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30,000 people: What we have learned about population health Kate E. Gawlik Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A baccalaureate weekend program: Teaching/learning strategies Susan Sheriff Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Rebekah Powers Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Reginald Perez Fernandez Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A Digital Destination for All Your Work: The Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository Kimberly S. Thompson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A faculty-based mentorship circle: Positioning new faculty for success Janice Waddell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A focused ethnography: Nurses transitioning to a nursing specialty Mary Adams Brinkman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lynette Smith Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Deborah E. Tyndall Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Patricia McKiernan Ciarleglio Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A grounded theory study of nurse manager's preferences in hiring newly licensed RNs Susan C. Adamek Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Teresa L. Barry Hultquist Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Safiya George Dalmida Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Carol Ann Amann Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A poverty simulation for heath care professions students Lori I. Kidd Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A process for nurse practitioner students to find preceptors and clinical sites Maria A. Lofgren Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A profile of U.S. nursing faculty in research-and practice-focused doctoral education Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Carol-Ann Moseley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Penny Phillips Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A state school nurse initiative that could transform healthcare globally Teena Byers Darnell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kate Kynoch Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A study examining senior nursing students' expectations of work and the workforce Deborah Saber Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kathleen M. Williamson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A tale of two countries: Comparing the heart failure patient journey in the United States and France Alison Lee Walsh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sarah E. Oerther Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A transformative model of caring and quality in online nursing education Anna M. Waterman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
A world view of person and family centered care Joanne Disch Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Academic mentoring and job satisfaction of baccalaureate nursing faculty Kimberly M. Wilson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Academic/clinical partnerships and the team approach to DNP practice improvement projects Rona Levin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jodi Pelkey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Achieving certification for a nurse-run school-based health center in Nevada Sherrilyn D. Coffman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Addressing student stress and preparation for upper division nursing courses Susan C. Mills Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Advancing Clinical Data Standards in Canada Kathryn J. Hannah Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Advancing Million Hearts through community partnerships and outreach Margaret C. Graham Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
African-American non-nursing science majors' perceptions of nursing in the context of career ideals Robbi K. Alexander Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Aligning Outcomes, Assignments, and Assessment in Designing an Effective Online Program Melissa Ann Popovich Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Amputees' perceptions of what nurses should know about mirror interventions Wyona M. Freysteinson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Hilary S. Morgan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An Academic Shared Governance Model for Leadership in an Academic Setting Patricia G. Francis-Johnson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Joyce A. Wright Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An adapted clinical teaching model: Shifting from traditional to targeted Sheila Epp Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An analysis of nursing preparation to meet the demands of the largest U.S. patient population Kim K. Kuebler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An attitude of gratitude program: Shining the light on the work environment Ann Marie T. Brooks Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An Attitude of Gratitude: A Secret for Success Mary Alexander Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence in Undergraduate Nursing Student Leaders Over 4 Years Cindy L. Costanzo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jacquelyne L. Brooks Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kathy J. Fatkin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Alissa Samoya Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Vallire D. Hooper Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An innovative collaborative approach for applying public health principles in a global setting Cynthia Ringhofer Brown Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An Innovative Strategy to Lead Clinical Practice Change to Achieve Quality Outcomes Mickey L. Parsons Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
An interprofessional web-based approach to critical care education: Development and financial impact Linda K. Heitman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Leslie S. Norman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Applicability of Social Cognitive Career Theory for future nursing faculty workforce recruiting Diana K. Bond Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Application and Evaluation of a Global Learning Rubric Mary Beth Riner Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Applying Caring Theory guided leadership to inspire, and improve quality Marlienne Goldin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Are our babies cold? Using unit-based research to promote adoption of an EBP practice change Rhonda E. Maneval Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nikole Anderson Hicks Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Beverly J. Whelton Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Asian-American midlife women's physical activity and sleep related symptoms Yaelim Lee Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Barbara Lutz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Assessing Outcomes of Learning in Virtual Learning Environments: Scoping Review Rebecca Sisk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Alethea N. Hill Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Attitudes of Gratitude: Innovative Strategies in Improving Health and Wellness Sharon M. Weinstein Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Attitudes of nurses and student nurses toward self-care Kathleen Cino Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Attitudes toward plagiarism in online RN to BSN students Katherine E. Quartuccio Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Attract and assess: Building a successful recruitment plan Sabrina Collins-Christie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Authentic work experiences of Chief Nursing Officers: A phenomenological inquiry Charlene M. Ingwell-Spolan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Avoiding delays for surgery: It is important Susana Dominguez Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Back to the blackboard? Personal technology use and knowledge acquisition Patricia Frohock Hanes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Wendy