The use of preceptorships for nursing students has become an accepted practice in contemporary nursing. The preceptorship phenomenon is a complex and interactive process that involves many stakeholders including nurse preceptors, health care agencies, schools of nursing, nursing regulatory agencies, nursing faculty, student nurses, and patients. Since this process involves many interrelated activities and stakeholders, the risk to the patient is increased. Boards of Nursing exist to protect the public's health and welfare by overseeing and ensuring safe nursing practice; therefore, it is logical that the boards of nursing provide guidance on this topic. An updated advisory opinion to interpret rules for the Arizona State Board of Nursing was developed based on current literature and a systemic review of all state nursing boards policies related to preceptorships. Prior to approval by the state board of nursing, participatory action research using a policy Delphi method survey was used to solicit feedback and gain consensus from state-wide nurse experts. The resultant advisory opinion for preceptorships of professional nursing students is comprehensive, provides validation of board rules, and is current for contemporary nursing practice.
Sigma Membership
Phi Pi
DNP Capstone Project
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Clinical Practice Guideline(s)
Research Approach
Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice
Nursing Education, State Board of Nursing, Delphi method
John Schmidt
Second Advisor
Carolyn Morrisey
Third Advisor
Dawna Cato
Degree Grantor
Capella University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Prenovost, LeAnne S., "Development of an evidence-based advisory opinion guiding preceptorships" (2017). DNP and Student Works. 20.
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Review Type
None: Degree-based Submission
Date of Issue
Phi Pi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
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