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1,903 DNP authored scholarly publications: 2012-2018

Susan M. Wechter
Susan Cortez
Juanita Emily Rass
Sandra K. Allen
Park Balevre

Washington, DC, USA

A comparison of competence of DNP- and PhD-prepared nursing faculty in academic teaching roles

Mona Williams-Gregory

Washington, DC, USA

A correlational study of participation in support programs and progression in baccalaureate nursing education

Christi J. Emerson

Washington, DC, USA

Academic Nurse Educator Certification (ANEC) Award: Promoting the NLN's CNE credential for Maryland faculty

Peggy E. Daw
Rita F. D'Aoust

Washington, DC, USA

Accelerated but effective: The clinical competency of second-degree accelerated bachelor of science in nursing students

Susan Etheridge Kidd
Jeanne E. Martin
Alison D. Swift

Washington, DC, USA

Addressing belonging and retention issues upstream: The effects of a freshman nursing seminar

Jill A. Folsom
Heather A. LaPoint

Washington, DC, USA

Advanced practice provider centralized orientation in a pediatric healthcare system

Lisa Marie Ring
Sarah A. Birch

Washington, DC, USA

Advances in clinical teaching and learning: Development of a new tool

Christine Lynn Heid
Tracy A. Crum

Washington, DC, USA

Advancing the role of post baccalaureate nurse graduates in interprofessional team-based primary care

Marie Therese Timbol-Padriga
Anne P. Poppe

Washington, DC, USA

African American nursing students' identification of social support networks while attending a historically Black college

Elfleta LaVern Nixon

Washington, DC, USA

Alleviating the bias: Beliefs, ideas, attitudes of students

Pamela Hoffeditz
Debora S. Coombs

Washington, DC, USA

An academic-community partnership to prepare registered nurses for primary care

Blanca Iris Padilla

Washington, DC, USA

Application of the hybrid model of concept analysis to systems thinking

Deborah H. Merriam
Josette Brodhead
Karen A. Goldschmidt
Robyn A. Provencio
Debra Scardaville
Ann M. Stalter
Carol M. Wiggs

Washington, DC, USA

Assessment of nursing students' knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention regarding blood administration using high-fidelity simulation

Barbara L. Hooper
Nancy Carlson
Katelyn Ware

Washington, DC, USA

Basic strategies in simulation: Using scenarios to develop competence with communication

Kathleen M. Mahoney

Washington, DC, USA

Best practices for the use of electronic health records in prelicensure nursing education

Tracia M. Forman
Desiree Flores

Washington, DC, USA

Bridging the gap from expert clinician to novice nurse educator: A collaborative approach

M. Erin Hoying
Diane Hountz

Washington, DC, USA

Bridging the gap to practice readiness: An active learning strategy for teaching failure to rescue

Deborah Wonderly
Shanda Clark
Sue Carrow
Augusta Arato

Washington, DC, USA

BSN students collaborate with rural community hospital in quality improvement project: Hand hygiene compliance

Michele A. Gerwick
Pamela S. O'Harra
Lana C. Mason
Jessa L. Cardelli
Virginia Hostetter

Washington, DC, USA

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) discharge care bundle: Self-management education

Kimberly L. Graham
Lenora W. Smith
Willie H. Jr. Smith

Washington, DC, USA

Clinical compass: Navigating the relationship between clinical and didactic learning

Shari Lambert
Barbara J. Ciotta
Sonya L. Kowalski
Andrea N. Kwasky

Washington, DC, USA

Compassion fatigue, resilience, and intent to stay: A quantitative study among nurse educators

Brenda Fay Ulmen

Washington, DC, USA

Creating a culture of civility in academic nursing

Tracy Linn Booth

Washington, DC, USA

Creating an environment to enhance faculty adoption of student-centered teaching strategies

Constance M. Corrigan

Washington, DC, USA

Critical thinking innovation and the nursing process: The sunflower diagram

Theresa Bucco
Sandy Cayo
Karla G. Rodriguez
Larry Z. Slater

Washington, DC, USA

Cultivating graduate nurses' knowledge of pathophysiology through gamification

Julia L. Rogers

Washington, DC, USA

Development and evaluation of a lactation rotation for a pediatric residency program

Jennifer Albert
Jody Heinrichs-Breen
Frank Belmonte

Washington, DC, USA

Development and psychometric testing of a remediation effectiveness scale in nursing education

Nicole Custer

Washington, DC, USA

Does utilizing nursing graduate assistants boost retention rates across nursing programs?

