Veterans Affairs hospitals, Bonnie J. Charland
Organizational factors as barriers to racially and ethnically diverse nursing students, Janine Lynn Johnson
Organizational incentives and rewards as motivators for registered nurses to obtain a baccalaureate or higher nursing degree, Joan Insalaco Warren
Organizational planning for adopting evidence-based practice, Kevin P. Browne
Organizational politics in the workplace, Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte and Leodoro Labrague
Organizational readiness for mentorship in nurse anesthesia programs, Gloria Chan
Organizational resilience: Using workplace culture and positive environmental constructs to relieve burnout in registered nurses, Emily E. Calabro, Nathan Dieckmann, Lissi Hansen, and Christopher Lee
Orientation period: A transition for new registered nurses, Evangeline Noble
Orienting with a tiered skills acquisition model: Impact and outcomes, Dawn Nelson and Ellen Joswiak
Orthorexia nervosa and its relationship to obsessive compulsive behaviors among university students in Southern California, Christine B. Costa and Kholoud Hardan-Khalil
Ostomy care & management, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Our global partnership with the Dominican Republic: Improving the health of children, Andrea McCrink, Nancy Cole, and Helen C. Ballestas
Our interprofessional partnership: The psychiatric hospitalization of an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) patient, Cathy Peters
Outcome and impact evaluation of a peripheral IV removal competency for UAP, Cynthia Kautzmann
Outcome evaluation of an interdisciplinary care model for children with cystic fibrosis, Roberta P. Pawlak
Outcome of discharge planning linked to Long-Term Care Plan 2.0 for elderly orthopedic surgery patient, Pi-Fen Cheng, Hui-Zhu Chen, and Hui-Chuan Pan
Outcome on integrated community care interventions for frail elderly through literature review, Junko Imaiso
Outcomes Achieved by Student Peer Tutors in the Center for Academic Success, Claire Brittany Mack, Nicole Marie Leavitt, and Carolyn Joy Peters
Outcomes and medical utilization for lung cancer patients undergoing surgery, Shu-Ling Phom and Yao Fong
Outcomes associated with student engagement in interprofessional education and collaborative practice: Global is local, Maria R. Shirey, Connie White-Williams, and Lisle Hites
Outcomes following introduction of an interprofessional dedicated education unit with nursing, medicine and pharmacy, Rosalie O. Mainous, Cheryl Waker, and Deborah Ulrich
Outcomes impacting care of older adults: Geriatric Nursing Leadership Academy fellowships, Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey, Lisa R. Binns-Emerick, Jennifer L. DeClercq, Heidi K. Holmes, and Nancy E. Edwards
Outcomes of a bystander intervention service learning project in a pre-licensure nursing program, Desiree Hensel and Kim Alexander Decker
Outcomes of a competency-based bridging program to enhance the transition from nursing student to nurse, Jun-Yu Fan
Outcomes of admission screening for obstructive sleep apnea in hospitalized patients with cardiovascular disease, Ellen V. Stemmler
Outcomes of a global collaboration: Implementing reflective practice with Thai educators, Gwen D. Sherwood and Sara Horton-Deutsch
Outcomes of a global health nursing course: Does the end justify the means?, Sheri P. Palmer and Stacie Hunsaker
Outcomes of an evidence-based practice transformation across the USAF nursing enterprise, Dorothy A. Hogg
Outcomes of an evidence-based research (EBR) tool to teach online research and critical thinking skills, JoAnn D. Long, Rita Doumit, Paula Gannaway, and Cindy Ford
Outcomes of an immersion experience in the Dominican Republic, Marie O. Etienne, Patricia R. Messmer, Guerna Blot, Patrick Manos, Marjorie Williams, and Nancy Henri
Outcomes of an innovative evidence-based project: Building a difficult access team in an emergency department, Diana Lyn Baptiste, Barbara Maliszewski, Madeleine Whalen, Heather Gardner, and Rebecca Sheinfeld
Outcomes of a school-based asthma education program: An evidence-based practice project, Jennifer A. Rohrbacher
Outcomes of a simplified ultrasound-guided intravenous program for emergency nurses, Sarah Feinsmith, Ryan Huebinger, Michael Pitts, Emily Baran, Andrew Ketterer, and Sheila Haas
Outcomes of a structured mentorship program for expert clinicians in new roles as clinical faculty, Judith M. Jarosinski, Lisa A. Seldomridge, Tina P. Brown Reid, Brad Hauck, and Beverly Payne
Outcomes of care in single-occupancy rooms, Jordan Brown, Claire Alexis, and McKayla Rosenburg
Outcomes of children prenatally exposed to opioids around the world: A systematic review, Sara J. Arter, Brian Tyler, Cameron M. Hay, Jennifer McAllister, and Elizabeth Kiel
Outcomes of evidence-based practice education in bedside nurses: A qualitative study, Laurie A. Sparks and Karen A. Balakas
Outcomes of heart transplantation and combined heart-liver transplantation in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Maria Molina, Ylenia Ann Quiaoit, and Mary A. Williams
Outcomes of Minnesota nursing home residents and their relationship to facility structural and process-related attributes, Mary Bliesmer
Outcomes of Participation in a Nurse Externship Program, Lourdes Maria Casao
Outcomes of positive interactions between injection drug users' and their nurse in an acute care setting, Kimberly A. Dion
Outcomes of receiving service-learning activities among elders living in a long-term care facility, Chia-shan Wu, Ching-Len Yu, and Su-Hsien Chang
Outcomes of study on quality life and perception of dyspnea: Patients with advanced lung cancer, Barbara A. Roces
Outcomes of the first STEM nursing patient engagement collaborative program, Alexandra Aponte Valentin
Outcomes of the Training and Policy Unit: A Capacity-Building Initiative in Afghanistan, Basnama Khan
Out of the briar patch: Diffusion and sustainability of nurse-managed practice, Linda Campbell
Outsiders in nursing: Voices of black African nurses and students in the USA: Integrative review, Kechi Iheduru-Anderson, Christina Akanaegbu, and Joseph Inungu
Outsourcing simulation for experiential learning: Thinking outside the box, Tonya Schneidereith and Crystel L. Farina
Overcoming barriers and increasing confidence of providers and nurses in addressing overweight and obesity, Andrea D. Bearden
Overcoming barriers in students' electronic documentation, Wendy B. Hansbrough, Kimberly N. Silver Dunker, Jennifer Gunberg Ross, and Marilyn Ostendorf
Overcoming barriers to diabetes in homeless adults through the Environmental Barriers to Adherence Scale (EBAS), Laura Schipper, April Bigelow, and Michelle Pardee
Overcoming barriers: Using technology and behavioral interventions to improve obesity care in rural communities, Douglas H. Sutton
Overcoming buzzwords and variability through a nurse EBP mentor program, Diedre Bricker
Overcoming Challenges in Evaluating Active versus Observer Roles in Simulation-Based Education, Brandon Kyle Johnson and Deanna Lynne Reising
