The use of research findings in clinical nursing practice has been studied extensively in civilian institutions or with civilian nurses. However, little research utilization study has been done in US military facilities. Everett Rogers' theory on diffusion of innovations posits that a system's social structure and cultural norms affect an innovation's diffusion in several aspects, including innovation decisions, rate of diffusion, and the consequences of innovation (Rogers, 1995). Due to differences in organizational culture between civilian and military facilities, it is difficult to generalize the research done in civilian nursing facilities to the military organization. All nurses working at three US Army Medical Treatment Facilities were asked to participate in the study, of which 313 returned surveys. Use of research findings in practice was measured using an adapted version of Estabrooks' Research Utilization Survey (Estabrooks, 1997). Perception of organizational climate was measured using Mylle's Organizational Climate Index for Military Units (Mylle, 1998).
Sigma Membership
Xi Phi
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Quantitative Research
Research Integration, Evidence-based Nursing Practice, US Army Hospitals
Maureen A. McMullen
Degree Grantor
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Kenny, Deborah J., "Research utilization of registered nurses in United States Army Hospitals" (2019). Dissertations. 889.
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