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1991-2015 longitudinal prevalence trends of suicide ideation among high school students in the U.S. Yu-han Zheng Dublin, Ireland |
1991-2015 trends of adolescent smoked first whole cigarette before age 13 in the U.S. Yu-ku Chen Dublin, Ireland |
A collaborative program between academia and practice enhancing preceptors' teaching efficacy Shu-Yuan Chao Dublin, Ireland |
A comparison of fatigue among resectable colorectal and pancreatic cancer patients Hsuan-Ju Kuo Dublin, Ireland |
Portia B. Bimray Dublin, Ireland |
A frontline approach to investigating nurses' handover: A focus on content and structure Verna A. Sitzer Dublin, Ireland |
A grounded theory investigation into depression in freshman college students Theresa A. Kessler Dublin, Ireland |
A holistic wellness program for low-income women: A pilot study Debra Henline Sullivan Dublin, Ireland |
A longitudinal study of body weight loss in patients receiving radiotherapy for head/neck cancers Shu-Chiung Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Maya Novikov Dublin, Ireland |
Fang-Yu Chou Dublin, Ireland |
A neglected subject in nursing: Eye care Nuray Turan Dublin, Ireland |
Martha Sissay Awoke Dublin, Ireland |
A nursing educational intervention for patient-initiated verbal aggression Mary C. Poquette Dublin, Ireland |
Gwendelyn S. Orozco Dublin, Ireland |
Stefanie Annette Schroeter Dublin, Ireland |
A prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in lymphedema treatment Chia Yu Lin Dublin, Ireland |
A qualitative study on nurse mental health consumer empathy experiences during conflict or discord Eimear Caitlin Muir-Cochrane Dublin, Ireland |
Cynthia L. Foronda Dublin, Ireland |
Access to healthcare for transgendered people Yeliz Culha Dublin, Ireland |
Adaptation to curriculum delivered via iPad technology Melissa A. Stec Dublin, Ireland |
Adherence a review: T2DM in Haitian-Americans Balkys L. Bivins Dublin, Ireland |
Adolescent success promotion: Can timelines help? Josie Weiss Dublin, Ireland |
Gillian Taylor Dublin, Ireland |
Advancing caring science in global health: Assessment of mental health needs in Bondeau, Haiti Beth M. King Dublin, Ireland |
Katie Hooven Dublin, Ireland |
Ambulatory playbook: Externs and delay to practice new registered nurses Ruth Obregon Dublin, Ireland |
An analysis of maternal near misses and failure to rescue using two national data sets Fuqin Liu Dublin, Ireland |
An application of machine learning for the identification of adolescent smoking risk factors Sophia Chung Dublin, Ireland |
An assessment of errors and near-misses from pre-licensure student nurses Megan Wolfe Dublin, Ireland |
Caroline Warren Dublin, Ireland |
An evidence-based nursing framework to improve the Hepatitis C care continuum in HIV co-infection Laura E. Starbird Dublin, Ireland |
Gloria Verret Dublin, Ireland |
An Investigation of the Integration of Technology to Enhance Consistency in Grading Clinical Skills Sabine S. S. Dunbar Dublin, Ireland |
Chiu Yen Lee Dublin, Ireland |
An orientation program to improve teaching competency in clinical nurse faculty Bonnie M. Shaffer Dublin, Ireland |
"Analogy" as methodology in solving modern day problems by learning from F. Nightingale's work Yoshiko Wazumi Dublin, Ireland |
Analyzing Influenza-Like Illness With Unsupervised Machine Learning Monique J. Bouvier Dublin, Ireland |
Anemia is associated with rehospitalizations of patients with heart failure Youn-Jung Son Dublin, Ireland |
Hui-Wan Chuang Dublin, Ireland |
Applying social network analysis to the spread of moods and emotions among graduate nursing students Patricia M. Schmidt Dublin, Ireland |
Jill Van Der Like Dublin, Ireland |
Assessment of human trafficking awareness Karen L. Hoblet Dublin, Ireland |
Yun-Jen Chou Dublin, Ireland |
Attempting shared governance within a school of nursing Laura L. Opton Dublin, Ireland |
Attitudes change during an interprofessional simulation with physical therapy and nursing students Dawn Ferry Dublin, Ireland |
Attitudes toward the elderly among pre-licensure nursing students Maria E. Mackey Dublin, Ireland |
Leighsa Sharoff Dublin, Ireland |
Auscultation skills: Gown versus skin? Jane Brannan Dublin, Ireland |
Balance self-efficacy: Does it affect psychosocial well-being in older adults? Mercy Ngosa Mumba Dublin, Ireland |
Emily Christensen Dublin, Ireland |
Seher Yurt Dublin, Ireland |
Joanna Marie Trinidad Dublin, Ireland |
Bibliographic review about anthropometric measurements in mother-child dyads Rubi Chantal Casco Ojeda Dublin, Ireland |
Building integrity into nursing curriculum and culture Patricia Severt Dublin, Ireland |
Shu-Yuan Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Anita Bella Collins Dublin, Ireland |
Care models of individuals with dementia and properties of care at the home Gulsun Ozedemir Aydin Dublin, Ireland |
Makiko Muya Dublin, Ireland |
Jamie K. Roney Dublin, Ireland |
Debra H. Brandon Dublin, Ireland |
Changing the delivery landscape of Native American health Jennifer L. Allis Vazquez Dublin, Ireland |
Characteristics of mortality cases with advance care planning issues Anna Dermenchyan Dublin, Ireland |
Characteristics of Nurse Directors That Contribute to High Registered Nurse Satisfaction Scores Debra A. Burke Dublin, Ireland |
Chronic disease burden and the impact on nursing practice in South Texas Jean Dowling Dols Dublin, Ireland |
Cinemeducation: An innovative way to enhance nursing students' communication skills Maureen Hillier Dublin, Ireland |
Clinical alert system to reduce hospital unexpected cardiac arrest event Chi-Hsuan Asphodel Yang Dublin, Ireland |
Clinical decision-making in last semester senior baccalaureate nursing students Beth Cusatis Phillips Dublin, Ireland |
Cognitive apprenticeship in hospital orientation for newly graduated nurses Betty A. Key Dublin, Ireland |
