This collection contains doctoral papers and dissertations that have been completed and defended in partial fulfillment for the doctoral degree received. These items have not gone through the Sigma Repository’s peer-review process, but have been accepted by the indicated university or college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the specified degree.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2024


The relationship of a dominant teaching perspective and student perception of the classroom learning environment, Cindy L. Farris


Development and evaluation of a nurse practitioner-directed mindfulness initiative among patients diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in an outpatient psychiatric practice, Keilah B. Ford


Families and the life transition of first time mental illness: Swept along on the waves, Diane M. Forsyth


The impact of disaster tabletop exercise on the nursing knowledge of emergency preparedness and the influence on professional quality of life, Vivian Fuentes


Assessing the impact of a pre-high-fidelity simulation orientation on associate degree nursing (ADN) students' simulation-related anxiousness, Diana C. Galvez


Built environment and rural women: A case study approach, Jeanine E. Gangeness


Exploring students' perceptions and experiences of faculty caring in the undergraduate classroom in a traditional baccalaureate nursing program: A qualitative descriptive study, Sheila M. Garilli


The lived experience of registered nurses and registered midwives in St. Kitts and Nevis, Raiden Gaul


The relationships between work-family conflict, job satisfaction and psychological well-being among African American nurses, Trina L. Gipson-Jones


Vulnerability, self-transcendence, and the professional well-being of new graduate registered nurses, Jo Ann K. Gottlieb


Improving the experience of culturally diverse nursing students: A qualitative study, Miriam L. Griffin


Mothers' resourcefulness, postpartum depression, perception of child vulnerability, and perceived stress after preterm infant's discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit, Christine A. Grippi


Nurse educators' perceptions regarding faculty participation in university governance, Janet J. Gross


Student nurse perspectives on the impact of longitudinal home visits to people with dementia and their carers, Wendy J. Grosvenor


An exploration of the relationship between servant leadership characteristics of nurse leaders and the perception of empowerment among their followers, Holly H. Hall


Using ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in difficult intravenous access patients, Diana Hampton


Testing a reflection education intervention on baccalaureate nursing students' level of reflection during online clinical post conference, Jaime Hannans


Perceptions of accelerated bachelor of science in nursing program graduates regarding andragogical practices employed by faculty, Mary E. Hanson-Zalot


Glycemic control in cardiac surgery patients: Revising and educating nurses on an evidence-based insulin infusion protocol, Joelle D. Hargraves


Nursing student attitudes toward mental illness: A quantitative quasi-experimental study, Todd B. Hastings


A culturally informed mentorship model for historically underrepresented ethnic minority advanced practice registered nursing students, Lonnie P. Herring


Perceptions of novice clinical adjunct nursing faculty, Layna Himmelberg


The relationship between discharge planning, satisfaction, and readmission in home care patients, Dawn A. Hohl


Increasing physical activity in the 65 and older population, Misti M. Hollingsworth


Exploring multilevel factors associated with dual-method contraceptive use among adolescent and young adult women, Lauren Holt