This collection houses materials created by experienced nurses who are faculty, mentors, topic experts, leaders, and educators. The broad range of materials are intended to offer guidance and instruction to nursing students, novice nurses, less-experienced peers, or those nurses simply wishing to learn more about a variety of topics.
Materials do not undergo peer review upon submission, acceptance, and posting to this repository. Refer to the Review Type and Acquisition Type listed in each item record to determine the vetting standard that has been applied.
Admission criteria as predictors of success in a family nurse practitioner program, Hilary S. Morgan
Impact of mother being in school on academic success of her child (ren)-A cross sectional study, Ekta Rathee and Mellisa Hall
Improved HCAHP Scores and a DEU Culture of Excellence, Susan A. Seibert, Angela Stroud, Lillybeth Cassel, and Cara Huebner
Improving student outcomes through rubric redesign, Roberta Raymond, Muder Alkrisat, and Toni Hebda
Methods of evaluating simulation experiences in nursing programs: An integrative review, Michelle Paik Page
Overcoming writing challenges in bilingual nursing students: A funds of knowledge collaboration with pre-service education students, Debra J. Nogueras Conner, Eric J. Johnson, Janet Katz, and Isabel Velasquez
Peer feedback in nursing students: A concept analysis, Danielle Fleming, Jean Yockey, Susan B. Fowler, and Lorie Truhe
Re-designing an undergraduate capstone course: Connecting through online discussion, Ruth Swart
Teaching strategies and student resiliency in online/hybrid graduate nursing education: An empty review, Shay A. Schroetter, Diane Harness-DiGloria, Marilyn Bookbinder, Ann Spence, Leah Cordova, Sharlie S. Yanez, and Noel C. Hinterstein
The use of chocolate chip cookies to introduce nursing research concepts, Paula Bylaska-Davies and Bonnie White
The use of simulation strategies: An experiential approach toward improving academic achievement, Melissa D. Duprey
Best Practice Guidelines
Educator's resource: Integration of best practice guidelines, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Guidelines for authorship attribution and citation in the dissemination of scholarly work, Chad E. O'Lynn, Robyn A. Rice, Susan Bridgers, Suzanne J. Crouch, and Candice Phillips
Practice education in nursing, Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Book Chapters
Enhancing nursing service and nursing education in ASEAN, Yupin Aungsuroch
Educational Materials-Public Health
Caring for older adults in long-term care during the pandemic for licensed and unlicensed nursing staff, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Betty Rolling Ferrell
COVID-19: Loss, grief and bereavement information, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium
Creating joy & resilience in times of uncertainty, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Carol O. Long
ELNEC- COVID-19 communication resource guide: An APRN telephone death notification to family tool, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Betty Rolling Ferrell
ELNEC COVID-19 communication resource guide: Helping families saying goodbye virtually to loved ones in the nursing home and hospital, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Betty Rolling Ferrell
ELNEC COVID-19 communication resource guide: Supporting a new graduate nurse colleague, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium
ELNEC COVID-19 meditation/mindfulness information, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Betty Rolling Ferrell
ELNEC final hours: Adapted for COVID-19 crisis, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium and Betty Farrell
Exercise & spiritual practice for stress reduction, health and well-being, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium
Learning Objects-Faculty Created
A pain & pain management course enhanced by liberal arts content, Elizabeth Byma