This collection houses materials created by nurses in a clinical setting. It may include quality improvement projects, patient outcomes, best practices, and patient education materials.
Materials do not undergo peer review upon submission, acceptance, and posting to this repository. Refer to the Review Type and Acquisition Type listed in each item record to determine the vetting standard that has been applied.
A nurse practitioner driven, split-flow emergency department intake system, Wesley Davis
Barriers and facilitators for successful integration of nurse practitioners into interdisciplinary care teams, Laura Stankovic
Culturally competent care at the end of life- A Hindu perspective, Sujatha Shanmugasundaram, Margaret O'Connor, and Ken Sellick
Decreasing primary care providers' stigma of mental illness, Nicole Hoogasian
Efficacy of aloe vera gel topical application on radiation induced mucositis in head and neck malignancy: A double-blind, randomised clinical trial in Mumbai, India, Rita Lakhani, A. Y. Kshirsagar, and Rupal Chedha
Forest bathing as a self-care modality for nurses, Nancyruth Leibold
Initiation of a HIV screening protocol and pathway in the emergency department: A quality improvement initiative, Kristina Anne Davis
The Jacki Jacket after mastectomy with reconstruction: A randomized pilot study, Donna L. Berry, Traci Blonquist, Barbara Halpenny, Fangxin Hong, Samantha Morrison-Ma, Michele McCullough, Katherine Carelli, Laura Dominici, and Tari King
The role of fast tracks on length of stay in emergency departments, Brandon Watson, Konrad Borkowski, and Jonathan Conca-Petit
Using multifactorial interventions to prevent elderly hospitalized patients with mental health disorders from falling, Joseph R. Giancola
Utilizing an individualized music playlist and a receptive music approach to reduce agitation in hospitalized patients with dementia as evidenced by the Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS), Michelle W. Moreno Lee and Mary Harris
Best Practice Guidelines
Care transitions, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Clinical practice in a digital health environment, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Collaborative practice among nursing teams, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Developing and sustaining effective staffing and workload practices, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Developing and sustaining interprofessional healthcare: Optimizing patient, organizational, and system outcomes, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Developing and sustaining nursing leadership, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Developing and sustaining safe, effective staffing and workload practices (2nd ed.), Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Embracing cultural diversity in health care: Developing cultural competence, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Establishing therapeutic relationships, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Intra-professional collaborative practice among nurses, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Managing & mitigating conflict in health-care teams, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Preventing and managing violence in the workplace, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Preventing and mitigating nurse fatigue in health care, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Professionalism in nursing, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario