Introduction to Next Generation NCLEX®(NGN)
Other Titles
NGN is here: What faculty need to know: Part 1
This presentation will provide the participants with an introduction to the Next Generation NCLEX as they begin to development writing skills to create and/or modify practice materials for students. In this first presentation of the webinar series, we will discuss the overall development of NGN and provide a comparison to the current NCLEX. We present an overview of the Clinical Judgement Model (NCSBN) which is the basis for NGN, as well as provide examples of how NGN practice can be integrated throughout the undergraduate nursing curriculum.
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Video Length: 1 hour, 4 minutes, 44 seconds
This item record represents a recording of a live webinar held at a previous date. Any references to audience participation, login codes, etc. are no longer applicable.
Sigma Membership
Alpha Epsilon
Lead Author Affiliation
Lois S. Marshall Consulting, Miami, Florida, USA
Presentation - Webinar
Format Type
Text-based Document, Video Recording
Study Design/Type
Expert Opinion (nationally/internationally recognized)
Research Approach
Clinical Judgement Model, Next Generation NCLEX, Nursing Education
Recommended Citation
Marshall, Lois Sarah and Marcus, Jessica, "Introduction to Next Generation NCLEX®(NGN)" (2023). Next Generation NCLEX Webinars (Sigma and OADN). 4.
Sigma Theta Tau International
Publisher's Version
Video/Audio Streaming
Review Type
None: Educational Material, None: Reputation-based Submission
Date of Issue
Full Text of Presentation
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Accreditation: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.