Overcoming challenges: Operationalizing a multisite nursing education research study, Diana Odland Neal, Susan G. Forneris, and Jone Tiffany
Overcoming medication non-adherence in community dwelling geriatrics, Charlene A. Glasgow
Overcoming roadblocks: Experiences of Black faculty with the tenure-track process, Wilma J. Calvert, Mopelola Adeola, and E. Paulette Isaac-Savage
Overcoming the Tyranny of Distance: An Education Strategy to Assist Guideline Implementation, Keppel W. Schafer, Lyndel Gray, Jackie Doolan, Rebecca Kimble, and Jacinta Lee
Overcoming writing challenges in bilingual nursing students: A funds of knowledge collaboration with pre-service education students, Debra J. Nogueras Conner, Eric J. Johnson, Janet Katz, and Isabel Velasquez
Overutilization of CT scans of the brain in nursing home patients post fall, Drina Portman
Overview and introduction to the Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas, Carolyn B. Yucha
Overweight and obesity in young children: A critical period for intervention, Leigh Small
Oxygen delivery with high risk hypoxemia esophagogastroduodenoscopy, Josh Faught
Oxygen saturation targeting in premature infants, Barbara Smith Weaver
Oxytocin: Biomarker of affiliation and neurodevelopment in premature infants, Ashley Marie Weber
PACE Brain Boosters Program to promote college success through stress reduction in nursing students, Deborah Kramer and Sandra Hillman
Paid time off and work-life balance in an ambulatory surgical center, Elizabeth S. Harmon
Pain, addiction, and the US opioid crisis: Exemplar nursing science, Margaret A. Compton
Pain, agitation, and delirium assessment tool used by nurses in critical care: An integrative review, Denise Waterfield and Susan A. Barnason
Pain and postoperative health-related quality of life in inguinal hernia patients, Cheryl B. Rowder
Pain and quality of life of Chinese patients with lumbar spine degenerative diseases, Shu-Fen Su and Meng-Shan Wu
Pain and sleep disorders in children with cancer, Luis Manuel Cunha, Sr Batalha and Ananda Fernandes
Pain and spiritual distress at end-of-life, Kathryn Lee Robinson
Pain care quality and patient perception of pain care, Laura K. Martin
Pain catastrophizing and prolonged opioid use following lumbar fusion, Maureen P. Lall
Pain control methods in perioperative patients, Emily Owens, Sara Pate, and Paige Phelps
Pain, coping and sleep in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, Joyce Kelly Graves and Eufemia Jacob
Painful procedures correlate with markers of hypoxia, oxidative stress and intestinal injury in premature neonates, Danilyn Mag-akat Angeles
Pain, gut microbiome and neurodevelopment in preterm infants, Xiaomei Cong
Pain in African Americans: Optimizing pain management in the African American patient population using a health policy development study method, Shjuan Crockett, Deon Scott, and Emily Worthy
Pain management and palliative care: A program of research, Huda Abu-Saad Huijer
Pain management bias in African Americans with sickle cell disease, Shermel Edwards-Maddox
Pain-management challenges in rural communities impacted by multi-drug overdoses, Cathy L. Campbell
Pain management education for the hospitalized patient, Peggy J. Mazzeo and Linda E. Jensen
Pain management in the post surgical patient: It is not all about narcotics, Kate McConathy
Pain management outcomes: Comparing post-operative patients in the U.S. and China, Gwen D. Sherwood, Hui Wang, and Huaping Liu
Pain management: Rounding to improve the patient's experience, Melodie Ruth Daniels
Pain-me-free: A video game to improve geriatric pain management using a multi-discipline approach, Martha L. Martinez, Sandra Sanchez-Reilly, and Jeanette Ross
Pain reassessment in the emergency department, Diane K. Ullery
Pain-related patient satisfaction in outpatient settings: The need for standardization and benchmarking, Michele Marie Farrington and Trudy Ann Laffoon
Pain reports during sexual assault forensic medial examinations: Implications for healthcare providers, Leslie W. Miles and Julie Valentine
Pain symptom cluster's (SC) effect on the psychoneurological SC and performance in advanced breast cancer, Kawther Ismail Hamash, Wendy Umberger, Aynur Aktas, Thomas Declan Walsh, and Vinay Kumar Cheruvu
Pajama Day! Improving multi-campus education using online conferencing, Jennifer Chaiken
Palestinian managers' views and practices regarding the prevention of home injuries: An explorative qualitative study, Intima A. H. Alrimawi, Michael Craig Watson, Carol Hall, Mohammed Al Bashtawy, and Nabeel Al-Yateem
Palliative and supportive care in Turkey: Literature review and current status of research, Imatullah Akyar
Palliative care and the nurse's role, Toby Bressler, Teresa L. Hagan, and Jiayun Xu
Palliative care for the person with dementia: Evidence-based guidance on pain assessment and management, Nicola Cornally, Alice Coffey, Elizabeth Weathers, and Catherine Buckley
Palliative care: Improving eligible patient identification to encourage early intervention, Norma H. Clark
Palliative care in mechanical circulatory support: A systematic review, Tiffany Dzou, Huibrie C. Pieters, Carol L. Pavlish, Lynn V. Doering, and Jo-Ann Eastwood
Palliative care need for HIV adolescents using Maxwell Model: A qualitative study, Iqbal Pramukti, Nai-Ying Ko, Ai Mardhiyah, and Ahmad Yamin
Paperless precepting: Innovative use of electronic resources for orientation, Sara Knippa and Margaret Forbes
Pap smear guideline adherence among non-immigrant Hispanic women of Mexican origin, Dulce M. Warren
Parallel and factor analysis for delimiting items in a three-dimensional construct of clarity for nurses, Jayne Felgen and John W. Nelson
Parental attitude and parental adjustment to epilepsy in a child, Joan K. Austin
Parental experiences with healthcare transition for adolescent and emerging adult children with intellectual disability, Michelle S. Franklin, Sharron Lee Docherty, Gary R. Maslow, McLean D. Pollock, Samuel M. Brotkin, and Logan N. Beyer
Parental Feeding Styles Affecting Childhood Obesity, Carol Y. Gao
Parental human papillomavirus knowledge and intentions to vaccinate their daughters, Lisa Nicole Mansfield, Elijah O .. Onsomu, Elizabeth Merwin, and Alfreda Harper-Harrison
Parental influences on late adolescents' autonomous motivation and sexual risk knowledge and behavior, Bettina Hornbuckle Riley
Parental needs rating by parents and nurses: Association with illness severity, Kadeen N. Briscoe, Mina D. Singh, Michelle Butt, Elsabeth Jensen, and Tsorng-Yeh Lee
Parental palliative care decision-making: A collaborative approach to protocol development and IRB approval, Elizabeth A. Olafson
Parental perceived barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination: A literature review, Lisa Nicole Mansfield
Parental perceptions: Depression and hardiness in families raising a child with a disability, Barbara L. Mandleco, Donna Freeborn, Susanne Olsen Roper, Tina Dyches, and Shannon McOmber
Parental perceptions of family management styles in families with a child with asthma, Annette Hines
Parental perceptions of family social supports in families with children with epilepsy, Kim Alexander Decker