S. Clark Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Becoming an author: Books, courses, e-prints Matthew S. Howard Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Being a leader in Chinese nursing education Qian Liu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Donald Johnston Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Boosting Students' Engagement in Political Learning Pamela M. Gehrke Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Carla P. Hermann Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Breakthrough Thinking: A Model to Differentiate ADN and BSN Education Sharon K. Kumm Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Bridging the practice/research chasm Rebekah Powers Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Building a baccalaureate workforce using an academic/rural health system partnership Vallire D. Hooper Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Building a Center for Nursing Excellence Using a Role-Based Model for Accountability and Outcomes Miki Goodwin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Building a culture of geriatric excellence: One hospital's experience Louise Laufer Hummel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Building a Database to Answer Pressing Education Issues Michael Yedidia Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Called to promote nursing excellence as facilitators of service learning Linda Rice Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Called to promote nursing excellence as global educators Mary Kay Smid Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Called to promote nursing excellence as transformational leaders Sharon R. Redding Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Maureen Carroll Roller Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cardiovascular health gender disparities: The pathway to policy Tammy C. Lu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cardiovascular risk factors among college students: Knowledge, perception and risk assessment Dieu-My T. Tran Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Care coordination clinical reasoning model for advanced practice nurses RuthAnne Kuiper Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Care for dying patients in a skilled nursing facility: A train-the-trainer program Linda K. Norlander Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Care for Faculty: Promoting Faculty Excellence to Improve Student Outcomes and Faculty Engagement W. Richard Cowling Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Care for Students: Improving Student Success Using a Model of Care Mary Judith Yoho Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Career choice and longevity in U.S. psychiatric-mental health nurses Cynthia A. Diefenbeck Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Caregiver activation: Cancer communication in home hospice Catherine E. Dingley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Susan C. McInerney Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Case-based nursing peer review using just culture principles Kathleen Jochem Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Challenges and Tips for Experienced Grantwriters: Movement into Nursing Education Research Mary Lou Bond Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Challenges and Tips for the Novice Grant Writer Mark Haykowsky Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Challenges with Nurse Licensing and Mobility Linda McGillis Hall Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Challenging global health perspectives with nursing internship experiences Amy Nagorski Johnson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Changing Hospital Culture: Collaborative Response to Emergency Cesarean Sections Barbara C. Schuch Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Changing registered nurses' attitudes regarding delirium assessment in a military community hospital Nancy Ann Westbrook Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Changing the behavior of the Caribbean immigrants in Toronto Khelesh Persaud Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Children with cerebral palsy preferences for adventures and their reasons why Lamara Love Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Choosing Wisely: Building a statewide pilot program Lisa J. Woodward Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Choosing wisely: The role of nurse in reducing unnecessary healthcare Lisa J. Woodward Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Choosing wisely: The role of nurse leaders in reducing unnecessary healthcare Pamela J. Bradshaw Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Civility 101 in the online classroom: De-stress for student success Diane B. Monsivais Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Claiming an area of knowledge as nursing science to improve the health of marginalized populations Jacquelyn C. Campbell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Clinical supervision: Predicting best outcomes Edward White Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Closing the Leadership Gap: Mentoring the RN to BSN Student for Success Jill Borgos Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Linda Carl Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Colorectal cancer screening practices among Texas nurse practitioners and physician assistants Sandra Anne Laird Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jene' M. Hurlbut Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Peggy (Margaret) Hernandez Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Comparing mothers' postpartum concerns over time Jean Hannan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Carmen Caicedo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Comparison of two modes of teaching delivery in graduate nursing education Ronda D. Mintz-Binder Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Concept-based assignments used as study guides: Facilitating learners input into education Jennifer B. Drexler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Conflict-related sexual gender-based violence in DRC Beth D. Good Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
CONNECTS: Building capacity for building skills Kathleen M. Williamson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
CONNECTS: Making the Connection Robin Lockhart Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
CONNECTS: Simulation as an instrument Melody Chandler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Continence Behavioral Rehabilitation Program Phyllis A. Heintz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Germaine Tuyisenge Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Continuity in the Face of Changing Leadership Neal S. Rosenburg Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Could critical thinking help create nurse managers who are transformational leaders? Susan Zori Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Creating a Culture of Clinical Inquiry: The Role of the Scholar in Residence Ruth A. Bryant Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Creating a legacy through nursing leadership, innovation, and global connectivity Shannon K. Lizer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Creating a nursing scholarship strategic vision to transform nursing practice Kenn M. Kirksey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jessica R. Wendorf Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Creating caring learning environment practice partnerships (CLEPPs) Ruby A. Wertz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Creating nurse leaders through a senior leadership/management immersive learning capstone experience Cynthia M. Thomas Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sabrina Collins-Christie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cultural diversity in childbirth practices in a rural community in Southern Nigeria Ekpoanwan E. Esienumoh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cultural issues in end-of-life care: Unmet needs of Indians in Australia Sujatha Shanmugasundaram Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cultural relevancy of palliative and end-of-life care: Conversations