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30,000 people: What we have learned about population health

Kate E. Gawlik

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A baccalaureate weekend program: Teaching/learning strategies

Susan Sheriff
Susan Chaney

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A collaborative project to improve associate degree nursing students knowledge, skills and attitudes about quality improvement

Rebekah Powers
Christina Ramdeo
Laurie Brannigan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A descriptive study of the surgical nurse liaison's (SNL) role from the perspectives of patients and their families in alleviating anxiety during a surgical procedure

Reginald Perez Fernandez

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A Digital Destination for All Your Work: The Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository

Kimberly S. Thompson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A faculty-based mentorship circle: Positioning new faculty for success

Janice Waddell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A focused ethnography: Nurses transitioning to a nursing specialty

Mary Adams Brinkman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A formative program evaluation of electronic clinical tracking system documentation to meet national core competencies

Lynette Smith
M. Laurie Branstetter

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A global health project to engage nursing and elementary school students: Developing future leaders through service-learning

Deborah E. Tyndall
Wendy Sullivan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A global nursing initiative: An interdisciplinary, multicultural collaboration for nurse practitioner students

Patricia McKiernan Ciarleglio
Frances McGill
Shelly Rodrigo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A grounded theory study of nurse manager's preferences in hiring newly licensed RNs

Susan C. Adamek
Lori Candela
Carolee Dodge Francis

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A leader's challenge: Using e-learning/flipped classroom instructional techniques to build graduate nursing student leadership skills

Teresa L. Barry Hultquist
Deanne Ernesti
Suhasini P. Kotcherlakota
Susan Waters

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A persistent problem in America's paradise: Examination of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States Virgin Islands

Safiya George Dalmida

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A phenomenological exploration of international nurse's motivation and experiences in pursuing a master's degree in nursing in the United States

Carol Ann Amann
Elizabeth J. Diener

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A poverty simulation for heath care professions students

Lori I. Kidd
Sheri Hartman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A process for nurse practitioner students to find preceptors and clinical sites

Maria A. Lofgren
Lou Ann Montgomery

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A profile of U.S. nursing faculty in research-and practice-focused doctoral education

Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A retrospective study exploring nursing sensitive interventions for patients on a skilled nursing unit in a rural Midwest hospital

Carol-Ann Moseley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A retrospective study of the impact of educational intervention on the use of the Rothman Index System on patient outcomes

Penny Phillips
Marilyn Shepherd
Kathleen Jochem
Carol-Ann Moseley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A state school nurse initiative that could transform healthcare globally

Teena Byers Darnell
Kathy Hager
Paul D. Loprinzi

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A structured communication intervention to reduce the anxiety of family members waiting for relatives undergoing a surgical procedure

Kate Kynoch
Judy Munday
Sonia J. Hines
Cara Joyce Cabilan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A study examining senior nursing students' expectations of work and the workforce

Deborah Saber

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A survey of nurses' knowledge, attitude, and skills with evidence-based practice in the practice setting

Kathleen M. Williamson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A tale of two countries: Comparing the heart failure patient journey in the United States and France

Alison Lee Walsh
Judith Hupcey
David Munoz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A toilet or a mobile phone?: Exploring interactions and choices that influence the health of mothers in Kenya using structural equation modeling

Sarah E. Oerther

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A transformative model of caring and quality in online nursing education

Anna M. Waterman
Therese A. Snively
Tara Lynn Spalla

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A world view of person and family centered care

Joanne Disch

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Academic mentoring and job satisfaction of baccalaureate nursing faculty

Kimberly M. Wilson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Academic/clinical partnerships and the team approach to DNP practice improvement projects

Rona Levin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Accidental late adaptor: Onboarding surgical services to a developed catheter-associated urinary tract infection prevention protocol

Jodi Pelkey

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Achieving certification for a nurse-run school-based health center in Nevada

Sherrilyn D. Coffman
Cheryl L. Darby-Carlberg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Addressing student stress and preparation for upper division nursing courses

Susan C. Mills
Anne Marie Krouse
Anne Marie Krouse

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Advancing Clinical Data Standards in Canada

Kathryn J. Hannah

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Advancing Million Hearts through community partnerships and outreach

Margaret C. Graham

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

African-American non-nursing science majors' perceptions of nursing in the context of career ideals

Robbi K. Alexander
Cynthia A. Diefenbeck

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Aligning Outcomes, Assignments, and Assessment in Designing an Effective Online Program

Melissa Ann Popovich

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Amputees' perceptions of what nurses should know about mirror interventions

Wyona M. Freysteinson
Lisa W. Thomas
Amy L. Sebastian-Deutsch

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An academic based nurse practitioner fellowship program: A pilot program to ease nurse practitioner transition to practice 

Hilary S. Morgan
Michelle L. Edmonds

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An Academic Shared Governance Model for Leadership in an Academic Setting

Patricia G. Francis-Johnson
Ruth Ann Bridges
Carol Boswell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An academic-practice partnership to transition diverse associate degree nursing graduates into acute care and community health settings

Joyce A. Wright

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An adapted clinical teaching model: Shifting from traditional to targeted

Sheila Epp

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An analysis of nursing preparation to meet the demands of the largest U.S. patient population

Kim K. Kuebler

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An attitude of gratitude program: Shining the light on the work environment

Ann Marie T. Brooks

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An Attitude of Gratitude: A Secret for Success

Mary Alexander

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence in Undergraduate Nursing Student Leaders Over 4 Years

Cindy L. Costanzo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An evaluation of midwives for Haiti programs: Can they reduce infant and maternal mortality in Haiti?

Jacquelyne L. Brooks

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An evidence-based practice outcome measure: Analysis of nurse authored hospital policy and procedure documents

Kathy J. Fatkin
Mary Anne Hales Reynolds

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An evidence-based roadmap to healthy work environments for nurses: Closing a gap in the literature through development of a toolkit

Alissa Samoya

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An exploration of the incidence of and risk factors for unplanned perioperative hypothermia (UPH) in the ambulatory surgical patient

Vallire D. Hooper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An innovative collaborative approach for applying public health principles in a global setting

Cynthia Ringhofer Brown
Mary Ellen Tanner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An Innovative Strategy to Lead Clinical Practice Change to Achieve Quality Outcomes

Mickey L. Parsons
Patty Toney
Andrea E. Berndt

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An interprofessional web-based approach to critical care education: Development and financial impact

Linda K. Heitman
Amy L. Essner
Lisa M. Job
Ronald N. Kiplinger

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

An organizational approach to adoption of technology to enhance a nursing evidence-based practice culture

Leslie S. Norman
C. Denise Neill

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Applicability of Social Cognitive Career Theory for future nursing faculty workforce recruiting

Diana K. Bond

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Application and Evaluation of a Global Learning Rubric

Mary Beth Riner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Applying Caring Theory guided leadership to inspire, and improve quality

Marlienne Goldin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Are our babies cold? Using unit-based research to promote adoption of an EBP practice change

Rhonda E. Maneval
Deborah Schafer
Erin Anderson
Yovanka Hoover

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Are your multiple-choice tests "FIT"? Using the Fairness of Items Tool (FIT) as a component of the test development process

Nikole Anderson Hicks

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Aristotelian Philosophy of the Human Person, the Theory and Conceptual Framework of Imogene King Expanded to a global perspective

Beverly J. Whelton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Asian-American midlife women's physical activity and sleep related symptoms

Yaelim Lee
Youjeong Kang
Ok Kyung Ham
Eun-Ok Im

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Assessing and addressing the needs of stroke survivors and family caregivers across the care continuum

Barbara Lutz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Assessing Outcomes of Learning in Virtual Learning Environments: Scoping Review

Rebecca Sisk
Dee McGonigle

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Associations between emotional distress and coronary heart disease: Analysis of National Health Interview Survey 2008-2009

Alethea N. Hill

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Attitudes of Gratitude: Innovative Strategies in Improving Health and Wellness

Sharon M. Weinstein

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Attitudes of nurses and student nurses toward self-care

Kathleen Cino

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Attitudes toward plagiarism in online RN to BSN students

Katherine E. Quartuccio
Cheryle G. Levitt

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Attract and assess: Building a successful recruitment plan

Sabrina Collins-Christie

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Authentic work experiences of Chief Nursing Officers: A phenomenological inquiry

Charlene M. Ingwell-Spolan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Avoiding delays for surgery: It is important

Susana Dominguez
Arculana Robles

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Back to the blackboard? Personal technology use and knowledge acquisition

Patricia Frohock Hanes
Marilyn D. Klakovich

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Barriers to the Development of a Public Health Initiative with a Coalition of Community and Neighborhood Resources Using Community-Based Participation

Wendy S. Clark

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Becoming an author: Books, courses, e-prints

Matthew S. Howard
Mary McAdams
Dustin Sullivan
Kimberly S. Thompson
Carla Hall

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Being a leader in Chinese nursing education

Qian Liu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Beyond survival: An interpretive phenomenological investigation into being the father of a very low birth weight infant

Donald Johnston

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Boosting Students' Engagement in Political Learning

Pamela M. Gehrke

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Breaking down silos: Impact of an interprofessional curriculum to teach health professions students oncology palliative care

Carla P. Hermann

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Breakthrough Thinking: A Model to Differentiate ADN and BSN Education

Sharon K. Kumm

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Bridging the practice/research chasm

Rebekah Powers
Carol Boswell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Building a baccalaureate workforce using an academic/rural health system partnership

Vallire D. Hooper
Karen R. Cochran
Judy Neubrander

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Building a Center for Nursing Excellence Using a Role-Based Model for Accountability and Outcomes

Miki Goodwin
Joanne T. Clavelle

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Building a culture of geriatric excellence: One hospital's experience

Louise Laufer Hummel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Building a Database to Answer Pressing Education Issues

Michael Yedidia

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Called to promote nursing excellence as facilitators of service learning

Linda Rice

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Called to promote nursing excellence as global educators

Mary Kay Smid

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Called to promote nursing excellence as transformational leaders

Sharon R. Redding

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Can group scenario exercises in fundamental nursing using process oriented guided-inquiry learning (POGIL) affect national test scores

Maureen Carroll Roller

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cardiovascular health gender disparities: The pathway to policy

Tammy C. Lu
Nicole J. Wollard
Eric T. Tobin
Diane M. Solic
Joseph F. Burkard

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cardiovascular risk factors among college students: Knowledge, perception and risk assessment

Dieu-My T. Tran
Lani M. Zimmerman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Care coordination clinical reasoning model for advanced practice nurses

RuthAnne Kuiper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Care for dying patients in a skilled nursing facility: A train-the-trainer program

Linda K. Norlander

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Care for Faculty: Promoting Faculty Excellence to Improve Student Outcomes and Faculty Engagement

W. Richard Cowling

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Care for Students: Improving Student Success Using a Model of Care

Mary Judith Yoho

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Career choice and longevity in U.S. psychiatric-mental health nurses

Cynthia A. Diefenbeck
Robbi K. Alexander

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Caregiver activation: Cancer communication in home hospice

Catherine E. Dingley
Djin L. Lai
Katherine Doyon
Maija Reblin
Lee Ellington
Margaret Clayton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Caring for patients diagnosed with concussions at an urban level 1 trauma children's hospital: Development and implementation of a standard of care

Susan C. McInerney

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Case-based nursing peer review using just culture principles

Kathleen Jochem
Connie Ann Scott
Cheryl Lynn Stuckman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Challenges and Tips for Experienced Grantwriters: Movement into Nursing Education Research

Mary Lou Bond

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Challenges and Tips for the Novice Grant Writer

Mark Haykowsky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Challenges with Nurse Licensing and Mobility

Linda McGillis Hall

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Challenging global health perspectives with nursing internship experiences

Amy Nagorski Johnson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Changing Hospital Culture: Collaborative Response to Emergency Cesarean Sections

Barbara C. Schuch
Sally M. Krempel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Changing registered nurses' attitudes regarding delirium assessment in a military community hospital

Nancy Ann Westbrook
Jeffery Wade Forehand
Shellye A. Vardaman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Changing the behavior of the Caribbean immigrants in Toronto

Khelesh Persaud

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Children with cerebral palsy preferences for adventures and their reasons why

Lamara Love
Judith Lang
Sha Clark
Pamela Studer
Victoria von Sadovszky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Choosing Wisely: Building a statewide pilot program

Lisa J. Woodward

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Choosing wisely: The role of nurse in reducing unnecessary healthcare

Lisa J. Woodward
Pamela J. Bradshaw

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Choosing wisely: The role of nurse leaders in reducing unnecessary healthcare

Pamela J. Bradshaw

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Civility 101 in the online classroom: De-stress for student success

Diane B. Monsivais
Leslie K. Robbins
Ryann D. Fierro

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Claiming an area of knowledge as nursing science to improve the health of marginalized populations

Jacquelyn C. Campbell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Clinical supervision: Predicting best outcomes

Edward White

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Closing the Leadership Gap: Mentoring the RN to BSN Student for Success

Jill Borgos
Deborah Hodge
Anne Sweet

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

College of Nursing Response to the Ebola Education Crisis: The Need for a Safe, Interactive, Clinical Education Strategy

Linda Carl
Dee McGonigle

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Colorectal cancer screening practices among Texas nurse practitioners and physician assistants

Sandra Anne Laird
Barbara M. Raudonis

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Community mental health clinical experiences utilizing high fidelity simulations with baccalaureate nursing students

Jene' M. Hurlbut
Brian C. Oxhorn
Nancy Miller Bryan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Comparing Grade Point Averages and Standardized Test Scores as Predictors of Successful Completion of Undergraduate Baccalaureate Programs

Peggy (Margaret) Hernandez

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Comparing mothers' postpartum concerns over time

Jean Hannan
Dorothy Brooten
Ali Marie Galindo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Comparison of child and family health outcomes in families with children with special health care needs cared for in home care, long-term care, and medical day care settings

Carmen Caicedo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Comparison of two modes of teaching delivery in graduate nursing education

Ronda D. Mintz-Binder

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Concept-based assignments used as study guides: Facilitating learners input into education

Jennifer B. Drexler

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Conflict-related sexual gender-based violence in DRC

Beth D. Good

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

CONNECTS: Building capacity for building skills

Kathleen M. Williamson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

CONNECTS: Making the Connection

Robin Lockhart

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

CONNECTS: Simulation as an instrument

Melody Chandler

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Continence Behavioral Rehabilitation Program

Phyllis A. Heintz
Audrey Cochran

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Continuing professional development in maternal health care: Barriers to applying new knowledge and skills in the hospitals of Rwanda

Germaine Tuyisenge
Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould
Isaac Luginaah

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Continuity in the Face of Changing Leadership

Neal S. Rosenburg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Could critical thinking help create nurse managers who are transformational leaders?

Susan Zori

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating a Culture of Clinical Inquiry: The Role of the Scholar in Residence

Ruth A. Bryant
Martin Schiavenato

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating a legacy through nursing leadership, innovation, and global connectivity

Shannon K. Lizer
Asako T. Katsumata
Gordana Dermody
Elizabeth M. Carson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating a nursing scholarship strategic vision to transform nursing practice

Kenn M. Kirksey
JoAnn M. Mick
Jan Keller-Unger
Lourdes R. Moore
Phyllis Jean Waters
Gayle McGlory

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating a Unified Board

Jessica R. Wendorf
Katherine Rogers

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating caring learning environment practice partnerships (CLEPPs)

Ruby A. Wertz
Susan C. Adamek
Neal S. Rosenburg
Kimberly Falco

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Creating nurse leaders through a senior leadership/management immersive learning capstone experience

Cynthia M. Thomas
Constance E. McIntosh

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cultivating future leaders

Sabrina Collins-Christie
Jenny Paugh Hoffman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cultural diversity in childbirth practices in a rural community in Southern Nigeria

Ekpoanwan E. Esienumoh
Idongesit I. Akpabio
Josephine Bassey Etowa
Heather Waterman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cultural issues in end-of-life care: Unmet needs of Indians in Australia

Sujatha Shanmugasundaram

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Cultural relevancy of palliative and end-of-life care: Conversations with Indigenous elders

Mary J. Isaacson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Dashboards and data: Supporting strategy through transparency of metrics

Diedre Bricker

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Democratizing data access via web-based portals

