To encourage the advancement of nursing through research around the globe, Sigma Foundation for Nursing provides funding for small and collaborative research grants. This collection houses reports of the recipients' research endeavors.

For more information on Sigma's research grant opportunities, here


Submissions from 2021


Exploration of competence in new graduate nurses, Elizabeth Van Horn and Lynne Lewallen


Exploration of RN to BSN students intent for faculty role, Yolanda M. VanRiel, Elizabeth A. Gazza, and Beth Cusatis Phillips


Polygenic risk score distributions suggest that treatment resistance in schizophrenia is unlikely to be driven by schizophrenia associated common variations, Rose Mary Xavier, Brian M. Britt, Martilias Farrell, Matthew K. Harner, Tyler E. Deittrich, Dawn M. Filmyer, Lisa M. Bruno, Raquel E. Bur, Laura Almasy, Patrick F. Sullivan, and Richard Josiassen

Submissions from 2020


Using simulation to develop clinical teaching competencies in nurse educators, Julie S. Fitzwater


Sleep, glycemia, and self-management in young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D): Final summary, Stephanie Griggs, Nancy S. Redeker, and Margaret Grey


Comparison of simulation exposure in accelerated undergraduate nursing education and its effect on critical thinking development, Joanne M. Knoesel


Can a patient-centred pressure injury prevention care bundle increase patient participation and reduce pressure injuries; An implementation study, Sharon Latimer, Wendy Chaboyer, and Brigid M. Gillespie


Teaching collaborative communication skills using rapid e-learning technology and a brief interprofessional event, Pamela Melvin


Quantifying responsive feeding of infants and young children: An analysis from three countries: Peru, Nicaragua and Indonesia, Rebecca C. Robert, Hilary Creed-Kanashiro, and Margot Marin


The impact of emotional regulation on treatment burden in the primary care population, Nathanial Schreiner


Adult patients' experience using patient portal: The impact of perceived usability on portal use behavior, Hyojin Son


Executive summary of CRiticAL — Clinical reasoning and simulation -The passive observer becomes active learner, Naomi F. Tutticci, Karen Theobald, Joanne Ramsbotham, and Sandra E. Johnston


Vasopressin, depression symptoms, pain and preeclampsia, Julie A. Vignato, Sabrina Scroggins, Debra Brandt, Kellie Thomas, Donna Santillan, and Mark Santillan


A knowledge translation project to create a dementia friendly acute care hospital, Carole L. White, Charles Reed, and Bridgett Piernik-Yoder


Examining relationships among body image, sexuality, and sexual functioning in women with cervical and endometrial cancer, Christina M. Wilson


Promotion of evidence-based communication strategies focused on health literacy in the advanced nursing practice curriculum, Felecia G. Wood, Barbara Ann Graves, and Joseph D. Elmore


Health Belief Model factors as predictors of parental misclassification of the weight of the preschool child, Tanna M. Woods


Nursing staffing and state-level dementia training in relation to inappropriate psychotropic medication use in nursing home residents with dementia, Jung Min Yoon

Submissions from 2019


Healthcare workforce and quality outcomes in Chile, Linda H. Aiken


Examining Bolivian nurses readiness to engage in evidence-based practice, Daisy S. Garcia


Using telehealth technology to implement evidence-based wound care in underserved practice settings, Vallire D. Hooper, Jennifer Kaylor, June Case, Angela Wilson, Marlena Lyda, Randy Burkert, Kirstie Fletcher, and Emily Bowers


Development of a scale to measure synergy, Kathy J. Keister, Sharon L. Farra, Sherrill J. Smith, and Michael Bottomley


Neonatal nursing care disruptions to the thermal environment of premature neonates, Lory A. Lewis


Experiences and perceptions of spousal/partner caregivers of community dwelling people with dementia: A qualitative systematic review, Marilyn Macdonald, Ruth Martin-Misener, Lori Weeks, Elaine Moody, Melissa Helwig, and Heather MacLean


Exploring risk behaviors in Ugandan adolescents living in rural fishing communities, Melissa Saftner, Barbara McMorris, and Tom Denis Ngabirano