with Indigenous elders Mary J. Isaacson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Dashboards and data: Supporting strategy through transparency of metrics Diedre Bricker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Democratizing data access via web-based portals Linda Flynn Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Elizabeth J. Van Dyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Descriptive study of cognitive disturbances in older breast cancer survivors Melissa A. Craft Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Designing 3D virtual simulations in nursing education: The rest of the story Tona L. Leiker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Determinants of access to specialty care for community health clinic patients Mabel Ezeonwu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Josephine Bassey Etowa Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Determinants of quality of life among congestive heart failure persons Aporn Deenan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Developing a framework and inventory of instruments to measure team-based primary care Richard Ricciardi Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Developing a research focus in implementing continuous support during labour as best practice Karin C. S. Minnie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Developing Critical Thinking Skills through Concept Mapping Yvonne Botma Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Developing faculty-student mentor-mentee relationships in a DNP program Nancy Neff Manister Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Developing future leaders: The L.O.V.E. approach Kathy S. Holloway Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sangmi Kim Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Development of Curriculum Assessment Template for Targeted Student Outcomes in a BSN Program Erin E. Killingsworth Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Monique Ridosh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Disaster preparedness: A template for saving lives Catherine A. Marcum Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Erika L. Simon Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Deliwe Rene Phetlhu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Do older Hispanic diabetics use the internet for health-related information? Kathleen M. Nokes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Felicity M. Daniels Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Does the use of case studies impact scores on specialty exams for undergraduate nursing students? Claudine Dufrene Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Melanie L. Chichester Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Drinking patterns and outcomes of alcohol use by LGBT students at a minority-serving university Sandra "Sande" Gracia Jones Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Driving patient outcomes through clinical decision support systems and nurse-directed protocols Amy Glasofer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Christine M. Aramburu Alegria Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Ebola 101 Module: An opportunity for students to think globally, act locally Elizabeth A. Tinnon Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
ED Community Placement Project (EDCPP): "Right Service-Right Venue" Karen Elizabeth Mitchell-Keels Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Education as a heart failure intervention: What providers taught patients in one hospital setting Theresa D. Galakatos Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Alexis Marie Guay Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Effective communication using huddles Andreanna Sookhi Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Effective nursing work flow: Making a difference Ausrine Buzick Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Patricia Bicknell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Fatsani L. Dogani Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Greta I. Marek Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Anjanetta Davis Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Effects of dance in chronic illness: A systematic review Alona Angosta Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Emergency room nurses transitioning from curative to end-of-life care: The rural influence Roberta Rolland Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Empirical outcomes: An autograph for our nursing care Pamela Petto Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Terri L. Ares Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Empowering nurses to implement evidence-based practice through instructional design Priscilla C. O'Connor Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Engaging nursing students in health promotion research and practice Donna M. Callaghan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Engaging students to clinically think: Preparing practice-ready nurses Patricia Kyriakidis Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Engaging the community to deliver educational programming for young breast cancer survivors Timiya S. Nolan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Enhancing leadership in a Chinese nursing program Linda Rice Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Enhancing Mental Health Nursing Practicum with Clinical Simulation: A Comparison of Student Outcomes April L. Mouser Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kathryn A. Osteen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Enhancing the patient safety culture of ABSN students through instruction on medical error recovery Darlene Mary Burke Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Essence-Driven Leadership: Illuminating the Lived Experiences of Chief Nursing Officers Kathleen Flores Eviza Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Establishing a Global Institution Partnership for Nursing Education Wanda Lawrence Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluating and developing supplemental clinical faculty competency Jennifer Titzer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluating self care management skills among adult asthmatics: A randomized controlled study Varalakshmi Manchana Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cecilia M. Inman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluating the use of C-HOBIC and the C-HOBIC Transition Synoptic Report Lynn M. Nagle Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluation of an Athletics Model to Develop Values for Professional Practice Amy C. Shay Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluation of memory book interventions with orphaned children in India, Kenya and South Africa Barbara J. Braband Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Peer Assisted Learning in a Scale Development Course Areewan Oumtanee Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Everyday ethics in the 21st century: Creating and sustaining a culture of ethical practice Cynda Hylton Rushton Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Stephanie A. Kelly Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evidence to support adolescents as healthy lifestyle behavior change agents for their families Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Gayle Ridgway Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evidence-based leaders and leadership Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evidence-based practice change to prevent CAUTI: A team-based approach Catherine M. Riedel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evidence-based practice fellowship immersion: Transforming staff nurse's professional practice Tom Christenbery Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Examining the Outcomes of Web-Based Interventions on Anthropometric Measurements Reimund Serafica Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Norma Krumwiede Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Examining the trends of nursing evidence-based research and the measurements of quality Sarah J. Davies Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
James I. Masiongale Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Dana Tschannen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Experienced Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy (ENFLA) Carol J. Huston Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Experiences in nursing, nursing education and leadership in Liberia before Ebola and beyond Harriette N. S. Mondaye Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Experiences of homeless Vietnam veterans in deciding to access or not access healthcare Susan K. Lee Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Exploring cervical cancer treatments, coping and women's sexual self-concept after cervical cancer Barbara Hollie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Hilde Zitzelsberger Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Exploring symptom experiences in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: A mixed method study Harshida Patel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kathryn A. Pfaff Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Facilitating organizational socialization of adjunct clinical nursing faculty Julie Kientz Elting Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Facilitating scholarship success through a collaborative faculty group Camille Payne Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Factors influencing Australian nursing students' psychological well-being and suicidal ideation Pi-Ming Yeh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Factors Influencing Physical Activity among Older Women with Type 2 Diabetes Sun Ju Chang Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Factors influencing well-being among post myocardial infarction patients Sanguan Thanee Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Geneva Chonpimai Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Pamela C. Spigelmyer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Natalia Sak-Dankosky Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Shiow-Ching Shun Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Susan E. Becker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Fibromyalgia: Implementation of Health Information Technology in Routine Care Toni Sparks Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Financial Stewardship through Policies and Procedures Jessica R. Wendorf Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Findings of a knowledge synthesis project of simulation use in pre-licensure nursing education Joanne K. Olson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Five tips to develop dynamic events Sabrina Collins-Christie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Formulating a best practice statement for prison parenting programs: A program evaluation project Donna M. Zucker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Fostering healthy work environments: Powered by civility, collegiality, and teamwork Cynthia M. Clark Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Fostering retention: A success in transitioning a RN-BSN program to online delivery Cynthia Rubenstein Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Gordana Dermody Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Fostering workforce development through meaningful experiences: Pathways to a nursing degree program Catherine G. Tagher Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
From bedside care expert to novice educator: Perceptions of new nurse educators Kathy Jean Roth Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
From blank canvas to masterwork: Creating a professional practice model at a Magnet hospital Lynda J. Dimitroff Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Future think: Clinical reasoning, care coordination, and health analytics Daniel J. Pesut Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Gaining Perspectives and Global Awareness through Collaborative Online Learning (COIL) Teddie Potter Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Getting published in nursing journals: Strategies for success Susan Gennaro Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Getting serious about advancing the science of nursing education Theresa M. Valiga Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Getting Serious about Research in Nursing Education Pamela Ironside Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Global scholarship: The challenges for nursing and the value of STTI Elizabeth Anne Rosser Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Good death as perceived by the critically ill patients' family members Wanlapa Kunsongkeit Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Got projects? An innovative use of technology to approve and track nursing projects Kathleen A. Bradley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jennifer S. Graber Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Felesia Renee Bowen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mary W. Stec Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jean Ann Davison Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Health coaching with peer support to improve diabetes self-management education Chondra Butler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Health promoting behaviors among RN to BSN students at two public universities Cherie Rector Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Health risks for nurses working night shift Robie Victoria Hughes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Health team members' perceptions of strategies for patient-centred care in acute care settings Linda M. Ferguson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Miriam O. Ezenwa Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
HeartMApp: A self-care mobile telemedicine application to improve heart failure outcomes Ponrathi R. Athilingam Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Helping leaders learn EBP and recognize their EBP potential Lynn Gallagher-Ford Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Helping men rebuild their sense of self following workplace bullying Judith A. MacIntosh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Carol Shieh Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
How to build a successful mentoring relationship Mary M. Wheeler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
How to critically appraise systematic reviews in order to inform clinical decision making Susan Buchholz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
How to excel at evaluating a new graduate nurse residency evidence-based practice program Donnya E. Mogensen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Hybrid FNP education in Haiti: A global collaboration Steven Baumann Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kelly J. Betts Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
If the walls could talk: Student perspectives on what makes for a "good" teacher Theresa M. Valiga Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Impact of a student and faculty collaboration on patient satisfaction with pain management Mary Lynn Parker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Scott C. Dolan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Implementation of a nurse residency program for long-term care new nurses in NJ Nancy Bohnarczyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Implementing change: Social justice as a platform for nursing education Katrina Einhellig Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Improving attitudes and perceived competence in caring for dying patients: An end-of-life simulation Megan E. Pfitzinger Lippe Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Improving glycemic control among incarcerated men: A health promotion model Paula Kelly Ranson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Improving HCAHPS in a challenging patient population: Trauma and burns Meredith Palmer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Melanie Brewer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Improving transitions of care with bedside report Joshua S. Lehmer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
In Their Shoes: A Poverty Simulation Jacqueline Paik Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Incivility in the workplace: Implications for nursing education Kimberly Ann Balko Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Adesola Adenike Ogunfowokan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Influence to advance global health & nursing Cathy D. Catrambone Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Informatics competencies: Transition from classroom to bedside Katherine A. Kelly Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Innovation in practice: A QSEN framework for redesigning a clinical advancement program for nurses Kathleen A. Bradley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nicki M. Shonka Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Innovations in the care of cancer survivors and their families Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Innovative Teaching/Learning Strategies for Healthcare Education Gayle Taylor Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Christa Van der Walt Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Integrative strategies to help students lower their anxiety G. Jean Klein Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sharon A. Castellanos Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Interactive Instructional Design Strategies for Online Nursing Education Nicholas Charles Gogno Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Internet-based intervention for self-management in fibromyalgia syndrome Nada Lukkahatai Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Interprofessional education and research in a collaborative simulation center Jessica Louise Doolen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Interprofessional education in nursing education: A new way of knowing Marian J. George Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Tanya R. Friese Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lisa A. Kuhen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Interprofessional evidence-based solution for alcohol screening using technology Kathryn Puskar Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Interprofessional health education: Preparing for collaborative practice Michele S. Bednarzyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Introducing a global leadership mentoring STTI online community Ellen B. Buckner Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Is leadership in STTI in your future? A dialogue with the Leadership Succession Committee Safiya George Dalmida Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Is sitting time associated with increased health risks in nurses? Lizbeth P. Sturgeon Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
It takes a village and a plan: Leadership development of novice faculty through a team project Alison H. Edie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
It's a matter of time: Formative feedback in online learning environments Deborah L. Sikes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kangaroo care: Creating a video teaching tool for parents and neonatal nurses Melissa K. Robinson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kangaroo mother care effect on crying time during clustered painful procedures in full term neonates Raouth R. Kostandy Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Keeping the child with food allergies safe at school Scarlet R. Spain Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
"Know what battle to fight and how to fight it": Navigating the cultural terrain of healthcare Josephine Bassey Etowa Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Know your tools: Improving nurses' use of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) to detect delirium Julie Plagenhoef Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Leadership: Based on relationships Michele Rumsey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Leading environmental health awareness to transform nursing practice Bernadette M. Longo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Leading practices in geriatric care: Building a dermal defense team makes a difference! DeSales Foster Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kathleen R. Stevens Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Leading the development of nursing practice and policy through successful publication Ian J. Norman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Michelle R. Troseth Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cindy Ford Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lessons learned: Recruiting and retaining a diverse population in research Elisabeth Z. Klein Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Life experiences of a newly graduated nurse working under supervision of a mentor Nisa Tamarpirat Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Loneliness, quality of life, and health-related hardiness among older HIV+/AIDS farmers in China Janet F. Wang Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Making senior care a system priority Ann Marie T. Brooks Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Making the hard decisions: Ethical issues encountered by military nurses during wartime Janice B. Griffin Agazio Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Guillermo Valdes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Maximizing Resources - Strengthening Community Ties: A Military Civilian Collaboration Deborah Hartzog Chatham Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Maximizing the impact of your publications in an open access environment Peter Griffiths Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Meaningful lifelong learning in nursing education: Barriers, facilitators, and outcomes Sue Coffey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Kari Lynne Hickey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Measuring cultural competency: One-year post immersion experience in Costa Rica Maureen Carroll Roller Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Evette M. Wilson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Medication reconciliation: It's in the bag Dawn Becker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response Anita J. Catlin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Meeting family needs at the bedside and across the continuum: Theory, research, response Anita J. Catlin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mental health treatment and media preferences for persons of Mexican heritage Tanya Renee' Sorrell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mary M. Wheeler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mentorship and novice nursing faculty: Working together for successful role transitioning Azizah Sculley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Million Hearts; An evidence-based method for improving population health Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mindfulness Interventions for Nursing Students Mary Elaine Koren Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mission Ready: Changing the Dialogue between Veterans and Their Care Teams in the Clinical Setting Pamela J. Laut Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mission Ready: Changing the Physical ED Environment Donna Diogo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mekeesha McClure Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Malinda Lee Whitlow Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Motivation and persistence among BSN students in Northeast Ohio: A correlational study Christine Lynn Heid Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Multi-Method Critical Care Orientation Improves Critical Thinking, Skills and Confidence Marie Elizabeth Wolfer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lynn L. Wiles Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
