Sigma Publications: Book Excerpts
This collection houses select free excerpts from books published by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Each item record contains a link to purchase the book and ancillary materials, if applicable.
Sigma publishes high-quality nursing and healthcare titles ranging from texts for the classroom, clinical nurses, nurse managers, researchers, and beyond.
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[Excerpt from] Creating & sustaining civility in nursing education (3rd ed.)
Cynthia Clark
In this comprehensive, fully revised third edition of the award-winning Creating & Sustaining Civility in Nursing Education, author Cynthia Clark expands her proven, results-focused approach to preventing and addressing the problem of incivility. This guide includes practical, evidence-based solutions that range from principles for broad-based institutional changes to ready-to-use teaching tools and strategies to promote and maintain civility, community, and respect in today’s highly charged work and learning environments.
Considering recent changes in higher education in general and nursing education specifically, expanded areas of focus in this new edition include:
- Online teaching and learning environments
- The contentious political climate and campus unrest
- The costs and consequences of incivility
- Principled leadership and organizational change
- An emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and academic integrity
- Trauma-informed teaching and learning
- The nexus of civility and foundational standards for safe,
- inclusive, and healthy work and learning environments
This informative, timely book is brimming with ideas and resources to equip faculty, students, and nurse leaders with strategies—including role-modeling and mentoring, well-being and self care, cognitive rehearsal, and positive learning environments—to successfully address civility challenges in the nursing field.
[Excerpt from] TRANSforming nursing education: Infusing gender-sensitive care into healthcare
Christine Rodriguez
Trans and gender-diverse patients face significant barriers to respectful, comprehensive healthcare. Provider ignorance shouldn't be one of them. TRANSforming Nursing Education supplies the context to help readers understand the gaps and missteps in providing healthcare to this marginalized population and explains how we can better treat these patients.
Author Christine Rodriguez tackles tough subjects and tough statistics head on. This no-nonsense guide is packed with inclusive case studies, immersive simulation-based scenarios, checklists, and ready-to-use templates on everything from social transitioning to hormone therapy to surgeries and potential complications, all with thoughtful, reflective questions to guide readers in their understanding of the gender-diverse community. The book answers key questions, like:
- What is the difference between sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression,
- and sexual orientation?
- How can we improve healthcare education and onboarding to better serve
- trans and gender-diverse patients?
- What is binary language, and how does it impact trans and gender-diverse
- people?
- What barriers in healthcare settings marginalize trans and gender-diverse
- patients, and how can we be more inclusive and better meet their needs?
- What types of medical and surgical interventions are available for individuals
- who wants to affirm their gender identity?
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Critical conversations in healthcare (3rd ed.)
Cheri Clancy
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Critical Conversations in Healthcare, 3rd Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
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To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Self-care for new and student nurses (2nd ed.)
Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, and Natalie B. May
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Self-Care for New and Student Nurses, Second Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
As a nursing student, you're taught to expect a variety of challenges while caring for your patients and juggling competing priorities as you begin your career. And, though you may know better, your personal well-being can become the last thing you consider in your hectic student or new-nurse life.
This second edition of Self-Care for New and Student Nurses equips you to confidently face stressors now and in the future. No matter where you are in your nursing career, this book offers you multiple strategies to prioritize your own mental, physical, and emotional health. Authors Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, and Natalie May showcase a group of strong contributors whose valuable tips and exercises will help you: Find joy and a sense of mattering at work; Manage anxiety, loneliness, and depression; Address imposter syndrome, practice self-compassion, and thrive during clinicals; Cope and seek help with racial tensions, substance abuse, suicide risks, and other traumas; Spot the stressors that lead to burnout; Prioritize sleep, exercise, and nutrition; Build a toolkit of self-care techniques, including in-the-moment practices for an ideal workday; Develop a resilient mindset; Establish boundaries
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Staff educator's guide to clinical orientation (3rd ed.)
Robin L. Jarvis, Amy J. Word-Allen, and Alvin D. Jeffery
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Staff Educator's Guide to Clinical Orientation, 3rd Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
With all the changes in staffing in the past few years due to the pandemic, a high-quality onboarding process is even more important for retention and ensuring a new nurse's success.
In this fully revised third edition of Staff Educator's Guide to Clinical Orientation, authors Robin Jarvis, Amy J. Word-Allen, and Alvin Jeffery provide readers with all the tools they need to successfully develop a nursing and healthcare workforce.
Whether someone is new to leading orientation efforts or a seasoned nursing staff development specialist, this book will help readers:
·Understand the role of the preceptor in clinical orientation activities
·Incorporate regulatory and legal issues
·Understand and use the ADDIE model
·Analyze, design, and implement an orientation program
·Evaluate an individual's competency
·Conduct surveys and focus groups
·Manage orientee errors and personality conflicts
·NEW: Onboard travel nurses and float staff
·NEW: Accommodate generational differences
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] The nurse manager's guide to innovative staffing (3rd ed.)
Jennifer Mensik Kennedy and Brienne Sandow
This item record pertains to an excerpt from The Nurse Manager's Guide to Innovative Staffing, Third Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Unfolding health assessment case studies for the student nurse (2nd ed.)
Kristi Maynard and Andrea Adimando
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Unfolding Health Assessment Case Studies for the Student Nurse, 2nd Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Critical thinking can be the difference between keeping patients safe and putting them in harm's way. But as a student nurse, you may find that mastering these skills is challenging, and you may lack confidence in assessing a patient's health.
Case studies are a common, beneficial learning approach. Traditionally, they present information upfront, with the patient's status predetermined. But that isn't realistic, as a patient's health can often take an unexpected turn. Unfolding case studies provide new information over time, teaching you to think critically and apply what you've learned in nursing school to real-life situations you'll face on the job.
Authors Kristi Maynard and Andrea Adimando created Unfolding Health Assessment Case Studies for the Student Nurse as a practical, straightforward study tool for your health assessment classes and the NCLEX. Written for the next generation of student nurses, this second edition includes three new chapters providing case studies on approaching the patient interview, assessing vital signs, and assessing mental status. Whether you're a pre-licensure student who needs to review what you learned earlier or a practicing nurse who can apply these concepts to more complex scenarios, this book will:
·Enhance your knowledge and skills in basic health assessment
·Increase your comfort level in analyzing patient scenarios
·Provide opportunities to practice and apply what you learned in health assessment courses
·Develop your confidence in answering NCLEX questions
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses (5th ed.)
Cynthia Saver
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses, 5th Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
If you need to make the leap from single sentences to a published manuscript, you will find valuable help and resources in this fully updated fifth edition of Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses. In this practical and useful guide, lead author and editor Cynthia Saver removes the fear and confusion surrounding the writing and publishing process. Along the way, 25 of nursing’s top writing experts and decision-makers share important insights to help you craft a quality manuscript and get it accepted for publication. Learn how to: • NEW: Use artificial intelligence responsibly (and how it is misused in publishing) • NEW: Understand the evolving publishing terminology • NEW: Enhance dissemination of your work using video and graphical abstracts • NEW: Use an algorithm and a table to choose the right graphics for your work • Improve your writing skills • Create effective titles, abstracts, and cover letters • Write review articles, including systematic, scoping, and integrative reviews • Report evidence-based practice projects or qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies • Write collaboratively with professionals in other healthcare disciplines • Turn your dissertation or DNP project into a published article • Understand preprints, reporting guidelines, and publication legal/ethical issues • Promote your work via posters and social media
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Building a culture of ownership in healthcare (3rd ed.)
Joe Tye and Bob Dent
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, 3rd Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
In the aftermath of the pandemic, preexisting challenges in healthcare organizations have intensified. Stress, burnout, staffing shortages, and even the erosion of trust in organizational leadership are pressing issues that need solutions.
Using construction as their metaphor, authors Joe Tye and Bob Dent make a compelling case that a healthcare organization's Invisible Architecture—a foundation of core values, a superstructure of organizational culture, and the interior finish of workplace attitude—is no less important than its visible architecture.
This third edition of the multi-AJN award-winning Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare takes readers on a journey from accountability to ownership—providing a proven model, strategies, and practical solutions to help improve organizational culture in the healthcare setting.
Readers will learn how investing in their organization and their people can enable a significant, successful change in productivity; employee engagement; nurse satisfaction, recruitment, and retention; quality of care; patient satisfaction; and positive financial outcomes.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt from] The innovation handbook: A nurse leader's guide to transforming nursing
Bonnie Clipper
This item record pertains to an excerpt from The Innovation Handbook: A Nurse Leader's Guide to Transforming Nursing, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
The global healthcare ecosystem is in chaos, caught in the convergence of pandemic-induced disruption, residual inequities, burnout, and turnover. Nurse leaders can either succumb to the churn or spot—and seize—a rare opportunity for true transformation. They must thoughtfully consider all aspects of their traditional roles and tackle trigger topics such as staffing, scheduling, value-based care, outcome tracking, and more. Informed, empowered nurses can re-envision roles, integrate technologies, and develop new models to deliver the highest level of patient care.
The Innovation Handbook is a pragmatic guide and toolkit that seeks to enlighten nurse leaders as they evolve through the current crisis. Author Bonnie Clipper explains concepts and equips nurses with a knowledge foundation that enhances their innovation skill set, spurs ideas and creativity, and challenges them to think differently and apply new concepts. On the cusp of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a better future for nursing and healthcare, this book gives nurses the tools to meet the moment!
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt from] Taking action: Top 10 priorities to promote health equity and well-being in nursing
Susan B. Hassmiller and Gaea A. Daniel
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Taking Action: Top 10 Priorities to Promote Health Equity and Well-Being in Nursing, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
The crucible of the global pandemic, racial injustice, and a crippling nursing shortage has sparked increasing calls for nursing to address its own problems, from inequity to structural racism. In response, authors Susan B. Hassmiller and Gaea A. Daniel enlisted nearly 70 national and international nursing leaders to tackle the most pressing issues confronting the profession.
Taking Action: Top 10 Priorities to Promote Health Equity and Well-Being in Nursing spotlights 10 critical themes through data, essays, discussion points, and action items, equipping readers to move beyond conversation to action.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Reflective Practice (3rd ed.)
Sara Horton-Deutsch and Gwen Sherwood
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Reflective Practice, 3rd ed., which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
A nurse's work is multifaceted, medically complex, technically precise, and physically demanding. But nursing—the act of caring—is also social, emotional, impactful, and personal. Because nursing education programs prioritize the importance of the technical and physical aspects of nursing, that is what they teach. This leaves practicing nurses poorly equipped to understand the science of caring and unprepared for the constant stream of emotional and psychological stressors that come with this profoundly important work. The unintended consequences of this omission include burnout, toxic work environments, and exodus from the profession.
In this highly anticipated and particularly timely third edition of Reflective Practice, authors Sara Horton-Deutsch and Gwen Sherwood invite readers to reflect, recalibrate, reimagine, rethink, and reframe the work of nursing care and their various roles and relationships within it. This book focuses first on the individual, then practice settings, and finally systems and communities while providing supporting theoretical frameworks, practical applications, and opportunities for personal and shared reflection along the way. Reflective Practice guides nurses to emotional and psychological fulfillment in all aspects of care.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Advanced practice providers
Maria Lofgren, Christine Gust, and Douglas Van Daele
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Advanced Practice Providers, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Advanced practice providers (APPs), including APRNs and PAs, are a rapidly growing part of the healthcare workforce. These highly educated providers help meet the demands for high-quality, accessible healthcare. This book aims to give leaders at hospitals, clinics, academic programs, and healthcare organizations direction on integrating APPs to optimize top-of-license practice. Advanced Practice Providers: An Operational Guide for Workforce Integration provides a blueprint to successfully assimilate APPs within existing organizational infrastructures to achieve high-quality care, patient safety goals, and team care initiatives. Administrators and educators at healthcare organizations and academic programs alike will find guidance on how best to leverage and support APPs.
