This collection houses materials submitted by students pursuing degrees in the field of nursing (BSN and above). It excludes traditionally formatted, completed and defended theses and dissertations which are found in their own collections within this repository.

You will find DNP capstone manuscripts and projects as well as undergraduate and graduate papers and projects of exceptional merit. Submissions to this collection may be prompted by individuals or schools of nursing who have indicated a desire to participate in this repository as a group.

Copyright to items in this collection remains vested in the author or original copyright holder if otherwise indicated in the item record.

The submissions do not undergo peer-review prior to posting in this repository. They may undergo secondary faculty approval (i.e., materials selected by faculty as appropriate for showcasing in the repository), or they may rely on the reputation of the degree granting institution (i.e., materials submitted by students interested in open access dissemination). Acquisition and vetting types will be clearly noted in each item record.


DNP Capstone Projects


The effects of an anticoagulation program on patient compliance following total joint replacement, Aisha Stone-Corr


The effects of implementing TeamSTEPPS® on operating room staff communication, Heather Marshall


The effects of simulation in an associate degree nursing program, Katrina L. Walker


The high obesity program on weight for adults: Integrative review, Monica Jaramillo


The impact of charge nurse transformational leadership workshops in reducing patient falls, Jeannette White


The impact of clinical documentation improvement specialists in the critical care unit, Rachael Lattanzio


The impact of length of experience on clinical nursing instructor's perceptions of effective teaching behaviors in undergraduate nursing programs, Carolyn Molina


The impact of sickle cell anemia patients using mindfulness as an adjunct for pain management, Asty Merus


The implementation of a school based asthma and allergy program in a rural school district, Florence Viveen Dood


The importance of a psychiatric milieu in inpatient settings, Leslie G. Caesar


The influence of an emergency "preflight" transition checklist on the transfer of senior facility residents to the emergency department, Joan Michelle Moccia, Susan M. Hasenau, Deborah Dunn, and Patricia Hanson


The influence of lifestyle medicine on nurses' belief of evidence based practice, Demecia Wade-Murdock


The nutrition prescription: Guideline development for nutrition education in graduate nursing curriculum, Jackie Myers and Samantha Delander


The potential of a nurse leader development program, Jennifer K. Johnson


The Re-Engineered Discharge (RED) toolkit for patients with heart failure and impact on 30-day readmission rates: An integrative review, Mary Grace D. Mallari and Susan M. Wechter


The relationship between nursing skill mix, nurse sensitive patient outcomes and patient satisfaction, Natalie R. Schwab


The role of nurse-led groups in relapse prevention, Danielle Hallman


The use of laughter yoga to decrease stress and improve coping in nursing students, Jessica A. LeTexier


The use of simulation to facilitate a successful transition from classroom to initial clinical experience, Julie A. Hart and Constance F. Swenty


The use of tailored interventions to prevent falls: A quality improvement project in the telemetry unit, Roda S. Galang


The use of telehealth to increase mental health services access and promote medication adherence in rural locations, Irene Talarico


The utilization of an alarm elimination fall prevention program, Angela Moses


Treating depression and sleep impairment to improve pain levels and quality of life for patients with sickle cell disease: A quality improvement project, Sheran Maxwell Simo


Undergraduate sorority students' perceptions of current body size, ideal body size, eating habits, and the relation to body image dissatisfaction, Julie Beiter


Urinary tract infection education and prevention, Jodi Hernandez and Dylan Godfrey