Cognitive concepts predicting medication adherence and asthma control in inner-city adolescents Hyekyun Rhee Dublin, Ireland |
Collaboration with Special Olympics: Graduate nursing program successful clinical experience Melissa A. Murphey Dublin, Ireland |
Collaborative use of KDOQI Guideline to improve chronic kidney disease care Ann Hallock Dublin, Ireland |
Donald E. Jr. Bailey Dublin, Ireland |
Combating childhood obesity with provider education: A quantitative study Trina Marie Larery Dublin, Ireland |
Carlos M. Janela Dublin, Ireland |
Anndria D. Cluster Dublin, Ireland |
Common care challenges from female spouse of the COPD patient: Content analysis Hsiu-Hui Lei Dublin, Ireland |
Community Resiliency Model training to improve mental well-being Linda Grabbe Dublin, Ireland |
Community-based nurse led biomedical HIV prevention service: A tale of two sites Kellie Freeborn Dublin, Ireland |
Peyton Marie O'Kain Dublin, Ireland |
JoAnn D. Long Dublin, Ireland |
Compare the traditional brush hand or dry hand disinfection methods: A randomized controlled trial Jui-Chen Tsai Dublin, Ireland |
Chia Yu Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Comparison of negative stereotypes toward aging in students of nursing in Mexico and Peru Erika Sr. Ramos-Cabrera Dublin, Ireland |
Hsueh-Erh Liu Dublin, Ireland |
Rachel Abraham Joseph Dublin, Ireland |
Connection of partner violence and women's loss of fertility control and impact on health Fuqin Liu Dublin, Ireland |
Sandra Cecilia Esparza-Gonzalez Dublin, Ireland |
Creating a culture of evidence-based practice: A journey from vision to outcomes Jacalyn S. Buck Dublin, Ireland |
Creating a culture of health with a clinical trial to promote physical activity Leanne L. Lefler Dublin, Ireland |
Creating a successful online learning environment for introverted nursing students Kathleen Ann Muglia Dublin, Ireland |
Cultivating a culture of resilience Deirdre O'Flaherty Dublin, Ireland |
Cultural competence among nursing students in three countries: A cross-sectional study Jonas Preposi Cruz Dublin, Ireland |
Heather Cuniff King Dublin, Ireland |
Cultural humility and nursing education for study abroad nursing students Dalit Wilhelm Dublin, Ireland |
Culturally based stressors and depressive symptoms for Latino/a adolescents Allison L. McCord Dublin, Ireland |
Arlene E. Kent-Wilkinson Dublin, Ireland |
Deaf and hard-of-hearing youth: Needs for health risk prevention interventions? Huey-Shys Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Decisions of Chinese dialysis patients and caregivers about care priorities at final stage of life Paul Chi-wai Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Delaying the second pregnancy among teen mothers: An innovative community collaboration Ainat Koren Dublin, Ireland |
Jen-Huei (Vicky) Yeh Dublin, Ireland |
Deployment-related needs of children of army reserve soldiers Margaret C. Wilmoth Dublin, Ireland |
Depression and its predictors in hemodialysis patients in Taiwan Chou-Ping Chiou Dublin, Ireland |
Depression and sleep impairment impact on pain and quality of life for sickle cell patients Sheran Maxwell Simo Dublin, Ireland |
Depression screening and glycated hemoglobin levels: Diabetes follow-up measures Kristel Rosemarie McGhee Dublin, Ireland |
Depth-of-field dissimilarity: Making sense of moral distress within cultural complexity Toby Bressler Dublin, Ireland |
Derek Hoy: The legacy of the first Scottish nursing informatician Siobhán O'Connor Dublin, Ireland |
Describing the contribution and value of public health nurses to health system outcomes Nancy Purdy Dublin, Ireland |
Determining the level of engagement in the Ohio State University Wellness Innovator Program Megan E. Amaya Dublin, Ireland |
Developing a guideline for transferring premature infants from incubator to open crib in the NICU Ani Jacob Dublin, Ireland |
Developing a new cognitive impairment measure for Korean cancer patients Hee-Ju Kim Dublin, Ireland |
Developing and validating a tool to improve self-management of antineoplastic therapy at home Annamaria Bagnasco Dublin, Ireland |
Developing clinical guidelines to improve home care for patients after prostatectomy Hui-Tzu Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Chuan-Yu Hu Dublin, Ireland |
Development and testing of cancer treatment shared decision-making scale for nurses (SDMS-N) Pamela L. Katz Dublin, Ireland |
Development and testing of the Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale (GITCS©) Suzanne H. Campbell Dublin, Ireland |
Lauryn LeGacy Frost Dublin, Ireland |
Development of an educational program for women's health related to endocrine disruptors ChaeWeon Chung Dublin, Ireland |
Development of Smartrek a theory driven mobile app to prevent alcohol use among college students Donna Kazemi Dublin, Ireland |
Dietary and supplemental therapy in crohn's disease: Promoting self-care through knowledge Jennifer Mary Senior Dublin, Ireland |
Different perception of necessity of management skills between presidents and nurse administrators Kyoko Shida Dublin, Ireland |
Difficulties associated with the support for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) Yasuko Koyano Dublin, Ireland |
Disaster response preparedness and training: A capabilities assessment of Asia Pacific partners Mary Catherine Goetter Dublin, Ireland |
Discharging patients before 10:00 a.m.: A pilot study Chiao-Wen Chang Dublin, Ireland |
Disclosure of mental health symptoms: A concept analysis Tamar U. Rodney Dublin, Ireland |
Do double gloves reduce the risk of intraoperative blood borne infection? Chia-Wen Chuang Dublin, Ireland |
Do educational experiences with culture diversity make a difference in patient care? Alicia A. Huckstadt Dublin, Ireland |
Do new nurse practitioners support a post-graduate residency for the transition to practice? Julie C. Stuckey Dublin, Ireland |
Do nursing residency programs influence new graduate nurses' professional self-concept? Allison Bautista Dublin, Ireland |
Does 3D technology have clinical application in nursing assessment of wounds in adult care settings? Martina Mendoza Dublin, Ireland |
Does a study aboard program encourage nursing students to embrace cross cultural experiences? Abigail Mitchell Dublin, Ireland |
Deborah J. Somerville Dublin, Ireland |
Does nail polish have significance on pulse oximetry readings?: A literature review Julie Titus Dublin, Ireland |
Does oral health predict cognitive decline among older adults? The health and retirement study Shaoqing Ge Dublin, Ireland |
Mary Elizabeth Fortier Dublin, Ireland |
Does transformational leadership of nurse managers change over time?: A longitudinal study Tarja Kvist Dublin, Ireland |
E-learning in tertiary-level nursing education in Germany and the role of the nurse educator Lee Franklin Koch Dublin, Ireland |
Masako Miyajima Dublin, Ireland |
Educating healthcare providers to identify and heal victims of sex trafficking Kupiri Ackerman-Barger Dublin, Ireland |
Educational strategies applied to facilitate cultural confidence to care for a refugee population Judith Ann Young Dublin, Ireland |
Effect of communication technology usage on sleep and physical activity level in nursing students Yeliz Culha Dublin, Ireland |
Effect of handwashing poster and voice message on handwashing behaviors Seung Kyo Chaung Dublin, Ireland |
Effect of health belief model-based osteoporosis and fall prevention program on early old-aged women Jiwon Oh Dublin, Ireland |
Hsiu-Jung Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Effect of simulation training on nursing students in adult nursing Takashi Ohue Dublin, Ireland |
Effective design characteristics of virtual simulation in nursing Hyunsook Shin Dublin, Ireland |
Duckhee Chae Dublin, Ireland |
Effectiveness of oral sodium phosphate bowel preparation for colonoscopy: A meta-analysis Hsin-Mei Ho Dublin, Ireland |
Mei-Chin Huang Dublin, Ireland |
Nancy Griselda Perez Briones Dublin, Ireland |
Effects of a nursing intervention on illness perceptions and quality of life in injured patients Bih-O Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Effects of activity group therapy for children with ASD on social skills and self-esteem Tomokazu Sugaya Dublin, Ireland |
Nurten Kaya Dublin, Ireland |
Yu-Hua Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Effects of mindfulness on outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation participants: A pilot study Stephanie L. Turrise Dublin, Ireland |
Aisha M. Alhofaian Dublin, Ireland |
Efficiency of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Rate of Nursing Staff Li-Chu Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Elevating caring qualities of emergent myocardial infarction patients through systematic information Shu Lien Hsu Dublin, Ireland |
Miri Jeong Dublin, Ireland |
Encouraging healthy coping, self-care efficacy, and agency in nursing students Paula A. Barbel Dublin, Ireland |
Engaging nurses in the diagnostic process Kelly T. Gleason Dublin, Ireland |
Engaging Nursing Students in the Classroom With Cell Phones and Software Malena Jones Dublin, Ireland |
Enhancing Academic Writing Atmosphere Among Nurses in the Emergency Department Hui-Ching Hsu Dublin, Ireland |
Sandra C. Jones Dublin, Ireland |
Jennifer Lynn Davis Dublin, Ireland |
Enriching the PhD experience through international doctoral student seminars Rebecca Elizabeth Salomon Dublin, Ireland |
Envisioning Magnet designation: Raising the bar for a nursing culture of EBP awareness and practice Cindy Ford Dublin, Ireland |
Establishing an American Heart Association international training center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti Becky M. Baird Dublin, Ireland |
Yueh-Li Yu Dublin, Ireland |
Michelle A. Farquharson Beauchesne Dublin, Ireland |
Yen-Chun Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Paul David Schuler Dublin, Ireland |
Evaluation of community-based program on health indicators in food insecure population Mark Wilkinson Dublin, Ireland |
Chelsea M. Cruz Dublin, Ireland |
Evaluation of PFDs by Vietnamese commercial fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico Ann K. Carruth Dublin, Ireland |
Evaluation of the use of standard operating procedures in the professional practice of nursing Andre Almeida Sr. de Moura Dublin, Ireland |
Everything is Alright: Teaching an Online Nursing Course Using Technology Cynthia A. Bautista Dublin, Ireland |
Evolving attitudes toward research in undergraduate nursing honors students Shana Porter Dublin, Ireland |
Examining nurse attitudes and knowledge gaps related to substance use disorder Pamela Quinn Dublin, Ireland |
Exchanging expertise: Collaborative teaching opportunities in research courses Joyce A. Brill Dublin, Ireland |
Experience of being a young adult who abstains from alcohol consumption Luz Patricia Diaz Heredia Dublin, Ireland |
Irina Uitewaal-Poslawsky Dublin, Ireland |
Stephanie C. Evans Dublin, Ireland |
Carol Bloch Dublin, Ireland |
Su-Hua Tsai Dublin, Ireland |
Jane Champion Dublin, Ireland |
Jennifer J. Clair Dublin, Ireland |
Chao-Hsin Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Marlene C. Welsh Dublin, Ireland |
Ya-Jung Wang Dublin, Ireland |
Tara K. Mann Dublin, Ireland |
Facilitation of self-leadership in nurse educators Vhothusa Edward Matahela Dublin, Ireland |
Facilitation on the run: Enabling work-based facilitation in the midst of practice Michele Hardiman Dublin, Ireland |
Fact-finding survey of defecation behavior in young Japanese adults Megumi Katayama Dublin, Ireland |
Mir Moon Dublin, Ireland |
Factors associated with development of pressure ulcers in patients with assist device tubes in ICUs Li Chuan Chang Dublin, Ireland |
Factors associated with hospitalized preterm infants' sleep/wake patterns Hsiang-Yun Lan Dublin, Ireland |
Factors associated with intermittent and light smoking among Korean adolescents In Sook Park Dublin, Ireland |
