
The purpose of this project was to address the convergent effect of POE and PAE on key placental immune and serotonin factors. The central hypothesis was that increased opioid-induced activation of the TLR4 pathway in the placenta results in dysregulated immune cytokine expression and serotonin function and this relationship will be magnified in POE and PAE placental tissue.


Dr. Ruyak was the recipient of a Sigma Foundation for Nursing Research Grant.

Author Details

Sharon Ruyak, PhD, CNM, RN; Shahani Noor; Melody Sun; Annette Frenandez Oropeza; Jared DiDomenico; Dominique Rodriguez; Lidia Enriquez Marquez; Ludmila Bakhireva; Erin Milligan

Sigma Membership

Gamma Sigma

Lead Author Affiliation

The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA



Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Quantitative Research


Opioids, Alcohol, Placental Immune Factors, Serotonin Factors, Dsyregulated Immune Cytokine Expression

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Review Type

None: Sigma Grant Recipient Report



Date of Issue



Sigma Foundation for Nursing, Western Institute of Nursing

Full Text of Presentation


Grant Report

Additional Files

Poster.pdf (294 kB)
