The Sigma Education Department develops online nursing continuing professional development (NCPD)* materials to help nurses grow and excel in their profession. Along with online courses, the education department offers NCPD through events and webinars.
Webinars (and accompanying materials) are freely and openly available in the Sigma Repository. Repository login is not necessary.
If a webinar is Sigma NCPD eligible, the item record will contain the necessary information. Look for the Sigma Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) Opportunity heading in the Description field.
This collection contains a series of webinars hosted by Sigma* and the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) focusing on the Next Generation NCLEX©. The series covers introductory content, item writing and test strategies, case studies, simulation and debriefing, and LMS integration.
If you are interested in viewing all of the webinar series in this community, please go back to the community homepage to see the complete listing of series-based collections.
*Accreditation: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Submissions from 2023
Simulation's role in Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) success, Janeen Berndt, Theresa Cooney, and Elizabeth Robison
Adapting NextGen with your LMS, Marcia Callarman, Nickie Loftin, and Staci Roeber
Introduction to Next Generation NCLEX®(NGN), Lois Sarah Marshall and Jessica Marcus
Creative pathways to Next Generation NCLEX® item writing, Tina Rayfield
Integrating unfolding case studies and lab curriculum, Liza Willis