Parental perceptions of sleep hygiene practices of urban, minority school-aged children: A descriptive qualitative study, Darlene M. Dickson
Parental perceptions of their adult children caring for siblings with chronic mental illness, Linda Carman Copel
Parental perceptions regarding injury risk, Catherine M. Hogan
Parental readiness for infant safe-sleep interventions, Kimberly T. Hodges
Parental report of sleep problems among preschool children and their predictors, Pi-Chen Chang
Parental self-efficacy, feeding practices, and weight gain during infancy: A secondary analysis, Jessica S. Bahorski
Parental survey to assess risk factors and incidence of falls in pediatric ambulatory services, Mary Dempsey Gordon, Marlene Walden, Curt C. Braun, and Joseph L. Hagan
Parent education needs of infants with complex life-threatening illnesses, Jennifer Marie Wells
Parenting a lone twin: When one twin dies, Kelly L. Grady
Parenting bedtime behaviors and sleep among toddlers living with socioeconomic adversity, Monica Roosa Ordway, Nancy S. Redeker, Craig Canapari, Sangchoon Jeon, and Lois Sadler
Parenting behaviors, perceived competence, and exercise of girls in middle childhood, Jane Cerruti Dellert
Parenting practices and children's physical activity, Amy M. Hutchens
Parenting stress in parents of infants with congenital heart disease and parents of healthy infants: The first year of life, Nadya Golfenshtein, Alexandra L. Hanlon, Janet A. Deatrick, and Barbara Medoff-Cooper
Parenting stress, self-efficacy, and COVID-19 health risks as predictors of general stress among nurses, Robin J. Brown, Christin Carotta, Paula Carson, Patricia Da Rosa, Aileen Garcia, and Brandi Pravecek
Parenting stress, social support, re-birth intention of mother with infant or child, Jung Kim
Parent perceptions of sexual education needs of children with autism spectrum disorders, Melissa Lehan Mackin
Parent reports of their children's oral health behaviors as predictors of oral health status, Susan K. Patton and Stephanie Severe
Parent satisfaction with school health delivery models, Sherri R. Becker
Parent's cross-cultural perceptions of the health and well-being of their family, Julia Snethen, Wirunpat Sakunsuntiporn, Sheryl T. Kelber, and Pamela E. Treisman
Parents' experience raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Charlotte D. Strahm
Parents' experiences of communication with neonatal intensive-care unit staff: An interview study, Helena Wigert
Parents' experiences of continuing pregnancy with a lethal fetal diagnosis: Goal, stages, tasks of pregnancy, Denise Cote-Arsenault and Erin Denney-Koelsch
Parents' impressions of their child's minor surgical procedure with nitrous oxide, Tina J. Shapiro
Parents' knowledge and experiences with preterm and full term infant care after hospital discharge, Forgive Avorgbedor, Diane L. Holditch-Davis, and Hannah Anderson Hughes
Parents of transgender youth: Development of healthcare strategies focusing on transitioning individual's holistic environment, Jason Yediares
Parent's perception of recommendation of HPV vaccination for adolescent children, Maria Jefferson-Walker
Parents perceptions of stressors in the neonatal intensive care unit in one hospital in Rwanda, Priscille Musabirema
Parents' perceptions of the impact of social media on their adolescents, Rebecca M. Larson
Parents reactions to multi-disciplinary perinatal palliative care during pregnancy with a lethal fetal diagnosis, Denise Cote-Arsenault
Parent transition from the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) to home, Carole Ann Kenner
Parkinson's Disease and computer-based cognitive training, Ashley N. MacDonald
Participant experiences in phase I pediatric oncology clinical trials, Stacey M. Crane
Participating in the graduate nurse education demonstration project: The students' view, Robert Gordon Jr. Hanks and Cheryl D. Loudd
Participation in an online faculty development program to support novice nursing faculty, Janis Longfield McMillan
Participation in virtual clinical simulation: An assessment of the impact on content mastery for students, Laura L. King, Kelli J. Greder, and Kadriyya Clark
Participation of laryngectomized patients in self-help groups and their motivations for status changes, Kaori Haba, Kumiko Kotake, Kazuyo Iwanaga, Ichiro Kai, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Aya Takahashi, Yoko Ishibashi, Mami Miyazono, Mami Kurita, Ichiro Ota, Hirokazu Uemura, Hiromi Taniguchi, Sakae Matuoka, Naomi Mine, Miyuki Takahashi, and Tadashi Kitahara
Participation of laryngectomized patients in self-help groups in Japan: Relationship with subject characteristics, Kaori Haba, Kumiko Kotake, Kazuyo Iwanaga, Ichiro Kai, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Aya Takahashi, and Yoko Ishibashi
Participatory action research: Addressing domestic violence using a constructivist framework, Balbir Kaur Gurm, Jennifer Marchbank, and Sheila Early
Participatory action research: Relevance and use for contemporary nursing research, Lorna Moxham
Participatory approach to build capacity: Nurse-led research to overcome insufficient mobility in hospitalized older adults, Gordana Dermody and Ruth A. Bryant
Participatory arts-based pedagogy in baccalaureate nursing education, Amber Vermeesch, Anjanette M. Raber, and Laura Mood
Participatory rural appraisal for community assessment of health needs in rural Haiti: A pilot study, Amy L. Knowles and Penelope Lynn Neal
Participatory visual thinking strategies in baccalaureate nursing education: Impact of using art to define family, Amber Vermeesch, Meg Moorman, Joane T. Moceri, and Susie L. Stragnell
Partner communication for HIV prevention among refugee Hispanic women in South Florida, Rosina Cianelli, Natalia Villegas, Brian E. McCabe, Lila de Tantillo, and Nilda (Nena) Peragallo Montano
Partnering for maximum impact: Pathway to Excellence® and Sigma team up to benefit nurses, Christine Pabico and Sarah E. Abel
Partnering to determine the scope of simulation in US acute care hospitals, Marie Gilbert, Krista Kipper, Linda Markey, Lygia L. Arcaro, Kate J. Morse, and Gregory E. Gilbert
Partnering to Increase the BSN Prepared Workforce, Suzanne E. Zentz and Christina Cavinder
Partnering to provide midwifery and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner education: A model for success, Susan Bragg Leight, Karen Johnson Feltham, and Marian Newton
Partnering with community health workers and faith-based organizations to provide hypertension management in Haiti, Cynthia G. Cortes
Partnering with families to validate questionnaires assessing unmet needs of children, adolescents, and parents/caregivers at the end of cancer treatment, Mary Conway, Courtney King, Leigh Hart, Andrew Needham, Elizabeth Holden, Tiffany Ruiz, and Ruth Lucas
Partnering with students to enhance the pipeline of future nursing researchers, Courtney Catledge
Partnership-based health care: Applying principles of caring to entire system, Teddie Potter
Partnership-based health care: Applying principles of caring to entire system, Suzanne S. Prevost
