
Background and Review of Literature: Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease with significant symptomatology, which can severely impact an individual's quality of life as well as their activities of daily living. The disease is difficult to diagnose and difficult understand.

Purpose: The purpose of this project was to develop and implement an individualized, face-to-face patient education, engagement, and activation session in effort to increase the level of patient and care partner knowledge of the CP disease process, improve patient and care partner expectations of care management, and increase patient and care partner involvement in their own car.

Methods: Ten-item surveys were administered for data collection both before and after the implementation of an education session specific to chronic pancreatitis.

Implementation Plan/Procedure: A ten item survey was administered to enrolled participants. The goal of this survey was to gauge the patient and care partner knowledge level on topics related to chronic pancreatitis as well as strategies for their own involvement in that care, both before and after the education session. After the survey was administered the project coordinator implemented a disease specific education session lasting 30-60 minutes. After the education was completed, an identical survey was administered. Implications/

Conclusion: Overall the total score results on the post survey, after the education, were improved and statistically significant (p = 0.007). This value reveals evidence a change has occurred after the implementation of education.

Author Details

Christina Sailors, DNP, APRN-NP, csailors520@gmail.com; Tara Whitmire, DNP, APRN-RN, CHFN, tara.whitmire@methodistcollege.edu

Sigma Membership

Tau Tau

Lead Author Affiliation

Nebraska Methodist College, Omaha, Nebraska, USA


DNP Capstone Project

Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type

Quality Improvement

Research Approach

Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice


Education of Patients and Care Partners, Patient Engagement, Chronic Pancreatitis, Patient Education, Caregivers--Education, Consumer Participation, Pancreatitis, Chronic, Caregivers


Whitmire, Tara



Degree Grantor

Nebraska Methodist College

Degree Year


Rights Holder

All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.

All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.

All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.

Review Type

Faculty Approved: Degree-based Submission



Full Text of Presentation

