In this collection you will find unpublished papers and reports written by a variety of authors in various settings. The authors are committed to open dissemination and sharing knowledge for the greater good.
Submissions from 2015
Engaging clients who use substances, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Person- and family- centred care, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2014
Achieving cultural competency with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients through application of Carper's Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing, Joseph R. Giancola
Using an epidemiological approach to critically analyze a population health problem - Al Hamsa Prison, Libya, Anthony Gomez
Junk food, Rita Lakhani, Namrata Patil, Juby Jincy, Merlin Beulah, Savita Kambayat, and Pankaj Bhadarge
Enhancing community care for Ontarians (ECCO) 2.0, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Preventing and addressing abuse and neglect of older adults: Person-centred, collaborative, system-wide approaches, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Primary prevention of childhood obesity, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Working with families to promote safe sleep for infants 0-12 months of age, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2013
Assessment and management of foot ulcers for people with diabetes, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Assessment and management of pain, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2012
Facilitating client centred learning, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Promoting safety: Alternative approaches to the use of restraints, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Woman abuse: Screening, identification and initial response, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2011
End of life care during the last days and hours, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Prevention of constipation in the older adult population, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Prevention of falls and fall injuries in the older adult, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Promoting continence using prompted voided, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Risk assessment and prevention of pressure ulcers, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2010
Caregiving strategies for older adults with delirium, dementia and depression, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Enhancing healthy adolescent development, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Nursing care of dyspnea: The 6th vital sign in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Screening for delirium, dementia and depression in older adults, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Strategies to support self-management in chronic conditions: Collaboration with clients, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Submissions from 2009
Assessment and care of adults at risk for suicidal ideation and behaviour, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario