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Associate degree nurses caring behaviors during high-fidelity simulation: A basic qualitative study

Crystal Bowman

Virtual Event

Evaluating student knowledge, self-confidence, and satisfaction during a postpartum hemorrhage simulation scenario

Elizabeth Riley
Nicole Ward
deGravelles Pamela
Leslie McCormack
Natalie Capps

Virtual Event

It takes a village to put food in the bank: Changing food insecurity in our community one patient at a time

Ebony M. Samuel-Bakpessi
Beth Post
Nicole Dugan
Christopher Costello
Dionne Johnson
Tanya Camacho
Sadhana Subramanian
Nicole Sewell
Sharon Geidel
Magon Moncrieffe
Shelly Massimilla

New York, New York, USA

Moving interprofessional simulation online: A lactation telehealth virtual simulation pilot

Suzanne Hetzel Campbell
Thayanthini Tharmaratnam
Nicole Bernardes
Marianne Brophy
Melanie Willson

Virtual Event

Oncology missed care

Sabrina Orique
Cassie Rodriguez
Ashley Davis
Tim Carrasco
Pa Lee


Using an asynchronous open source platform for leadership education

Sandie Nadelson
Kelley Conner
Louis Nadelson
Rebecca Gray
Keitha Griffith

Virtual Event

Using H5P to create simulations that replaced clinical hours and leveraging gamification to invite student creativity through co-creation of computer-based simulations

Laura A. Killam
Marian Luctkar-Flude

Virtual Event