Linda Flynn

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Description, application, and evaluation of a model to teach community-based and population health across diverse clinical experiences

Elizabeth J. Van Dyk
Sarah Valentine-Maher
Janet P. Tracy

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Descriptive study of cognitive disturbances in older breast cancer survivors

Melissa A. Craft

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Designing 3D virtual simulations in nursing education: The rest of the story

Tona L. Leiker
Karen R. Whitham

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Determinants of access to specialty care for community health clinic patients

Mabel Ezeonwu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Determinants of perinatal food choices among African-Caribbean immigrant women in Canada: A photo-voice study

Josephine Bassey Etowa
Helen Vallianatos
Janki Shankar

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Determinants of quality of life among congestive heart failure persons

Aporn Deenan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing a framework and inventory of instruments to measure team-based primary care

Richard Ricciardi

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing a research focus in implementing continuous support during labour as best practice

Karin C. S. Minnie
Hester C. Klopper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing Critical Thinking Skills through Concept Mapping

Yvonne Botma

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing faculty-student mentor-mentee relationships in a DNP program

Nancy Neff Manister
Keville C. Frederickson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing future leaders: The L.O.V.E. approach

Kathy S. Holloway

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Developing nursing education leaders through intentional behavior change and expanded scope of influence

Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey
Laura Cox Dzurec
Trisha Leann Horsley
Elaine C. Hardy
Jennifer L. Embree

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Development and preliminary evaluation of a culturally tailored web-based physical activity promotion program (WPAPP)

Sangmi Kim
Yaelim Lee
Eunice Chee
Wonshik Chee
Eun-Ok Im
Hsiu-Min Tsai

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Development of Curriculum Assessment Template for Targeted Student Outcomes in a BSN Program

Erin E. Killingsworth
Cynthia Gurdak Berry
Jennifer Jeames Coleman
Geri W. Beers
Tracey Dick
Vicki W. Rochester

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Differences in meaning of quality of life and inner strength in families with and without young adults with spina bifida

Monique Ridosh
Gayle M. Roux
Kathleen J. Sawin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Disaster preparedness: A template for saving lives

Catherine A. Marcum

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Diverse educational initiatives to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection in critical care

Erika L. Simon

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Do nurses know the TB and HIV/AIDS policies they are expected to implement? A case of health facilities in a rural sub-district of the Western Cape

Deliwe Rene Phetlhu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Do older Hispanic diabetics use the internet for health-related information?

Kathleen M. Nokes
Judith Aponte

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Does a bachelor of nursing programme in the Western Cape, South Africa, adequately prepare graduates for their professional world of work?

Felicity M. Daniels
Penelope D. Martin
Lorraine P. Fakude
Lydia E. Richards
S. B. Linda Ntombizodwa
Lindy S. van der Berg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Does the use of case studies impact scores on specialty exams for undergraduate nursing students?

Claudine Dufrene
Pamela J. Hodges
Kelly Vandenberg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Door to drug in obstetrics

Melanie L. Chichester
Lynn Elizabeth Bayne
Katie Vent
Thomas Welde
Emily Villafranco

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Drinking patterns and outcomes of alcohol use by LGBT students at a minority-serving university

Sandra "Sande" Gracia Jones
Beatriz Valdes
Eric Fenkl

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Driving patient outcomes through clinical decision support systems and nurse-directed protocols

Amy Glasofer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Dynamics and identity in families of gender non-conforming children/youth: A longitudinal phenomenological exploration

Christine M. Aramburu Alegria

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Ebola 101 Module: An opportunity for students to think globally, act locally

Elizabeth A. Tinnon

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

ED Community Placement Project (EDCPP): "Right Service-Right Venue"

Karen Elizabeth Mitchell-Keels

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Education as a heart failure intervention: What providers taught patients in one hospital setting

Theresa D. Galakatos

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effect of ethnicity and parental illness representations on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) usage and asthma control in childhood asthma

Alexis Marie Guay
Kimberly J. Arcoleo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effective communication using huddles

Andreanna Sookhi
Deborah D'Agostino
Sharon McGowen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effective nursing work flow: Making a difference

Ausrine Buzick
Stephanie Lanes
Estella Contreras

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effective pedagogy using affective learning strategies empowers learners to translate EBP knowledge for practice

Patricia Bicknell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effective use of employee vaccination data to improve healthcare workers' seasonal influenza vaccination rates

Fatsani L. Dogani
Aaron Mendelsohn
Cassius Lockett

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effectiveness of integrating test-enhanced learning into a BSN foundations of nursing class: A pilot project

Greta I. Marek
Laura Dower

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effects of an educational intervention on baccalaureate nursing students' knowledge and attitude in providing breastfeeding support to mothers

Anjanetta Davis

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Effects of dance in chronic illness: A systematic review

Alona Angosta
Patricia K. Gatlin
Reimund Serafica

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Emergency room nurses transitioning from curative to end-of-life care: The rural influence

Roberta Rolland

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Empirical outcomes: An autograph for our nursing care

Pamela Petto
Tangee Pruitt
Renee Roberts-Turner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Employment in Magnet-oriented hospitals and socialization of students in clinical nurse specialist programs

Terri L. Ares

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Empowering nurses to implement evidence-based practice through instructional design

Priscilla C. O'Connor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Engaging nursing students in health promotion research and practice

Donna M. Callaghan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Engaging students to clinically think: Preparing practice-ready nurses

Patricia Kyriakidis

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Engaging the community to deliver educational programming for young breast cancer survivors

Timiya S. Nolan
Karen Meneses
Silvia Gisiger Camata

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Enhancing leadership in a Chinese nursing program

Linda Rice

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Enhancing Mental Health Nursing Practicum with Clinical Simulation: A Comparison of Student Outcomes

April L. Mouser
Lizann Atkin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Enhancing the clinical patient care of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) by understanding family planning decisions in this population

Kathryn A. Osteen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Enhancing the patient safety culture of ABSN students through instruction on medical error recovery

Darlene Mary Burke

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Essence-Driven Leadership: Illuminating the Lived Experiences of Chief Nursing Officers

Kathleen Flores Eviza

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Establishing a Global Institution Partnership for Nursing Education

Wanda Lawrence

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluating and developing supplemental clinical faculty competency

Jennifer Titzer
Gina L. Schaar
Constance F. Swenty
Marilyn Ostendorf

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluating self care management skills among adult asthmatics: A randomized controlled study

Varalakshmi Manchana

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluating the use of a topical vapocoolant to reduce pain during intravenous insertions: The patients' and nurses' perspectives

Cecilia M. Inman
Jennifer M. Bisson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluating the use of C-HOBIC and the C-HOBIC Transition Synoptic Report

Lynn M. Nagle

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluation of an Athletics Model to Develop Values for Professional Practice

Amy C. Shay
Karen Beckstedt Montoya

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluation of memory book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya and South Africa

Barbara J. Braband
Kaye Wilson-Anderson
Tamara Lynn Faris

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Peer Assisted Learning in a Scale Development Course

Areewan Oumtanee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Everyday ethics in the 21st century: Creating and sustaining a culture of ethical practice

Cynda Hylton Rushton
Marion E. Broome

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence of cognitive-behavioral skill use after a physical and mental health promotion intervention (COPE for TEEN)

Stephanie A. Kelly

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence to support adolescents as healthy lifestyle behavior change agents for their families

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence-based education intervention to improve knowledge and attitudes of nurses' Postoperative Pain Management for improved patient satisfaction

Gayle Ridgway

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence-based leaders and leadership

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence-based practice change to prevent CAUTI: A team-based approach

Catherine M. Riedel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Evidence-based practice fellowship immersion: Transforming staff nurse's professional practice

Tom Christenbery
Nancy Wells

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Examining the Outcomes of Web-Based Interventions on Anthropometric Measurements

Reimund Serafica
Jillian Inouye
Jillian Inouye

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Examining the phases of the community-based collaborative action research framework through an unfolding case study

Norma Krumwiede
Stacey Ann Van Gelderen
Kelly Krumwiede

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Examining the trends of nursing evidence-based research and the measurements of quality

Sarah J. Davies

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Examining the use of the transdermal scopolamine patch in the prevention of postdischarge nausea and/or vomiting: A secondary analysis

