
A solution to rising nurse leader attrition may include focused mentorship into the role. A health system in Northeast Florida developed a nurse leader mentorship program for nurses who were new to the leader role or new to the organization during the coronavirus disease of 2019 pandemic. This nurse leader mentor program was designed to help new nurse leaders feel more comfortable in the role and create a relationship with a mentor. In the program, a full-time Nurse Mentor was assigned to meet with new nurse leaders periodically over the first year in their role. The nurse mentor program aimed to reduce burnout and increase the intent to stay in the leader role. The Nurse Leader Mentor met with each new nurse leader at least four times within the last year. This program of nurse leader mentorship had not been evaluated since its conception.

Author Details

Kymberlee Shutts, DNP, RN

Sigma Membership

Theta Tau


DNP Capstone Project

Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type

Quality Improvement

Research Approach



Nurse Leaders, Burnout, Retention, Mentorship, Nurse Leader Program


Erica Kines

Second Advisor

Melissa McRae



Degree Grantor

Jacksonville University

Degree Year


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None: Degree-based Submission



Date of Issue



Riverside Hospital Foundation

Full Text of Presentation