Elvy G. Barroso Dublin, Ireland |
Factors associated with postpartum depression among women who conceived with infertility treatment Chuan-Chen Li Dublin, Ireland |
Factors Influencing Retention Rates for RN to BSN Students Melissa A. Wholeben Dublin, Ireland |
Factors of metabolic syndrome and quality of life among Korean postmenopausal women Young Man Kim Dublin, Ireland |
Factors of risk behaviors for exposure to endocrine disruptors in female college students in Korea SoMi Park Dublin, Ireland |
Factors predicting readmission among coronary artery disease Rapin Polsook Dublin, Ireland |
Factors that influence the development of cultural competence in undergraduate nursing students Hsiu-chin Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Faculty collaboration for horizontal integration of nursing curriculum: Innovative teaching strategy Manju N. Daniel Dublin, Ireland |
Families and surrogate decision makers of critically ill patients in Saudi Arabia Omaimah A. Qadhi Dublin, Ireland |
Family situations and sleep disturbance of Chinese elderly in Taiwan Jong-Ni Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Fear of cancer recurrence: Experiences and related factors in early stage lung cancer patients Yu-Ying Chou Dublin, Ireland |
Zione Dembo Dublin, Ireland |
Feeding behaviors for premature infants who received extended tube feedings Rosemary C. White-Traut Dublin, Ireland |
Focus on fidelity: Delivering what's intended in a multi-site randomized clinical trial Janet D. Morrison Dublin, Ireland |
Follow-up of the joint function and quality of life after total joint arthroplasty Pi-Chu Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Solrun G. Holm Dublin, Ireland |
Food insecurity, early childhood feeding, and weight outcomes in Hispanic children and their mothers Elizabeth Reifsnider Dublin, Ireland |
Fostering nurse renewal through compassion: A model for alleviating nurse workplace stress Marie M. Shanahan Dublin, Ireland |
Karri Davis Dublin, Ireland |
Semyon Melnikov Dublin, Ireland |
Gaps in palliative care provision in Saskatchewan, Canada: Learning from palliative care management Susan Eva Fowler-Kerry Dublin, Ireland |
Getting back to the basics: Handwashing 101 Abigail Mitchell Dublin, Ireland |
Cheryl K. Giefer Dublin, Ireland |
Global Utilization of Fertility Services in Developed Nations Jamie R. Kanehl Dublin, Ireland |
Graduate students' perceived genetic knowledge: A preliminary study Leighsa Sharoff Dublin, Ireland |
Rebecca Elizabeth Salomon Dublin, Ireland |
Grit: The power of passion and perseverance in nursing Indra Hershorin Dublin, Ireland |
Growing in recovery: A service learning case study Amanda Eymard Dublin, Ireland |
Growing the next generation of nurse leaders in palliative care: An international case study Kathryn A. Pfaff Dublin, Ireland |
Harm reduction in nursing practice: Compassionate care for persons with addiction Audrey Catherine Killarney Dublin, Ireland |
Health failure self-management support Anna Dermenchyan Dublin, Ireland |
Shu-Fen Wu Dublin, Ireland |
Chiung-Yu Huang Dublin, Ireland |
Mary Lou De Natale Dublin, Ireland |
Healthcare provider attitudes and beliefs toward family-witnessed resuscitation in Saudi Arabia Tara R. Belcher Dublin, Ireland |
Healthy siblings of children living with chronic diseases: A systematic review Emily Christensen Dublin, Ireland |
Helping relationships intervention enhances health-promoting lifestyle and quality of life Miaofen Yen Dublin, Ireland |
Holistic review impacts success of underrepresented minority nursing students: A case study Joana Velasquez Dublin, Ireland |
Hope and health-related quality of life of older women who have had heart attacks Alice Mary Kelly-Tobin Dublin, Ireland |
"Hope" for People With Motor Neurone Disease in Japan Masako Nagase Dublin, Ireland |
Alice L. March Dublin, Ireland |
Hot Flash-Related Daily Interference Scale short form Janet S. Carpenter Dublin, Ireland |
How do student nurses in Malawi choose, adapt to career transition, and construct careers? Zione Dembo Dublin, Ireland |
How does negotiating a partnership agreement influence relationships in a BSN clinical experience? Kimberly Dawn Belcik Dublin, Ireland |
How does obesity and intentional weight loss impact health related quality of life in adults? Holly Kirkland-Kyhn Dublin, Ireland |
I got the money! Key strategies to secure grant funding for research and evidence-based practice Rebecca Culver Clark Dublin, Ireland |
Sarah A. Power Dublin, Ireland |
Identifying Exercise Barriers for Nurses Working in Sedentary Work Roles Carol M. Patton Dublin, Ireland |
Identifying teaching strategies to increase cultural competence among undergraduate nursing students Hsiu-chin Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Identifying the impact of a DEU experience on critical thinking in associate degree nursing students Elizabeth C. Campbell Dublin, Ireland |
Impact of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity on Success of the First Attempt of the NCLEX-RN Ernestine Hunter Cuellar Dublin, Ireland |
Impact of motivational workshops on lifestyle modification to increase physical activity Gagandeep Singh Dublin, Ireland |
Impact of NICHE preparation on nursing knowledge of geriatric patient care Tru Brynes Dublin, Ireland |
Regalado A., Jr. Valerio Dublin, Ireland |
Pamela Allyn Di Vito-Thomas Dublin, Ireland |
Huang-Jen Shih Dublin, Ireland |
Implementation of current technology in online learning Glenda K. Jones Dublin, Ireland |
Mary G. Heitschmidt Dublin, Ireland |
Sarahi Y. Almonte Dublin, Ireland |
Implementing an acuity adaptable care model in an existing academic medical center Gretchen Brown Dublin, Ireland |
Implementing care coordination and transition management in a critical care telemetry unit Linda Wilson Dublin, Ireland |
Implementing Project ECHO: Complex care management, using technology to support primary care nurses Mary L. Blankson Dublin, Ireland |
