The King International Nursing Group was originally founded in 1997 and was reactivated in 2009. Its mission is to improve the quality of patient care, and to contribute to the science of nursing, through advancement of Imogene King's Conceptual System for Nursing. This includes the Theory of Goal Attainment as well as other theoretical formulations derived from the Framework.
The K.I.N.G. serves nurses nationally and internationally by: 1) facilitating the use of King's Conceptual System and related theories as a basis for nursing administration, education, practice, research, and theory development, 2) contributing to the science of nursing through further development of King's Conceptual System and related theories, 3) providing an international arena through which nursing scholars can archive, collate and disseminate their work, 4) facilitating networking between nurses interested in King's Conceptual System and related theories and 5) providing an educational forum through which nurses can integrate King's Conceptual System and related theories into their practice.
This collection houses:
- research and innovative clinical project abstracts with posters and oral presentation slides presented at biannual K.I.N.G. conferences, and
- scholarship related to Imogene King.
Learn more about the K.I.N.G. at the K.I.N.G. website.