This collection houses materials submitted by students pursuing degrees in the field of nursing (BSN and above). It excludes traditionally formatted, completed and defended theses and dissertations which are found in their own collections within this repository.

You will find DNP capstone manuscripts and projects as well as undergraduate and graduate papers and projects of exceptional merit. Submissions to this collection may be prompted by individuals or schools of nursing who have indicated a desire to participate in this repository as a group.

Copyright to items in this collection remains vested in the author or original copyright holder if otherwise indicated in the item record.

The submissions do not undergo peer-review prior to posting in this repository. They may undergo secondary faculty approval (i.e., materials selected by faculty as appropriate for showcasing in the repository), or they may rely on the reputation of the degree granting institution (i.e., materials submitted by students interested in open access dissemination). Acquisition and vetting types will be clearly noted in each item record.


DNP Capstone Projects


Comparing an STD education program to HIV screening for African American adolescents at an urban high school, Sharron Y. Hightower


Comparing the effectiveness of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) in the identification of postpartum depression/anxiety, Brianna A. Whitehead


Confronting polypharmacy in corrections: An interprofessional team approach, Russell R. Blair


Culture of safety improvement project requires sustained organizational commitment, Jessica Gruendler


Customizing an electronic medical record in one rural health area: The impact on patient appointments, Nadia Martindale


Decreasing blood pressure readings using a patient-centered interprofessional team approach, Elaine Diane Briggs


Decreasing central line blood stream infections, Jessica Darbouze


Decreasing compassion fatigue and burnout in nursing through mindfulness: A quality improvement project, Andrea Redmann


Decreasing urinary incontinence in the home health setting, Maureen Albertson


Delirium assessment in the medical-surgical population: A quality improvement project, Veronica Valazza


Determining the feasibility of a student run clinic at an associate degree program, Diane M. Gomez


Development and evaluation of a policy recommendation for improving the palliative care experience: A quality improvement project, Cheryl Evans, Melissa George, Jade Jasken, and Eleanor Jones


Development of a medication reconciliation policy in outpatient mental health facility, Karen E. Webster


Development of an evidence-based advisory opinion guiding preceptorships, LeAnne S. Prenovost


Diabetes disaster management, Stacey L. Rorie


Diabetes educational program, Djenane Bartholomew


Diabetes management in the African American community, Ella Porter-Wright


Distinguishing pain versus psychiatric behavior in Alzheimer's Disease patients, Morgan E. Krump


Early detection and management of delirium through routine nurse screening on older adult hospitalized patients, Elaine Duterte Delvo-Favre


Early identification of postpartum depression symptoms during the antenatal period using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Cherie Didier


Educating nursing staff in evidence-based practice: A process improvement, development, and implementation of a preadmission clinic, Dawn A. Bailey


Effectiveness of an educational intervention to increase adult's knowledge in selecting primary care, urgent care, or emergency department services, Tyler J. Smith


Effectiveness of motivational interviewing-based telephone follow-up in diabetes management, Jasseena Veliyathumalil


Effectiveness of music on comfort and adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy in an adult population with obstructive sleep apnea, Tina Barber


Effectiveness of PictureRx™ on perceived medication adherence in the independently living older adults, Nicole Pascarella and Rachel Blansett