This collection houses the doctoral project papers of the DNP students of Northern Arizona University School of Nursing. The school of nursing program offers challenging and rewarding coursework in multiple learning environments that reflects the standards of professional nursing and prepares students to practice in a variety of healthcare settings and graduate school.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Impact of equine programs to treat autism on caregiver stress, Jennifer May
Addressing compassion fatigue of a family caregiver of adolescents in a mental health setting: A practice change project, Suzanne McWilliams
Implementation of rheumatoid arthritis assessment tool: A quality improvement project, Christina Mooroian-Pennington and Dorothy J. Dunn
A screening tool for early recognition and treatment of sepsis, Diane M. Moss
Qualitative assessment of an electronic diabetes education tool for Burmese immigrants, Jillane Ocano
Impact of teaching breathing techniques on patient health outcomes: A systematic review, Kathleen Benjamin Rickard, Jennifer Reich, and Dorothy J. Dunn
Education and Implementation of POLST Protocols in Northern Arizona, Dawn M. Rivas
Evidence based change: A protocol to reduce ambulance diversion using the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Scale Tool, Kathryn S. Rogers
Obesity management: A pilot test of an electronic health record prompt, Tanya M. Tillman
Implementing recommended perioperative pain practice guidelines by incorporating intravenous acetaminophen, Sarah Ann Torabi
Development of a new practice model: Postmortem sexual evidence collection forensic examiner multimedia training module, Kirsten O. Turkington
Telehospice: A systematic review, Paul Repass III Umberger
Chronic pain: Relationship to depression, Eugenia Ursan
Influenza education to improve vaccination rates among college students, Shelley Vaughn
Faculty development to support interprofessional education in healthcare professions: A realist synthesis, Katherine Dolan Watkins