Evidence suggests that children with mental health difficulties access mental health services through emergency departments (ED) (Campbell et al, 2020). The ED route is increasingly being used in relation to population demand for child/adolescent mental health service needs (Holder et al, 2017).
Sigma Membership
Lead Author Affiliation
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, Athlone, Ireland
Presentation-Oral Standard Event
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Parents, Emergency Departments, Mental Health Service Needs
Recommended Citation
Nic Dhonnacha, Seána; Cawley, Des; Kerr, Lisa; and McCague, Yvonne, "The experiences of parents of children with mental health difficulties who access mental health services through the emergency department: A scoping review" (2022). General Submissions: Presenations (Oral and Poster). 12.
Conference Name
STTI (Sigma) 6th Biennial European Conference
Conference Host
European Region - Sigma
Conference Location
Dublin, Ireland
Conference Year
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Review Type
Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host
Technological University of the Shannon
The experiences of parents of children with mental health difficulties who access mental health services through the emergency department: A scoping review
Dublin, Ireland
Evidence suggests that children with mental health difficulties access mental health services through emergency departments (ED) (Campbell et al, 2020). The ED route is increasingly being used in relation to population demand for child/adolescent mental health service needs (Holder et al, 2017).