This book:
• Provides customizable documents and practices that can be tailored to different organizations
• Includes top-of-license practice examples that optimize APP productivity and support collaboration
• Describes organizational practices across all disciplines—including finance, human resources, compliance, and credentialing
• Discusses team-based care and models of independent practice
• Supports recruitment and professional development pipelines to meet the increasing demand for APPs
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Evidence-informed health policy (2nd ed.)
Jacqueline M. Loversidge and Joyce Zurmehly
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Evidence-Informed Health Policy, Second Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
What happens in health policy at local, state, and federal levels directly affects patients, nurses, and nursing practice. Some healthcare professionals, though, are intimidated by the complex and often nonlinear policy process or simply don't know how to take the first step toward implementing policy change.
In this second edition of Evidence-Informed Health Policy, authors Jacqueline M. Loversidge and Joyce Zurmehly demystify health policymaking and equip nurses and other healthcare professionals with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to navigate the first of many steps into health policy. This book translates the EBP language of clinical decision-making into an evidence-informed health policy (EIHP) model—a foundation for integrating evidence into health policymaking and leveraging dialogue with stakeholders.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To order additional books, buy in bulk, or order for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
To request a review copy for course adoption, email solutions@sigmamarketplace.org or call 888.654.4968 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Hospice & palliative care handbook (4th ed.)
Tina M. Marrelli and Jennifer Kennedy
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, 4th Ed., which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, 4th Ed., offers updated coverage of all aspects of hospice and palliative care for the entire healthcare team who provide important care while meeting difficult multilevel regulations. This edition includes examples and strategies covering key topics related to standards, guidelines, goals, and effective care planning.
New to this edition are:
• Expanded pediatric and geriatric clinical care guidelines
• More robust details on symptoms and staging scales
• Updates on frailty, age-friendly practices, and evidence-based care
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt from] Self care for nurses: Small doses for wellness
Natalie B. May, Tim Cunningham, and Dorrie K. Fontaine
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Self Care for Nurses: Small Doses for Wellness, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
The term resilience often gets a bad rap, but the ability to take care of yourself during stressors remains key to creating a work environment where you can thrive.
Grounded in research and rich in expertise gleaned from fellow nurses and other practitioners across the healthcare spectrum, Self Care for Nurses: Small Doses for Wellness offers proven self-care strategies that can positively transform your relationship with work. The authors filled this book with practical exercises that will fit easily into your lifestyle and might just keep you from the brink of burnout.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada tollfree) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Practice & leadership in nursing homes
JoAnne Reifsnyder, Ann Kolanowski, and Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Practice & Leadership in Nursing Homes, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Long-term care settings are highly regulated environments where the emphasis historically has been on compliance. Many misconceptions persist about practice in nursing homes, and these go largely unaddressed within nursing education programs. Herein lines one of the significant barriers to improving nursing home care.
Practice & Leadership in Nursing Homes dispels many misconceptions and provides a foundation for clinical practice in a unique, exciting setting—illustrating how high-quality nursing care can result in positive resident outcomes. This book challenges educators and students to look beyond incorrect perceptions and negative attitudes to see a vibrant, growing healthcare sector ripe for nurses to make an impact and build rewarding careers.
Expert authors cover the following and more:
· Comprehensive care planning
· Models of care delivery
· Common geriatric syndromes
· Staff development and training
· Nursing home financing and regulatory information
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] A nurse's step-by-step guide to writing a dissertation or scholarly project (3rd ed.)
