Join the American Institute of Dental Public Health to explore the intersection of rural, veteran, and disability communities. This session will highlight the unique challenges these populations face in accessing oral healthcare while sharing clinical care delivery solutions. Participants will discuss asset-based approaches to healthcare delivery that emphasize local strengths, while adopting a whole-person perspective to support comprehensive health outcomes. Nurses will gain valuable insights on how to integrate oral health into their practice and contribute to overcoming access barriers in rural communities.
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Sigma Membership
Lead Author Affiliation
The American Institute of Dental Public Health, River Forest, Illinois, USA
Presentation - Webinar
Format Type
Text-based Document, Video Recording
Study Design/Type
Expert Opinion (nationally/internationally recognized)
Research Approach
Oral Health, Rural Communities, Comprehensive Health Outcomes
Recommended Citation
Flannery, Elizabeth, "Whole-person oral healthcare for rural communities" (2024). General Webinars. 67.
Publisher's Version
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All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.
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Review Type
None: Educational Material, None: Reputation-based Submission
Full Text of Presentation
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