This collection houses materials that pertain to nursing as a whole. Including but is not limited to: ethics, laws, policies, history, trends, and general leadership skills.
Moral regret - The experience of breaches of a nursing ideal, Mary Ellen Wurzbach
Nursing paradigms and theories: A primer, Jennifer Irene Jackson
Stepping stones to leadership, Devita T. Stallings, Peggy A. Jenkins, Beverly S. Reigle, Monina Hernandez, and Pauline Anderson-Johnson
Treatment trials - The need for an end-of-life policy, Mary Ellen Wurzbach
Presentation - Podcasts
NPD Forecast: Combating clinician burnout: NPD implications and strategies, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Tabitha Kinlaw, and Katrina Kelley
NPD Forecast: Getting involved- ANPD affiliates, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Chris Wilson, Mary Holtschneider, and Hilary Brown
NPD Forecast: NPD role- advocate for NPD specialty, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Dale Callicutt
NPD Forecast: NPD role - champion for scientific inquiry, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Cathleen Opperman
NPD Forecast: NPD role - learning facilitator, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Mandi Walker
NPD Forecast: NPD role- Partner for practice transitions, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Rachael Frija
NPD Forecast: Super ghoul NPD jobs, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, Sheila St. Cyr, Lisa A. Purdy, and Zoe Youl
NPD Forecast: The role of the change agent, Jenn Bodine and Jillian Russell
NPD Forecast: Virtual debriefing, Jenn Bodine, Jillian Russell, and Elizabeth Horsley
Presentation - Webinars
Lessons in Leadership, Claire Fagin, Angel Barron McBride, Marla Salmon, Patricia Benner, Peter Buerhaus, Linda Aiken, Martha Hill, Sheila Burke, Jennie Chin Hansen, Shirley S. Chater, Mary Naylor, and Beverly Malone
Lessons in Leadership: Angela Barron McBride, Angela Barron McBride
Lessons in Leadership: Beverly Malone, Beverly Malone
Lessons in Leadership: Claire Fagin, Claire Fagin
Lessons in Leadership: Jennie Chin Hansen, Jennie Chin Hansen
Lessons in Leadership: Linda Aiken, Linda Aiken
Lessons in Leadership: Marla Salmon, Marla Salmon
Lessons in leadership: Martha Norton Hill, Martha Norton Hill
Lessons in Leadership: Mary Naylor, Mary Naylor
Lessons in Leadership: Patricia E. Benner, Patricia E. Benner
Lessons in Leadership: Peter Buerhaus, Peter Buerhaus
Lessons in Leadership: Sheila P. Burke, Sheila P. Burke