New graduate nurse perception of competence compared to nurse leadership Nancy S. Goldstein Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Newly Graduated Registered Nurses' Perception of Psychiatric Nursing Avni Cirpili Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurse attitudes toward patient advocacy in the long-term acute care hospital setting Carole D. Liske Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurse educator leadership competencies: Instrument development and testing Barbara J. Patterson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurse family presence beliefs and decisions in adult intensive care unit Beverly Jones Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Stephanie B. Allen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Pamela G. Lusk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurses work engagement in medical-surgical services in Portugal Aida Cruz Mendes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurses' involvement in HIV policy formulation in Nigerian health care system Ekaete Francis Asuquo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurses' perspectives on flexible visitation in adult and neonatal critical care units Alina Pedchenko Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurses' reactions of an emergent pediatric educational simulation Kenneth L. Hoffman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nursing education in Jordan: A Fulbright Scholar's perspective Susan A. LaRocco Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nursing faculty development: A system change to foster mentoring and training Nicole M. Giancaterino Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jeanette Rossetti Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nursing students serving, transforming, and leading within 5 miles to 3000 miles Sheri P. Palmer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Julie M. Symes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nurturing caring values in pre-registration nurse education: A qualitative longitudinal study Janet M. E. Scammell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Obesity-related behaviors of Korean female adolescents in their classroom-based peer networks Sophia Chung Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
One School's Journey through High Fidelity Simulation Curriculum Integration Ludy Llasus Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Optimizing electronic health record use for management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care Nancy J. L'Heureux Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Outcomes impacting care of older adults: Geriatric Nursing Leadership Academy fellowships Deborah F. Cleeter Bailey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Overview and introduction to the Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas Carolyn B. Yucha Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Pain management in the post surgical patient: It is not all about narcotics Kate McConathy Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Parenting practices and children's physical activity Amy M. Hutchens Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Parents' experiences of communication with neonatal intensive-care unit staff: An interview study Helena Wigert Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Michelle H. Cheshire Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Patients with advanced lung cancer: Quality of life and perception of dyspnea Barbara A. Roces Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Patients' perceptions of hope and hope-engendering nurse interventions Debra Haas Stavarski Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Chiyori Haga Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Amara Michella Altman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Deborah A. Tapler Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Peer review in the online environment Mary Alice Momeyer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Dorette Sugg Welk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
MaryDee Fisher Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Iris Tamara Schneider Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Planting the seed: Identifying, developing and nurturing diverse student nurse populations C. Ann Gakumo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Practices of Reflective Leaders: Being Thrust into Leadership Patricia K. Young Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Practices of reflective leaders: Facing challenges and advancing reform Sara Horton-Deutsch Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Practices of Reflective Leaders: Taking Risks Karen Pardue Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Predicting nursing students passing of the ATI comprehensive predictor examination Kathleen L. Gilchrist Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Preferred Educational Methods of RN's With More Than Ten Years of Inactive Patient Care Annette A. Cannon Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Preparing future nurses for practice: Becoming a teacher-scholar Susan S. VanBeuge Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Presents Muevete on Cinco de Mayo Day to reduce obesity in children of migrant workers Patricia R. Messmer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Nancy A. Hagerman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Shannon Campbell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Project EMPOWER: An interdisciplinary project Dawn Garrett-Wright Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Promoting excellence in nursing through North-South partnerships Nelouise Geyer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Promoting global nursing education through ongoing engagement Sharon R. Redding Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Promoting health promotion practices in the low income population Maria Alice Masciarelli Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Promoting inclusion of diverse students into nursing education for leadership development Sharon Elizabeth Metcalfe Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jacqueline Cassagnol Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Publishing Roles: A Career Road for You Susan Gennaro Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Melissa D. Myers Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Diana L. Jacobson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lydia Aziato Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Recognizing ethical issues experienced by maternal nurses and their need for ethics education Gayle Taylor Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Recruitment and retention of male nursing students Deborah Kane Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Peggy Kalowes Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Reflection beyond action: A modified version of Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model Eva Peisachovich Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cheryl A. Krause-Parello Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Replication of the Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy in Africa Christa Van der Walt Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Research Abstracts, Proposals and Grant Writing: Basics from Start to Finish Lois Sarah Marshall Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Residency Development, Design, and Implementation Tammy Franqueiro Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Residency Foundations: Organizational Support and Enculturation Larissa Africa Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Residency Sustainability: Professional Development and Program Outcomes Jean S. Shinners Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Rural Women Veterans' Use and Perception of Mental Health Services Kathy M. Ingelse Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sacred Valley Health: A global organization with a local impact Keri Lynn Baker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Safety auditing as a nursing accountability measure for hospital fall prevention Nicole Huntley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Save Stan turns five: A large-scale interprofessional practice and academe innovation Colette R. Foisy-Doll Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Searching for clinical guidelines, algorithms, and mixed methods studies: What's wrong with PICO? Janice M. Jones Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Secondary analysis of cultural domains among Filipino nursing students Stephen C. Hadwiger Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Secretary