This collection houses materials submitted by students pursuing degrees in the field of nursing (BSN and above). It excludes traditionally formatted, completed and defended theses and dissertations which are found in their own collections within this repository.
You will find DNP capstone manuscripts and projects as well as undergraduate and graduate papers and projects of exceptional merit. Submissions to this collection may be prompted by individuals or schools of nursing who have indicated a desire to participate in this repository as a group.
Copyright to items in this collection remains vested in the author or original copyright holder if otherwise indicated in the item record.
The submissions do not undergo peer-review prior to posting in this repository. They may undergo secondary faculty approval (i.e., materials selected by faculty as appropriate for showcasing in the repository), or they may rely on the reputation of the degree granting institution (i.e., materials submitted by students interested in open access dissemination). Acquisition and vetting types will be clearly noted in each item record.
DNP Capstone Projects
Effect of clinical pathway implementation on outpatient wait time to urgent specialty appointment, Corlyn Caspers
Electronic health record template customization and the impact on nursing satisfaction and documentation compliance, Autumn Engstrom
Eliminating catheter-associated urinary tract infections: Implementing a quality improvement project, Chemain Gudino
Emergency department bedside handoff report for increased communication and patient experience: A quality improvement health program, Mickey Muller
Enhancing patient experience through nurse bundling strategies, Ron C. Carpio
Enhancing post surgical discharge education at a dermatology clinic: A quality improvement project, Kayla Olds
Enhancing self-efficacy among patients with Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases by health promotion, Elisangela Bordas
Essential oil therapy for alleviation of discomfort in surgical patients, Nenhuan Huang
Evaluating the effectiveness of an SBIRT educational intervention for stroke providers, Kyle Abram
Evaluation of a fellowship program for nurse practitioner graduates in an academic environment, Erica Schroeder
Evaluation of an educational video: What to expect your first day of chemotherapy, Tiffany S. Koss and Angela Macci Bires
Evaluation of COMFORT in strengthening family communication skills, Roxanne Roth, Gail Lis, Nancy A. O'Connor, and Kathleen A. Aseltyne
Evaluation of communication and teamwork implementing TeamSTEPPS for a medical-surgical unit, Kimberly R. Lewis
Evidence-based diagnostic process for autism spectrum disorder in the patient-centered medical home, Amy E. Stofer
Evidence-based pilot for improved antibiotic prescribing, BaoTram Nina Nguyen
Executive leadership rounding on staff and its effect on patient satisfaction and patient outcomes, Cathleen D. Butenewicz
Executive summary: Advanced practice provider child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship program planning, Keyna Graham-Heine
Executive summary: The effects of high fidelity simulation on HESI grades, Monica Taylor
Exploring concept-based curriculum: A paradigm shift to improving National Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®) first time pass rates, Keisha Q. Brooks
Exploring nurse job satisfaction, Lisa Bauer
Exploring the effects of a nurse mentorship program on career satisfaction and retention, Jennifer Smith
Fall prevention in older adults who reside in nursing homes, Dorothy Normile
Feasibility project to determine strategies for self-administration of a subcutaneous orphan drug for treatment of short bowel syndrome: Impact on adherence, Virginia A. Strootman