Renee Ingel
P. Maria Flavin
Carla Tomas
Anthony Good
Diana Kozlina-Peretic

Washington, DC, USA

Don't just check the box, check your athlete's heart: Adding an ECG to participation screenings

Shannon A. King
Martha Biddle

Washington, DC, USA

Early integration of gerontologic didactic and clinical experiences: Changing nursing students' attitudes, interest, and knowledge

Dianne Yow Daniels
Karen Louise Valcheff
Julianne B. Page

Washington, DC, USA

Educating the next generation of perioperative nurses: Building competence with technology

Deborah Ambrosio Mawhirter
Theresa M. Criscitelli

Washington, DC, USA

Effect of an educational intervention in the self-concept adaptive mode of adolescent consumers of alcohol

Francisca Elvira Blanco Enriquez
Leticia Cortaza Ramirez
Alicia Alvarez Aguirre
Brenda Alicia Hernandez Cortaza
Aracely Diaz Oviedo
Lubia del Carmen Castillo Arcos

Washington, DC, USA

Effect of NCLEX® pass rate with the replacement of live review with virtual review

Donna M. Seibert
Debora S. Erick
Michele L. Richardson
Angela D. Saathoff

Washington, DC, USA

Enhancing undergraduate nursing students' knowledge and self-efficacy about workplace bullying: A quasi-experimental study

Abeer A. Alraja
Donna Martin

Washington, DC, USA

Escaping maternal child health as a team

Michelle L. Dickerson

Washington, DC, USA

Evaluating NP student clinical progress

Heather L. Johnson

Washington, DC, USA

Evaluation of a brief mindfulness strategy in the classroom

Jamie L. Leslie
Carolyn R. Smith
Deborah Jane Schwytzer
Jeanine M. Goodin
Myrna K. Little
Matthew C. Rota
Greer L. Glazer

Washington, DC, USA

Evaluation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS) for associate degree nursing students

Caroline M. Peltz
Delbert Martin III Raymond
Martin A. Raymond

Washington, DC, USA

Examining the habits of E-cigarette usage in Generation Z college students

Cameron Joseph McCoy
Melanie J. Furr

Washington, DC, USA

Exploring advanced practice nurse personal professional practice behaviors in engaging people in shared decision-making

Christine M. Galante
Helene D. Winstanley
Patrice Hood

Washington, DC, USA

Exploring students' perspectives about an unfolding case study for development of a nursing concept-based curriculum

Nila B. Reimer
Laurie Berghoff

Washington, DC, USA

Exploring the effects of audio feedback on development of communication knowledge and motivational interviewing skills

Sheryl A. Cifrino

Washington, DC, USA

Factors affecting success in nursing school: Experiences of African American BSN students

Jennifer Jeames Coleman
Nina R. Harvey
Tameka Pritchett

Washington, DC, USA

Factors that challenge and/or facilitate a military student's transition to the civilian nursing classroom

Catherine Wilson Cox

Washington, DC, USA

Factors that impact Black nurses' leadership opportunities in higher education

Tamara Bland

Washington, DC, USA

Factors that impact role strain among undergraduate clinical instructors teaching in Wisconsin nursing programs

Julie A. Astrella

Washington, DC, USA

Family nurse practitioner faculty development: Utilization of a NLN simulation software program

Stephanie Herrick Kays
Pamela J. Love

Washington, DC, USA

First case on time starts: Improvement and sustainability through nursing and staff education

Kimberly A. Edwards-McLean
Tina L. Cuthrell
Wendy R. Eisner
Rodger Melson
Ralitsa S. Maduro
Merri K. Morgan