James I. Masiongale
Jane Garvin
Marguerite J. Murphy
Stephen W. Looney

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Exemplar unit initiative framework: Engaging faculty and staff to improve patient and student outcomes

Dana Tschannen
Leah Shever

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Experienced Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy (ENFLA)

Carol J. Huston

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Experiences in nursing, nursing education and leadership in Liberia before Ebola and beyond

Harriette N. S. Mondaye
Edwin Beyan
Edwin Beyan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Experiences of homeless Vietnam veterans in deciding to access or not access healthcare

Susan K. Lee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Exploring cervical cancer treatments, coping and women's sexual self-concept after cervical cancer

Barbara Hollie

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Exploring simulation utilization and simulation evaluation practices and approaches in undergraduate nursing education

Hilde Zitzelsberger
Sue Coffey
Leslie L. M. Graham
Efrosini Papaconstantinou
Charles Anyinam
Jacqueline Mangal
Greg Dodd

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Exploring symptom experiences in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: A mixed method study

Harshida Patel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Exploring the factors that influence the interprofessional delivery of palliative care in long-term care facilities

Kathryn A. Pfaff
Jean Echlin
Lisa A. Hamilton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Facilitating organizational socialization of adjunct clinical nursing faculty

Julie Kientz Elting

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Facilitating scholarship success through a collaborative faculty group

Camille Payne
Rachel E. Myers
Judith L. Hold

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Factors influencing Australian nursing students' psychological well-being and suicidal ideation

Pi-Ming Yeh
Lorna Moxham
Carolyn Antoniou
Christopher Patterson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Factors Influencing Physical Activity among Older Women with Type 2 Diabetes

Sun Ju Chang

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Factors influencing well-being among post myocardial infarction patients

Sanguan Thanee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Factors predicting quality of life of Thai patients with end-stage renal disease depending on hemodialysis

Geneva Chonpimai
Areewan Oumtanee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Family caregivers' perceptions of the resistiveness to care they experience caring for people with dementia

Pamela C. Spigelmyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Family in the resuscitation room: Polish and Finnish nurses' experience and attitudes towards family-witnessed cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a hospital setting

Natalia Sak-Dankosky
Pawel Andruszkiewica
Paula R. Sherwood
Tarja Kvist

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fatigue, physical fitness and quality of life in patients with Hepatitis C virus infection during the combination therapy

Shiow-Ching Shun
Chen-Hua Liu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fewer ventilator days with dexmedetomidine use for patients difficult to extubate implementation study

Susan E. Becker

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fibromyalgia: Implementation of Health Information Technology in Routine Care

Toni Sparks
Jennifer Kawi
Nancy N. Menzel
Kendall Hartley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Financial Stewardship through Policies and Procedures

Jessica R. Wendorf
Jenny Paugh Hoffman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Findings of a knowledge synthesis project of simulation use in pre-licensure nursing education

Joanne K. Olson
Gerri C. Lasiuk
Sandra Davidson
Pauline Paul
Barbara Joy Wilson-Keates
Rebecca Ellis
Fahreen Rajani
Winnifred Savard

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Five tips to develop dynamic events

Sabrina Collins-Christie
Janell Jackson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Formulating a best practice statement for prison parenting programs: A program evaluation project

Donna M. Zucker
Christine Beatriz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fostering healthy work environments: Powered by civility, collegiality, and teamwork

Cynthia M. Clark

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fostering retention: A success in transitioning a RN-BSN program to online delivery

Cynthia Rubenstein
Nena Powell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fostering the integration of the clinical nurse leader role in Japan through a multidisciplinary clinical immersion program in the United States

Gordana Dermody
Asako T. Katsumata
Shannon K. Lizer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Fostering workforce development through meaningful experiences: Pathways to a nursing degree program

Catherine G. Tagher
Erin M. Robinson
Julie A. Hart
Marilyn Schleyer
Adele DiMinno

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

From bedside care expert to novice educator: Perceptions of new nurse educators

Kathy Jean Roth

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

From blank canvas to masterwork: Creating a professional practice model at a Magnet hospital

Lynda J. Dimitroff
Donna M. Tydings
Sue Nickoley
Maureen Krenzer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Future think: Clinical reasoning, care coordination, and health analytics

Daniel J. Pesut

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Gaining Perspectives and Global Awareness through Collaborative Online Learning (COIL)

Teddie Potter

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Getting published in nursing journals: Strategies for success

Susan Gennaro
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Getting serious about advancing the science of nursing education

Theresa M. Valiga

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Getting Serious about Research in Nursing Education

Pamela Ironside

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Global scholarship: The challenges for nursing and the value of STTI

Elizabeth Anne Rosser
Janet M. E. Scammell
Ann L. Bevan
Vanora Hundley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Good death as perceived by the critically ill patients' family members

Wanlapa Kunsongkeit

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Got projects? An innovative use of technology to approve and track nursing projects

Kathleen A. Bradley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Gratitude in Action

Jennifer S. Graber
Jennifer L. Saylor
Cynthia A. Diefenbeck

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Growing our own: Mentoring talented and diverse students toward a career in nursing education and clinical leadership

Felesia Renee Bowen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health as expanding consciousness: Patterns of clinical reasoning in senior baccalaureate nursing students

Mary W. Stec

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health care in global context: Service learning to increase cultural competency in migrant Latino health

Jean Ann Davison

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health coaching with peer support to improve diabetes self-management education

Chondra Butler

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health promoting behaviors among RN to BSN students at two public universities

Cherie Rector
Kathleen L. Gilchrist

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health risks for nurses working night shift

Robie Victoria Hughes

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Health team members' perceptions of strategies for patient-centred care in acute care settings

Linda M. Ferguson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Healthcare injustice experiences or negative pain coping strategies in patients with sickle cell disease: Which comes first?

Miriam O. Ezenwa

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

HeartMApp: A self-care mobile telemedicine application to improve heart failure outcomes

Ponrathi R. Athilingam
Miguel A. Labrador

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Helping leaders learn EBP and recognize their EBP potential

Lynn Gallagher-Ford

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Helping men rebuild their sense of self following workplace bullying

Judith A. MacIntosh

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

How self-efficacy and self-regulation influence nutrition and exercise behaviors of a community sample of adults

Carol Shieh
Michael Weaver
Kathleen Newsome
Kathleen Hanna
Mulubrhan Mogos

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

How to build a successful mentoring relationship

Mary M. Wheeler
Michelle Cooper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

How to critically appraise systematic reviews in order to inform clinical decision making

Susan Buchholz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

How to excel at evaluating a new graduate nurse residency evidence-based practice program

Donnya E. Mogensen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Hybrid FNP education in Haiti: A global collaboration

Steven Baumann
Joanna F. Hofmann
Jacqueline Cassagnol

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Identifying academic risk factors of BSN students using the College Persistence Questionnaire to better understand student attrition

Kelly J. Betts

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

If the walls could talk: Student perspectives on what makes for a "good" teacher

Theresa M. Valiga
Ashley Munteanu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Impact of a student and faculty collaboration on patient satisfaction with pain management

Mary Lynn Parker
Jole' L. Mowry

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Impact of multicontextual teaching/learning on minority BSN student engagement: A qualitative research study

Scott C. Dolan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Implementation of a nurse residency program for long-term care new nurses in NJ

Nancy Bohnarczyk
Edna Cadmus
Susan W. Salmond
Linda Hassler
Katherine Black

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Implementing change: Social justice as a platform for nursing education

Katrina Einhellig
Faye I. Hummel
Courtney E. Gryskiewicz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Improving attitudes and perceived competence in caring for dying patients: An end-of-life simulation

Megan E. Pfitzinger Lippe

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Improving glycemic control among incarcerated men: A health promotion model

Paula Kelly Ranson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Improving HCAHPS in a challenging patient population: Trauma and burns

Meredith Palmer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Improving population health through interprofessional leadership: The case for a professional practice model

Melanie Brewer
Maria W. O'Rourke
Jeffrey Francis

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Improving transitions of care with bedside report

Joshua S. Lehmer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

In Their Shoes: A Poverty Simulation

Jacqueline Paik
Dolores J. Wright

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Incivility in the workplace: Implications for nursing education

Kimberly Ann Balko

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Influence of rape myth acceptance on responsibility to rape action, and degree of rape trauma: Student nurses' perception

Adesola Adenike Ogunfowokan
Francisca Eghonghon Gbenu
Aanu Oluwapo Olajubu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Influence to advance global health & nursing

Cathy D. Catrambone

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Informatics competencies: Transition from classroom to bedside

Katherine A. Kelly
Kathleen M. Guiney

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Innovation in practice: A QSEN framework for redesigning a clinical advancement program for nurses

Kathleen A. Bradley

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Innovation in practice: A QSEN framework for redesigning a clinical advancement program for nurses and strategies to grow and sustain a competency assessment model utilizing the Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) in the clinical setting

Nicki M. Shonka

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Innovations in the care of cancer survivors and their families

Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell
Gayle M. Roux

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Innovative Teaching/Learning Strategies for Healthcare Education

Gayle Taylor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Integrating evidence-based practice in a nursing curriculum based on the RNAO Guidelines using action research

Christa Van der Walt
Sharon Vasuthevan
Johanna Catharina (Irene) Lubbe
P. J. Smith

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Integrative strategies to help students lower their anxiety

G. Jean Klein

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Intent of Hispanic/Latino adolescents toward tissue and organ donation: A pilot study of a culturally sensitive educational intervention

Sharon A. Castellanos

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interactive Instructional Design Strategies for Online Nursing Education

Nicholas Charles Gogno

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Internet-based intervention for self-management in fibromyalgia syndrome

Nada Lukkahatai

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional education and research in a collaborative simulation center

Jessica Louise Doolen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional education in nursing education: A new way of knowing

Marian J. George

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional education to enhance health-related outcomes for LGBT clients: How one academic medical center is leading the way

Tanya R. Friese
Paul Kent
Jay Behel
Jamie Cvengros
Edward Ward
Cecilia Hardacker
Antonio Logan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional evidence-based care of hospitalized patients with and at risk for sleep apnea improves care quality

Lisa A. Kuhen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional evidence-based solution for alcohol screening using technology

Kathryn Puskar

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Interprofessional health education: Preparing for collaborative practice

Michele S. Bednarzyk
Kathaleen C. Bloom

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Introducing a global leadership mentoring STTI online community

Ellen B. Buckner
Claudia Kam Yuk Lai

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Is leadership in STTI in your future? A dialogue with the Leadership Succession Committee

Safiya George Dalmida
John J. Whitcomb
Suzanne S. Prevost
Patrice Kenneally Nicholas

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Is sitting time associated with increased health risks in nurses?

Lizbeth P. Sturgeon
Dawn Garrett-Wright
Eve Main
Susan Jones
Donna S. Blackburn

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

It takes a village and a plan: Leadership development of novice faculty through a team project

Alison H. Edie

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

It's a matter of time: Formative feedback in online learning environments

Deborah L. Sikes

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Kangaroo care: Creating a video teaching tool for parents and neonatal nurses

Melissa K. Robinson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Kangaroo mother care effect on crying time during clustered painful procedures in full term neonates

Raouth R. Kostandy

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Keeping the child with food allergies safe at school

Scarlet R. Spain

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

"Know what battle to fight and how to fight it": Navigating the cultural terrain of healthcare

Josephine Bassey Etowa

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Know your tools: Improving nurses' use of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) to detect delirium

Julie Plagenhoef

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leadership: Based on relationships

Michele Rumsey

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leading environmental health awareness to transform nursing practice

Bernadette M. Longo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leading practices in geriatric care: Building a dermal defense team makes a difference!

DeSales Foster

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leading the Adoption of Choosing Wisely Recommendations into Practice: Drawing on Principles from EBP

Kathleen R. Stevens

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leading the development of nursing practice and policy through successful publication

Ian J. Norman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Leading the Transformation to an EBP Organization with Planned, Strategic Integration of 3 Critical Resources; People, Processes and Technology

Michelle R. Troseth

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Lessons learned: Nursing school faculty revamp program curriculum to promote student engagement, and systematic, effective validation of student competence throughout the curriculum

Cindy Ford
Victoria Thornley
Alicia Anger

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Lessons learned: Recruiting and retaining a diverse population in research

Elisabeth Z. Klein
Kathi C. Huddleston

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Life experiences of a newly graduated nurse working under supervision of a mentor

Nisa Tamarpirat
Areewan Oumtanee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Loneliness, quality of life, and health-related hardiness among older HIV+/AIDS farmers in China

Janet F. Wang

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Making senior care a system priority

Ann Marie T. Brooks

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Making the hard decisions: Ethical issues encountered by military nurses during wartime

Janice B. Griffin Agazio
Diane Padden
Sami Abdulrahman Al-Hamidi
Meryia Throop

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Making the most out of QSEN's knowledge, attitude and skills (KAS) competencies in an RN to BSN program: A three level education approach

Guillermo Valdes
Roxana Orta

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Maximizing Resources - Strengthening Community Ties: A Military Civilian Collaboration

Deborah Hartzog Chatham
Joshua W. Baker

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Maximizing the impact of your publications in an open access environment

Peter Griffiths

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Meaningful lifelong learning in nursing education: Barriers, facilitators, and outcomes

Sue Coffey
Hilde Zitzelsberger
Leslie L. M. Graham
Gail M. Lindsay
Charles Anyinam
Rick Vanderlee

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Measurement of nursing program outcomes: Moving forward with rubric development in portfolio assessment

Kari Lynne Hickey
Jeanette Rossetti
Nancy Oldenburg
Kathleen Musker
Connie Uhlken
Maryann Abendroth
Bradley Peters
Patricia Paramore

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Measuring cultural competency: One-year post immersion experience in Costa Rica

Maureen Carroll Roller
Helen C. Ballestas

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Measuring shared governance in acute care hospital settings using the index of professional nursing governance (IPNG)

Evette M. Wilson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Medication reconciliation: It's in the bag

Dawn Becker

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response

Anita J. Catlin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response

Anita J. Catlin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mental health treatment and media preferences for persons of Mexican heritage

Tanya Renee' Sorrell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mentoring millennials

Mary M. Wheeler
Janice Waddell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mentorship and novice nursing faculty: Working together for successful role transitioning

Azizah Sculley
Florence Myrick
Pauline Paul

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Million Hearts; An evidence-based method for improving population health

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mindfulness Interventions for Nursing Students

Mary Elaine Koren
Manju N. Daniel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mission Ready: Changing the Dialogue between Veterans and Their Care Teams in the Clinical Setting

Pamela J. Laut
Sheron L. Salyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mission Ready: Changing the Physical ED Environment

Donna Diogo
Sheron L. Salyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mission Ready: Use of Ambient Lighting in Creating a Healing Environment for an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit

Mekeesha McClure
Sheron L. Salyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Motivated strategies for learning in accelerated second degree bachelor of science in nursing students

Malinda Lee Whitlow
Majeda M. El-Banna
Billinda Tebbenhoff
Karen Fraser Wyche

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Motivation and persistence among BSN students in Northeast Ohio: A correlational study

Christine Lynn Heid

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Multi-Method Critical Care Orientation Improves Critical Thinking, Skills and Confidence

Marie Elizabeth Wolfer
Corinne Lee
Sharon L. Smith

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Navigating a disaster: A capstone simulation integrating leadership skills, ethical principles, and clinical reasoning

Lynn L. Wiles
Denise B. Isibel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

New graduate nurse perception of competence compared to nurse leadership

Nancy S. Goldstein
Michelle D'Alessandro
Alexandra Sussman
Jeremy Brown

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Newly Graduated Registered Nurses' Perception of Psychiatric Nursing

Avni Cirpili
Jennifer K. Barut
Jana M. Briggs
Nichole M. Taylor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurse attitudes toward patient advocacy in the long-term acute care hospital setting

Carole D. Liske

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurse educator leadership competencies: Instrument development and testing

Barbara J. Patterson
Anne Marie Krouse
Karen H. Morin
Mohammed Almaskari

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurse family presence beliefs and decisions in adult intensive care unit

Beverly Jones

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurse-patient assignments: Moving beyond nurse-patient ratios for better patient, staff and organizational outcomes

Stephanie B. Allen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurses taking the lead in healthcare teams: The SBIRT Model - integrating evidence-based screening, brief intervention, referral and treatment for persons at risk for substance use and mental disorders

Pamela G. Lusk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurses work engagement in medical-surgical services in Portugal

Aida Cruz Mendes

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurses' involvement in HIV policy formulation in Nigerian health care system

Ekaete Francis Asuquo
Josephine Bassey Etowa

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurses' perspectives on flexible visitation in adult and neonatal critical care units

Alina Pedchenko
Joanne Eckert

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurses' reactions of an emergent pediatric educational simulation

Kenneth L. Hoffman
Victoria von Sadovszky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing education in Jordan: A Fulbright Scholar's perspective

Susan A. LaRocco

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing faculty development: A system change to foster mentoring and training

Nicole M. Giancaterino

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing perspectives of an advanced psychiatric mental health nursing curriculum: Findings of a qualitative research study

Jeanette Rossetti
Kelly Bryant
Patricia Jones-Bendel
Faith Stauserboll

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing students serving, transforming, and leading within 5 miles to 3000 miles

Sheri P. Palmer
Karen H. de la Cruz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing students with disabilities in the clinical setting: Nursing education leaders' perceptions of accommodations

Julie M. Symes

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nursing students' caring behavior as an outcome of instructors' caring: First results from an international study

Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Nurturing caring values in pre-registration nurse education: A qualitative longitudinal study

Janet M. E. Scammell
Elizabeth Anne Rosser
Vanessa Heaslip
Sara White
Ian Donaldson
Karen Cooper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Obesity-related behaviors of Korean female adolescents in their classroom-based peer networks

Sophia Chung

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One School's Journey through High Fidelity Simulation Curriculum Integration

Ludy Llasus

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Optimizing electronic health record use for management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care

Nancy J. L'Heureux

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Outcomes impacting care of older adults: Geriatric Nursing Leadership Academy fellowships

Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey
Lisa R. Binns-Emerick
Jennifer L. DeClercq
Heidi K. Holmes
Nancy E. Edwards

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Overview and introduction to the Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas

Carolyn B. Yucha

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Pain management in the post surgical patient: It is not all about narcotics

Kate McConathy

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Parenting practices and children's physical activity

Amy M. Hutchens

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Parents' experiences of communication with neonatal intensive-care unit staff: An interview study

Helena Wigert

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Partnership with a community hospital nurse residency program: An innovative approach to increase BSN prepared RNs in a rural area

Michelle H. Cheshire
Cassandra D. Ford

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Patients with advanced lung cancer: Quality of life and perception of dyspnea

Barbara A. Roces

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Patients' perceptions of hope and hope-engendering nurse interventions

Debra Haas Stavarski

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Patterns of body mass trajectory among Japanese children and impacts of life style factors during childhood

Chiyori Haga
Yoko Aihara

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Pediatric continuity of care

Amara Michella Altman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Peer assisted learning in a simulated emergency department experience for undergraduate nursing students

Deborah A. Tapler
Nancy McMenamy
Cynthia Denise Bain

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Peer review in the online environment

Mary Alice Momeyer
Carolyn Schubert
Joni L. Tornwall

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Perceptions of "good work in nursing" of experienced administrators, educators, and clinicians from two STTI circles

Dorette Sugg Welk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Perceptions of interprofessional collaborative practice and the correlation with patient and family satisfaction scores

MaryDee Fisher
Donna Weyant
Susan E. Sterrett
Heather Lynne Ambrose

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Physical activity, prevention of functional decline and support of mobility in older hospitalized patients: A literature review

Iris Tamara Schneider
Gabriele Meyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Planting the seed: Identifying, developing and nurturing diverse student nurse populations

C. Ann Gakumo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Practices of Reflective Leaders: Being Thrust into Leadership

Patricia K. Young

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Practices of reflective leaders: Facing challenges and advancing reform

Sara Horton-Deutsch

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Practices of Reflective Leaders: Taking Risks

Karen Pardue

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Predicting nursing students passing of the ATI comprehensive predictor examination

Kathleen L. Gilchrist
Shalise Pollock
Charles Collom

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Preferred Educational Methods of RN's With More Than Ten Years of Inactive Patient Care

Annette A. Cannon

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Preparing future nurses for practice: Becoming a teacher-scholar

Susan S. VanBeuge

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Presents Muevete on Cinco de Mayo Day to reduce obesity in children of migrant workers

Patricia R. Messmer
Yamina Alvarez
Yolanda Nitti
Giannina Santos

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infection in the emergency department: Tales from the front door

Nancy A. Hagerman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections in medical-surgical/telemetry units: Five units, five cultures, one goal

Shannon Campbell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Project EMPOWER: An interdisciplinary project

Dawn Garrett-Wright
Saundra Starks
Cheryl Wolf

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Promoting excellence in nursing through North-South partnerships

Nelouise Geyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Promoting global nursing education through ongoing engagement

Sharon R. Redding

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Promoting health promotion practices in the low income population

Maria Alice Masciarelli

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Promoting inclusion of diverse students into nursing education for leadership development

Sharon Elizabeth Metcalfe

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Providing health education and disaster preparedness training in the USA and Haiti: A global collaboration

Jacqueline Cassagnol

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Publishing Roles: A Career Road for You

Susan Gennaro
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Putting it all together: Integrating multiple evidence-based core competencies from across the spectrum to redevelop community health online RN-BSN courses

Melissa D. Myers
Leslie B. Schoenberg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

"Real world" adolescent intervention research meets randomized controlled trial methodology: Lessons learned

Diana L. Jacobson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Realities of post-operative pain management in Ghana: Evidence from method and participant triangulation

Lydia Aziato

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Recognizing ethical issues experienced by maternal nurses and their need for ethics education

Gayle Taylor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Recruitment and retention of male nursing students

Deborah Kane
Dale Lynn Rajacich
Sheila Cameron

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Reducing device-related pressure ulcers: Leveraging data and innovation to improve adult/pediatrics outcomes

Peggy Kalowes
Raquel Paige
Valerie Messina

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Reflection beyond action: A modified version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model

Eva Peisachovich

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Relational certainty: A theoretical framework describing the relationship between military veterans and companion canines

Cheryl A. Krause-Parello
Michael John Rice

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Replication of the Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy in Africa

Christa Van der Walt
Karin C. S. Minnie
Hester C. Klopper
Oslinah Buru Tagutanazvo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Research Abstracts, Proposals and Grant Writing: Basics from Start to Finish

Lois Sarah Marshall

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Residency Development, Design, and Implementation

Tammy Franqueiro

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Residency Foundations: Organizational Support and Enculturation

Larissa Africa

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Residency Sustainability: Professional Development and Program Outcomes

Jean S. Shinners

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Rural Women Veterans' Use and Perception of Mental Health Services

Kathy M. Ingelse

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sacred Valley Health: A global organization with a local impact

Keri Lynn Baker
Lynne M. Massaro
Maria C. LaFaro

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Safety auditing as a nursing accountability measure for hospital fall prevention

Nicole Huntley
Johanna Crock
Kaycee Shiskowsky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Save Stan turns five: A large-scale interprofessional practice and academe innovation

Colette R. Foisy-Doll
Sharla King
Dawn Ansell
Margot Zemrau

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Searching for clinical guidelines, algorithms, and mixed methods studies: What's wrong with PICO?

Janice M. Jones

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Secondary analysis of cultural domains among Filipino nursing students

Stephen C. Hadwiger
Mariquit C. Hadwiger

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Secretary daily rounding: It works!

Courtney Edwards

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Selecting an early child development assessment tool in rural Limpopo, South Africa

Gwyneth Rhiannon Milbrath
Audrey Ogendi
Madison B. Compton
Vidya V. Gopinath
Claire M. Constance

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Self-management and weight loss in adolescents: A systematic review

Diane Thomason
Jennifer Kawi
Nada Lukkahatai
Kirsten E. Connelly
Jillian Inouye

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Self-reporting of health perceptions among former uranium workers, their families and descendants living in rural settings

Harold William Smith

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sensitivity and specificity of Edmonson Psychiatric Fall Risk Assessment Tool in an adult inpatient psychiatric unit

Jordon Bosse
Constance LaPointe

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Service learning in RN to BSN leadership service learning

Cheryl Moseley Conway

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sex difference in the association of sleep disturbances with cognitive function impairment in elderly

Hsiao-Yean Chiu
Pei-Shan Tsai

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sexual health advice given on popular web-based magazine sites targeting adolescent women

Olivia Sutter
Victoria von Sadovszky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shift work and nurses' health: Understanding the consequences to take action!