Importance of palliative care in end-stage liver disease: A rising global issue Renee Pozza Dublin, Ireland |
Improvement project for dental medical instrument management in oral surgical ward Sheng-Lan Hsieh Dublin, Ireland |
Susan B. Connor Dublin, Ireland |
Improving door-to-ECG time for patients presenting with chest pain in the adult emergency department Diana Lyn Baptiste Dublin, Ireland |
Nancy J. Slizewski Dublin, Ireland |
Improving nursing care in infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome Laura Ruth Watson Dublin, Ireland |
Improving the confidence of health professionals searching for best evidence using PICO Denise L. Blanchard Dublin, Ireland |
Improving the health of populations through an academic-community partnership Susan Grinslade Dublin, Ireland |
Su-Er Guo Dublin, Ireland |
Incivility between nursing students in the classroom: A review of the literature Abby Grammer Horton Dublin, Ireland |
Incontinence Associated Dermatitis Assessment Scale: Study of inter-observer compliance Gulsun Ozedemir Aydin Dublin, Ireland |
Incorporating a collaborative perioperative training program in undergraduate nursing education Linda Wilson Dublin, Ireland |
Incorporating Flipped Classroom Strategies Into a Nursing Research Course Patricia Keresztes Dublin, Ireland |
Influence of comorbidities on symptom severity in cancer patients Eric A. Vachon Dublin, Ireland |
Influencing factors of cultural competence among South Korean clinical nurses Yunhee Park Dublin, Ireland |
Pei-Ling Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Tener Goodwin Veenema Dublin, Ireland |
Innovative nursing education pathways and racial/ethnic diversity Kupiri Ackerman-Barger Dublin, Ireland |
Innovative use of video telerounding to improve patient satisfaction and to expedite discharge Ginger S. Pierson Dublin, Ireland |
Integrative review of self-care measurement in diabetes nephropathy Younghee Jun Dublin, Ireland |
Integrative review of virtual simulation in nursing Hyunsook Shin Dublin, Ireland |
Intentional nurse leader rounding on patients daily Jeffery Hudson Dublin, Ireland |
Helen Aveyard Dublin, Ireland |
Introducing global health nursing to university-bound students: A case study Helen Frances Baker Dublin, Ireland |
Introducing simulation to BSN students and faculty situated in a rural setting in North India Jill B. Derstine Dublin, Ireland |
Investigating physical activity and exercise motivation in women with systemic lupus erythematosus Mei-Ling Wu Dublin, Ireland |
Invisible nature of self-care: Clinical issues raised by people with multiple long-term conditions Denise L. Blanchard Dublin, Ireland |
Irritable bowel syndrome and probiotics: Effective or not? Andrea L. Morris Dublin, Ireland |
Is cancer-related fatigue related to levels of physical activity and body weights in HNC survivors? Yuan-Yuan Fang Dublin, Ireland |
Is less more? Pediatric intractable migraine and onabotulinumtoxinA treatment Tara Ayn Pezzuto Dublin, Ireland |
Hsiao-Ling Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Is this the profession for me? Pre-nursing students simulated hospital day observations Sarah Yvonne Jimenez Dublin, Ireland |
Maria Flores-Harris Dublin, Ireland |
Lessons learned in creating evidence-based electronic oncology care plans Meghan Coleman Dublin, Ireland |
Lessons learned: Incorporating global health patient experiences into a BSN curriculum Kathryn Sridaromont Dublin, Ireland |
Leveraging statistical simulations to gain insights from data: A new type of simulation for nurses Alvin Dean Jeffery Dublin, Ireland |
Dinah Hernandez Dublin, Ireland |
Light therapy on sleep phase-shift in shift workers: A meta-analysis Min-Huey Chung Dublin, Ireland |
Judith Elwanda Lindsay Dublin, Ireland |
Vicki Lynn Wagner Dublin, Ireland |
Low-income pregnant women's experiences with prenatal care education Amy McKeever Dublin, Ireland |
Male-factor infertility: The process to seeking treatment Michele Mayes Lawson Dublin, Ireland |
Kim Johnson Dublin, Ireland |
Matched Preceptor-Preceptee Learning Styles on Student Self-Efficacy in Midwifery Students Zofia Rapaport Dublin, Ireland |
Maternal peripartum antibiotic usage and depressive symptoms at one-month postpartum Jordan R. Murphy Dublin, Ireland |
Janet A. Levey Dublin, Ireland |
Sasha Alexis Rarang Dublin, Ireland |
Mediator role of memory function on diabetes self-care management in older adults Youngshin Song Dublin, Ireland |
Meeting the needs of women veterans in civilian primary care practices Alicia Gill Rossiter Dublin, Ireland |
Kuei-Ru Chou Dublin, Ireland |
Mental healthcare utilization among school-based adolescents in La Union, Philippines Jonas Preposi Cruz Dublin, Ireland |
Mental injury: Exploring the factors related to abusive behavior among health professionals Leah Adeline Phillips Dublin, Ireland |
Mother's anxieties before the proton beam therapy of child Noriko Ozawa Dublin, Ireland |
Monica Roosa Ordway Dublin, Ireland |
Arlene E. Kent-Wilkinson Dublin, Ireland |
Neonatal autonomic function and outcomes at 12-months in infants with congenital heart disease Tondi M. Harrison Dublin, Ireland |
Neuropathic pain and related factors in patients after lumbar spine surgery: A prospective study Feng-Ling Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Kirstin A. Buck Dublin, Ireland |
NICU nurses and families partnering to provide family-centered developmental care Candy Bruton Dublin, Ireland |
Katrina Haynes Dublin, Ireland |
Karen Kane McDonnell Dublin, Ireland |
Emi Masuda Dublin, Ireland |
Nurses' work-related fatigue and related factors Chi-Hui Chuang Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing as a Manifestation of Love Marlienne Goldin Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing care technology and patient safety Turkinaz Asti Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing clinical practicum: Integrated application process Nancy S. Goldstein Dublin, Ireland |