Karen Roush
This item record pertains to an excerpt from A Nurse's Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Dissertation or Scholarly Project, 3rd Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Feeling overwhelmed by the mere thought of writing your dissertation or scholarly project? Wondering how to begin and where to find the time? You are not alone. Earning your advanced degree is an extraordinary accomplishment, but completing those final stages can be a daunting task. A Nurse's Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Dissertation or Scholarly Project, Third Edition, is a straightforward how-to guide. This book is intentionally concise because, let's be honest, the last thing a busy candidate needs is another unwieldy, doorstop-sized book.
Packed with practical steps and tools, this fully updated third edition will help you plan, document, organize, and write your dissertation or scholarly project. Don't go it alone; let author and fellow dissertation survivor Karen Roush help you get from square one to DONE.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To order additional books, buy in bulk, or order for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
To request a review copy for course adoption, email solutions@sigmamarketplace.org or call 888.654.4968 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
[Excerpt from] Population-based public health clinical manual, 4th edition
Patricia M. Schoon and Carolyn M. Porta
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Population-Based Public Health Clinical Manual, 4th Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Population-Based Public Health Clinical Manual, 4th edition, has proven to be one of the most important public health texts for students and practitioners alike. Focused on developing evidence-based public health nursing practice in diverse settings, and built on the framework of the Henry Street Consortium's 13 competencies for population-based, entry-level public health nursing, this new, full-color 4th edition is fully revised and updated to include:
â– A new competency promoting, assessing, and coordinating population health
â– Explanation of population health relevance of each competency
â– SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic examples/lessons learned
â– Updated reference to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in each chapter
â– Strengthened content for diversity, equity, and inclusion
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Mastering precepting (3rd ed.)
Beth Tamplet Ulrich
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Mastering Precepting, Third Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Preceptors have the power and opportunity to inspire nurses and other healthcare providers to achieve greatness. Effective precepting programs depend on two critical groups: those who organize and manage the programs and those who support, teach, and coach. Beth Ulrich and her team of expert contributing authors provide the knowledge, tools, skills, and wisdom both groups need for success.
Written for staff nurses and other care providers, managers, and educators, this third edition of Mastering Precepting teaches preceptors both the science and art of precepting and empowers them to seek the support they need to be effective. For managers, it emphasizes the importance of providing preceptors with positive and supportive experiences. For educators, it provides the information and knowledge required to develop and improve preceptor programs.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt from] Beyond burnout (2nd ed.)
Suzanne Waddill-Goad
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Beyond Burnout, Second Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Healthcare professions typically attract those who give deeply of themselves to make a positive difference in others' lives. But that giving can come at a significant price: burnout. While the healthcare vocation offers myriad options in work settings and career paths, it can also involve tremendous amounts of stress because of long shifts, mental and physical exhaustion, patient challenges, and regulatory changes. When stress and fatigue overtake a healthcare provider's ability to adequately cope with physically and emotionally taxing circumstances, burnout is often the result, potentially leading to compromises in quality and patient safety.
Since the publication of the first edition of this book, the COVID-19 pandemic has only added dramatically to nurses' and other healthcare providers' stress, exacerbating existing problems with strained resources and labor shortages. In Beyond Burnout, Second Edition, author Suzanne Waddill-Goad adds new strategies and up-to-date, data-driven information for building hardiness and resilience so that nurses and other healthcare workers can successfully navigate their increasingly challenging environment while reducing stress and preventing burnout.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
To request a review copy for course adoption, order additional books, buy in bulk, or purchase for corporate use, contact Sigma Marketplace at 888.654.4968 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.687.2256 (International), or solutions@sigmamarketplace.org.
