This collection houses materials submitted by students pursuing degrees in the field of nursing (BSN and above). It excludes traditionally formatted, completed and defended theses and dissertations which are found in their own collections within this repository.
You will find DNP capstone manuscripts and projects as well as undergraduate and graduate papers and projects of exceptional merit. Submissions to this collection may be prompted by individuals or schools of nursing who have indicated a desire to participate in this repository as a group.
Copyright to items in this collection remains vested in the author or original copyright holder if otherwise indicated in the item record.
The submissions do not undergo peer-review prior to posting in this repository. They may undergo secondary faculty approval (i.e., materials selected by faculty as appropriate for showcasing in the repository), or they may rely on the reputation of the degree granting institution (i.e., materials submitted by students interested in open access dissemination). Acquisition and vetting types will be clearly noted in each item record.
DNP Capstone Projects
A qualitative exploration of the impact of destination therapy on patients and their families, Suellen Richardson
A quality improvement plan for safe medication administration for unlicensed personnel working in a Type "A" assisted living facility, Bridgett E. Sterling
A quality improvement project: Job satisfaction of nurses in home health care, Diane Hollie
A quality improvement project on improving cultural humility through clinical virtual reality, Alissa Boekhout
A quality improvement project to improve medication adherence management in a clinic to increase medication adherence in a medically vulnerable group, Virgie Stella Delgado
Assessing nurses' knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, Cynthia Queisser
Bar code medication administration-clinic orders (BCMA-CO) increase nurses' satisfaction with the medication administration system - A quality improvement project, Maria Jinky R. Valdez
Bioidentical hormone therapy: A look at standard of practice, attitudes, and knowledge, Mauricia D. Stanton
Breastfeeding and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: A quality improvement project, Andrea K. Valentine
Breastfeeding classes: A quality improvement project to increase intent to breastfeed, Latonya Thomas
Can married state onboarding close the transition gap to professional practice?, Sueanne Wright Cantamessa
Can structured orientation for new nurse graduates through improved preceptor programs decrease turn-over rates?, Dara L. Kimery
Capturing the effectiveness of the registered nurse in ambulatory care, Quanna N. Batiste
Caregiver barriers to HPV vaccination in the Africa-American and Afro-Caribbean population, Gabriella Riccio
Care transitions: Are healthcare organizations meeting the needs of their patients?, Dinah Steele
Change in culture: Addition of a clinical pharmacist to the emergency department antimicrobial culture review process, Samantha Streiff, Denise Ramponi, and Thomas W. Cline
Chronic pain: A systematic review of current treatment approaches and the impact on patient outcomes, Anne M. O'Hare
Clarificative evaluation of a nurse practitioner-led heart failure clinic, Jennifer McCaffery
Classification of surgical case descriptions for surgical scheduling improvement in neurosurgery, Deborah S. Hickman
Clinical objectives and curriculum highlights for educating students, Lori E. Hammond
Collaborative care for depression in primary care, Amy J. Schwarzenbart
Combating compassion fatigue and burnout through wellness activities, Donna Jo Veigel
Comparative analysis of two swallow screening tools, Dina M. Miller