Dianne T. Juliff Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing leadership: Influence in moral courage Georgia A. Dinndorf-Hogenson Dublin, Ireland |
Maureen F. O'Shea Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing rounds: A best practice implementation Juli Daniels Dublin, Ireland |
Steffanie Schweitzer Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing student simulation: A three-tiered model approach Kristina L. Leyden Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing students attitudes' toward the homeless Patricia MacWilliams Bowe Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing students' attitudes toward complementary and alternative therapies for stress relief Elizabeth V. Kinchen Dublin, Ireland |
Nursing students' technological equipment usage status and individual innovation levels Turkinaz Asti Dublin, Ireland |
One million+ nurses become second victims annually: Nursing education's role in prevention? Jackie H. Jones Dublin, Ireland |
Diana Lyn Baptiste Dublin, Ireland |
Outcomes of study on quality life and perception of dyspnea: Patients with advanced lung cancer Barbara A. Roces Dublin, Ireland |
Pain-me-free: A video game to improve geriatric pain management using a multi-discipline approach Martha L. Martinez Dublin, Ireland |
Palliative care and the nurse's role Toby Bressler Dublin, Ireland |
Parental perceived barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination: A literature review Lisa Nicole Mansfield Dublin, Ireland |
Partner communication for HIV prevention among refugee Hispanic women in South Florida Rosina Cianelli Dublin, Ireland |
Pediatric oral health interprofessional clerkship Erin Hartnett Dublin, Ireland |
Perceptions of baccalaureate nursing students before and after placement on a behavioral health unit Susan Reimann Jackson Dublin, Ireland |
Perceptions of nursing students of study abroad experiences Camille Payne Dublin, Ireland |
Perceptions/Recollections of Acquisition of the Nurse Advocate Role by Practicing Direct Care Nurses Marianne Curia Dublin, Ireland |
Personality Traits Are Important Predictors of Glycemic Control in Patients With Diabetes Shu-Fen Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Personality Type and the Configuration of Online Learning Groups Deborah Mandel Dublin, Ireland |
Personalized bleeding risk score to optimize post coronary intervention outcomes Sivaranjani Ramamoorthy Dublin, Ireland |
Perspectives of emergency nurses with overcrowding state in Taiwan Chun-Chih Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Tzu-Ting Huang Dublin, Ireland |
Physical activity habits and its relationship to the weight of children Ana Luisa Rivera Villanueva Dublin, Ireland |
Polysubstance use, decision making, and geosocial networking app use among MSM Michael Sanchez Dublin, Ireland |
Postgraduate student support in open distance learning: Using a caring curriculum approach Gisela H. Van Rensburg Dublin, Ireland |
Postpartum contraceptive use among adolescent mothers in Thailand Punpilai Sriarporn Dublin, Ireland |
Predicting Success: An Analysis of the Characteristics of Applicants to the Ontario PHCNP Program Elsabeth Jensen Dublin, Ireland |
Predictors in titulation exam of nursing at University of Coahuila, Mexico Maria de los Angeles Villarreal-Reyna Dublin, Ireland |
Felicity M. Daniels Dublin, Ireland |
Theresa M. Hardy Dublin, Ireland |
Miri Jeong Dublin, Ireland |
Predictors of readiness for disaster management skills among hospital nurses Chia-Huei Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Gina B. Diaz Dublin, Ireland |
Preschool children: What they know about asthma and how they learn Adaya A. Troyer Dublin, Ireland |
Prescription drug spending and medication adherence in a national heart failure sample Blake Tyler McGee Dublin, Ireland |
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components among Korean cancer survivors Ji-Su Kim Dublin, Ireland |
Yeow Chye Ng Dublin, Ireland |
Polina Rozenberg Dublin, Ireland |
Desiree Tait Dublin, Ireland |
Professional Development of Nurse Leaders Jennifer L. Embree Dublin, Ireland |
Laura Jane Colley Dublin, Ireland |
Margaret (Betsy) Babb Kennedy Dublin, Ireland |
Professional identity in the lived experience of hospital nurses Tullamora T. Diede Dublin, Ireland |
Professional socialization of nurses and nursing students: An integrative literature review Seongmi Moon Dublin, Ireland |
Promoting mental health in a refugee community using the RHS-15 and Pathways to Wellness Rebekah J. Salt Dublin, Ireland |
Proper mobilization of elderly people with hip fracture Pedro Enrique Trujillo-Hernandez Dublin, Ireland |
Elizabeth J. Ross Dublin, Ireland |
Eun-Hyun Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Psychosocial predictors of emotional eating in Lebanese young males Rita Doumit Dublin, Ireland |
PTSD in neurology nurses coping with verbal and physical abuse from patients and families Roy Trahan Dublin, Ireland |
Public health, the environment, and nursing practice: Health promotion in a toxic world Hacah U. Boros Dublin, Ireland |
Public-non-profit-academic partnerships: Reproductive health research in Togo Case Study Helen Frances Baker Dublin, Ireland |
Purposeful proactive hourly rounding: A positive influence on outcomes and experience Deirdre O'Flaherty Dublin, Ireland |
Jeanette Lee Plodek Dublin, Ireland |
Rapid curricular innovation using lean methodology Jennifer L. Embree Dublin, Ireland |
Reactive depression's relationship to rehospitalization in heart failure patients Mary Renee Walters Dublin, Ireland |
Readmission factors of patients with type II diabetes Veronica Santos Timple Dublin, Ireland |
Redesign of a post-licensure population health course using an online virtual community environment Wendy M. Crary Dublin, Ireland |
Reducing preventable transfers from short-stay care Carmen Potter Dublin, Ireland |