Letha M. Joseph

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sigma Theta Tau International, the United Nations and global initiatives

Cynthia Vlasich

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sleep disturbance and fatigue in renal transplant patients: A pilot study

Kandace Landreneau

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Social, cultural and behavioural contexts of 2014 Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in Nigeria: Community perspectives and nurses' preparedness

Mildred E. John
Margaret I. Ekanem
Ibitoru Peterside
Idongesit I. Akpabio
Ijeoma L. Okoronkwo
Patience E. Samson-Akpan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

SPECIAL SESSION: EuroVision 2020: Collaboration for transformation of the European Region

Joy Merrell
Marie-Louise Luiking
Elizabeth Anne Rosser
Aida Cruz Mendes
Margret Lepp

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Spirituality and religiosity as an approach to coping for adolescents living with sickle cell disease: A review of the literature

Dora L. Clayton-Jones
Kristin Haglund

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Spirituality in nursing education: Are we teaching our students to provide spiritual care?

Kelly Moseley
Sharon B. Cannon
Carol Boswell
Joyce Miller

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Staff nurse perspective on international work and leadership opportunities

Anna Dermenchyan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Staff response to flexible visitation in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)

Gail Voncina
Patricia Newcomb

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Standardized patients providing clinical learning opportunities for learners across the continuum

Miriam E. Bar-on

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Standardizing the collection of clinical outcomes to support evidence-based practice

Peggy Ann White

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Stigma in mental health: A concept analysis

Linda Carman Copel
Khamis Al-Mamari

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Strategies to grow and sustain a competency assessment model utilizing the Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) in the clinical setting

Ciara Culhane

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Strengthening the preparation of student nurses to participate in the provision of nurse initiated and monitored antiretroviral in South Africa

Regis Rugira Marie Modeste
Oluyinka Adejumo

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Stress beyond the NICU discharge: Implications to outcome

Amy Nagorski Johnson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Stress: Impact on classroom engagement and self-directed learning

Rose R. Schwartz
G. Jean Klein

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

STTI Region 14: Connecting and engaging members locally and globally

Teresa Torsney
Ronn M. Callada
Jacqueline Cassagnol
Kirstin Patragnoni-Sauter

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Student Assessment and Fall Evaluation (S.A.F.E. Team): A collaborative initiative in an academic-service partnership to improve patient safety

Ann K. Gosselin
Igna Vitins
Julie Grunawalt
Winnie Wood
Sandra Kendziora

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Student Involvement With International Clinical Experience

Susan Bass

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Student Leadership for International Nursing Experience

Sherry Kari Baum

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Student satisfaction to a multimedia approach to engaged learning

Linda Eileen Wolf
Cheryl Delgado
Pamela K. Rutar

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Subtle signs: Assessing for dementia warning signs during an acute episode of grief in recently widowed individuals

Debra J. Nogueras Conner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sugar in the Blood: The Meanings of Diabetes among Newly Arrived Filipinos in the United States

Reimund Serafica
Susan Lane

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Supporting Early Career Nurses: The Key to Enhancing Professional and Personal Excellence

Tracey L. Moroney

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Supporting nursing research: Mentors' perspectives on a research training program for point-of-care nurses

Agnes T. Black
Candy Garossino
Lynda G. Balneaves

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sustaining Nursing Diversity in Clinical Settings: Leadership and Minority Nurses

Ronald Hickman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Systematic review of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) knowledge measurement instruments used on the Arabian Peninsula

Maram Alghabbashi
Barabara J. Guthrie

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Taking charge: Engaging patients as full partners

Mary Walton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Targeted strategies to promote nursing faculty individual and collective scholarly excellence

Jane M. Fall-Dickson
Edilma L. Yearwood
Kelley Anderson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teaching EBP strategies to students in a Doctor of Nursing Practice program

Barbara Ann Graves
Linda Ann Roussel
Pamela V. O'Neal
Shea E. Polancich

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teaching nursing leadership in Liberia

Magdeline C. Aagard

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teaching the nursing process through the use of simulation in the lecture hall

Nola Schrum
Deborah A. Tapler

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teaching undergraduate nursing students: An innovative approach to answering clinical questions utilizing current evidence-based practice

Jene' M. Hurlbut
Judith Carrion

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teaching undergraduate research in an online environment

Nancy C. Falvo
Laurie Bladen

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Team communication and collaboration: Debriefing after acute obstetric clinical events

Suzanne Lundeen
Maureen S. Padilla
Monique Rhodes

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Teen perceptions of sexual activity, decision-making, and the promotion of safe sexual practices: A focus group study

Judith Herrman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The association between maternal health literacy and assessment for developmental delay in low-income Latino children

Eileen K. Fry-Bowers

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The clinical research nurse: A global perspective on role, value and leadership

Margaret A. McCabe
Mary Jane Williams
Shaunagh Marie Browning
Judith A. Vessey
Liza Behrens
Stephanie-An Lyle

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The concept of self-stigma: A clinical investigation

Linda Carman Copel
Khamis Al-Mamari

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The doctoral journey: Exploring the relationship between workplace empowerment of nurse educators and successful completion of a doctoral degree

Lisa Anne Burrell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effect of a formal mentoring program on career satisfaction and intent to stay in the faculty role for novice nurse faculty

Bette A. Mariani
Stephanie M. Jeffers

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effect of an introductory video on realism in clinical nursing simulation

Kristy L. Oden

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effect of simulation courseware on critical thinking in undergraduate nursing students: Multi-site pre-post study

Hyunsook Shin
Kaka Shim
Yuna Lee
Hyunhee Ma
Dahae Lim
Hyojin Kim
Hyejin Kim

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effect of teaching and mentoring doctoral students on faculty members' research and scholarship productivity

Mary Ann Cantrell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effect of teaching and mentoring doctoral students on their work-life balance

Suzanne C. Smeltzer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The effects of a diabetes support group among underserved: A feasibility study

Patricia K. Gatlin
Jillian Inouye

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The efficacy and reliability of mobile application as an effective "voice" of the female patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) in silent cultures, which regard disordered eating as taboo

Princess Stephanie Fumi Hancock

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The empathy enigma: Does it still exist? Comparison of nursing student self-reported empathy with standardized actor and student peer evaluation of student empathy

Julia M. Ward

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The experiences of low income non-resident African-American fathers with parenting and depressive symptoms

Omolara Fyle-Thorpe

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The impact of cardiac education on changes in lifestyle behaviors

Wanda Lawrence

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The impact of peritoneal dialysis on the family life of children with chronic kidney disease

Maria Lurdes Lomba
Alexandra Lameirinhas
Ana Margarida Silva
Juliana Brito

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The impact of various influences on self-management of adult African-Americans with asthma

James Daniel Holland

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Interrelationship of Nursing Leadership and Healthy STTI Chapters

Linda A. Streit

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The leader's role in assuring person and family centered care

Jane H. Barnsteiner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The literacy in professional nursing in peripheral venous catheterization procedures: A systematic review

Joao Manuel Graveto
Ana Catarina Oliveira
Ana Rita Miraldo Martins

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The lived experience of incivility in nursing classrooms

Elizabeth J. Diener

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The lived experience of Iraqi nurses in communities impacted by war or terrorist threat

Elizabeth J. Diener

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The lived experience of nurses in rural Uganda

Linda S. Johanson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The lived experience: How emergency department nurses resolve emotional pain after patient perpetrated workplace violence

Wanda J. Christie

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy: Taking clinical leadership to the next level

Diane L. Spatz
Julia Snethen
Patricia Clinton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The perceptions of learners on the school nutrition programme in Msukaliwa Sub District Mpumalanga

Mmapheko Doriccah Peu

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Petal Project: Bringing the community together through service

Karen M. Parker
Natalie Ann Masco

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The power of 3: Empowering patients

Lynda M. Sanchez
Lynn E. Cooknell

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The power of partnership: Educator collaboration with procedural area nurses improving professional development

Ani Jacob

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The registered nurse exchange program

Tangee Pruitt
Pamela Petto
Renee Roberts-Turner

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The related factors of receiving pap tests among immigrant women of Vietnamese origin in Taiwan

Hsiu-Hung Wang
Fang-Hsin Lee
Hsiu-Min Tsai
Miaoling Lin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and knowledge of cardiovascular disease in African men in the North-West Province

Adele Burger
Ronel Pretorius
Carla Fourie
Alta Schutte

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The relationship between vitamin D levels in pregnancy and blood glucose at the gestational diabetes screening

Jeanine L. Senti

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Relationship of a Dominant Teaching Perspective and Student Perception of the Classroom Learning Environment

Cindy L. Farris

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The relationships between patients' perceptions of nurse caring behaviors, nurses' perceptions of nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction in the emergency department

Theresa Bucco

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The RN to BSN transition: A qualitative systematic review

Allison B. Anbari

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Role of Coaching in the Development of Nurse Managers

Liz Westcott

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The role of ethnic nursing organizations in developing future nurse leaders

Maria Matza
Maryanne Garon

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The role of stress and inflammation in depression in Hispanics with chronic heart failure

Samira Moughrabi

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The short-term effects of a wellness on-boarding program with health sciences students on depression, anxiety, healthy lifestyle beliefs and healthy lifestyle behaviors

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk
Caitlin Slevin
Lisa K. Militello
Jacqueline Hoying
Colleen McGovern
Alice M. Teall
Laura A. Szalacha

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The socio-cultural contexts of male Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans help-seeking behavior and healthcare utilization: An interpretive phenomenological study

Uchenna Nworah
Lene Symes
Anne Young
Rae W. Langford

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The use of electronic alert system for early sepsis identification

Judy Ong Ho
Rowena Chona Sano

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The use of religious and spiritual coping strategies by parents after a child's ICU death

Dawn Marie Hawthorne

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Use of Standardized Test Score Reports to Inform Instruction Using the Deming Model

Mary Anne Schultz
Geri Chesebrough

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Value of Concept Maps in Theory-Practice Integration

Lizeth Roets

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Theoretical perspective on families at the bedside

Jeanine M. Carr

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Three perspectives on implementing global nursing leadership in your setting

Sarah Marlene Ruiz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

TIPS (Thoughts, Ideas and Possible Strategies) for Implementation of a Funded Grant

Mary Lou Bond
Mark Haykowsky

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

To a greater influence of nurses: Development and implementation of a professional practice model in the Netherlands

Susanne Maassen
Gerard Brekelmans
Annelies Sandee-Laging

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transformational dialogue and Theory U: The leaders role in guiding emerging change

Vivian P. Dawkins

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transformational leadership and intent to stay: Moving research into nurse leaders' practice

Christine T. Kovner
Carol S. Brewer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming an educational culture through a model of care

Susan L. Groenwald

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming assessment in nursing education: Virtual simulations

Nancyruth Leibold
Laura Marie Schwarz

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming nurse residency skills training using simulation: A deliberate practice approach

Kelly La Frentz
James Cavalier
Richard Morse

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming perspective on older adults: Conceptualizing the "silver tsunami" as a cultural paradigm shift

Katheryn Fernandez
Catherine Maurer Baack

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming the chapter through servant leadership

Jennifer L. Saylor
Jennifer S. Graber

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming the nursing workforce in Liberia through graduate education

Dorcas Elisabeth Kunkel

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transforming the nursing workforce through leadership growth

Magdeline C. Aagard

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transition from student nurse to professional nurse: Induction and professional development support of newly qualified professional nurses

Memme Girly Makua

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Transitions of South Sudanese Refugees: Reaching for a Better Life in America

Rebecca Randall
Paula Carson
Thomas E. Stenvig
Marlys J. Bohn

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Translating clinical education to nursing practice in Rwanda: Enhancing maternal and child health

Yvonne Kasine
Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould
Sandra Regan

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

U.S. health system reform, children's health care and nursing: An integrative policy analysis

Eileen K. Fry-Bowers

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Understanding burnout among oncology nurse practitioners

Barbara B. Pieper

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Understanding STTI's membership eligibility criteria

Sabrina Collins-Christie
Janell Jackson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Understanding the lived experience of nursing practice in Haiti

Lorraine E. Emeghebo
Judith C. James-Borga

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Unfolding case study exemplifying care coordination with advance practice nursing

Tamatha Arms

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Unfolding case study using human patient simulation in an advanced practice nursing program

Linda A. Mason Barber

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

United Planet: Principles and Strategies Global Learning and Relational Diplomacy

Dave Santulli

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Use of art, interview and survey to assess family needs at the bedside of hospitalized oncology patients in acute care and at the bedside of hospitalized stroke patients in a rehabilitation hospital

Anita J. Catlin

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Use of objective structured clinical examination in a senior baccalaureate nursing course for assessment of end-of-program outcomes

Diane Lynett Marcyjanik
Nita L. Johnson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Use of standardized patients to enhance health assessment skills of undergraduate nursing students

Kellie Dionne Bryant
Larry Z. Slater

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Use of the Ethical Positioning System for Solving Ethical Dilemmas

Joan Dorman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using Concept Maps as Reflective Activity

Gisela H. Van Rensburg

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using evidence-based teaching to support an innovative teaching strategy in an undergraduate research course: A longitudinal study

Astrid H. Wilson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using Guided Imagery to Reduce Pain and Anxiety

Linda C. Cole

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using multi-user virtual environments (MUVE) in nursing education

Estelle Codier

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using SMART technology to measure nursing practice at the organization, unit, and individual levels

Jeanine Rundquist

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using social networking and social media resources for research recruitment

Dorette Sugg Welk
Janice M. Jones

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using teaching and knowledge to improve health of Chinese people

Bingxiang Yang

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using the Delphi Technique to develop a peer-review debriefing instrument for simulation healthcare education

Jennifer L. Saylor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using the journey to empowerment professional development seminar to enhance nurses' sense of empowerment

Denise M. McNulty

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Using the tools of technology to increase access to doctoral education: Best practices in distance education

Jeffrey A. Willey
Lisa A. Seldomridge

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Utilizing case scenarios in a virtual learning environment to assess and refine critical thinking in graduate nursing education students

Lisa Bridwell Robinson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Validation of an "In the Moment" pediatric quality of life scale for hospitalized children

Nancy A. Ryan-Wenger
Aricka Kesic-Sellers

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Validation of Yoon's Critical Thinking Disposition Instrument

Hyunsook Shin
Kaka Shim
Yuna Lee
Hyunhee Ma
Dahae Lim
Hyojin Kim
Hyejin Kim

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Value of online group reflection following international service learning experiences: I never thought of that!

Eileen M. Smit
Mary Jane Tremethick

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

VHA Wellness Model of Health: Helping veterans be mission ready for life

Sheron L. Salyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

VHA Wellness Model of Health: Helping Veterans be Mission Ready for Life

Sheron L. Salyer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Video recorded versus instructor proctored evaluation for student check-offs: Second pilot

Benjamin A. Smallheer

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Virtual life and death: Preparing nursing students for end-of-life care

Leona A. Konieczny

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Walking for heart health in rural women

Elisabeth J. Marigliano
Pamela S. Stewart Fahs
Cristina Ludden

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Wartime nurse heroes recognition

William T. Campbell
Evelyn R. Hayes
Patricia D'Antonio
Doris T. Lippman

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Women's global health initiative: Prevention of cervical cancer using visual inspection with acetic acid and cryotherapy

Amy K. Moore
Laura L. Opton

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Women's reproductive knowledge and their ability to teach their daughters about reproductive changes

Yenupini Joyce Adams
Adejoke B. Ayoola

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Worry, psychological well-being, and health behaviors in Asian and Pacific Islanders with diabetes

Du Feng
Jillian Inouye
Lorrie Wong

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Yrbs, 2013: Surveillance of mental health services in rural Eastern region middle and high schools

Cynthia Ann Leaver
Jesus Cepero
April Greenlee
Laura E. Henderson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA