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A comprehensive literature review on unfolding case studies in nursing education

Jeny Joy

Washington, DC, USA

A guided research experience: Application of the research process in BSN honors program

Christina N. DesOrmeaux
Anitra C. Frederick

Washington, DC, USA

A Review of Instrumentation in Nursing Student Clinical Evaluation

Elizabeth R. Van Horn
Lynne Porter Lewallen

Washington, DC, USA

A simulated multi-patient medication administration experience: Evaluating senior level nursing students' proficiency

Della Lee Hughes Carter
Rhonda E. Maneval
Mary Kay Smith
Laura M. Prochnow
Gretchen C. Dubes

Washington, DC, USA

Adult learners formulate creative pediatric clinical assignments with real world application

Jenny House Maffett
Susan E. Piras

Washington, DC, USA

An academic practice partnership in South Florida: Satisfaction of nurses who participated

Beatrice Sikah

Washington, DC, USA

An explanatory model for negotiating men's gendered challenges as nursing students

Chad E. O'Lynn

Washington, DC, USA

An organic, evidence-based, transformative model of teaching/learning nursing

Shirley Countryman Gordon
Beth M. King
Charlotte D. Barry

Washington, DC, USA

Assessing baccalaureate nursing students attitudes towards teamwork and communication using TeamSTEPPSâ„¢ teamwork attitudes questionnaire

Joyce A. Shanty
Elizabeth A. Palmer
Amy L. Labant

Washington, DC, USA

Assessing health literacy competencies: A randomized pilot comparing two teaching approaches at BSN level

Kempa (Kim) French

Washington, DC, USA

Assessing presenteeism and interest in "One Body" stress reduction fitness program in a healthcare setting

Immacula Cann
Dorothy M. Mullaney

Washington, DC, USA

Assessment of graduates' critical thinking abilities as an intended learning outcome of the BSN program

Amel M. Abouelfettoh
Hanan G. Gabry

Washington, DC, USA

Caring for vulnerable populations: Perspectives of interprofessional graduate students

Patricia Moyle Wright

Washington, DC, USA

Case study description of nursing education leaders motivating baccalaureate students to advocate for older adults

Devon J. Manney

Washington, DC, USA

Connectedness and Peer Mentoring in a Second Degree Baccalaureate Nursing Program

Janice Aloi

Washington, DC, USA

Connecting classroom to clinical through focused clinical activities

Sheryl Cornelius

Washington, DC, USA

Correlates of Student Challenges in Achieving Successful Outcomes

Donna Ho-Shing

Washington, DC, USA

Creating long-term solutions to the nurse faculty shortage: Using qualitative data

Diane Porretta Fox

Washington, DC, USA

Creating opportunities to link academia and organizations through research

Kelly A. Kuhns

Washington, DC, USA

Critical Thinking Instruction and Technology-Enhanced Learning From the Student Perspective

Ruth Swart

Washington, DC, USA

Cultural humility in simulation education: A state of the science

Cynthia L. Foronda
Diana Lyn Baptiste

Washington, DC, USA

Developing clinical reasoning in undergraduate nursing students: Strategies to promote success

Elizabeth K. Herron

Washington, DC, USA

Developing nursing student's critical thinking ability through concept mapping

Julie A. Perry
Robingale A. Panepinto

Washington, DC, USA

Development and evaluation of an adolescent and young adult healthcare transition program

Leslie A. Phillips

Washington, DC, USA

Development and use of the Simulation Culture Organizational Readiness Survey (SCORS)

Kim Leighton
Colette R. Foisy-Doll

Washington, DC, USA

Development of an interprofressional honors program: Results of a needs assessment

Larry Z. Slater
Fidelindo Lim
Ann-Margaret Navarra
Amy Witkoski Stimpfel
Karla G. Rodriguez
Noreen Nelson

Washington, DC, USA

Discussion board assignments: Student reflections from an online MSN program

Tracia M. Forman

Washington, DC, USA

Does a nurse practitioner in a LTCF decrease 30-day hospital readmission rates?

Jodie L. Jones
Denise Ramponi
Thomas W. Cline

Washington, DC, USA

Educating next generation nursing leaders and enhancing education-practice partnerships: The role of quality improvement projects

Pamela M. Karagory
Sara A. McComb
Jane M. Kirkpatrick

Washington, DC, USA

Effect and Success

Keondra Rustan

Washington, DC, USA

Effects of Formal Remediation on Program and Student Outcomes

Natalia A. Thilges

Washington, DC, USA

Effects of problem-based learning vs. traditional lecture on Taiwanese students' nursing administration project

Wei-Ting Lin
Ching-Yun Yu
Pei-Chao Lin

Washington, DC, USA

Enhancing Metacognition: Nursing Faculty's Perceived Usage of Interactive iBook Technologies

Mary Wombwell
Boas Yu

Washington, DC, USA

Enhancing patient safety and professional communication: Integration of Teamstepps concepts in the undergraduate nursing curriculum

Rhonda E. Maneval
Kathleen A. Poindexter
Gayle Lourens
Carol A. Vermeesch
Kathy M. Forrest

Washington, DC, USA

Ethical and cultural considerations involving the transgender community and implications for nursing education

Diane Allen Young
Natasha R. Colvin

Washington, DC, USA

Evaluating an Innovative Pedagogy for Teaching Transcultural Nursing in an Online Format

Jessica H. Ochs

Washington, DC, USA

Evaluation of a learning module for nurse practitioner students: Strategies to address patient vaccine hesitancy/refusal

Margaret Hadro Venzke

Washington, DC, USA

Experiences of 4th year nursing students with human simulators in their transition to practice

