Early Career Nurses Series is a collection of educational activities focused on the needs of the emerging nurse professional. Each webinar will be followed up with additional materials specific to each Sigma Global Region.

Webinars (and accompanying materials) are freely and openly available in the Sigma Repository. Repository login is not necessary.

Individual webinars are eligible for online nursing continuing professional development (NCPD)*. The item record will contain the necessary information. Look for the Sigma Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) Opportunity heading in the Description field.

If you are interested in viewing all of the webinar series in this community, please go back to the community homepage to see the complete listing of series-based collections.

*Accreditation: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


Submissions from 2021


20 Tips and tricks for early career nurses: Part 1, Justine Baron, Sarabeth Silver, and Jose Arnold Tariga


20 Tips and tricks for early career nurses: Part 2, Catherine Clarissa, Rebecca M. Jedwab, and Lorin Ramocki


Social media use for the early career nurse, Craig Davidson and Charlotte Jakab-Hall

20 Tips and tricks for early career nurses: Part 3, Karen Domã­nguez-Cancino, Rick Kwan, and Steven Powell


Tips for successful job interviews, Belinda Goodrum and Ma'en Zaid Abu-Qamar

Career repository: Developing a professional portfolio, Matthew S. Howard and Lois Sarah Marshall


Resume writing for nurses, Stacy Maitha