There is currently a nationwide campaign to address human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and treatment. The emergency department (ED) is a significant venue in the HIV prevention and treatment campaign. The quality improvement (QI) project was based on the multiple national HIV/AIDS agencies advocacy, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) HIV screening recommendations. The project goal was to increase HIV screening in the emergency department (ED) at Cape Fear Valley by utilizing a targeted screening approach. Patients between the ages of 19 to 64 with a sexually-transmitted related disease complaint were offered screening. The ED is an 80-bed adult department that serves Cumberland County, NC. Patient-centeredness and accountability were the foundation of the project's aims. A retrospective chart review was completed to verify the need for an HIV screening protocol and pathway. Originally the project was designed for HIV screening to occur in secondary triage; however, due to concerns related to patient privacy the project was adapted to allow screening to occur in the patient treatment room. Twenty-eight patients were offered screening with 13 patients accepting HIV screening; one patient had a reactive result. Additionally, the project identified the various aspects of provider perspectives related to HIV screening. Understanding provider perspectives contributes to knowledge necessary to combat bias and screening hesitance. Although the project increased HIV screening in the ED, the need to comply with the CDC's recommendations remains present. Provider and staff bias, financial burdens, systems processes, and time burdens are obstacles that must be addressed before a successful HIV screening protocol can be initiated in an ED.
Sigma Membership
Zeta Gamma
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Quality Improvement
Research Approach
Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, Prevention of HIV/AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS, Emergency Department, Health Care Providers
Recommended Citation
Davis, Kristina Anne, "Initiation of a HIV screening protocol and pathway in the emergency department: A quality improvement initiative" (2024). General Submissions: Clinical Settings Materials. 41.
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Review Type
Peer-review: Single Blind
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