To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] Core competencies of civility in nursing & healthcare
Cynthia Clark
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Core Competencies of Civility in Nursing & Healthcare, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Incivility and other workplace aggressions have a significant impact on the lives of healthcare professionals, faculty, and students, as well as the patients and families in their care. Incivility in academic and practice environments can provoke uncertainty and self-doubt, weaken self-confidence, and cause detrimental and lasting effects on individuals, teams, and organizations. These behaviors can fracture relationships and result in life-threatening mistakes, preventable complications, harm, or even the death of a patient.
In Core Competencies of Civility in Nursing & Healthcare, Cynthia Clark—a nurse-leader dedicated to organizational change and an unwavering advocate for civility and dignity for all—provides an abundance of practical solutions to create and sustain communities of civility, diversity, inclusion, and respect in academic and healthcare environments. Using a wealth of evidence-based interventions, hands-on tools, and scholarly resources, this book expands current thinking on the topic of civility to create and support healthy, productive work and learning environments for the benefit of all.
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[Excerpt from] Evidence-based practice in action (2nd ed.)
Laura Cullen, Kirsten Hanrahan, Michele M. Farrington, and Sharon J. Tucker
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
The biggest barrier to effective evidence-based practice (EBP) is the failure to effectively translate available knowledge, research, and clinical expertise into action. This failure is rarely due to lack of information, understanding, or experience. In fact, it usually comes down to a simple lack of tools and absence of a clear plan to integrate EBP into care.
Problem solved: Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition, is a time-tested, application-oriented EBP resource for any EBP process model and is organized based on The Iowa Model Revised: Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Excellence in Health Care. This book offers a proven, detailed plan to help nurses and healthcare professionals promote and achieve EBP implementation, adoption, and sustained use.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher click here.
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To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US and Canada) or +1.317.634.8171 (outside US and Canada).
[Excerpt and supplemental materials for] A nurse's step-by-step guide to transitioning to an academic role
Mercy Ngosa Mumba
This item record pertains to an excerpt from A Nurse's Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to an Academic Role, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
Starting any new professional endeavor can be as challenging and overwhelming as it is exciting. Moving from practice to education can further amplify the uncertainty. Academia is a whole different world, which means a unique new culture, different priorities, and a complete change in your day-to-day work life. Lucky for your soon-to-be students, you already know what it takes to be a strong, competent clinician. You just need to transfer that knowledge to future nursing professionals.
A Nurse's Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to an Academic Role gives you a detailed road map for a successful transition to academia. Using a conversational tone and highly practical tools, author Mercy Ngosa Mumba explains how to:
· Understand different types of academic appointments
· Connect with colleagues and students
· Juggle various academic responsibilities
· Manage your time and stress
· Contribute to a more equitable institutional culture
This book will help you draw upon your strengths to create a successful and satisfying academic career that supports the nursing profession. It offers crucial guidance in learning how to balance competing priorities and avoid burnout. You will learn to not just survive but thrive in academia!
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
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To request author information, or for speaker or other media requests, contact Sigma Marketing at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).
[Excerpt from] Nursing leadership during crisis
Carolyn Miller Reilly, Barbara Kaplan, and Tim Porter O'Grady
This item record pertains to an excerpt from Nursing Leadership During Crisis, which is provided free of charge by the publisher.
About this book:
In times of crisis, like the Covid-19 pandemic, nurse leaders must act immediately but also effectively. Previous disasters, emergencies, and healthcare concerns have taught us distinct lessons and forced managers to adapt—but how do you become a successful leader while battling an extreme crisis that brings fluctuating information every day?
Nursing Leadership During Crisis guides nurse leaders from the Covid-19 pandemic to a mature perspective, integrating theoretical frameworks, ideals, processes, and reflections from those on the front lines. Drawing upon insights learned from the pandemic, authors Carolyn Miller Reilly, Barbara Kaplan, and Tim Porter-O'Grady provide tools for a lifelong journey of development and assimilation of attitudes, skills, and behaviors to help readers establish their own leadership persona and better prepare themselves for future crises.
To purchase the entire book from the publisher, click here.
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