Reducing test anxiety through mind relaxation Kathleen R. Ward Dublin, Ireland |
Refugee health education: "Learn to succeed. Together we build our community." Maria Theresa P. Panizales Dublin, Ireland |
Hsiao-Ling Yang Dublin, Ireland |
Reinvigorating a Shared Governance (SG) Model in a Community Hospital Kathleen M. Kane Dublin, Ireland |
Related factors on sexual risk behaviors among adolescent at vocational school in Thailand Prueksalada Khiaokham Dublin, Ireland |
Wakako Sadahiro Dublin, Ireland |
Relationships between personality traits and teaching self-efficacy in clinical nursing preceptors Su-Ya Huang Dublin, Ireland |
Research on the effectiveness of the nurse staffs training program Lee-Pin Wu Dublin, Ireland |
Restorative justice in mental health communities: The importance of interagency cooperation Susan L. Adams Dublin, Ireland |
Resuscitating our Nursing Team by Increasing Resilience in Labor and Delivery Nurses Susan Faron Dublin, Ireland |
Review of methodological quality of systematic and integrative reviews in nursing Coleen E. Toronto Dublin, Ireland |
Right time in medication administration: A multifaceted concept Juliana J. Brixey Dublin, Ireland |
Risk factors of pressure ulcer development during spinal surgery Chun-Chen Lin Dublin, Ireland |
Safety culture: Medication adverse event tracking at a pediatric oncology hospital in Guatemala Liliana Zelaya Dublin, Ireland |
Tanja Baum Dublin, Ireland |
Susan T. Sanders Dublin, Ireland |
Lisa R. Roberts Dublin, Ireland |
Sexual decision-making of rural men who have sex with men Jessica A. Lecea Dublin, Ireland |
Kai-Lin You Dublin, Ireland |
Katie SuAnn Caldwell Dublin, Ireland |
Catherine Jirak Monetti Dublin, Ireland |
Someone to watch over me: Feeling safe and cared for in clinical settings Madeline Marie O'Donnell Dublin, Ireland |
Jean Ann Davison Dublin, Ireland |
Status of foot care for chronic dialysis patients and issues with implementation Sachiko Sr. Tamura Dublin, Ireland |
Lindsey N. Horrell Dublin, Ireland |
Stress, burden, and health status in caregivers of heart failure patients Ya-Ching Liu Dublin, Ireland |
Structural violence in elderly with functional dependence Anahi Ruiz-Lara Dublin, Ireland |
Judy M. Comeaux Dublin, Ireland |
Students' perceptions of stress when experiencing loss and the support from academia that is needed Kathleen M. Bell Dublin, Ireland |
Substance-abusing patients' perceptions of nursing care Christina M. Mertz Dublin, Ireland |
Supporting nurses to speak up for patient safety using an employee engagement survey Nicole J. Hall Dublin, Ireland |
Systematic analysis of the global nursing trust research literature Lynn M. Varagona Dublin, Ireland |
Systematic review of cyberbullying interventions for youth and parents Elizabeth N. Hutson Dublin, Ireland |
Kate Rocklein Kemplin Dublin, Ireland |
Teaching strategies for the promotion of effective patient communication in vulnerable women Ginny Moore Dublin, Ireland |
Teaching to develop a view of life and death in nursing students Chiaki Otsuka Dublin, Ireland |
Technological solutions to foster communication in multisite, longitudinal studies Julia A. Greenawalt Dublin, Ireland |
Teeth for two: Oral health in pregnancy and early childhood Erin Hartnett Dublin, Ireland |
Elizabeth Sloand Dublin, Ireland |
The "Cost of Caring" for cancer patients: Mixed methods research with victories and hazards exposed Laurie Freeman-Gibb Dublin, Ireland |
The "lived experience" of nursing faculty following the sudden death of a student Paulette Dorney Dublin, Ireland |
The Antimicrobial Effects of Water-Soluble Essential Oils in the Nursing Practice Yuka Saeki Dublin, Ireland |
Sukhee Ahn Dublin, Ireland |
Dorothy Evadne Forde Dublin, Ireland |
The association with social skills and self-monitoring in Japan Mio Sato Dublin, Ireland |
Lyn T. Armit Dublin, Ireland |
The creation and implementation of a military veteran to Bachelor of Science in nursing pathway Jene' M. Hurlbut Dublin, Ireland |
The Dauntless Nurse: Communication Confidence Builder Arna K. Robins Dublin, Ireland |
Amy McKeever Dublin, Ireland |
The development of professional self-concept and leadership skills among new graduate nurses Sarah Elizabeth Kelly Dublin, Ireland |
The diurnal patterns of fatigue in patients on hemodialysis: A pilot study Ann E. Horigan Dublin, Ireland |
Charlene DeNyse Whitaker-Brown Dublin, Ireland |
The effect of cinnamon in blood glucose level of patients with type II diabetes mellitus Pearl Ed G. Cuevas Dublin, Ireland |
The effect of elevating head of bed for esophageal cancer patients with nocturnal reflux symptom Hui-Chen Huang Dublin, Ireland |
The effect of hybrid team-based learning in a professional nursing course Hui-Chen Tseng Dublin, Ireland |
The effect of safe-movement and walking program on reducing the fear of falling in elderly Saime Erol Dublin, Ireland |
The effect of the program "Don't Bite Your Nails, Cut Them' behavior of biting Kamer Gur Dublin, Ireland |
The effectiveness of online case studies among medical-surgical nursing students Shu-Yi Wang Dublin, Ireland |
The effectiveness of using high-fidelity simulation team training on advanced cardiac life support Lichien Yang Dublin, Ireland |
The effects of an uncompleted suicide attempt: A parent's perspective Kendal Klein Dublin, Ireland |
The effects of music on anxiety of hospitalized psychiatry patients Chyn-Yng Yang Dublin, Ireland |
The effects of Tai Chi exercise on cardiovascular functions: A meta-analysis Hsiao-Ping Shih Dublin, Ireland |
Hsiang-Chu Pai Dublin, Ireland |
The emerging adults' lived experience of perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus (PAHIV) Angela Marie Wright Dublin, Ireland |
The experience of adult daughters living with mother's breast cancer Ting-Chun Chen Dublin, Ireland |
The Grieving Mr. Mom: Exploring Life After Maternal Death Donald Johnston Dublin, Ireland |
Eileen Creel Dublin, Ireland |
Adam J. Morse Dublin, Ireland |
I-Chen Lu Dublin, Ireland |
The integration of mental health competencies into a primary care nurse practitioner curriculum Pamela Aselton Dublin, Ireland |
Nancy L. Sarpy Dublin, Ireland |
The opportunity for the clinical nurse leader role in transitional care leadership Pamela Kohlbry Dublin, Ireland |
Giselle Melendez Dublin, Ireland |
Lauren M. Atkins Dublin, Ireland |
Myoungjin Kwon Dublin, Ireland |
The relationship between Magnet® hospitals and nurse-driven patient outcomes Amelia M. Joseph Dublin, Ireland |
The relationship between student engagement and outcomes for online MSN students Patricia A. Riccio Dublin, Ireland |
Kristi J. Stinson Dublin, Ireland |
The risk factors affecting survival in colorectal cancer in Taiwan Shu-Fen Wu Dublin, Ireland |
The role of religion and spirituality in parent decision-making for critically ill young children Melissa J. Kurtz Dublin, Ireland |
The teaching implementation of hospital experts effects on the self-efficacy of nursing students Fu-Fei Tsai Dublin, Ireland |
Chi-Wen Kao Dublin, Ireland |
Tung-Mei Chen Dublin, Ireland |
The use of case studies and smart device apps to increase student engagement Deanna A. Janz Dublin, Ireland |
The utilization of a nurse manager audit toolkit to re-envision the nurse manager role Louise C. Rudden Dublin, Ireland |
The value of the caring moment in patient advocacy Lorraine E. Emeghebo Dublin, Ireland |
The work readiness of senior nursing students in Turkey Ayse Ergun Dublin, Ireland |
Therapeutic hypothermia improvement project Shiao-Pei Wang Dublin, Ireland |
Time perspectives and health behaviors of adults with hypertension: A feasibility study Stephanie E. Kitch Dublin, Ireland |
Toxic stress and protective factors in multiethnic school-age children Eileen M. Condon Dublin, Ireland |
Kristina Mountain Dublin, Ireland |
Mary A. Hooshmand Dublin, Ireland |
Transition to college campus living with a chronic condition: Type 1 diabetes exemplar Jennifer L. Saylor Dublin, Ireland |
Travel Motivation and Influencing Factors of Travel Decision Making in Hemodialysis Patients Wan-Chen Lo Dublin, Ireland |
Felicia M. Morrison Dublin, Ireland |
Uncertainty and depression as mediators of quality of life in patients with heart failure Ting-Yu Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Uncovering issues most important to parents after their child's suicide attempt: A comparison study Kari Lynne Hickey Dublin, Ireland |
Mee Kyung Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Understanding the role of family management in ethnically diverse children with ADHD Cynthia P. Paidipati Dublin, Ireland |
Understanding work value profiles and exploring factors affecting work values of student nurses Chia-Hsin Cheng Dublin, Ireland |
Unspoken: Decreasing attitudes of stigma towards obese women by healthcare providers Mary Ellen A. Burke Dublin, Ireland |
Use ISBAR communication tool to reduce the rate of unplanned endotracheal extubation in neonates Shun-Lin Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Use of a wellness coaching model among urban-dwelling, low-income older adults Bertha Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Use of biomarkers for the evaluation of a psychoeducational program in Mexican informal caregivers Nadia Jasso Dublin, Ireland |
Use of crib sheets and exam performance in an undergraduate nursing course Ann T. Malecha Dublin, Ireland |
Use of integrative medicine approaches for treating adults with sleep disorders Hui-Ling Lai Dublin, Ireland |
Use of outside services and other needs of informal caregivers of adult oncology patients Susan C. Cobb Dublin, Ireland |
Using a bundle prophylactic approach in post-operative total knee and hip arthroplasty Haofei Wang Dublin, Ireland |
Using Art to Boost the Self-Confidence of BSN Graduating Nurses Denise A. Gray Dublin, Ireland |
Using Barthel Index and Performance Status Scale to predict inpatient bowel preparation quality Yu-Chi Kuo Dublin, Ireland |
Jennette S. Logan Dublin, Ireland |
Using Context-Inquiry Teaching Model to Enhance Advanced Clinical Medical Writing Yi-Ru Chen Dublin, Ireland |
Using Diverse Strategies to Enhance the Quality of Emergency Nursing Hui-Ju Chung Dublin, Ireland |
Using e-health technology to establish a tailored survivorship care plan for breast cancer survivors Yu-Lin Wang Dublin, Ireland |
Ling-Yu Wu Dublin, Ireland |
Rachel Margaret Peake Dublin, Ireland |
Noreen Bridget Brennan Dublin, Ireland |
Jen-Huei (Vicky) Yeh Dublin, Ireland |
Using Team STEPPS to improve teamwork and collaboration in the emergency department Melissa A. Pollard Dublin, Ireland |
Using the MDS-HC to assess health status and care needs of the elderly living alone Chia-Chi Chang Dublin, Ireland |
Utilizing Simulation to Improve Communication and Collaboration in Intraprofessional Nursing Teams Angelarosa G. DiDonato Dublin, Ireland |
Su-Ying Fang Dublin, Ireland |
Validity and reliability of the Social Adjustment Scale for adolescents with Tourette syndrome Mei-Yin Lee Dublin, Ireland |
Olga Van Dyke Dublin, Ireland |
Walking for our health: Evaluation of randomized spousal physical activity pilot intervention Elizabeth A. Richards Dublin, Ireland |
Frederick R. Macapagal Dublin, Ireland |
What is my role as professional nurse in guiding students to professionalism? Magda Cunze Dublin, Ireland |
What pregnant adolescents think about antenatal care: A contemporary review for midwives Deborah M. Ireson Dublin, Ireland |
Who decides?: Analysis of decision-makers in the adoption of virtual patients for nursing education Francisco A. Jimenez Dublin, Ireland |
Women's experience of perinatal loss: A collaboration to develop a learning resource for nurses Gerri C. Lasiuk Dublin, Ireland |
Working with the obese client: Helping achieve lifestyle changes to meet their weight loss goals Anna Marie Hefner Dublin, Ireland |
Hong Hong Wang Dublin, Ireland |