Partnership functioning and sustainability in nursing academic practice partnerships: The mediating role of partnership synergy, Chris-Tenna Marie Perkins
Partnership in Action: A Case Study in Nursing Workforce and Leadership Development in East Africa, Sharon Mary Brownie
Partnerships among nonprofit organizations: Assessing the impact on global health, Jacqueline Cassagnol
Partnerships in global health: Nursing assessments with school-age children in Belize to promote healthy living, Mary Lou De Natale and Enna Edouard Trevathan
Partnership with a community hospital nurse residency program: An innovative approach to increase BSN prepared RNs in a rural area, Michelle H. Cheshire and Cassandra D. Ford
Partners in care: Nursing's influence in an emergency medicine residency program, Michelle Patch, Paula M. Neira, Linda Regan, and Susan Peterson
Partners in health lead screening project, Marilyn J. Lotas and Mary T. Quinn Griffin
Partners together in health: Health-related quality of life outcomes in coronary artery bypass patients and partners, Lynda C. Macken
Passing NCLEX: What courses and tools matter most to students, Taralyn W. McMullan, Jackie Lollar, and Bettina Hornbuckle Riley
Past, present and future: A journey of biobehavioral complementary alternative medicine (CAM) research for cancer survivors and caregivers, Cecile A. Lengacher
Path analysis of health literacy and retention in care among African Americans living with HIV, Ashley Anderson, Regine Haardoerfer, Marcia Holstad, Minh Nguyen, and Drenna Waldrop-Valverde
Path analysis of relationships between social support, interpersonal relations and perceived health in urban adolescents, Nancy M. H. Pontes, Manuel C. F. Pontes, and Cynthia G. Ayres
Pathopharmacological foundations for advanced nursing practice: Obesity pathophysiology, identification, treatment, and disease management, Heather M. Richardson
Paths to Becoming a Nurse Scholar, Claudia Kam Yuk Lai
Pathway and Sigma partnership: Leveraging professional branding, Sarah E. Gray and Maricon Dans
Pathways to healing: Perceived changes in quality-of-life related to participation in complementary services, Diana Odland Neal and Mary Buntrock Johnson
Pathways to obesity: Implications of a shifting obesity paradigm for nursing research, Mary Madeline Rogge
Pathways to progress: Academic support for students in nursing education programs, Mary Wombwell
Patient acceptance of decreased cervical cancer screening frequency in an urban practice, Meredith Hudes-Lowder and Elizabeth Cole Collins
Patient Adherence: A Concept Analysis, Lisa Nicole Mansfield
Patient advocacy: The role of research and power to knowingly participate in change, Lisa Marie Heelan
Patient and facility characteristics related to hypertension control after a transient ischemic attack (TIA), Greg Arling, Fitsum Baye, Jason Sico, Priscilla Arling, Laura Myers, and Dawn Bravata
Patient and family education in pediatric oncology: A systematic review, Cheryl Rodgers, Catherine Laing, Ruth Anne Herring, Nancy Tena, Adrianne Leonardelli, Marilyn Hockenberry, and Verna Hendricks-Ferguson
Patient and family participation in medication communication at discharge, Georgia Tobiano, Elizabeth Manias, Wendy Chaboyer, Rachael Raleigh, Trudy Teasdale, and Julie Barker
Patient and stakeholder engagement in research: The PCORI opportunity, Heather M. Young
Patient arrival: A pivotal point in emergency care, Tracie Henderson and Michele Samsa
Patient care technology: Where the patient meets the nurse, Belinda M. Toole
Patient-centered care: Teaching psychosocial skills to new nurses, Elizabeth Wierman and Susan Jones
Patient-centered communication: Where does the time go?, Cynthia Ann Leaver, Kathleen T. McCoy, and Laura A. Khouvongsavanh
Patient-centered teaching increases medication calculation accuracy of baccalaureate nursing students, Teresa V. Hurley
Patient centered triage process change to improve throughput in a freestanding emergency department, Katharine McLary
Patient choice for people with long-term conditions: An interpretation by nurses, Kim A. Van Wissen, Denise L. Blanchard, and Annabel K. Matheson
Patient-clinician encounter documentation in the electronic medical record (EMR) by ambulatory care clinicians, Kimberly A. Frier, Seuli Brill, Gabrielle Modan, Anthony Sanchez, and Jennifer Burgess
Patient complexity factors and their influence on nurses' perception of staffing adequacy, Margaret M. Duffy
Patient-consumer perceptions and responses to professional nursing care: Instrument development, Mary B. Killeen
Patient decision-making regarding life-sustaining treatment for end-stage renal disease, Mary Lucia Feild
Patient education, engagement, and activation for chronic pancreatitis patients and care partners, Christina Sailors and Tara Whitmire
Patient experience of care and quality of life in ambulatory cancer patients, Carol L. Reid, Alexandra McCarthy, Monika Janda, Lee Jones, Danette Langbecker, and Leanne Sr. Stone
Patient Falls: Improving patient safety, continuing challenge, Carol Boswell and Jessica Tully
Patient feedback on a mobile optimized web app for tuberculosis (TB) medication adherence, Yvette Rodriguez and Sarah J. Iribarren
Patient-generated health-data information needs in pediatric asthma, Victoria L. Tiase
Patient-healthcare provider engagement: The basic building block, Inge B. Corless, Alex Hoyt, J. Craig Phillips, Carol Dawson-Rose, Elizabeth F. Sefcik, Patrice Kenneally Nicholas, William L. Holzemer, Mary Jane Hamilton, Joachim G. Voss, Carmen J. Portillo, Kathleen M. Nokes, Wei-Ti Chen, and Kenn M. Kirksey
Patient medication education: It's impact on the discharged medical/surgical patient, Cathleen D. Butenewicz
Patient medication education: Its impact on the discharged medical/surgical patient, Cathleen D. Butenewicz
Patient outcomes from care provided by advanced practice nurses in the U.S., Julie A. Stanik-Hutt and Kathleen M. White
Patient perceptions of an augmented virtual nurse office to deliver wellness services for stress management, Jacqueline K. Owens, Nitin Walia, Karen Estridge, and Melessa Starnes-Damoff
Patient perceptions of factors that influence self-management of heart failure, Ludmila Santiago-Rotchford
Patient Perceptions of Nurse Listening Behaviors, Nancy Loos
Patient portal messaging for research participant recruitment: A valuable tool in the recruitment toolbox, Hailey Miller, Kelly T. Gleason, Cassie Lewis-Land, Stephen Juraschek, Lawrence Appel, Daniel Ford, and Cheryl R. Dennison Himmelfarb
Patient/provider concordance: Instrument development, Amanda Jane Flagg
"Patient-reported outcome measures" enhance the nursing process and patient-centered care in heart failure, Marguerite M. Russo
Patient responses to COPD symptoms: The relationship of dyspnea and fatigue to activities of daily living, inhaler use, and self-care capability, Mary G. Cantley
Patient safety: An interprofessional education approach, Rita Ann Dello Stritto and Peggy A. Landrum
Patient safety competencies in rural ASN students: An evidence-based curricular innovation, Janeen Berndt
Patient safety culture and patient safety outcomes in Saudi Arabia: Perceptions of expatriate nurses, Amal A. Alharbi and V. Susan Dahinten
Patient safety culture, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction: Impact on nurse-sensitive patient outcomes, Debbie Anglade
Patient safety on the preparation of intravenous medication in Brazilian pediatric cardiology units, Francisca Elisangela Teixeira Lima, Igor de Freitas, Paulo César Almeida, Ires Lopes Custodio, Silvania Braga Ribeiro, Luiza Marques Cavalcante, Erica Rodrigues D'Alencar, and Larissa Bento de Araujo Mendonca
Patient safety - The effect of nurse fatigue on outcomes, Ann Marie T. Brooks
Patients and health care workers' experiences with the RFID system for health screening, Hee Sun Kang and Seongshin Kim
Patients are NEVER customers, Jose Angel Torres
Patient Satisfaction and Provider Preference with OTC Topical Azole Antifungal Agents, Mark Martens
Patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner care in retail health clinics, Laura J. Tucco
Patient satisfaction with postpartum teaching methods used by nurses, Debra L. Wagner
Patients being weaned from the ventilator: Positive effects of guided imagery, Frank McVay, Elizabeth Spiva, and Patricia L. Hart
Patients' coping process of having acute myocardial infraction attack and receiving urgent percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs): A grounded theory study, Shu-Fen Su, Ya-Wen Lin, and Chiung-Fen Shih
Patients' experiences of cardiac rehabilitation programs in Saudi Arabia, Sharifa Alasiry, Virginia Plummer, and Danny J. Hills
Patients' experiences of educational component of an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR) exercise programme: Qualitative study, Wendy Mary Warden
Patient's impact on antibiotics prescription for viral infections, Adedamola O. Solawon
Patients' involvement and trust in care-perceptions of cancer patients in outpatient clinic, Tarja Kvist and Katri Vehvilainen-Julkunen
Patients' lived experience of chemotherapy after mastectomy: A phenomenological study, Yu Chen Liao and Li-Fen Wu
Patients' perception of the use of motivational interviewing for childhood obesity treatment: A qualitative study, Penelope Lynn Neal
Patients' perceptions of hope and hope-engendering nurse interventions, Debra Haas Stavarski
Patients' perceptions of patient education as enablement, Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler
Patients' perceptions regarding nursing care in the general surgical wards at Kenyatta National Hospital, Elwin Shawa
Patients' reactions to being selected by a computerised risk tool for case management by a community matron in the UK, Belinda J. Wigmore and Sylvie Marshall-Lucette
Patients' satisfaction with nursing care in public hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria, Patience E. Samson-Akpan, Victoria Kalu Uka, Idang Ojong, Regina Etita Ella, and Mildred E. John
Patients with advanced lung cancer: Quality of life and perception of dyspnea, Barbara A. Roces
Patients with advanced-stage cancer: Caregivers perspective on patient symptoms, treatment sessions, and coping, Cecile A. Lengacher, Paula Cairns, Andrew Bugajski, Victoria K. Marshall, and Trudy Wittenberg
Patient throughput quality improvement initiative in interventional radiology, Cynthia Boado, Nancy Lamberson, and Dawn Scasserra
Pattern recognition in experienced pediatric nurses, Kathleen Wilson Neal
Patterns of body mass trajectory among Japanese children and impacts of life style factors during childhood, Chiyori Haga and Yoko Aihara
Patterns of communicating with high fidelity patient simulators, Judy K. Anderson and Kimberly Nelson
Patterns of fatigue and factors influencing fatigue during adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy, Ann M. Berger
Patterns of symptom distress during the initial treatment period in three children with cancer, Sharron Lee Docherty
Pause with paws: Implementation of an evidence-based animal visitation program at a small Vermont university, Angela Smith
Paving a path to success: Portfolio building for promotion and retention, Indra Hershorin
Paving the way for patients' transition of care, Julie A. Jones
Paying preceptors in nurse practitioner education: Perceptions of the preceptor, Robert Gordon Jr. Hanks and Cheryl D. Loudd
PDA4 NCLEX® success: Faculty and student collaboration to improve NCLEX-RN® first time pass rate, E'Loria Simon-Campbell, Desha Johnson-Makiya, Jennifer Edeogu, Mona Cockerham, and Angelique Cunningham
PECARN nursing research priorities: Reaching consensus through the Delphi Method, Warren D. Frankenberger, Jackie Noll, Mary Kate Abbadessa, Rupinder Sandhu, Darcy Brodecki, Elizabeth Ely, and Amy Pasmann
Pedagogical strategy for teaching innovation and business concepts to graduate nursing students, Elizabeth Moran Fitzgerald, David P. Hrabe, and Daniel Weberg
Pediatric benefits of animal assisted therapy, Megan Boschert, Andrew Hardy, and Cameron Morford
Pediatric cardiac transplant: Quality of life of urban families, Lauren Kelm, Nancy A. O'Connor, Barbara Banfield, and Susan M. Hasenau
Pediatric concussion management in the ER and primary care settings, Susan Moraca
Pediatric continuity of care, Amara Michella Altman
Pediatric emergency department (PED) simulation: Undergraduate nursing students' experience, Mary Rochelle Schultz and Rita Ann Dello Stritto
Pediatric nursing practice environment, job outcomes and safety climate: Structural Equation Modeling approach, Edineis de Brito Guirardello and Daniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves
Pediatric oral health interprofessional clerkship, Erin Hartnett and Judith Haber
Pediatric palliative care: A 5-year retrospective chart review study, Susan E. Thrane, Scott H. Maurer, Susan M. Cohen, and Susan M. Sereika
Pediatric severe sepsis checklist improves timeliness of treatment, Sarah Maciolek, Kelly Perez, Megan Hughes, and Emily C. Dawson
Pediatric student experiences in a school nursing clinical, Brenna Quinn and Diana McAuliffe
Pediatric syndromes and their conundrums, Allan Joseph V. Cresencia
Peer assisted learning in a simulated emergency department experience for undergraduate nursing students, Deborah A. Tapler, Nancy McMenamy, and Cynthia Denise Bain
Peer coaching program between graduating seniors and incoming juniors in a clinical setting, Linda Smith McQuiston and Kimberly Joyce Hanna
Peer collaborative clinical decision-making in virtual reality nursing simualtion, Thye Peng Ngo
Peer counselors to improve exclusive breastfeeding rate and duration in Mauritania: A pilot project, Danielle Rebecca Johnson
Peer (dyadic) support: A feasibility study for African American women with hypertension, Angela Groves
Peer feedback in nursing students: A concept analysis, Danielle Fleming, Jean Yockey, Susan B. Fowler, and Lorie Truhe
Peer i-coaching for activated self-management optimization in rural AYA cancer survivors and parents: Intervention protocol, Se Hee Min, Gary R. Maslow, McLean D. Pollock, and Sharron Lee Docherty
Peer mentoring: A key to success in online graduate nursing education, Mary Bemker and Nancyruth Leibold
Peer mentoring during hospital practicum to reduce anxiety in the first semester clinical nursing student, Danielle Katherine Walker
Peer-Mentorship for Clinical Leadership, Lynn H. Buckalew
Peer-mentorship for master's entry nursing students: Utilizing Lewin's Change Theory for program development and pilot-testing, Melissa Kumnoonsate, Wendy Linda Luc, and Dylan Scalzo
Peer mentorship for unit-based council chairs, Denise White
Peer review in the online environment, Mary Alice Momeyer, Carolyn Schubert, and Joni L. Tornwall
Peer teachers: Learning in the nursing skills lab, Kathleen Swanson, Kolby Schaeffer-Fraase, and Janet Riggins
Peer teaching in an undergraduate health assessment course to promote skills retention, Melissa I. Owen and Angela Frederick Amar
Peer-to-peer international collaborative projects as a platform to promote global health experiences, Danielle Dohrmann
Peer tutor support of diverse learning styles for pre-licensure nursing students in a simulation center environment, Caitlin Michele Camp
Pelvic inclination angle and autonomic nervous activity while seated in a wheelchair: Using the seated posture measurement method, Etsuko Yokoyama, Yoko Tsuji, and Yuka Saeki
PENG block for total hip arthroplasty, Josefina Munoz and Lisa Herbinger
PENG regional block for hip procedures, Ethan Simmons
People support what they help to create: Improving clinical outcomes with neonatal abstinence syndrome, Amy Chastain
Perceived barriers to healthy lifestyle activities in midlife and older Australian women with type 2 diabetes, Amanda M. McGuire and Debra Jane Anderson
Perceived barriers to research utilization among registered nurses in an urban hospital in Jamaica, Pauline Anderson-Johnson, Andrea Norman-McPherson, and Stacey Foster-Jackson
Perceived benefits and challenges reported by early career graduates in providing family-focused nursing care, Marilyn A. Swan, Kristen Abbott-Anderson, and Sandra Eggenberger
Perceived benefits of a mindfulness-based intervention among homeless women and young children, Jeanne L. Alhusen
Perceived challenges to prevention of work-related conflicts among nurse leaders in teaching hospital, Calabar, Nigeria, Idongesit I. Akpabio and Cecelia Obal Nyambi
Perceived clinical orientation needs of student registered nurse anesthetists: A quality improvement needs assessment, Madison N. Cooper
Perceived cognitive deficits in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS), Alexa Stuifbergen and Ashley M. Henneghan
Perceived competence and transition experience of new graduate Filipino nurses, Nicolette Anne Ubas-Sumagasyay and Ryan Michael F. Oducado
Perceived control and adaptation in elderly caregivers, Margaret I. Wallhagen
Perceived discrimination is related to emotional/psychological and physical symptoms in sickle cell disease, Miriam O. Ezenwa
Perceived ease of use and usefulness of podcasting in nursing skills competence, Lisa Mesmer Barnes
Perceived ethical practices and quality of service delivery by midwives among mothers attending antenatal clinic in Mulago Hospital Kampala, Uganda, Alice Collette Alum, Nabachwa Oliver Norah, and Scovia Nalugo Mbalinda
Perceived health status of elders treated with opioids for persistent nonmalignant pain, Leslie E. Simons
Perceived implementation of guidelines to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Malawi: A qualitative multiple case study, Chifundo Colleta Zimba and Jennifer Leeman
Perceived learning needs of high school teachers regarding suicide prevention, Miranda L. Bevilacqua
Perceived palliative and EOL care knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among health professionals, Deborah M. Price, Heather M. Smith, Justin H. Oldfield, Jennifer Ann Zybert, Marcos Montagnini, and Linda K. Strodtman
Perceived practice-based problems and evidenced-based outcomes in online advanced practice nursing students (APRN), Patricia A. Riccio and Carol M. Patton
Perceived quality of life after prostate cancer treatment: Response shift, Shannon Ruff Dirksen and Michael J. Belyea
Perceived quality of life following falls: Voices of community-dwelling older adults, Anthony A. Adeniran
Perceived readiness for practice of senior baccalaureate nursing students, Janet Kay Reagor
Perceived risk for cardiovascular disease among Japanese adults, Satomi Hayashi
Perceived role strain experienced by clinical nurse faculty, Jeannie Couper
Perceived social support, coping, and psychological distress in advanced cancer patients, Adelaida Zabalegui
Perceived sources and types of social support and academic success, Tina Thornton
Perceived sources of academic stress in the nursing program, Iana Denise Fontanilla
Perceived strategies to decrease attrition rates among nurses practicing at healthcare institutions in India, Llewellyn Prater, Shelby L. Garner, and Leena Raj
Perceived stress and coping strategies of Hong Kong pre-registration nursing degree students during their clinical placement, Vico C. L. Chiang, Hiu-Wai Chan, Yu-Ching Siu, Yee-Ha Tam, Ka-Po Chow, Hoi-Yee Wong, Ka-Kei Chu, Ka-Yan Yeung, Chui-Ling Lau, Ka-Man Leung, and Fong-Ting Siu
Perception and acceptance of hospital meals among inpatients in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria, Omowumi Romoke Salau, Funmilola Adenike Faremi, and Adeyinka T. Ajayi
Perception of adults toward men in nursing in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria, Regina Etita Ella, Patience E. Samson-Akpan, and Ekaete Francis Asuquo
Perception of caring behaviors of patients and oncology nursing staff: Comparative study, Narda Santamaria, Gloria Mabel Carrillo Gonzalez, Lilia Esperanza Garcia Ramirez, and Beatriz Sanchez Herrera
Perception of healthy aging among elderly with chronic disease in Taiwan: A qualitative study, Yu-Rung Wang and Ching-Min Chen
Perception of role strain among male critical care registered nurses: A quantitative descriptive approach, Nicholas Carte
Perception of self through mirror-viewing: Insight into the experience following limb amputation, Wyona M. Freysteinson and Lisa W. Thomas
Perception of senior nursing students regarding preparedness for professional practice, Debra Sr. Kerr and Clive Miller
Perception of stigma experienced PLHIV at a health facility in Khayelitsha Sub-District, Cape Town, Deliwe Rene Phetlhu and Alobwede Samuel Muabe
Perception of student nurses' bullying behaviors and coping strategies used in clinical settings, Reem Mabrouk Abd El Rahman
Perception of U.S. Latino adolescent immigrants of their family and community environment, Brittany N. Gannon and Jeanne-Marie Stacciarini
Perceptions and attitude on using social media responsibly: Toward social media literacy in nursing education, Ryan Michael F. Oducado, Mhonica Sales, Aira Joy Magarzo, Patricia Mae Panes, and Joreem Theus Lapastora
Perceptions and attitudes of parents and healthcare professionals toward infant massage in NICU, Bahia Abdallah
Perceptions and cultural competence of nursing students who study abroad: Do outcomes outlast the experience?, Donna M. Mesler
Perceptions and knowledge of patient and care providers: Recommendations for prevention of injurious falls, Lynne K. Zajac, Deb Vargo, Christina Silka, and Barb Conover
Perceptions and practices of Hmong childbearing women: Promoting cultural respect, Cheryl Ann Corbett
Perceptions and Self-Perceived Knowledge of Evidence-Based Health Care Amongst Registered Nurses in the Western Cape, Karien Orton
Perceptions and understanding of antibiotic use with caregivers of school-age children, Angela Opsahl, Allyson Hunsinger, Nicholas Bell, Megan Eble, Emily Pedigo, Breanna Martlage, and Desiree Hensel
Perceptions and writing experiences of nursing students: A mixed methods exploration of writing self-efficacy, Lori Sprenger
Perceptions contributing to cervical cancer screening decisions in African born immigrant women, Adebola Adegboyega and Jennifer Hatcher
Perceptions for school-based caring among parents of children with chronic disease: An integrative review, Ju-Yeon Uhm, Mi-Young Choi, and Myoung Soo Kim
Perceptions, instances, and reporting of violence in the emergency department, Dusti Everett-Hinkle, Ashley Sparks, and Keith Coates
Perceptions of accelerated bachelor of science in nursing program graduates regarding andragogical practices employed by faculty, Mary E. Hanson-Zalot
Perceptions of aging and interaction self-efficacy with older adults among nursing students through the intergeneration service-learning program, Jiin-Ru Rong and Shu-Chen Hsu
Perceptions of a healthy work environment through the eyes of student nurse externs, Shunda L. Wilburn, Sharon D. Hamm-Wilson, and Cassaundra L. Henderson
Perceptions of associate degree nursing students regarding the effects of pervious work experiences on their academic progress, Latifah Davis
Perceptions of baccalaureate nursing students before and after placement on a behavioral health unit, Susan Reimann Jackson and Margaret M. Touw
Perceptions of cardiac self-care among Lebanese patients and their family caregivers, Nuhad Yazbik Dumit
Perceptions of cardiovascular stress management in university employees, Janki R. Patel and Louise C. O'Keefe
Perceptions of community of associate degree nurse learners in an RN-to-BSN online program, Cherie R. Rebar
Perceptions of cultural competence among nurse practitioners, Carolina Huerta
Perceptions of DNP-prepared nurse educators on their preparation for the faculty role, Mary Ann Burke, Jeannie R. Harper, D. Michele Ellis, Emily Eiswirth, and Kim B. Brannagan
Perceptions of faculty preparedness for developing, evaluating and revising BSN curriculum, Meredith L. Roberts
Perceptions of future and advance care planning for Japanese women with early stage gynecological and breast cancer, Yuki Asakura
Perceptions of "good work in nursing" of experienced administrators, educators, and clinicians from two STTI circles, Dorette Sugg Welk
Perceptions of graduate nurse practitioner faculty on the use of simulation in lieu of traditional clinical hours, Virginia Strong
Perceptions of graduate nurses' orientation within the emergency department, Denise Campbell, Tanya Regmont, Donna Gunning, Jennifer Hillaker, and Sean Dufour
Perceptions of health after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Diane Gullett
Perceptions of health, healthy decision-making, and living: A study of young mothers living in Jamaica, Katherine M. Haigh, Judith Herrman, and Kathleen Luckner
Perceptions of how simulation affects transition into professional nursing practice, Christine M. Thomas
Perceptions of incivility among operating room (OR) nurses, Nancy Armstrong, Katy Garth, Tonia L. Mailow, Dana Todd, and Dina Byers
Perceptions of interprofessional collaborative practice and the correlation with patient and family satisfaction scores, MaryDee Fisher, Donna Weyant, Susan E. Sterrett, and Heather Lynne Ambrose
Perceptions of Leadership Self and Means Efficacy Among Nursing Faculty: An Exploratory Study, Ashley M. Singh and Kathleen Spadaro
Perceptions of neonatal nurse practitioners and work toward collaborative practice, Teresa Bailey, Jane Champion, and Brittany Christiansen
Perceptions of new baccalaureate graduate nurses regarding the adequacy of nursing education and preparation for professional practice, Linda S. Johanson
Perceptions of novice clinical adjunct nursing faculty, Layna Himmelberg
Perceptions of nurse coaching for technology addiction in a simulated virtual world clinic, Karen Estridge, Nitin Walia, Jacqueline K. Owens, and Melessa Starnes-Damoff
Perceptions of nurse practitioner students on the delivery of culturally congruent care to Mexican immigrants, Linda Eanes
Perceptions of nursing students of study abroad experiences, Camille Payne and Genie E. Dorman
Perceptions of nursing students' regarding their educational environment, Salima M. Farooq and Jacqueline Maria Dias
Perceptions of patients' post coronary artery bypass grafting surgery related to health related quality of life and satisfaction when nurse practitioners are active participants in care, Patricia D. Sweeney
Perceptions of patients regarding diabetes-related health communication strategies in the Free State, South Africa, Champion N. Nyoni and Marianne Reid
Perceptions of pediatric obesity in the rural community setting, Kathyrn Smith
Perceptions of primary care facilitators and barriers among homeless-experienced individuals, Kirsten A. Dickins, Susan Buchholz, Lynne T. Braun, Melinda Earle, Diana L. Ingram, and Niranjan Karnik
Perceptions of role transition among nurses working in both clinical and faculty positions, Teresa A. Wenner
Perceptions of second year bridging students regarding mentoring at private nursing colleges in Eastern CAPE, Thriscilla Pillay
Perceptions of self-reported civility among undergraduate nursing students, Abby Grammer Horton and Norma Graciela Cuellar
Perceptions of shared governance by nurse leaders in rural hospitals in North India, Robyn K. Hale
Perceptions of significance regarding prenatal care among multiparous patients, Susan E. Wurzer Gustafson
Perceptions of stigma by parental caregivers with mentally ill family members, Linda Carman Copel
Perceptions of students and preceptors regarding primary health care clinical placements in Lesotho, Semakaleng Hyacinth Phafoli, Stacie C. Stender, and E. Alice Christensen Majid
Perceptions of teaching effectiveness of part-time and full-time clinical nursing faculty of BSN education, Kimberly L. De Santis
Perceptions of undergraduate nursing students on racism and racial disparities in maternal health, Monika Costa
Perceptions on essential vs non-essential screenings conducted in triage, Brittany Punches, Carolyn R. Smith, and Kimberly D. Johnson
Perceptions/Recollections of Acquisition of the Nurse Advocate Role by Practicing Direct Care Nurses, Marianne Curia
Perceptions regarding the effect of doctoral teaching on faculty ability to maintain a program of scholarship, Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, Nancy J. Wise, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Mary Ann Cantrell, Mary Ann Heverly, and Amanda Jenkinson
Perceptions Related to Ongoing Preceptor Support, Megan Donnally