daily rounding: It works! Courtney Edwards Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Selecting an early child development assessment tool in rural Limpopo, South Africa Gwyneth Rhiannon Milbrath Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Self-management and weight loss in adolescents: A systematic review Diane Thomason Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Harold William Smith Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jordon Bosse Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Service learning in RN to BSN leadership service learning Cheryl Moseley Conway Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Hsiao-Yean Chiu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sexual health advice given on popular web-based magazine sites targeting adolescent women Olivia Sutter Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Shift work and nurses' health: Understanding the consequences to take action! Letha M. Joseph Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sigma Theta Tau International, the United Nations and global initiatives Cynthia Vlasich Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sleep disturbance and fatigue in renal transplant patients: A pilot study Kandace Landreneau Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mildred E. John Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
SPECIAL SESSION: EuroVision 2020: Collaboration for transformation of the European Region Joy Merrell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Dora L. Clayton-Jones Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Spirituality in nursing education: Are we teaching our students to provide spiritual care? Kelly Moseley Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Staff nurse perspective on international work and leadership opportunities Anna Dermenchyan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Staff response to flexible visitation in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) Gail Voncina Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Standardized patients providing clinical learning opportunities for learners across the continuum Miriam E. Bar-on Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Standardizing the collection of clinical outcomes to support evidence-based practice Peggy Ann White Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Stigma in mental health: A concept analysis Linda Carman Copel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Ciara Culhane Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Regis Rugira Marie Modeste Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Stress beyond the NICU discharge: Implications to outcome Amy Nagorski Johnson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Stress: Impact on classroom engagement and self-directed learning Rose R. Schwartz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
STTI Region 14: Connecting and engaging members locally and globally Teresa Torsney Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Ann K. Gosselin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Student Involvement With International Clinical Experience Susan Bass Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Student Leadership for International Nursing Experience Sherry Kari Baum Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Student satisfaction to a multimedia approach to engaged learning Linda Eileen Wolf Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Debra J. Nogueras Conner Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sugar in the Blood: The Meanings of Diabetes among Newly Arrived Filipinos in the United States Reimund Serafica Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Supporting Early Career Nurses: The Key to Enhancing Professional and Personal Excellence Tracey L. Moroney Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Agnes T. Black Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Sustaining Nursing Diversity in Clinical Settings: Leadership and Minority Nurses Ronald Hickman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Maram Alghabbashi Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Taking charge: Engaging patients as full partners Mary Walton Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Targeted strategies to promote nursing faculty individual and collective scholarly excellence Jane M. Fall-Dickson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Teaching EBP strategies to students in a Doctor of Nursing Practice program Barbara Ann Graves Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Teaching nursing leadership in Liberia Magdeline C. Aagard Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Teaching the nursing process through the use of simulation in the lecture hall Nola Schrum Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jene' M. Hurlbut Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Teaching undergraduate research in an online environment Nancy C. Falvo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Team communication and collaboration: Debriefing after acute obstetric clinical events Suzanne Lundeen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Judith Herrman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Eileen K. Fry-Bowers Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The clinical research nurse: A global perspective on role, value and leadership Margaret A. McCabe Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The concept of self-stigma: A clinical investigation Linda Carman Copel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lisa Anne Burrell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Bette A. Mariani Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The effect of an introductory video on realism in clinical nursing simulation Kristy L. Oden Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Hyunsook Shin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Mary Ann Cantrell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The effect of teaching and mentoring doctoral students on their work-life balance Suzanne C. Smeltzer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The effects of a diabetes support group among underserved: A feasibility study Patricia K. Gatlin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Princess Stephanie Fumi Hancock Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Julia M. Ward Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Omolara Fyle-Thorpe Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The impact of cardiac education on changes in lifestyle behaviors Wanda Lawrence Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The impact of peritoneal dialysis on the family life of children with chronic kidney disease Maria Lurdes Lomba Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The impact of various influences on self-management of adult African-Americans with asthma James Daniel Holland Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Interrelationship of Nursing Leadership and Healthy STTI Chapters Linda A. Streit Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The leader's role in assuring person and family centered care Jane H. Barnsteiner Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Joao Manuel Graveto Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The lived experience of incivility in nursing classrooms Elizabeth J. Diener Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The lived experience of Iraqi nurses in communities impacted by war or terrorist threat Elizabeth J. Diener Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The lived experience of nurses in rural Uganda Linda S. Johanson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Wanda J. Christie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy: Taking clinical leadership to the next level Diane L. Spatz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The perceptions of learners on the school nutrition programme in Msukaliwa Sub District Mpumalanga Mmapheko Doriccah Peu Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Petal Project: Bringing the community together through service Karen M. Parker Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The power of 3: Empowering patients Lynda M. Sanchez Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Ani Jacob Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The registered nurse exchange program Tangee Pruitt Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The related factors of receiving pap tests among immigrant women of Vietnamese origin in Taiwan Hsiu-Hung Wang Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Adele Burger Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jeanine L. Senti Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Cindy L. Farris Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Theresa Bucco Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The RN to BSN transition: A qualitative systematic review Allison B. Anbari Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Role of Coaching in the Development of Nurse Managers Liz Westcott Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The role of ethnic nursing organizations in developing future nurse leaders Maria Matza Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The role of stress and inflammation in depression in Hispanics with chronic heart failure Samira Moughrabi Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Uchenna Nworah Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The use of electronic alert system for early sepsis identification Judy Ong Ho Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The use of religious and spiritual coping strategies by parents after a child's ICU death Dawn Marie Hawthorne Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Use of Standardized Test Score Reports to Inform Instruction Using the Deming Model Mary Anne Schultz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
The Value of Concept Maps in Theory-Practice Integration Lizeth Roets Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Theoretical perspective on families at the bedside Jeanine M. Carr Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Three perspectives on implementing global nursing leadership in your setting Sarah Marlene Ruiz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
TIPS (Thoughts, Ideas and Possible Strategies) for Implementation of a Funded Grant Mary Lou Bond Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Susanne Maassen Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transformational dialogue and Theory U: The leaders role in guiding emerging change Vivian P. Dawkins Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transformational leadership and intent to stay: Moving research into nurse leaders' practice Christine T. Kovner Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming an educational culture through a model of care Susan L. Groenwald Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming assessment in nursing education: Virtual simulations Nancyruth Leibold Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming nurse residency skills training using simulation: A deliberate practice approach Kelly La Frentz Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Katheryn Fernandez Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming the chapter through servant leadership Jennifer L. Saylor Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming the nursing workforce in Liberia through graduate education Dorcas Elisabeth Kunkel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transforming the nursing workforce through leadership growth Magdeline C. Aagard Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Memme Girly Makua Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Transitions of South Sudanese Refugees: Reaching for a Better Life in America Rebecca Randall Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Translating clinical education to nursing practice in Rwanda: Enhancing maternal and child health Yvonne Kasine Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
U.S. health system reform, children's health care and nursing: An integrative policy analysis Eileen K. Fry-Bowers Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Understanding burnout among oncology nurse practitioners Barbara B. Pieper Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Understanding STTI's membership eligibility criteria Sabrina Collins-Christie Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Understanding the lived experience of nursing practice in Haiti Lorraine E. Emeghebo Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Unfolding case study exemplifying care coordination with advance practice nursing Tamatha Arms Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Unfolding case study using human patient simulation in an advanced practice nursing program Linda A. Mason Barber Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
United Planet: Principles and Strategies Global Learning and Relational Diplomacy Dave Santulli Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Anita J. Catlin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Diane Lynett Marcyjanik Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Use of standardized patients to enhance health assessment skills of undergraduate nursing students Kellie Dionne Bryant Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Use of the Ethical Positioning System for Solving Ethical Dilemmas Joan Dorman Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using Concept Maps as Reflective Activity Gisela H. Van Rensburg Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Astrid H. Wilson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using Guided Imagery to Reduce Pain and Anxiety Linda C. Cole Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using multi-user virtual environments (MUVE) in nursing education Estelle Codier Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using SMART technology to measure nursing practice at the organization, unit, and individual levels Jeanine Rundquist Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using social networking and social media resources for research recruitment Dorette Sugg Welk Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Using teaching and knowledge to improve health of Chinese people Bingxiang Yang Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jennifer L. Saylor Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Denise M. McNulty Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Jeffrey A. Willey Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Lisa Bridwell Robinson Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Validation of an "In the Moment" pediatric quality of life scale for hospitalized children Nancy A. Ryan-Wenger Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Validation of Yoon's Critical Thinking Disposition Instrument Hyunsook Shin Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Eileen M. Smit Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
VHA Wellness Model of Health: Helping veterans be mission ready for life Sheron L. Salyer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
VHA Wellness Model of Health: Helping Veterans be Mission Ready for Life Sheron L. Salyer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Video recorded versus instructor proctored evaluation for student check-offs: Second pilot Benjamin A. Smallheer Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Virtual life and death: Preparing nursing students for end-of-life care Leona A. Konieczny Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Walking for heart health in rural women Elisabeth J. Marigliano Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Wartime nurse heroes recognition William T. Campbell Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Amy K. Moore Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Women's reproductive knowledge and their ability to teach their daughters about reproductive changes Yenupini Joyce Adams Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Worry, psychological well-being, and health behaviors in Asian and Pacific Islanders with diabetes Du Feng Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
Yrbs, 2013: Surveillance of mental health services in rural Eastern region middle and high schools Cynthia Ann Leaver Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |