Other Titles

Symposium: Utilization of nursing classification systems for the depiction of the nursing process in electronic patient records in order to improve evidence-based nursing


Session presented on Sunday, July 27, 2014:

Purpose: In the final presentation, the necessary requirements of nursing classification systems for an useful application in electronic data records will be discussed. The main question will be which abstraction level or granulation is needed for nursing terminologies to enable nursing documentation and all of the before presented aims in an electronic patient record.

Methods: To support the discussion the levels of granulation of a number of nursing diagnoses in different nursing terminologies and the results of a cross-mapping of ENP and NANDA will be presented.

Results: Non-member.

Conclusion: This and the other presentations of this symposium should spur a scientific discussion of the requirements nursing classification in general should have to be most beneficial for the use in electronic patient records on the one hand and the further development of Evidence-Based Nursing on the other hand.


Pia Wieteck

Author Details

Pia Wieteck, RN, PhD

Sigma Membership




Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach



Classification Systems, Electronic Data Records, Patient Care

Conference Name

25th International Nursing Research Congress

Conference Host

Sigma Theta Tau International

Conference Location

Hong Kong

Conference Year


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Requirements of nursing classification systems for an useful application in electronic data records

Hong Kong

Session presented on Sunday, July 27, 2014:

Purpose: In the final presentation, the necessary requirements of nursing classification systems for an useful application in electronic data records will be discussed. The main question will be which abstraction level or granulation is needed for nursing terminologies to enable nursing documentation and all of the before presented aims in an electronic patient record.

Methods: To support the discussion the levels of granulation of a number of nursing diagnoses in different nursing terminologies and the results of a cross-mapping of ENP and NANDA will be presented.

Results: Non-member.

Conclusion: This and the other presentations of this symposium should spur a scientific discussion of the requirements nursing classification in general should have to be most beneficial for the use in electronic patient records on the one hand and the further development of Evidence-Based Nursing on the other hand.