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1,903 DNP authored scholarly publications: 2012-2018 Susan M. Wechter Washington, DC, USA |
A comparison of competence of DNP- and PhD-prepared nursing faculty in academic teaching roles Mona Williams-Gregory Washington, DC, USA |
Christi J. Emerson Washington, DC, USA |
Peggy E. Daw Washington, DC, USA |
Susan Etheridge Kidd Washington, DC, USA |
Addressing belonging and retention issues upstream: The effects of a freshman nursing seminar Jill A. Folsom Washington, DC, USA |
Advanced practice provider centralized orientation in a pediatric healthcare system Lisa Marie Ring Washington, DC, USA |
Advances in clinical teaching and learning: Development of a new tool Christine Lynn Heid Washington, DC, USA |
Marie Therese Timbol-Padriga Washington, DC, USA |
Elfleta LaVern Nixon Washington, DC, USA |
Alleviating the bias: Beliefs, ideas, attitudes of students Pamela Hoffeditz Washington, DC, USA |
An academic-community partnership to prepare registered nurses for primary care Blanca Iris Padilla Washington, DC, USA |
Application of the hybrid model of concept analysis to systems thinking Deborah H. Merriam Washington, DC, USA |
Barbara L. Hooper Washington, DC, USA |
Basic strategies in simulation: Using scenarios to develop competence with communication Kathleen M. Mahoney Washington, DC, USA |
Best practices for the use of electronic health records in prelicensure nursing education Tracia M. Forman Washington, DC, USA |
Bridging the gap from expert clinician to novice nurse educator: A collaborative approach M. Erin Hoying Washington, DC, USA |
Bridging the gap to practice readiness: An active learning strategy for teaching failure to rescue Deborah Wonderly Washington, DC, USA |
Michele A. Gerwick Washington, DC, USA |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) discharge care bundle: Self-management education Kimberly L. Graham Washington, DC, USA |
Clinical compass: Navigating the relationship between clinical and didactic learning Shari Lambert Washington, DC, USA |
Compassion fatigue, resilience, and intent to stay: A quantitative study among nurse educators Brenda Fay Ulmen Washington, DC, USA |
Creating a culture of civility in academic nursing Tracy Linn Booth Washington, DC, USA |
Creating an environment to enhance faculty adoption of student-centered teaching strategies Constance M. Corrigan Washington, DC, USA |
Critical thinking innovation and the nursing process: The sunflower diagram Theresa Bucco Washington, DC, USA |
Cultivating graduate nurses' knowledge of pathophysiology through gamification Julia L. Rogers Washington, DC, USA |
Development and evaluation of a lactation rotation for a pediatric residency program Jennifer Albert Washington, DC, USA |
Development and psychometric testing of a remediation effectiveness scale in nursing education Nicole Custer Washington, DC, USA |
Does utilizing nursing graduate assistants boost retention rates across nursing programs? Renee Ingel Washington, DC, USA |
Don't just check the box, check your athlete's heart: Adding an ECG to participation screenings Shannon A. King Washington, DC, USA |
Dianne Yow Daniels Washington, DC, USA |
Educating the next generation of perioperative nurses: Building competence with technology Deborah Ambrosio Mawhirter Washington, DC, USA |
Francisca Elvira Blanco Enriquez Washington, DC, USA |
Effect of NCLEX® pass rate with the replacement of live review with virtual review Donna M. Seibert Washington, DC, USA |
Abeer A. Alraja Washington, DC, USA |
Escaping maternal child health as a team Michelle L. Dickerson Washington, DC, USA |
Evaluating NP student clinical progress Heather L. Johnson Washington, DC, USA |
Evaluation of a brief mindfulness strategy in the classroom Jamie L. Leslie Washington, DC, USA |
Evaluation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS) for associate degree nursing students Caroline M. Peltz Washington, DC, USA |
Examining the habits of E-cigarette usage in Generation Z college students Cameron Joseph McCoy Washington, DC, USA |
Christine M. Galante Washington, DC, USA |
Nila B. Reimer Washington, DC, USA |
Sheryl A. Cifrino Washington, DC, USA |
Factors affecting success in nursing school: Experiences of African American BSN students Jennifer Jeames Coleman Washington, DC, USA |
Catherine Wilson Cox Washington, DC, USA |
Factors that impact Black nurses' leadership opportunities in higher education Tamara Bland Washington, DC, USA |
Julie A. Astrella Washington, DC, USA |
Family nurse practitioner faculty development: Utilization of a NLN simulation software program Stephanie Herrick Kays Washington, DC, USA |
First case on time starts: Improvement and sustainability through nursing and staff education Kimberly A. Edwards-McLean Washington, DC, USA |
Flipgrid: Flipping to active participation in a learning community Linda A. Eastham Washington, DC, USA |
Angela Delia Costea Washington, DC, USA |
Grit, purpose, and identity in nursing students Kristen G. Barbee Washington, DC, USA |
Horizontal and workplace violence in healthcare organizations Dana L. Crowder Washington, DC, USA |
Household emergency preparedness instrument development: A Delphi study Tara N. Heagele Washington, DC, USA |
How-to guides for first time staff RN researchers, from staff RN researcher, published author Frederick R. Macapagal Washington, DC, USA |
Identifying barriers to success for minority undergraduate nursing students Ashley White Washington, DC, USA |
Impact of interprofessional week on student perceptions of interprofessional education Briyana L. M. Morrell Washington, DC, USA |
Gabrielle Chicoine Washington, DC, USA |
Implementing collaborative testing across a prelicensure program Kathleen Marie Mullen Washington, DC, USA |
Implementing moral distress and burnout in nursing education: A preliminary study Annika Daphne Bilog Washington, DC, USA |
Increasing emotional intelligence in nursing leaders through a dedicated training program Kathryn Evans Kreider Washington, DC, USA |
Cathy R. Fulton Washington, DC, USA |
Innovative research: NARCAN virtual reality an interprofessional healthcare experience Sherleena Ann Buchman Washington, DC, USA |
Jill Schramm Washington, DC, USA |
Melissa T. Hinds Washington, DC, USA |
Investigating the knowledge and teaching practices of novice clinical nursing educators Stacy Wheat Huber Washington, DC, USA |
Is perceived racism a barrier to career advancement in nursing? Black nurses' perspectives Kechi Iheduru-Anderson Washington, DC, USA |
Knowledge and behaviors related to willingness to report an impaired nurse Susan Mitchell Washington, DC, USA |
Arianna E. Turello Washington, DC, USA |
Love at first tap: One sign to minimize nurses' time to clinical applications Kerlene T. Richards Washington, DC, USA |
New nurses' experiences caring for patients and their families at the end-of-life Bethany A. Nasser Washington, DC, USA |
Nurse suicide: The worst thing that can happen LeAnne S. Prenovost Washington, DC, USA |
Nursing care of the pregnant woman with cystic fibrosis: A case report Debra Stayer Washington, DC, USA |
Nursing doctoral students perceptions of faculty support Heidi M. Johnston Washington, DC, USA |
Nursing students who fail after successful admission to an associate degree program Amber F. Young-Brice Washington, DC, USA |
Online survey of open lab participation guides student access and showcases student success Susan T. Jepsen Washington, DC, USA |
Orientation period: A transition for new registered nurses Evangeline Noble Washington, DC, USA |
PDA4 NCLEX® success: Faculty and student collaboration to improve NCLEX-RN® first time pass rate E'Loria Simon-Campbell Washington, DC, USA |
Paulette Dawn Slowinski Washington, DC, USA |
Megan E. Gross Washington, DC, USA |