Washington, DC, USA

Flipgrid: Flipping to active participation in a learning community

Linda A. Eastham
Barbara Reyna
Tracy Kelly
Kevin Tressler
Abby Self
Christine Kennedy

Washington, DC, USA

Glycemic control

Angela Delia Costea

Washington, DC, USA

Grit, purpose, and identity in nursing students

Kristen G. Barbee
Terese Lund
Michele Pfaff

Washington, DC, USA

Horizontal and workplace violence in healthcare organizations

Dana L. Crowder

Washington, DC, USA

Household emergency preparedness instrument development: A Delphi study

Tara N. Heagele
Charleen C. McNeill
Lavonne M. Adams
Danita Alfred

Washington, DC, USA

How-to guides for first time staff RN researchers, from staff RN researcher, published author

Frederick R. Macapagal

Washington, DC, USA

Identifying barriers to success for minority undergraduate nursing students

Ashley White
Teresa Maggard Stephens

Washington, DC, USA

Impact of interprofessional week on student perceptions of interprofessional education

Briyana L. M. Morrell
Kara Cecil
Jennifer Nicole Carmack
Kathleen Elizabeth Hetzler
Jessica E. Jochum
Elizabeth S. Moore
Alison M. Nichols
Jane Toon

Washington, DC, USA

Impacts of a tele-education program in dual diagnosis on nursing competency development: A mixed-methods study

Gabrielle Chicoine
Jose Cote
Jacinthe Pepin
Louise Boyer
Didier Jutras-Aswad

Washington, DC, USA

Implementing collaborative testing across a prelicensure program

Kathleen Marie Mullen
Latisha Hanson
Karol DiBello
Heidi B. Hahn-Schroeder
Ana Maria Kelly

Washington, DC, USA

Implementing moral distress and burnout in nursing education: A preliminary study

Annika Daphne Bilog

Washington, DC, USA

Increasing emotional intelligence in nursing leaders through a dedicated training program

Kathryn Evans Kreider

Washington, DC, USA

Informatics/health IT implementation in DNP education: Faculty, organizational, and program characteristics for diverse professional roles

Cathy R. Fulton
Patricia Hinton Walker

Washington, DC, USA

Innovative research: NARCAN virtual reality an interprofessional healthcare experience

Sherleena Ann Buchman
Char Miller
Deborah Ellen Henderson
Eric Williams

Washington, DC, USA

Introducing APRN students in the armed forces to the power of transdisciplinary integrative methodologies

Jill Schramm
Laura A. Taylor
Tiffany Uranga
Amber Birkle
Regina Thorp

Washington, DC, USA

Investigating the efficacy of resources for behavioral healthcare professionals around commonly seen health conditions

Melissa T. Hinds
Nancy Covell
Carrie Lones

Washington, DC, USA

Investigating the knowledge and teaching practices of novice clinical nursing educators

Stacy Wheat Huber

Washington, DC, USA

Is perceived racism a barrier to career advancement in nursing? Black nurses' perspectives

Kechi Iheduru-Anderson

Washington, DC, USA

Knowledge and behaviors related to willingness to report an impaired nurse

Susan Mitchell

Washington, DC, USA

Knowledge of and attitude toward holistic medicine practices among pre-nursing and graduate nursing students

Arianna E. Turello
Leia M. Holland
Peter R. Reuter

Washington, DC, USA

Love at first tap: One sign to minimize nurses' time to clinical applications

Kerlene T. Richards
Michelle V. Osborne

Washington, DC, USA

New nurses' experiences caring for patients and their families at the end-of-life

Bethany A. Nasser
Kelly Fisher
Richard Ochberg
Jeanne Earle

Washington, DC, USA

Nurse suicide: The worst thing that can happen

LeAnne S. Prenovost
Joy A. Whitlatch

Washington, DC, USA

Nursing care of the pregnant woman with cystic fibrosis: A case report

Debra Stayer
Elisabeth Culver

Washington, DC, USA

Nursing doctoral students perceptions of faculty support

Heidi M. Johnston
Delene Volkert
Lisa Bridwell Robinson

Washington, DC, USA

Nursing students who fail after successful admission to an associate degree program

Amber F. Young-Brice
Kristina Thomas Dreifuerst

Washington, DC, USA

Online survey of open lab participation guides student access and showcases student success

Susan T. Jepsen

Washington, DC, USA

Orientation period: A transition for new registered nurses

Evangeline Noble

Washington, DC, USA

PDA4 NCLEX® success: Faculty and student collaboration to improve NCLEX-RN® first time pass rate

E'Loria Simon-Campbell
Desha Johnson-Makiya
Jennifer Edeogu
Mona Cockerham
Angelique Cunningham

Washington, DC, USA

Pilot testing: HIV knowledge, knowledge of risk behaviors, and willingness to be tested assessment instruments

Paulette Dawn Slowinski

Washington, DC, USA

Political astuteness and beliefs among senior-level baccalaureate nursing students: A mixed-methods approach

Megan E. Gross

Washington, DC, USA

Preparing prelicensure baccalaureate nursing students for primary care

Patricia Ann Barfield
Ann E. Nielsen
Belinda E. Brooks
Carla M. Hagen

Washington, DC, USA

Putting the pieces together: A framework for educator practice in formation of professional identity in nursing

Kristen D. Priddy

Washington, DC, USA

Qualitative study of adjunct clinical nursing instructors and their preparedness for teaching critical thinking

Cynthia L. Yascavage

Washington, DC, USA

Recognizing and responding to suicidal ideation in a nursing home: A nursing educational intervention

Rebecca Ashley Kalinoski

Washington, DC, USA

RNPC scholar initiative: Facilitating interprofessional collaboration in primary care settings

Jene' M. Hurlbut
Imelda R. Revuelto

Washington, DC, USA

Round and round we go: Utilizing post conference clinical rounds to improve clinical judgment

Carrie Stroup

Washington, DC, USA

Setting the stage for psychological safety: Classroom prebriefing prior to a blood administration simulation

Sarah Jane Craig
Bethany J. Cieslowski

Washington, DC, USA

Simulation patient handoff and SBAR for second-year prelicensure nursing students

Katherine-Marie von Brincken Conover
Derek Cummings
Julianne A. Walsh

Washington, DC, USA

Simulation to professional practice: Understanding perceptions of medication errors and intimidation in undergraduate nursing students

Kailee Lynn Burdick
Donna Crawford

Washington, DC, USA

Skills for success: Implementation of a first-year nursing retention program on prelicensure nursing students

Quanza E. Mooring

Washington, DC, USA

Standardizing the standardized student

Jennifer L. Hull
Diane B. Monsivais
Franchesca E. Nunez

Washington, DC, USA

State of the science: TeamSTEPPS in prelicensure healthcare practitioner programs

Jennifer Gunberg Ross
Colleen Meakim
Stacy Grant Hohenleitner

Washington, DC, USA

Student advisor/mentorship program for pediatrics: The STAMPPed initiative for pediatric nurse practitioner students

Margaret Quinn
Kimberly Seaman
Ganga Mahat
Diane Gillooly
Latoya Rawlins

Washington, DC, USA

Student satisfaction related to basic civility strategies implemented in an entry level nursing course

Sandra Rogers

Washington, DC, USA

Students' use of de-escalation skills to address workplace violence: A simulated experience

Margaret M. Verzella
Omar Alzaghari
Penny A. Sauer

Washington, DC, USA

Success in the flipped classroom

Kim Puiia

Washington, DC, USA

Supporting an ecosystem of excellence: Utilizing change management theory to successfully expand undergraduate program enrollment

Pamela M. Karagory

Washington, DC, USA

Supporting graduate nurses' transition to practice: Outcomes of a pilot resiliency training program

Melanie Anne Schock

Washington, DC, USA

Supporting the childbearing family: An interdisciplinary service-learning approach to education

Rhonda K. Lanning

Washington, DC, USA

Teaching across the curriculum: Nursing collaboration positively impacting youth and legislation

Carol Ann Amann
Melissa Lund

Washington, DC, USA

Teaching and learning strategies contributing to nursing graduates' critical thinking disposition (CTDS)

Amel M. Abouelfettoh
Hanan G. Gabry

Washington, DC, USA

Teaching empathy to nurse practitioner students using simulation and theatre

Mercedes Camacho-Walsh
Monina Franco-Tantuico
Mamilda Robinson

Washington, DC, USA

Technology integration among faculty in online nursing courses

Valerie Marie Pauli

Washington, DC, USA

Testing knowledge assimilation, accommodation, and anticipation in simulation with debriefing for meaningful learning

Brandon Kyle Johnson
Cynthia Sherraden Bradley
Kristina Thomas Dreifuerst
Aimee A. Woda
Jamie L. Hansen
Ann Loomis

Washington, DC, USA

The effect of structured debriefing on prelicensure nursing students' clinical judgment development

Kristin Zinsmeister Shaub

Washington, DC, USA

The effects of self-directed learning on students' learning outcomes in health assessment and physical examination

Shiah-Lian Chen

Washington, DC, USA

The evolution of pediatric clinical education using primary care simulation

Gretchen M. Wiersma
Elizabeth G. Choma
Jennifer Walsh
Kristen Stevens

Washington, DC, USA

The impact of a focused and intentional APN clinical experience on role transition

Janet A. Urbanowicz
Danielle Hilliard
Rose Knapp

Washington, DC, USA

The influence of academic nurse educator doctoral degree preparation on NLN core competency skill acquisition

Aaron Michael Sebach

Washington, DC, USA

The lived experiences of faculty who participate in simulation instruction in an undergraduate nursing program

Brenda Hernandez Acevedo

Washington, DC, USA

The relationship between senior practicum site placement and academic outcomes in prelicensure Baccalaureate nursing students

Melissa I. Owen
Ann E. Horigan
Lisa M. Wands

Washington, DC, USA

The use of a pre-examination stress intervention in senior nursing students

Jennifer S. Bauer

Washington, DC, USA

The value of flipped classroom models for nursing students

Debra C. Hampton

Washington, DC, USA

Time for the 4th P in APRN education: Physical assessment, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and procedures

Timian M. Godfrey
Rita F. D'Aoust
Marianne K. Schallmo
Darryn W. Dunbar

Washington, DC, USA

Transforming nursing education: Using clinical peer mentoring to improve clinical reasoning

Jaime Huffman

Washington, DC, USA

Transforming student outcomes through curricular support and teaching practices

Tanya L. Johnson
Francine M. Parker
Chih-hsuan Wang

Washington, DC, USA

Transplanting trauma with interprofessional collaboration

Rachel Bentley
Jennifer Forman

Washington, DC, USA

Undergraduate nursing student engagement in blended learning: A quality improvement capstone project

Miriam Mitchell

Washington, DC, USA

Undergraduate nursing students' perceptions and attitudes towards nursing research: An integrative review

Sherry A. Burrell
Jennifer Gunberg Ross

Washington, DC, USA

Universal Design for Learning: A concept analysis

Sherrilyn D. Coffman
Ann Taber
Christine Draper

Washington, DC, USA

Use of a DNP essentials-based rubric for guiding the development of student DNP portfolios

Sheila Melander
Debra C. Hampton
Julie Ossege
Melanie G. Hardin-Pierce
Leslie Scott

Washington, DC, USA

Use of online tools can validate knowledge transference to clinical practice in acute care setting

Mary Centinaro
Shelby Van de Zilver

Washington, DC, USA

Using a multiple-patient simulation experience to enhance prioritization, delegation, and communication skills: An exemplar

Katie A. Chargualaf
Mary Kathryn Gaffney

Washington, DC, USA

Using Pinterest to engage students in technology-enhanced learning activities

Alicia A. Stone

Washington, DC, USA

Utilizing IPE to enhance collaboration between nursing and speech-language pathology students in patients with tracheostomies

Amber L. Renaud
Theresa Alexander
Andrea Atticks
Janet Preis
Mark Walker
Amanda Henson

Washington, DC, USA