Perceptions toward a restraint-free practice: A case study, Suzanne Barnum Goetz
Performance of fall risk factors assessment tool for predicting fall in hospital inpatients, Yu Ju Lin
Performing communication as effective means of student learning communication skills: Using critical performative pedagogy, Dalit Wilhelm and Carmit Goren
Perils and Pitfalls Using Technology and Collaboration to Demystify the Dreaded Nursing Care Plan, Faith A. Strunk and Stacy M. Crandall
Perinatal bereavement immersion for nurses providing care to women who miscarry in the emergency department, Joyce L. Merrigan
Perinatal corticosteroids: Latent neurodevelopment of the preterm infant, Isabell Biene Purdy
Perinatal experiences of childbearing women with physical disabilities, Serah M. Nthenge
Perinatal exposure to hyper-interleukin-6 affects neurodevelopment in the mouse, Susan Brunssen
Perinatal loss chaplain utilization: What nurses request and what patients actually need, Melanie L. Chichester and Sheryl Allston
Perinatal loss in the emergency department, Gudrun Reiter-Hiltebrand
Perinatal loss standards for Haitian families, Melanie L. Chichester, Fredeline Menard, and Katherine R. Butler
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders: Findings from focus groups of at-risk women, Lorraine Byrnes
Perinatal nurse home visiting and rates of diabetes and hypertension among child-bearing mothers, Amy McKeever, Joan Rosen Bloch, Susan Zupan, and Jennifer Barkin
Perinatal nurses' therapeutic attitudes towards women who use addictive substances during pregnancy, Karen D. Neary
Perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder: A literature review, Julia Imanoff and Katherine Bright
Perinatal PTSD: A Concept Analysis, Julie A. Vignato
Perioperative anxiety in adolescents: Designing a nursing intervention program using the medical research council framework, Maria Lurdes Lomba, Márcia Pestana-Santos, and Maria Margarida Reis dos Santos Ferreira
Perioperative experience of adolescents, Janean Carter Monahan
Perioperative experience of elderly patients undergoing joint replacement surgery: An integrative literature review, Rosy Tay, Sandra Mackey, Piyanee Klainin-Yobas, and Desley G. Hegney
Perioperative healthy work environment journey: Innovative approaches to implement healthy work standards while encouraging teambuilding, Dawn Marie Brundage, Mary Katie Tattan, Erin King, Michelle Conquest, and Debra Lajoie
Perioperative immersion program: Transition to practice, Edward Creasy
Perioperative immersion program: Transition to practice, Edward Creasy
Perioperative low-dose ketamine infusion and its impact on postoperative pain: An evidence based practice analysis, Joseph Edward van den Hoven
Perioperative management of patients on buprenorphine-naloxone, Surafel Kirubel and David Fort
Perioperative nurses perceptions of moral courage, Georgia A. Dinndorf-Hogenson
Perioperative nurses' perceptions of their nursing practice environments, Adem Cengiz, Linda H. Yoder, and Valerie Danesh
Perioperative opioid sparing techniques in pediatric tonsillectomy, Andrew Bourg and Lisa Herbinger
Perioperative pain management in patients on opioid replacement therapy: An integrative review, Meghan Boer
Peripartum pain control in the opioid dependent parturient, Jaclyn Young
Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) and the efficacy of tip placement confirmation with ECG ultrasound-guided technology and chest radiography, Elizabeth A. Morrell
Peristomal skin integrity of patients with tracheostomy, Fatos Korkmaz and Turkan Aksoy
Persistence factors described by nursing students of African descent: A narrative inquiry, Claudette R. Spencer
Personal and professional transition from military to civilian nursing practice, Brenda S. Elliott, Katie A. Chargualaf, and Barbara J. Patterson
Personal Attributes Contributing to EBP Adoption by Nurses: Commitment, Empathy, and Reflection, Lynn Johnson
Personal birth accounts as a teaching tool in maternal newborn nursing, Cheryl Ann Corbett and Shelly J. Reed
Personal characteristics, occupational stress, and job performance among nurses in a tertiary institution in Nigeria, Regina Etita Ella, Patience E. Samson-Akpan, and Augusta Eleazar Agharandu
Personal digital assistants: Their influence on clinical decision-making and the utilization of evidence-based practice in a baccalaureate nursing students, Carol S. Gorelick
Personal disposition and with-it-ness in the nursing classroom: Implications for the science of nursing education, Andrew Bobal, Laura Cox Dzurec, and Barbara J. Patterson
Personal Down Time Vacation to Avoid Professional Burn-Out During COVID-19, Heerak Christian Kim
Personal factors and environmental influences within the family as predictors of adolescent asthma self-management, Jennifer S. Dolgoff, Mona Wicks, Elizabeth A. Tolley, Christie Michael, J. Carolyn Graff, Shaquita A. Starks, Loretta Alexia Williams, and Hyekyun Rhee
Personality characteristics, eating styles and weight in adult women, Frances Gloria Schwartz
Personality Traits Are Important Predictors of Glycemic Control in Patients With Diabetes, Shu-Fen Lee
Personality Type and the Configuration of Online Learning Groups, Deborah Mandel and Mary Ann Dailey
Personality Types and the Configuration of Online Learning Groups, Mary Ann Dailey and Deborah Mandel
Personalized bleeding risk score to optimize post coronary intervention outcomes, Sivaranjani Ramamoorthy
Personalized pediatric pain management: Myth or reality?, Cheryl Mele
Personalized positive end-expiratory pressure, Glenn Ray
Personal weight beliefs predictive of eating behavior patterns and actual weight in young African-American women, Stephanie Pickett
Person- and family- centred care, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Person-centered care and leadership in long-term care, Santhiny Rajamohan
Person-centred caring towards improvement of diabetic foot care compliance in rural primary health care, KwaZulu-Natal, Anné Joubert
Person-centred caring towards improvement of diabetic foot care compliance in rural primary health care, KwaZulu-Natal, Anné Joubert
Person-directed team-based process for nurse-led invention: Development of three novel technologies to support cancer survivors, Rachel Walker
Perspectives of emergency nurses with overcrowding state in Taiwan, Chun-Chih Lin, Li-Chin Chen, Chin-Yen Han, and Chiung-Jung (Jo) Wu
Perspectives of people living with HIV toward healthcare providers: Insights into multicultural health literacy, Ellen R. Long-Middleton, Patrice Kenneally Nicholas, Inge B. Corless, Carmen J. Portillo, Allison R. Webel, Marta Rivero-Mendez, William L. Holzemer, Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe, Jeanne Kemppainen, Kathleen M. Nokes, Yvette Cuca, Paula Reid, Lucille Sanzero Eller, Dean Wantland, Motshedisi Boitumelo Sabone, Solymar Solis-Baez, C. Ann Gakumo, Rachel Fortinsky, and Carol Dawson-Rose
Perspectives of siblings of children with different disabilities/chronic conditions, Barbara L. Mandleco, Susanne Olsen Roper, Tina Dyches, and Donna Freeborn