Eva Peisachovich

Washington, DC, USA

Faculty preparedness for developing, evaluating and revising BSN curriculum

Meredith L. Roberts

Washington, DC, USA

Group exercise to decrease anxiety in African-American women

Pamela Johnson

Washington, DC, USA

Impact of an advance care planning simulation on the communication skills of nurse practitioner students

Rose Anne Indelicato

Washington, DC, USA

Implementation of an intervention to increase number of certified nurses in an emergency medicine department

RaniMaria Toledo
Paula M. Neira
Barbara Maliszewski
Diana Lyn Baptiste
Kimberly Borries

Washington, DC, USA

Improving Safety Attitudes in New Graduate Registered Nurses

Park Balevre

Washington, DC, USA

Influence of Military Experience on Nursing Education Leaders

Heather L. Zonts

Washington, DC, USA

Integrating TeamSTEPPS in Nursing Education Using Peer Teaching

Michael C. Thomas

Washington, DC, USA

Is a flipped classroom an effective educational method to meet nursing students' learning needs?

Daniel Keith Best
Jessica L. Naber

Washington, DC, USA

Leaders among us: Leadership appraisal of baccalaureate nursing students

Sara K. Kaylor

Washington, DC, USA

Maternal child nursing students' experience of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) at KSAU-CONA

Hanan G. Gabry
Amel M. Abouelfettoh

Washington, DC, USA

More bang for your buck: Engaging graduate students in curriculum development

Robin Jill Dewald
Andrew D. Palm
Lori A. Gofter
Maureen Walls Sileo
Marie Anne Mancuso

Washington, DC, USA

Nursing faculty preferences on technology use based on experience

Suhasini P. Kotcherlakota
Patrick Rejda
Kevin Kupzyk

Washington, DC, USA

Nursing Graduates on Quality of Education and Readiness for Clinical Practice

Virginia L. Jones

Washington, DC, USA

Protocol of care for early detection and prevention of pressure ulcer among critically ill patients

Hend Mohamed Elazazy
Gehan Abdel-Hakeem Younes

Washington, DC, USA

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Burnout: Differences Between Acute/Inpatient PMHNPs and Outpatient PMHNPs

Miriam Pourzand

Washington, DC, USA

Redesigning a nursing course to increase self-directed learning (SDL): A pilot study

Belinda Deal
Zhaomin He

Washington, DC, USA

Relationships Among Entrance Examinations and Nursing Mathematics to Aid in Sudent Nurse Retention

Marlena Waylynn Bushway

Washington, DC, USA

Self-care education for nursing students: Encouraging healthy coping

Paula A. Barbel
Amanda Coyle

Washington, DC, USA

Self-efficacy: Perspectives from alternate nursing students

Allison K. Swenson
Francine B. Jensen

Washington, DC, USA

Serving those who served: The MedVet to BSN educational option

Judy Darlene Welsh
Angela Ballard Grubbs
Lee Anne Walmsley
Karen Butler
Patricia Burkhart
Frances D. Hardin-Fanning

Washington, DC, USA

Supporting faculty during pedagogical change through reflective teaching practice: Perceptions of faculty facilitators

Deborah K. Armstrong
Marilyn E. Asselin

Washington, DC, USA

Teaching evidence-based practice through faculty-librarian collaboration

Ching-eng H. Wang
Marielle M. McNeal

Washington, DC, USA

Teaching test taking strategies: An option or ethical requirement for undergraduate nursing students?

Tamara Jessica Brown

Washington, DC, USA

Team Culture Training Initiative in a Midwestern Surgical Unit

Elizabeth C. Rodgers

Washington, DC, USA

Technology use, technological self-efficacy and general self-efficacy among undergraduate nursing faculty

Linda N. Roney

Washington, DC, USA

The description and meaning of clinical competency: Perceptions of nurse faculty and nurse managers

Carolyn D. Meehan

Washington, DC, USA

The Effect of Simulated Tutorials on Clinical Competency for Nursing Students

Kendra Ericson

Washington, DC, USA

The impact of resilience on nursing students: An integrative review

Lisa Jean Thomas

Washington, DC, USA

The Influence of Preceptor Training on Nurse Satisfaction and Role Confidence

Beth Marquez

Washington, DC, USA

The MICU Spotlight Journal: Skill building and shared accountability in a military medical ICU

Shannon Pierce
Sabrena Chriscil Wells

Washington, DC, USA

The reflective approach of Lonergan's Philosophy to maternal newborn nursing

Josephine Mary DeVito

Washington, DC, USA

The utilization of intra-professional collaboration in simulation among junior and senior nursing students

Johanna Elizabeth Boothby
Theresa Gropelli
Lauren A. Succheralli

Washington, DC, USA

Transitioning from practice to academia: An integrative review of facilitators and barriers

Terri Lea Legare
Deborah K. Armstrong

Washington, DC, USA

Undergraduate nursing students experience engaging in end-of-life conversations as a tool to transforming practice

Katherine L. Chadwell
Elizabeth A. Olafson
Ellen A. Morris

Washington, DC, USA

Universal design for instruction as a catalyst for transforming nursing education

Janet A. Levey

Washington, DC, USA

Use of online chat room for a hybrid format research course in nursing graduate program

Ya-Ke Wu
Seon Ae Yeo

Washington, DC, USA

Using a multiple standardized patient shooter scenario to enhance nursing skills in undergraduate students

Riah Leigh Hoffman
Shannon Renee Dusack
Johanna Elizabeth Boothby
Lauren A. Succheralli
Theresa Gropelli

Washington, DC, USA

Using Facebook as an asynchronous learning environment

Jessica Belnap

Washington, DC, USA

YES!: A workshop for your educational success

Debora S. Coombs

Washington, DC, USA