Preparing prelicensure baccalaureate nursing students for primary care Patricia Ann Barfield Washington, DC, USA |
Kristen D. Priddy Washington, DC, USA |
Cynthia L. Yascavage Washington, DC, USA |
Rebecca Ashley Kalinoski Washington, DC, USA |
RNPC scholar initiative: Facilitating interprofessional collaboration in primary care settings Jene' M. Hurlbut Washington, DC, USA |
Round and round we go: Utilizing post conference clinical rounds to improve clinical judgment Carrie Stroup Washington, DC, USA |
Sarah Jane Craig Washington, DC, USA |
Simulation patient handoff and SBAR for second-year prelicensure nursing students Katherine-Marie von Brincken Conover Washington, DC, USA |
Kailee Lynn Burdick Washington, DC, USA |
Quanza E. Mooring Washington, DC, USA |
Standardizing the standardized student Jennifer L. Hull Washington, DC, USA |
State of the science: TeamSTEPPS in prelicensure healthcare practitioner programs Jennifer Gunberg Ross Washington, DC, USA |
Margaret Quinn Washington, DC, USA |
Sandra Rogers Washington, DC, USA |
Students' use of de-escalation skills to address workplace violence: A simulated experience Margaret M. Verzella Washington, DC, USA |
Success in the flipped classroom Kim Puiia Washington, DC, USA |
Pamela M. Karagory Washington, DC, USA |
Supporting graduate nurses' transition to practice: Outcomes of a pilot resiliency training program Melanie Anne Schock Washington, DC, USA |
Supporting the childbearing family: An interdisciplinary service-learning approach to education Rhonda K. Lanning Washington, DC, USA |
Teaching across the curriculum: Nursing collaboration positively impacting youth and legislation Carol Ann Amann Washington, DC, USA |
Amel M. Abouelfettoh Washington, DC, USA |
Teaching empathy to nurse practitioner students using simulation and theatre Mercedes Camacho-Walsh Washington, DC, USA |
Technology integration among faculty in online nursing courses Valerie Marie Pauli Washington, DC, USA |
Brandon Kyle Johnson Washington, DC, USA |
The effect of structured debriefing on prelicensure nursing students' clinical judgment development Kristin Zinsmeister Shaub Washington, DC, USA |
Shiah-Lian Chen Washington, DC, USA |
The evolution of pediatric clinical education using primary care simulation Gretchen M. Wiersma Washington, DC, USA |
The impact of a focused and intentional APN clinical experience on role transition Janet A. Urbanowicz Washington, DC, USA |
Aaron Michael Sebach Washington, DC, USA |
Brenda Hernandez Acevedo Washington, DC, USA |
Melissa I. Owen Washington, DC, USA |
The use of a pre-examination stress intervention in senior nursing students Jennifer S. Bauer Washington, DC, USA |
The value of flipped classroom models for nursing students Debra C. Hampton Washington, DC, USA |
Timian M. Godfrey Washington, DC, USA |
Transforming nursing education: Using clinical peer mentoring to improve clinical reasoning Jaime Huffman Washington, DC, USA |
Transforming student outcomes through curricular support and teaching practices Tanya L. Johnson Washington, DC, USA |
Transplanting trauma with interprofessional collaboration Rachel Bentley Washington, DC, USA |
Undergraduate nursing student engagement in blended learning: A quality improvement capstone project Miriam Mitchell Washington, DC, USA |
Sherry A. Burrell Washington, DC, USA |
Universal Design for Learning: A concept analysis Sherrilyn D. Coffman Washington, DC, USA |
Use of a DNP essentials-based rubric for guiding the development of student DNP portfolios Sheila Melander Washington, DC, USA |
Use of online tools can validate knowledge transference to clinical practice in acute care setting Mary Centinaro Washington, DC, USA |
Katie A. Chargualaf Washington, DC, USA |
Using Pinterest to engage students in technology-enhanced learning activities Alicia A. Stone Washington, DC, USA |
Amber L. Renaud Washington, DC, USA |